
290 lines
8.3 KiB

search: Search tickets
searchInfo: You can search by ticket id or alias
packingType: Packing Type
volumeQuantity: m³ per quantity
type: Type
volume: Volume
observationType: Observation type
removeNote: Remove note
addNote: Add note
visible: Visible
available: Available
discount: Disc
packaging: Packaging
subtotal: Subtotal
tax: VAT
history: History
claim: Claim
reserved: Reserved
hasComponentLack: Component lack
ok: Ok
more: More
transferLines: Transfer lines(no basket)/ Split
transferBasket: Some row selected is basket
preparation: Preparation
origin: Origin
destination: Destination
originAgency: 'Origin agency: {agency}'
destinationAgency: 'Destination agency: {agency}'
ticketId: ID
ipt: IPT
liters: Liters
lines: Lines
import: Import
futureId: ID
futureIpt: IPT
futureState: State
futureLiters: Liters
futureZone: Zone
notMovableLines: Not movable
futureLines: Lines
futureImport: Import
advanceTickets: Advance tickets with negatives
advanceTicketTitle: Advance {selectedTickets} tickets
advanceTitleSubtitle: Advance {selectedTickets} tickets confirmation
noDeliveryZone: No delivery zone available for this landing date
moveTicketSuccess: 'Tickets moved successfully! {ticketsNumber}'
advanceTicketsWithoutNegatives: Advance tickets without negatives
advanceWithoutNegativeTitle: Advance tickets (without negatives)
advanceWithoutNegativeSubtitle: Advance {selectedTickets} tickets confirmation
errorsList: Errors list
search: Search advance tickets
searchInfo: Search advance tickets by ID or client ID
clonedSales: Has turn lines
problems: Problems
shipped: Date
availableLines: Available lines
futureShipped: Date
noVerified: No verified data
noVisible: Not visible
purchaseRequest: Purchase request
clientFrozen: Client frozen
componentLack: Component lack
rounding: Rounding
risk: Risk
moveTicketTitle: Move tickets
moveTicketDialogSubtitle: 'Do you want to move {selectedTickets} tickets to the future?'
searchInfo: Search future tickets by date
futureTicket: Future tickets
FREE: Free
ON_PREPARATION: On preparation
PACKED: Packed
DELIVERED: Delivered
id: Expedition
name: Name
packageType: Package type
counter: Counter
externalId: external Id
created: Created
historyAction: Status log
newTicketWithRoute: New ticket with route
newTicketWithoutRoute: New ticket without route
routeId: Route id
deleteExpedition: Delete expedition
expeditionRemoved: Expedition removed
removeExpeditionSubtitle: Are you sure you want to delete this expedition?
worker: Worker
move: Move
isScanned: Is scanned
yes: Yes
no: No
removeExpedition: Delete expedition
next: Next
back: Back
finalize: Finalize
address: Address
inactive: (Inactive)
noDeliveryZoneAvailable: No delivery zone available for this landing date
editAddress: Edit address
alias: Alias
agency: Agency
landed: Landed
shippedHour: Shipped hour
priceDifference: Price difference
someFieldsAreInvalid: Some fields are invalid
item: Item
description: Description
movable: Movable
quantity: Quantity
pricePPU: Price (PPU)
newPricePPU: New (PPU)
difference: Difference
total: Total
price: Price
newPrice: New price
chargeDifference: Charge difference to
withoutNegatives: Create without negatives
withoutNegativesInfo: Clone this ticket with the changes and only sales availables
negativesConfirmTitle: Edit basic data
negativesConfirmMessage: Negatives are going to be generated, are you sure you want to advance all the lines?
chooseAnOption: Choose an option
unroutedTicket: The ticket has been unrouted
requester: Requester
atender: Atender
saleFk: Item id
newRequest: New request
id: Ticket ID
shipment: Shipment
search: Search weekly tickets
searchInfo: Search weekly tickets by id or client id
isChecked: Is checked
parking: Parking
historyAction: Log states
shelvingAction: Shelvings sale
original: Original
shelving: Shelving
saleGroupDetail: sale group detail
previousSelected: previous selected
previous: previous
prepared: prepared
checked: checked
pay: Pay
removeService: Remove service
newService: New service type
addService: Add service
quantityInfo: To create services with negative amounts mark the service on the source ticket and press the pay button.
createRefundSuccess: 'The following refund ticket have been created: { ticketId }'
serie: Serie
components: Components
baseToCommission: Base to commission
totalWithoutVat: Total without VAT
zoneBreakdown: Zone breakdown
bonus: Bonus
theoricalCost: Theorical cost
totalPrice: Total price
packages: Packages
addState: Add state
package: Package
added: D. Added
addPackage: Add package
removePackage: Remove package
id: Id
nickname: Ticket nickname
state: State
shipped: Shipped
zone: Zone
totalWithVat: Total with VAT
summary: Summary
client: Customer
createTicket: Create ticket
createInvoice: Create invoice
accountPayment: Account payment
sendDocuware: Set delivered and send delivery note(s) to the tablet
addPayment: Add payment
company: Company
amount: Amount
reference: Reference
bank: Bank
cash: Cash
deliveredAmount: Delivered amount
amountToReturn: Amount to return
viewReceipt: View receipt
sendEmail: Send email
compensation: Compensation
creditCard: Credit card
transfers: Transfers
province: Province
closure: Closure
toLines: Go to lines
addressNickname: Address nickname
ref: Reference
rounding: Rounding
noVerifiedData: No verified data
purchaseRequest: Purchase request
notVisible: Not visible
clientFrozen: Client frozen
componentLack: Component lack
hour: Hour
id: Id Article
longName: Article
supplier: Supplier
colour: Colour
size: Size
origen: Origin
value: Negative
itemFk: Article
producer: Producer
warehouse: Warehouse
warehouseFk: Warehouse
category: Category
categoryFk: Family
type: Type
typeFk: Type
lack: Negative
inkFk: inkFk
timed: timed
date: Date
minTimed: minTimed
negativeAction: Negative
totalNegative: Total negatives
days: Days
item: Item
state: State
quantity: Quantity
title: Update negatives
question: Select a state to update
title: Confirm split selected
question: Select a state to update
saleFk: Sale
itemFk: Article
ticketFk: Ticket
code: Code
nickname: Alias
name: Name
zoneName: Agency name
shipped: Date
theoreticalhour: Theoretical hour
agName: Agency
quantity: Quantity
alertLevelCode: Group state
state: State
peticionCompra: Ticket request
isRookie: Is rookie
turno: Turn line
isBasket: Basket
hasObservation: Has substitution
hasToIgnore: VIP
title: Update item reference
placeholder: New item
title: Update tickets state
placeholder: New state
title: Update tickets quantity
placeholder: New quantity
title: Are you sure you want to split selected tickets?
subTitle: Confirm split action
title: Handle splited tickets
subTitle: Confirm date and agency
ticket: Old ticket
newTicket: New ticket
status: Result
message: Message