137 lines
4.4 KiB
137 lines
4.4 KiB
name: Name
socialName: Social name
phone: Phone
email: Email
customerOrders: Display customer orders
moreOptions: More options
customerList: Customer list
customerId: Claim ID
salesPerson: Sales person
credit: Credit
risk: Risk
securedCredit: Secured credit
payMethod: Pay method
debt: Debt
isFrozen: Customer frozen
hasDebt: Customer has debt
isDisabled: Customer inactive
notChecked: Customer no checked
webAccountInactive: Web account inactive
noWebAccess: Web access is disabled
businessType: Business type
passwordRequirements: 'The password must have at least { length } length characters, {nAlpha} alphabetic characters, {nUpper} capital letters, {nDigits} digits and {nPunct} symbols (Ex: $%&.)\n'
businessTypeFk: Business type
basicData: Basic data
fiscalAddress: Fiscal address
fiscalData: Fiscal data
billingData: Billing data
consignee: Default consignee
businessData: Business data
financialData: Financial data
customerId: Customer ID
name: Name
contact: Contact
phone: Phone
mobile: Mobile
email: Email
salesPerson: Sales person
contactChannel: Contact channel
socialName: Social name
fiscalId: Fiscal ID
postcode: Postcode
province: Province
country: Country
street: Address
isEqualizated: Is equalizated
isActive: Is active
invoiceByAddress: Invoice by address
verifiedData: Verified data
hasToInvoice: Has to invoice
notifyByEmail: Notify by email
vies: VIES
payMethod: Pay method
bankAccount: Bank account
dueDay: Due day
hasLcr: Has LCR
hasCoreVnl: Has core VNL
hasB2BVnl: Has B2B VNL
addressName: Address name
addressCity: City
addressStreet: Street
username: Username
webAccess: Web access
totalGreuge: Total greuge
mana: Mana
priceIncreasingRate: Price increasing rate
averageInvoiced: Average invoiced
claimRate: Claming rate
payMethodFk: Billing data
risk: Risk
maximumRisk: Solunion's maximum risk
riskInfo: Invoices minus payments plus orders not yet invoiced
credit: Credit
creditInfo: Company's maximum risk
securedCredit: Secured credit
securedCreditInfo: Solunion's maximum risk
balance: Balance
balanceInfo: Invoices minus payments
balanceDue: Balance due
balanceDueInfo: Deviated invoices minus payments
recoverySince: Recovery since
businessType: Business Type
city: City
descriptorInfo: Invoices minus payments plus orders not yet
rating: Rating
recommendCredit: Recommended credit
goToLines: Go to lines
socialName: Fiscal name
businessType: Business type
contact: Contact
youCanSaveMultipleEmails: You can save multiple emails
email: Email
phone: Phone
mobile: Mobile
salesPerson: Sales person
contactChannel: Contact channel
previousClient: Previous client
id: Identifier
name: Name
socialName: Social name
fi: Tax number
salesPersonFk: Salesperson
credit: Credit
creditInsurance: Credit insurance
phone: Phone
mobile: Mobile
street: Street
countryFk: Country
provinceFk: Province
city: City
postcode: Postcode
email: Email
created: Created
businessTypeFk: Business type
payMethodFk: Billing data
sageTaxTypeFk: Sage tax type
sageTransactionTypeFk: Sage tr. type
isActive: Active
isVies: Vies
isTaxDataChecked: Verified data
isEqualizated: Is equalizated
isFreezed: Freezed
hasToInvoice: Invoice
hasToInvoiceByAddress: Invoice by address
isToBeMailed: Mailing
hasLcr: Received LCR
hasCoreVnl: VNL core received
hasSepaVnl: VNL B2B received