#182 files preparation for ticket volume
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
import ngModule from '../module';
class Controller {
constructor($stateParams, $scope, $http, $translate, vnApp) {
this.params = $stateParams;
this.$scope = $scope;
this.$http = $http;
this.$translate = $translate;
this.vnApp = vnApp;
this.ticketVolumes = [];
this.oldVolumes = {};
this.removedVolumes = [];
_getTicketVolumes(ticketFk) {
.then(response => {
this.ticketVolumes = response.data;
// _setIconAdd() {
// if (this.ticketVolumes.length) {
// this.ticketVolumes.map(element => {
// element.showAddIcon = false;
// return true;
// });
// this.ticketVolumes[this.ticketVolumes.length - 1].showAddIcon = true;
// }
// }
// _setDirtyForm() {
// if (this.$scope.form) {
// this.$scope.form.$setDirty();
// }
// }
// _unsetDirtyForm() {
// if (this.$scope.form) {
// this.$scope.form.$setPristine();
// }
// }
// addVolume() {
// this.ticketVolumes.push({description: null, ticketFk: this.params.id, showAddIcon: true});
// this._setIconAdd();
// }
// removeVolume(index) {
// let item = this.ticketVolumes[index];
// if (item) {
// this.ticketVolumes.splice(index, 1);
// this._setIconAdd();
// if (item.id) {
// this.removedVolumes.push(item.id);
// this._setDirtyForm();
// }
// }
// }
// _equalVolumes(oldVolume, newVolume) {
// return oldVolume.id === newVolume.id && oldVolume.VolumeTypeFk === newVolume.VolumeTypeFk && oldVolume.description === newVolume.description;
// }
// setOldVolumes(response) {
// this._setIconAdd();
// response.data.forEach(Volume => {
// this.oldVolumes[Volume.id] = Object.assign({}, Volume);
// });
// }
// getVolumes() {
// let filter = {
// where: {ticketFk: this.params.id},
// include: ['VolumeType']
// };
// this.$http.get(`/ticket/api/TicketVolumes?filter=${JSON.stringify(filter)}`).then(response => {
// this.ticketVolumes = response.data;
// this.setOldVolumes(response);
// });
// }
// submit() {
// let typesDefined = [];
// let repeatedType = false;
// let canSubmit;
// let VolumesObj = {
// delete: this.removedVolumes,
// create: [],
// update: []
// };
// this.ticketVolumes.forEach(Volume => {
// let isNewVolume = !Volume.id;
// delete Volume.showAddIcon;
// if (typesDefined.indexOf(Volume.VolumeTypeFk) !== -1) {
// repeatedType = true;
// return;
// }
// typesDefined.push(Volume.VolumeTypeFk);
// if (isNewVolume && Volume.description && Volume.VolumeTypeFk) {
// VolumesObj.create.push(Volume);
// }
// if (!isNewVolume && !this._equalVolumes(this.oldVolumes[Volume.id], Volume)) {
// VolumesObj.update.push(Volume);
// }
// });
// if (this.$scope.form.$invalid) {
// return this.vnApp.showMessage(this.$translate.instant('Some fields are invalid'));
// }
// if (repeatedType) {
// return this.vnApp.showMessage(this.$translate.instant('The Volume type must be unique'));
// }
// canSubmit = VolumesObj.update.length > 0 || VolumesObj.create.length > 0 || VolumesObj.delete.length > 0;
// if (canSubmit) {
// return this.$http.post(`/ticket/api/TicketVolumes/crudTicketVolumes`, VolumesObj).then(() => {
// this.getVolumes();
// this._unsetDirtyForm();
// });
// }
// this.vnApp.showMessage(this.$translate.instant('No changes to save'));
// }
$onInit() {
// this.getVolumes();
Controller.$inject = ['$stateParams', '$scope', '$http', '$translate', 'vnApp'];
ngModule.component('vnTicketVolume', {
template: require('./ticket-volume.html'),
controller: Controller,
bindings: {
ticket: '<'
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
// import './ticket-observations.js';
// describe('ticket', () => {
// describe('Component vnTicketObservations', () => {
// let $componentController;
// let $state;
// let controller;
// let $httpBackend;
// beforeEach(() => {
// angular.mock.module('ticket');
// });
// beforeEach(angular.mock.inject((_$componentController_, _$state_, _$httpBackend_) => {
// $componentController = _$componentController_;
// $state = _$state_;
// $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
// controller = $componentController('vnTicketObservations', {$state: $state});
// }));
// describe('add / remove observation', () => {
// it('should add one empty observation into controller observations collection and call _setIconAdd()', () => {
// controller.ticketObservations = [];
// spyOn(controller, '_setIconAdd').and.callThrough();
// controller.addObservation();
// expect(controller._setIconAdd).toHaveBeenCalledWith();
// expect(controller.ticketObservations.length).toEqual(1);
// expect(controller.ticketObservations[0].id).toBe(undefined);
// expect(controller.ticketObservations[0].showAddIcon).toBeTruthy();
// });
// it('should remove an observation that occupies the position in the index given and call _setIconAdd()', () => {
// let index = 2;
// controller.ticketObservations = [
// {id: 1, observationTypeFk: 1, description: 'one', showAddIcon: false},
// {id: 2, observationTypeFk: 2, description: 'two', showAddIcon: false},
// {id: 3, observationTypeFk: 3, description: 'three', showAddIcon: true}
// ];
// spyOn(controller, '_setIconAdd').and.callThrough();
// controller.removeObservation(index);
// expect(controller._setIconAdd).toHaveBeenCalledWith();
// expect(controller.ticketObservations.length).toEqual(2);
// expect(controller.ticketObservations[0].showAddIcon).toBeFalsy();
// expect(controller.ticketObservations[1].showAddIcon).toBeTruthy();
// expect(controller.ticketObservations[index]).toBe(undefined);
// });
// });
// describe('_equalObservations()', () => {
// it('should return true if two observations are equals independent of control attributes', () => {
// let observationOne = {id: 1, observationTypeFk: 1, description: 'one', showAddIcon: true};
// let observationTwo = {id: 1, observationTypeFk: 1, description: 'one', showAddIcon: false};
// let equals = controller._equalObservations(observationOne, observationTwo);
// expect(equals).toBeTruthy();
// });
// it('should return false if two observations aint equals independent of control attributes', () => {
// let observationOne = {id: 1, observationTypeFk: 1, description: 'one', showAddIcon: true};
// let observationTwo = {id: 1, observationTypeFk: 1, description: 'two', showAddIcon: true};
// let equals = controller._equalObservations(observationOne, observationTwo);
// expect(equals).toBeFalsy();
// });
// });
// describe('get Observations()', () => {
// it('should perform a GET query to receive the ticket observations', () => {
// let res = [{id: 1, observationTypeFk: 1, description: 'one'}];
// $httpBackend.whenGET(`/ticket/api/TicketObservations?filter={"where":{},"include":["observationType"]}`).respond(res);
// $httpBackend.expectGET(`/ticket/api/TicketObservations?filter={"where":{},"include":["observationType"]}`);
// controller.getObservations();
// $httpBackend.flush();
// });
// });
// describe('submit()', () => {
// it("should return an error message 'The observation type must be unique'", () => {
// controller.$scope.form = {};
// spyOn(controller.vnApp, 'showMessage').and.callThrough();
// controller.ticketObservations = [
// {id: 1, observationTypeFk: 1, description: 'one', itemFk: 1},
// {observationTypeFk: 1, description: 'one', itemFk: 1}
// ];
// controller.oldObservations = {1: {id: 1, observationTypeFk: 1, description: 'one', itemFk: 1}};
// controller.submit();
// expect(controller.vnApp.showMessage).toHaveBeenCalledWith('The observation type must be unique');
// });
// it("should perfom a query to delete observations", () => {
// controller.$scope.form = {$setPristine: () => {}};
// controller.oldObservations = {1: {id: 1, observationTypeFk: 1, description: 'one'}};
// controller.ticketObservations = [];
// controller.removedObservations = [1];
// $httpBackend.whenGET(`/ticket/api/TicketObservations?filter={"where":{},"include":["observationType"]}`).respond([]);
// $httpBackend.expectPOST(`/ticket/api/TicketObservations/crudTicketObservations`).respond('ok!');
// controller.submit();
// $httpBackend.flush();
// });
// it("should perfom a query to update observations", () => {
// controller.$scope.form = {$setPristine: () => {}};
// controller.ticketObservations = [{id: 1, observationTypeFk: 1, description: 'number one!'}];
// controller.oldObservations = {1: {id: 1, observationTypeFk: 1, description: 'one'}};
// $httpBackend.whenGET(`/ticket/api/TicketObservations?filter={"where":{},"include":["observationType"]}`).respond([]);
// $httpBackend.expectPOST(`/ticket/api/TicketObservations/crudTicketObservations`).respond('ok!');
// controller.submit();
// $httpBackend.flush();
// });
// it("should perfom a query to create new observation", () => {
// controller.$scope.form = {$setPristine: () => {}};
// controller.ticketObservations = [{observationTypeFk: 2, description: 'two'}];
// $httpBackend.whenGET(`/ticket/api/TicketObservations?filter={"where":{},"include":["observationType"]}`).respond([]);
// $httpBackend.expectPOST(`/ticket/api/TicketObservations/crudTicketObservations`).respond('ok!');
// controller.submit();
// $httpBackend.flush();
// });
// it("should return a message 'No changes to save' when there are no changes to apply", () => {
// controller.$scope.form = {$setPristine: () => {}};
// spyOn(controller.vnApp, 'showMessage').and.callThrough();
// controller.oldObservations = [
// {id: 1, observationTypeFk: 1, description: 'one', showAddIcon: false},
// {id: 2, observationTypeFk: 2, description: 'two', showAddIcon: true}
// ];
// controller.ticketObservations = [];
// controller.submit();
// expect(controller.vnApp.showMessage).toHaveBeenCalledWith('No changes to save');
// });
// });
// });
// });
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module.exports = Self => {
Self.remoteMethod('getVolumes', {
description: 'Returns the volumes of a ticket',
accessType: 'READ',
accepts: [{
arg: 'id',
type: 'number',
required: true,
description: 'ticket id',
http: {source: 'path'}
returns: {
type: 'object'
http: {
path: `/:id/getVolumes`,
verb: 'GET'
Self.getVolumes = async ticketFk => {
let query = `SELECT vn.ticketVolume(?) AS ticketVolumes`;
let response = await Self.rawSql(query, [ticketFk]);
return response[0];
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// const getDebt = require('../getDebt');
// describe('client getDebt()', () => {
// it('should call the getDebt method', done => {
// let clientFk = 109;
// let self = jasmine.createSpyObj('self', ['remoteMethod', 'rawSql']);
// self.rawSql.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve([{debt: 100}]));
// getDebt(self);
// self.getDebt(clientFk)
// .then(result => {
// expect(result.debt).toEqual(100);
// done();
// });
// });
// });
Reference in New Issue