93 lines
2.5 KiB
93 lines
2.5 KiB
id: Id
visible: Visible
available: Available
quantity: Quantity
item: Item
price: Price
discount: Disc
amount: Amount
packaging: Packaging
subtotal: Subtotal
tax: VAT
total: Total
history: History
claim: Claim
reserved: Reserved
noVisible: Not visible
hasComponentLack: Component lack
ok: Ok
state: State
more: More
shipped: Shipped
agency: Agency
address: Address
search: Search tickets
searchInfo: You can search by ticket id or alias
origin: Origin
destination: Destination
originAgency: 'Origin agency: {agency}'
destinationAgency: 'Destination agency: {agency}'
ticketId: ID
ipt: IPT
state: State
liters: Liters
lines: Lines
import: Import
futureId: ID
futureIpt: IPT
futureState: State
futureLiters: Liters
futureZone: Zone
notMovableLines: Not movable
futureLines: Lines
futureImport: Import
advanceTickets: Advance tickets with negatives
advanceTicketTitle: Advance {selectedTickets} tickets
advanceTitleSubtitle: Advance {selectedTickets} tickets confirmation
noDeliveryZone: No delivery zone available for this landing date
moveTicketSuccess: 'Tickets moved successfully! {ticketsNumber}'
advanceTicketsWithoutNegatives: Advance tickets without negatives
advanceWithoutNegativeTitle: Advance tickets (without negatives)
advanceWithoutNegativeSubtitle: Advance {selectedTickets} tickets confirmation
errorsList: Errors list
problems: Problems
ticketId: ID
shipped: Date
ipt: IPT
state: State
liters: Liters
import: Import
availableLines: Available lines
futureId: ID
futureShipped: Date
futureIpt: IPT
futureState: State
noVerified: No verified data
noVisible: Not visible
purchaseRequest: Purchase request
clientFrozen: Client frozen
componentLack: Component lack
rounding: Rounding
risk: Risk
origin: Origin
destination: Destination
moveTicketTitle: Move tickets
moveTicketDialogSubtitle: 'Do you want to move {selectedTickets} tickets to the future?'
moveTicketSuccess: Tickets moved successfully!
searchInfo: Search future tickets by date
futureTicket: Future tickets
id: Expedition
item: Item
name: Name
packageType: Package type
counter: Counter
externalId: externalId
created: Created
state: State
historyAction: Status log