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2018-07-09 16:06:25 +00:00
const ParameterizedSQL = require('loopback-connector').ParameterizedSQL;
const UserError = require('../helpers').UserError;
2018-07-09 16:06:25 +00:00
2017-10-13 14:22:45 +00:00
module.exports = function(Self) {
Self.ParameterizedSQL = ParameterizedSQL;
2017-10-13 14:22:45 +00:00
Self.setup = function() {;
// Register field ACL validation
this.beforeRemote('prototype.patchAttributes', ctx => this.checkUpdateAcls(ctx));
this.beforeRemote('updateAll', ctx => this.checkUpdateAcls(ctx));
this.beforeRemote('patchOrCreate', ctx => this.checkInsertAcls(ctx));
this.beforeRemote('create', ctx => this.checkInsertAcls(ctx));
this.beforeRemote('replaceById', ctx => this.checkInsertAcls(ctx));
this.beforeRemote('replaceOrCreate', ctx => this.checkInsertAcls(ctx));
this.remoteMethod('crud', {
description: 'Create, update or/and delete instances from model with a single request',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: [
arg: 'actions',
type: 'Object',
require: true,
description: 'Instances to update, example: {create: [instances], update: [instances], delete: [ids]}',
http: {source: 'body'}
http: {
path: `/crud`,
verb: 'POST'
2017-10-13 14:22:45 +00:00
Self.defineScope = function(serverFilter) {
this.remoteMethodCtx('list', {
accepts: [
arg: 'filter',
type: 'object',
description: 'Filter defining where'
returns: {
type: [this.modelName],
root: true
http: {
verb: 'get',
path: '/list'
this.list = function(ctx, clientFilter, cb) {
2017-11-09 07:59:40 +00:00
let clientFields = (clientFilter && clientFilter.fields) ? clientFilter.fields : [];
let serverFields = (serverFilter && serverFilter.fields) ? serverFilter.fields : [];
let fields = clientFields.filter(itemC => {
2017-10-13 14:22:45 +00:00
return serverFields.some(itemS => itemS === itemC);
2017-11-09 07:59:40 +00:00
let and = [];
let order;
let limit;
let filter = {order: order, limit: limit};
2017-10-13 14:22:45 +00:00
2017-11-09 07:59:40 +00:00
if (clientFilter && clientFilter.where)
if (serverFilter && serverFilter.where)
2017-10-13 14:22:45 +00:00
if (clientFilter && clientFilter.order)
order = clientFilter.order;
else if (serverFilter && serverFilter.order)
order = serverFilter.order;
if (serverFilter && serverFilter.limit)
limit = serverFilter.limit;
else if (clientFilter && clientFilter.limit)
limit = clientFilter.limit;
filter.where = (and.length > 0) && {and: and};
filter.fields = fields;
this.find(filter, function(err, states) {
2017-11-09 07:59:40 +00:00
if (err)
cb(err, null);
cb(null, states);
2017-10-13 14:22:45 +00:00
Self.remoteMethodCtx = function(methodName, args) {
let ctx = {
2017-10-13 14:22:45 +00:00
arg: 'context',
type: 'object',
http: function(ctx) {
return ctx;
if (args.accepts === undefined)
args.accepts = [];
else if (!Array.isArray(args.accepts))
args.accepts = [args.accepts];
this.remoteMethod(methodName, args);
Self.getConnection = function(cb) {
2017-10-13 14:22:45 +00:00
Self.connectToService = function(ctx, dataSource) {[dataSource].connector.remotes.auth = {
bearer: new Buffer('base64'),
sendImmediately: true
Self.disconnectFromService = function(dataSource) {[dataSource].connector.remotes.auth = {
bearer: new Buffer('').toString('base64'),
2017-10-13 14:22:45 +00:00
sendImmediately: true
Self.crud = async function(actions) {
let transaction = await this.beginTransaction({});
let options = {transaction: transaction};
try {
if (actions.delete && actions.delete.length)
await this.destroyAll({id: {inq: actions.delete}}, options);
if (actions.update) {
try {
let promises = [];
actions.update.forEach(toUpdate => {
promises.push(this.upsertWithWhere(toUpdate.where,, options));
await Promise.all(promises);
} catch (error) {
throw error;
if (actions.create && actions.create.length) {
try {
await this.create(actions.create, options);
} catch (error) {
throw error[error.length - 1];
await transaction.commit();
} catch (error) {
await transaction.rollback();
throw error;
Self.checkAcls = async function(ctx, actionType) {
let userId = ctx.req.accessToken.userId;
let models =;
let userRoles = await models.Account.getRoles(userId);
let data =;
let modelAcls;
function modifiedProperties(data) {
let properties = [];
for (property in data)
return properties;
modelAcls = await models.FieldAcl.find({
where: {
and: [
{model: this.modelName},
{role: {inq: userRoles}},
{property: '*'},
{or: [{actionType: '*'}, {actionType: actionType}]}
let allowedAll = modelAcls.find(acl => {
return == '*';
if (allowedAll)
modelAcls = await models.FieldAcl.find({
where: {
and: [
{model: this.modelName},
{role: {inq: userRoles}},
{property: {inq: modifiedProperties(data)}},
{or: [{actionType: '*'}, {actionType: actionType}]}
let propsHash = {};
for (let acl of modelAcls)
propsHash[] = true;
let allowedProperties = Object.keys(data).every(property => {
return propsHash[property];
if (!allowedProperties)
throw new UserError(`You don't have enough privileges`);
Self.checkUpdateAcls = function(ctx) {
return this.checkAcls(ctx, 'update');
Self.checkInsertAcls = function(ctx) {
return this.checkAcls(ctx, 'insert');
* Shortcut to VnMySQL.executeP()
Self.rawSql = function(query, params, options, cb) {
return this.dataSource.connector.executeP(query, params, options, cb);
* Shortcut to VnMySQL.executeStmt()
Self.rawStmt = function(stmt, options) {
return this.dataSource.connector.executeStmt(stmt, options);
* Shortcut to VnMySQL.makeLimit()
Self.makeLimit = function(filter) {
return this.dataSource.connector.makeLimit(filter);
* Shortcut to VnMySQL.makeSuffix()
Self.makeSuffix = function(filter) {
return this.dataSource.connector.makeSuffix(filter);
* Shortcut to VnMySQL.buildModelSuffix()
Self.buildSuffix = function(filter, tableAlias) {
return this.dataSource.connector.buildModelSuffix(this.modelName, filter, tableAlias);
2017-10-13 14:22:45 +00:00