"Ya existe un usuario con ese nombre":"Ya existe un usuario con ese nombre",
"ValidationError: The `Item` instance is not valid. Details: `originFk` Cannot be blank (value: undefined).":"ValidationError: The `Item` instance is not valid. Details: `originFk` Cannot be blank (value: undefined).",
"Error: ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`vn2008`.`Articles`, CONSTRAINT `Articles_ibfk_5` FOREIGN KEY (`tipo_id`) REFERENCES `Tipos` (`tipo_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE)":"Error: ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`vn2008`.`Articles`, CONSTRAINT `Articles_ibfk_5` FOREIGN KEY (`tipo_id`) REFERENCES `Tipos` (`tipo_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE)",
"Error: ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`vn2008`.`Articles`, CONSTRAINT `expenceFk` FOREIGN KEY (`expenceFk`) REFERENCES `Gastos` (`Id_Gasto`) ON UPDATE CASCADE)":"Error: ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`vn2008`.`Articles`, CONSTRAINT `expenceFk` FOREIGN KEY (`expenceFk`) REFERENCES `Gastos` (`Id_Gasto`) ON UPDATE CASCADE)"