diff --git a/client/core/src/filters/specs/currency.spec.js b/client/core/src/filters/specs/currency.spec.js
index 38e4e19db3..fa6ba24f2b 100644
--- a/client/core/src/filters/specs/currency.spec.js
+++ b/client/core/src/filters/specs/currency.spec.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-fdescribe('Currency filter', () => {
+describe('Currency filter', () => {
let compile;
let $element;
@@ -11,17 +11,31 @@ fdescribe('Currency filter', () => {
- it('should return the value formatted with two decimals when the value is a number and you set it a 2 as param', () => {
+ it('should return a ONE decimal number as per the argument', () => {
+ let html = `
{{200 | currency: '€': 1}}
+ compile(html);
+ expect($element[0].innerHTML).toEqual('200.0 €');
+ });
+ it('should return a TWO decimals number as per the argument', () => {
let html = `{{200 | currency: '€': 2}}
- expect($element[0].innerHTML).toBe('200.00 €');
+ expect($element[0].innerHTML).toEqual('200.00 €');
+ });
+ it('should return a TEN decimals number as per the argument', () => {
+ let html = `{{200 | currency: '€': 10}}
+ compile(html);
+ expect($element[0].innerHTML).toEqual('200.0000000000 €');
it('sould return nothing when the value is not set', () => {
let html = `{{null | currency: '€': 2}}
- expect($element[0].innerHTML).toBe('');
+ expect($element[0].innerHTML).toEqual('');
diff --git a/e2e/helpers/selectors.js b/e2e/helpers/selectors.js
index 04484cc9bd..2f41941fe5 100644
--- a/e2e/helpers/selectors.js
+++ b/e2e/helpers/selectors.js
@@ -168,6 +168,15 @@ export default {
lastModificationPreviousValue: 'vn-client-log vn-table vn-td.before',
lastModificationCurrentValue: 'vn-client-log vn-table vn-td.after'
+ },
+ clientRisk: {
+ riskButton: `vn-left-menu a[ui-sref="client.card.risk.index"]`,
+ newPaymentButton: `${components.vnFloatButton}`,
+ newPaymentBankInut: `vn-client-risk-create > form > vn-card > div > vn-horizontal:nth-child(3) > vn-textfield:nth-child(1) > div > div > div.infix > input`,
+ newPaymentAmountInput: `vn-client-risk-create > form > vn-card > div > vn-horizontal:nth-child(3) > vn-textfield:nth-child(2) > div > div > div.infix > input`,
+ saveButton: `${components.vnSubmit}`,
+ firstRiskLineBalance: 'vn-client-risk-index > vn-vertical > vn-card > div > vn-vertical > vn-table > div > vn-tbody > vn-tr:nth-child(1) > vn-td:nth-child(8)'
itemsIndex: {
goBackToModuleIndexButton: `vn-ticket-descriptor a[href="#!/ticket/index"]`,
diff --git a/e2e/paths/client-module/13_client_log.spec.js b/e2e/paths/client-module/13_log.spec.js
similarity index 100%
rename from e2e/paths/client-module/13_client_log.spec.js
rename to e2e/paths/client-module/13_log.spec.js
diff --git a/e2e/paths/client-module/14_risk.spec.js b/e2e/paths/client-module/14_risk.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f46e771a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/e2e/paths/client-module/14_risk.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+import selectors from '../../helpers/selectors.js';
+import createNightmare from '../../helpers/nightmare';
+describe('Client risk path', () => {
+ const nightmare = createNightmare();
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ return nightmare
+ .waitForLogin('administrative');
+ });
+ it('should click on the Clients button of the top bar menu', async () => {
+ let url = await nightmare
+ .waitToClick(selectors.globalItems.applicationsMenuButton)
+ .wait(selectors.globalItems.applicationsMenuVisible)
+ .waitToClick(selectors.globalItems.clientsButton)
+ .wait(selectors.clientsIndex.createClientButton)
+ .parsedUrl();
+ expect(url.hash).toEqual('#!/client/index');
+ });
+ it('should search for the user Petter Parker', async () => {
+ let resultCount = await nightmare
+ .wait(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult)
+ .type(selectors.clientsIndex.searchClientInput, 'Petter Parker')
+ .click(selectors.clientsIndex.searchButton)
+ .waitForNumberOfElements(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult, 1)
+ .countElement(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult);
+ expect(resultCount).toEqual(1);
+ });
+ it(`should click on the search result to access to the client's risk`, async () => {
+ let url = await nightmare
+ .waitForTextInElement(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult, 'Petter Parker')
+ .waitToClick(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult)
+ .waitToClick(selectors.clientRisk.riskButton)
+ .waitForURL('/risk')
+ .parsedUrl();
+ expect(url.hash).toContain('/risk');
+ });
+ it('should click the new payment button', async () => {
+ let url = await nightmare
+ .waitToClick(selectors.clientRisk.newPaymentButton)
+ .waitForURL('/risk')
+ .parsedUrl();
+ expect(url.hash).toContain('/risk');
+ });
+ it('should create a new payment that clears the debt', async () => {
+ let result = await nightmare
+ .clearInput(selectors.clientRisk.newPaymentBankInut)
+ .type(selectors.clientRisk.newPaymentBankInut, '2')
+ .waitToClick(selectors.clientRisk.saveButton)
+ .waitForLastSnackbar();
+ expect(result).toContain('Data saved!');
+ });
+ it('should check balance is now 0', async () => {
+ let result = await nightmare
+ .waitProperty(selectors.clientRisk.firstRiskLineBalance, 'innerText')
+ .getProperty(selectors.clientRisk.firstRiskLineBalance, 'innerText');
+ expect(result).toEqual('0.00 €');
+ });
+ it('should now click the new payment button', async () => {
+ let url = await nightmare
+ .waitToClick(selectors.clientRisk.newPaymentButton)
+ .waitForURL('/risk')
+ .parsedUrl();
+ expect(url.hash).toContain('/risk');
+ });
+ it('should create a new payment that sets the balance to positive value', async () => {
+ let result = await nightmare
+ .clearInput(selectors.clientRisk.newPaymentAmountInput)
+ .type(selectors.clientRisk.newPaymentAmountInput, '100')
+ .waitToClick(selectors.clientRisk.saveButton)
+ .waitForLastSnackbar();
+ expect(result).toContain('Data saved!');
+ });
+ it('should check balance is now 100', async () => {
+ let result = await nightmare
+ .waitProperty(selectors.clientRisk.firstRiskLineBalance, 'innerText')
+ .getProperty(selectors.clientRisk.firstRiskLineBalance, 'innerText');
+ expect(result).toEqual('100.00 €');
+ });
+ it('should again click the new payment button', async () => {
+ let url = await nightmare
+ .waitToClick(selectors.clientRisk.newPaymentButton)
+ .waitForURL('/risk')
+ .parsedUrl();
+ expect(url.hash).toContain('/risk');
+ });
+ it('should create a new payment that sets the balance back to the original negative value', async () => {
+ let result = await nightmare
+ .clearInput(selectors.clientRisk.newPaymentAmountInput)
+ .type(selectors.clientRisk.newPaymentAmountInput, '-150')
+ .waitToClick(selectors.clientRisk.saveButton)
+ .waitForLastSnackbar();
+ expect(result).toContain('Data saved!');
+ });
+ it('should check balance is now -50', async () => {
+ let result = await nightmare
+ .waitProperty(selectors.clientRisk.firstRiskLineBalance, 'innerText')
+ .getProperty(selectors.clientRisk.firstRiskLineBalance, 'innerText');
+ expect(result).toEqual('-50.00 €');
+ });
+ it('should now click on the Clients button of the top bar menu', async () => {
+ let url = await nightmare
+ .waitForLogin('employee')
+ .waitToClick(selectors.globalItems.applicationsMenuButton)
+ .wait(selectors.globalItems.applicationsMenuVisible)
+ .waitToClick(selectors.globalItems.clientsButton)
+ .wait(selectors.clientsIndex.createClientButton)
+ .parsedUrl();
+ expect(url.hash).toEqual('#!/client/index');
+ });
+ it('should now search for the user Petter Parker', async () => {
+ let resultCount = await nightmare
+ .wait(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult)
+ .type(selectors.clientsIndex.searchClientInput, 'Petter Parker')
+ .click(selectors.clientsIndex.searchButton)
+ .waitForNumberOfElements(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult, 1)
+ .countElement(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult);
+ expect(resultCount).toEqual(1);
+ });
+ it(`should click on the search result to access to the client's risk`, async () => {
+ let url = await nightmare
+ .waitForTextInElement(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult, 'Petter Parker')
+ .waitToClick(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult)
+ .waitToClick(selectors.clientRisk.riskButton)
+ .waitForURL('/risk')
+ .parsedUrl();
+ expect(url.hash).toContain('/risk');
+ });
+ it('should not be able to click the new payment button as it isnt present', async () => {
+ let result = await nightmare
+ .exists(selectors.clientRisk.newPaymentButton);
+ expect(result).toBeFalsy();
+ });