diff --git a/back/methods/dms/downloadFile.js b/back/methods/dms/downloadFile.js
index d64b15b70a..9290188a19 100644
--- a/back/methods/dms/downloadFile.js
+++ b/back/methods/dms/downloadFile.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: `/:id/downloadFile`,
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.downloadFile = async function(ctx, id) {
diff --git a/back/methods/docuware/download.js b/back/methods/docuware/download.js
index a1776cde54..eb575236d4 100644
--- a/back/methods/docuware/download.js
+++ b/back/methods/docuware/download.js
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: `/:id/download`,
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.download = async function(id, fileCabinet, filter) {
diff --git a/back/methods/image/download.js b/back/methods/image/download.js
index 201e16164a..e0fcb0951f 100644
--- a/back/methods/image/download.js
+++ b/back/methods/image/download.js
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: `/:collection/:size/:id/download`,
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.download = async function(ctx, collection, size, id) {
diff --git a/back/methods/vn-user/specs/renew-token.spec.js b/back/methods/vn-user/specs/renew-token.spec.js
index 741388bf9b..70e7473d1d 100644
--- a/back/methods/vn-user/specs/renew-token.spec.js
+++ b/back/methods/vn-user/specs/renew-token.spec.js
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ describe('Renew Token', () => {
it('should renew token', async() => {
+ const {courtesyTime} = await models.AccessTokenConfig.findOne({
+ fields: ['courtesyTime']
+ });
const mockDate = new Date(startingTime + 26600000);
const {id} = await models.VnUser.renewToken(ctx);
@@ -35,7 +38,7 @@ describe('Renew Token', () => {
await models.VnUser.logout(ctx.req.accessToken.id);
- jasmine.clock().tick(70 * 1000);
+ jasmine.clock().tick((courtesyTime + 10) * 1000);
let tokenNotExists;
try {
tokenNotExists = await models.AccessToken.findById(ctx.req.accessToken.id);
diff --git a/db/dump/fixtures.before.sql b/db/dump/fixtures.before.sql
index 8660d61c98..30564d8a21 100644
--- a/db/dump/fixtures.before.sql
+++ b/db/dump/fixtures.before.sql
@@ -527,7 +527,8 @@ INSERT INTO `vn`.`observationType`(`id`,`description`, `code`)
(4, 'SalesPerson', 'salesPerson'),
(5, 'Administrative', 'administrative'),
(6, 'Weight', 'weight'),
- (7, 'InvoiceOut', 'invoiceOut');
+ (7, 'InvoiceOut', 'invoiceOut'),
+ (8, 'DropOff', 'dropOff');
INSERT INTO `vn`.`addressObservation`(`id`,`addressFk`,`observationTypeFk`,`description`)
diff --git a/db/routines/bi/procedures/Greuge_Evolution_Add.sql b/db/routines/bi/procedures/Greuge_Evolution_Add.sql
index 1d4bf43553..c5b077f290 100644
--- a/db/routines/bi/procedures/Greuge_Evolution_Add.sql
+++ b/db/routines/bi/procedures/Greuge_Evolution_Add.sql
@@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ BEGIN
UPDATE bi.Greuge_Evolution ge
SELECT cs.Id_Cliente, sum(Valor * Cantidad) as Importe
- FROM vn2008.Tickets t
- JOIN vn2008.Consignatarios cs on cs.Id_Consigna = t.Id_Consigna
- JOIN vn2008.Movimientos m on m.Id_Ticket = t.Id_Ticket
+ FROM vn.ticket t
+ JOIN vn2008.Consignatarios cs on cs.Id_Consigna = t.addressFk
+ JOIN vn2008.Movimientos m on m.Id_Ticket = t.id
JOIN vn2008.Movimientos_componentes mc on mc.Id_Movimiento = m.Id_Movimiento
- WHERE t.Fecha >= datFEC
- AND t.Fecha < datFEC_TOMORROW
+ WHERE t.shipped >= datFEC
+ AND t.shipped < datFEC_TOMORROW
AND mc.Id_Componente = 17 -- Recobro
GROUP BY cs.Id_Cliente
) sub using(Id_Cliente)
diff --git a/db/routines/bi/procedures/analisis_ventas_update.sql b/db/routines/bi/procedures/analisis_ventas_update.sql
index 6d357275a8..228660d07c 100644
--- a/db/routines/bi/procedures/analisis_ventas_update.sql
+++ b/db/routines/bi/procedures/analisis_ventas_update.sql
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `bi`.`analisis_ventas_update`()
+CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `bi`.`analisis_ventas_update`()
@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@ BEGIN
OR (Año = YEAR(vLastMonth) AND Mes >= MONTH(vLastMonth));
INSERT INTO analisis_ventas (
- Familia,
- Reino,
- Comercial,
- Comprador,
- Provincia,
- almacen,
- Año,
- Mes,
- Semana,
- Vista,
- Importe
- )
+ Familia,
+ Reino,
+ Comercial,
+ Comprador,
+ Provincia,
+ almacen,
+ Año,
+ Mes,
+ Semana,
+ Vista,
+ Importe
+ )
tp.Tipo AS Familia,
r.reino AS Reino,
@@ -35,19 +35,19 @@ BEGIN
dm.description AS Vista,
bt.importe AS Importe
FROM bs.ventas bt
- LEFT JOIN vn2008.Tipos tp ON tp.tipo_id = bt.tipo_id
- LEFT JOIN vn2008.reinos r ON r.id = tp.reino_id
- LEFT JOIN vn2008.Clientes c on c.Id_Cliente = bt.Id_Cliente
- LEFT JOIN vn2008.Trabajadores tr ON tr.Id_Trabajador = c.Id_Trabajador
- LEFT JOIN vn2008.Trabajadores tr2 ON tr2.Id_Trabajador = tp.Id_Trabajador
- JOIN vn2008.time tm ON tm.date = bt.fecha
- JOIN vn2008.Movimientos m ON m.Id_Movimiento = bt.Id_Movimiento
- LEFT JOIN vn2008.Tickets t ON t.Id_Ticket = m.Id_Ticket
- JOIN vn2008.Agencias a ON a.Id_Agencia = t.Id_Agencia
- LEFT JOIN vn.deliveryMethod dm ON dm.id = a.Vista
- LEFT JOIN vn2008.Consignatarios cs ON cs.Id_Consigna = t.Id_Consigna
- LEFT JOIN vn2008.province p ON p.province_id = cs.province_id
- LEFT JOIN vn.warehouse w ON w.id = t.warehouse_id
- WHERE bt.fecha >= vLastMonth AND r.mercancia;
+ LEFT JOIN vn2008.Tipos tp ON tp.tipo_id = bt.tipo_id
+ LEFT JOIN vn2008.reinos r ON r.id = tp.reino_id
+ LEFT JOIN vn2008.Clientes c on c.Id_Cliente = bt.Id_Cliente
+ LEFT JOIN vn2008.Trabajadores tr ON tr.Id_Trabajador = c.Id_Trabajador
+ LEFT JOIN vn2008.Trabajadores tr2 ON tr2.Id_Trabajador = tp.Id_Trabajador
+ JOIN vn2008.time tm ON tm.date = bt.fecha
+ JOIN vn2008.Movimientos m ON m.Id_Movimiento = bt.Id_Movimiento
+ LEFT JOIN vn.ticket t ON t.id = m.Id_Ticket
+ JOIN vn2008.Agencias a ON a.Id_Agencia = t.agencyModeFk
+ LEFT JOIN vn.deliveryMethod dm ON dm.id = a.Vista
+ LEFT JOIN vn2008.Consignatarios cs ON cs.Id_Consigna = t.addressFk
+ LEFT JOIN vn2008.province p ON p.province_id = cs.province_id
+ LEFT JOIN vn.warehouse w ON w.id = t.warehouseFk
+ WHERE bt.fecha >= vLastMonth AND r.mercancia;
diff --git a/db/routines/bi/procedures/claim_ratio_routine.sql b/db/routines/bi/procedures/claim_ratio_routine.sql
index 10cb717cf2..83d70c8677 100644
--- a/db/routines/bi/procedures/claim_ratio_routine.sql
+++ b/db/routines/bi/procedures/claim_ratio_routine.sql
@@ -59,18 +59,18 @@ BEGIN
(PRIMARY KEY (Id_Ticket))
+ SELECT DISTINCT t.id Id_Ticket
FROM vn2008.Movimientos_componentes mc
JOIN vn2008.Movimientos m ON mc.Id_Movimiento = m.Id_Movimiento
- JOIN vn2008.Tickets t ON t.Id_Ticket = m.Id_Ticket
- JOIN vn2008.Tickets_state ts ON ts.Id_Ticket = t.Id_Ticket
- JOIN vn.ticketTracking tt ON tt.id = ts.inter_id
- JOIN vn2008.state s ON s.id = tt.stateFk
+ JOIN vn.ticket t ON t.id = m.Id_Ticket
+ JOIN vn.ticketLastState ts ON ts.ticketFk = t.id
+ JOIN vn.ticketTracking tt ON tt.id = ts.ticketTrackingFk
+ JOIN vn.state s ON s.id = tt.stateFk
WHERE mc.Id_Componente = 17
AND mc.greuge = 0
- AND t.Fecha >= '2016-10-01'
- AND t.Fecha < util.VN_CURDATE()
- AND s.alert_level >= 3;
+ AND t.shipped >= '2016-10-01'
+ AND t.shipped < util.VN_CURDATE()
+ AND s.alertLevel >= 3;
FROM vn.greuge g
@@ -79,18 +79,18 @@ BEGIN
INSERT INTO vn.greuge(clientFk, description, amount,shipped,
greugeTypeFk, ticketFk)
- SELECT Id_Cliente
+ SELECT t.clientFk
,concat('recobro ', m.Id_Ticket), - round(SUM(mc.Valor*Cantidad),2)
AS dif
- ,date(t.Fecha)
+ ,date(t.shipped)
, 2
FROM vn2008.Movimientos m
- JOIN vn2008.Tickets t ON t.Id_Ticket = m.Id_Ticket
- JOIN tmp.ticket_list tt ON tt.Id_Ticket = t.Id_Ticket
+ JOIN vn.ticket t ON t.id = m.Id_Ticket
+ JOIN tmp.ticket_list tt ON tt.Id_Ticket = t.id
JOIN vn2008.Movimientos_componentes mc
ON mc.Id_Movimiento = m.Id_Movimiento AND mc.Id_Componente = 17
- GROUP BY t.Id_Ticket
+ GROUP BY t.id
HAVING ABS(dif) > 1;
UPDATE vn2008.Movimientos_componentes mc
diff --git a/db/routines/bi/procedures/comparativa_add.sql b/db/routines/bi/procedures/comparativa_add.sql
index 4297c8affd..ac06798dba 100644
--- a/db/routines/bi/procedures/comparativa_add.sql
+++ b/db/routines/bi/procedures/comparativa_add.sql
@@ -15,17 +15,17 @@ BEGIN
IF lastCOMP < vMaxPeriod - 3 AND vMaxWeek > 3 THEN
REPLACE vn2008.Comparativa(Periodo, Id_Article, warehouse_id, Cantidad,price)
- SELECT tm.period as Periodo, m.Id_Article, t.warehouse_id, sum(m.Cantidad), sum(v.importe)
+ SELECT tm.period as Periodo, m.Id_Article, t.warehouseFk, sum(m.Cantidad), sum(v.importe)
FROM bs.ventas v
JOIN vn2008.time tm ON tm.date = v.fecha
JOIN vn2008.Movimientos m ON m.Id_Movimiento = v.Id_Movimiento
JOIN vn2008.Tipos tp ON tp.tipo_id = v.tipo_id
JOIN vn2008.reinos r ON r.id = tp.reino_id
- JOIN vn2008.Tickets t ON t.Id_Ticket = m.Id_Ticket
+ JOIN vn.ticket t ON t.id = m.Id_Ticket
WHERE tm.period BETWEEN lastCOMP AND vMaxPeriod - 3
- AND t.Id_Cliente NOT IN(400,200)
- AND t.warehouse_id NOT IN (0,13)
- GROUP BY m.Id_Article, Periodo, t.warehouse_id;
+ AND t.clientFk NOT IN(400,200)
+ AND t.warehouseFk NOT IN (0,13)
+ GROUP BY m.Id_Article, Periodo, t.warehouseFk;
diff --git a/db/routines/bi/procedures/comparativa_add_manual.sql b/db/routines/bi/procedures/comparativa_add_manual.sql
index 281e15b23a..2b05b12775 100644
--- a/db/routines/bi/procedures/comparativa_add_manual.sql
+++ b/db/routines/bi/procedures/comparativa_add_manual.sql
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ BEGIN
WHERE Periodo BETWEEN periodStart AND periodEnd;
INSERT INTO vn2008.Comparativa(Periodo, Id_Article, warehouse_id, Cantidad,price)
- SELECT tm.period as Periodo, m.Id_Article, t.warehouse_id, sum(m.Cantidad), sum(v.importe)
+ SELECT tm.period as Periodo, m.Id_Article, t.warehouseFk, sum(m.Cantidad), sum(v.importe)
FROM bs.ventas v
JOIN vn2008.time tm ON tm.date = v.fecha
JOIN vn2008.Movimientos m ON m.Id_Movimiento = v.Id_Movimiento
JOIN vn2008.Tipos tp ON tp.tipo_id = v.tipo_id
JOIN vn2008.reinos r ON r.id = tp.reino_id
- JOIN vn2008.Tickets t ON t.Id_Ticket = m.Id_Ticket
+ JOIN vn.ticket t ON t.id = m.Id_Ticket
WHERE tm.period BETWEEN periodStart AND periodEnd
- AND t.Id_Cliente NOT IN(400,200)
- AND t.warehouse_id NOT IN (0,13)
- GROUP BY m.Id_Article, Periodo, t.warehouse_id;
+ AND t.clientFk NOT IN(400,200)
+ AND t.warehouseFk NOT IN (0,13)
+ GROUP BY m.Id_Article, Periodo, t.warehouseFk;
diff --git a/db/routines/bi/views/v_ventas_contables.sql b/db/routines/bi/views/v_ventas_contables.sql
index 373fcdd3fc..82bbeeaac2 100644
--- a/db/routines/bi/views/v_ventas_contables.sql
+++ b/db/routines/bi/views/v_ventas_contables.sql
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ AS SELECT `time`.`year` AS `year`,
- `vn2008`.`Tickets` `t`
- JOIN `bi`.`f_tvc` ON(`t`.`Id_Ticket` = `bi`.`f_tvc`.`Id_Ticket`)
+ `vn`.`ticket` `t`
+ JOIN `bi`.`f_tvc` ON(`t`.`id` = `bi`.`f_tvc`.`Id_Ticket`)
- JOIN `vn2008`.`Movimientos` `m` ON(`t`.`Id_Ticket` = `m`.`Id_Ticket`)
+ JOIN `vn2008`.`Movimientos` `m` ON(`t`.`id` = `m`.`Id_Ticket`)
- JOIN `vn2008`.`time` ON(`time`.`date` = cast(`t`.`Fecha` AS date))
+ JOIN `vn2008`.`time` ON(`time`.`date` = cast(`t`.`shipped` AS date))
-WHERE `t`.`Fecha` >= '2014-01-01'
+WHERE `t`.`shipped` >= '2014-01-01'
GROUP BY `time`.`year`,
diff --git a/db/routines/bs/procedures/comercialesCompleto.sql b/db/routines/bs/procedures/comercialesCompleto.sql
index 1011737402..96cab5b4f0 100644
--- a/db/routines/bs/procedures/comercialesCompleto.sql
+++ b/db/routines/bs/procedures/comercialesCompleto.sql
@@ -70,23 +70,23 @@ BEGIN
AND (v.fecha BETWEEN TIMESTAMPADD(DAY, - DAY(vDate) + 1, vDate) AND TIMESTAMPADD(DAY, - 1, vDate))
GROUP BY Id_Cliente) mes_actual ON mes_actual.Id_Cliente = c.Id_Cliente
- (SELECT t.Id_Cliente, SUM(m.preu * m.Cantidad * (1 - m.Descuento / 100)) futur
- FROM vn2008.Tickets t
- JOIN vn2008.Clientes c ON c.Id_Cliente = t.Id_Cliente
- JOIN vn2008.Movimientos m ON m.Id_Ticket = t.Id_Ticket
+ (SELECT t.clientFk Id_Cliente, SUM(m.preu * m.Cantidad * (1 - m.Descuento / 100)) futur
+ FROM vn.ticket t
+ JOIN vn2008.Clientes c ON c.Id_Cliente = t.clientFk
+ JOIN vn2008.Movimientos m ON m.Id_Ticket = t.id
LEFT JOIN vn2008.Trabajadores tr ON c.Id_Trabajador = tr.Id_Trabajador
(c.Id_Trabajador = vWorker OR tr.boss = vWorker)
- AND t.Fecha BETWEEN vDate AND util.dayEnd(LAST_DAY(vDate))
+ AND t.shipped BETWEEN vDate AND util.dayEnd(LAST_DAY(vDate))
GROUP BY Id_Cliente) f ON c.Id_Cliente = f.Id_Cliente
- (SELECT MAX(t.Fecha) LastTicket, c.Id_Cliente
- FROM vn2008.Tickets t
- JOIN vn2008.Clientes c ON c.Id_cliente = t.Id_Cliente
+ (SELECT MAX(t.shipped) LastTicket, c.Id_Cliente
+ FROM vn.ticket t
+ JOIN vn2008.Clientes c ON c.Id_cliente = t.clientFk
LEFT JOIN vn2008.Trabajadores tr ON c.Id_Trabajador = tr.Id_Trabajador
(c.Id_Trabajador = vWorker OR tr.boss = vWorker)
- GROUP BY t.Id_Cliente) LastTicket ON LastTicket.Id_Cliente = c.Id_Cliente
+ GROUP BY t.clientFk) LastTicket ON LastTicket.Id_Cliente = c.Id_Cliente
SELECT SUM(importe) peso, c.Id_Cliente
diff --git a/db/routines/bs/procedures/manaCustomerUpdate.sql b/db/routines/bs/procedures/manaCustomerUpdate.sql
index 2038f976a3..f53d293b3f 100644
--- a/db/routines/bs/procedures/manaCustomerUpdate.sql
+++ b/db/routines/bs/procedures/manaCustomerUpdate.sql
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ BEGIN
SELECT cs.Id_Cliente, Cantidad * Valor as mana
- FROM vn2008.Tickets t
+ FROM vn.ticket t
JOIN vn2008.Consignatarios cs using(Id_Consigna)
- JOIN vn2008.Movimientos m on m.Id_Ticket = t.Id_Ticket
+ JOIN vn2008.Movimientos m on m.Id_Ticket = t.id
JOIN vn2008.Movimientos_componentes mc on mc.Id_Movimiento = m.Id_Movimiento
WHERE Id_Componente IN (vManaAutoId, vManaId, vClaimManaId)
- AND t.Fecha > vFromDated
- AND date(t.Fecha) <= vToDated
+ AND t.shipped > vFromDated
+ AND date(t.shipped) <= vToDated
SELECT r.Id_Cliente, - Entregado
FROM vn2008.Recibos r
diff --git a/db/routines/bs/procedures/ventas_contables_add.sql b/db/routines/bs/procedures/ventas_contables_add.sql
index 66c012a199..ad4e80a069 100644
--- a/db/routines/bs/procedures/ventas_contables_add.sql
+++ b/db/routines/bs/procedures/ventas_contables_add.sql
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ BEGIN
- (PRIMARY KEY (Id_Ticket))
+ (PRIMARY KEY (id))
- SELECT Id_Ticket
- FROM vn2008.Tickets t
- JOIN vn.invoiceOut io ON io.`ref` = t.Factura
+ SELECT t.id
+ FROM vn.ticket t
+ JOIN vn.invoiceOut io ON io.`ref` = t.refFk
WHERE year(io.issued) = vYear
AND month(io.issued) = vMonth;
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ BEGIN
) as grupo
, tp.reino_id
, a.tipo_id
- , t.empresa_id
+ , t.companyFk
, a.expenseFk
+ IF(e.empresa_grupo = e2.empresa_grupo
@@ -54,19 +54,19 @@ BEGIN
) * 100000
+ tp.reino_id * 1000 as Gasto
FROM vn2008.Movimientos m
- JOIN vn2008.Tickets t on t.Id_Ticket = m.Id_Ticket
- JOIN vn2008.Consignatarios cs on cs.Id_Consigna = t.Id_Consigna
+ JOIN vn.ticket t ON t.id = m.Id_Ticket
+ JOIN vn2008.Consignatarios cs on cs.Id_Consigna = t.addressFk
JOIN vn2008.Clientes c on c.Id_Cliente = cs.Id_Cliente
- JOIN tmp.ticket_list tt on tt.Id_Ticket = t.Id_Ticket
+ JOIN tmp.ticket_list tt on tt.id = t.id
JOIN vn2008.Articles a on m.Id_Article = a.Id_Article
- JOIN vn2008.empresa e on e.id = t.empresa_id
+ JOIN vn2008.empresa e on e.id = t.companyFk
LEFT JOIN vn2008.empresa e2 on e2.Id_Cliente = c.Id_Cliente
JOIN vn2008.Tipos tp on tp.tipo_id = a.tipo_id
WHERE Cantidad <> 0
AND Preu <> 0
AND m.Descuento <> 100
- GROUP BY grupo, reino_id, tipo_id, empresa_id, Gasto;
+ GROUP BY grupo, reino_id, tipo_id, companyFk, Gasto;
INSERT INTO bs.ventas_contables(year
, month
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ BEGIN
JOIN vn.ticket t ON ts.ticketFk = t.id
JOIN vn.address a on a.id = t.addressFk
JOIN vn.client cl on cl.id = a.clientFk
- JOIN tmp.ticket_list tt on tt.Id_Ticket = t.id
+ JOIN tmp.ticket_list tt on tt.id = t.id
JOIN vn.company c on c.id = t.companyFk
LEFT JOIN vn.company c2 on c2.clientFk = cl.id
GROUP BY grupo, t.companyFk ;
diff --git a/db/routines/bs/procedures/ventas_contables_por_cliente.sql b/db/routines/bs/procedures/ventas_contables_por_cliente.sql
index 931653e6ec..ed3773cf7e 100644
--- a/db/routines/bs/procedures/ventas_contables_por_cliente.sql
+++ b/db/routines/bs/procedures/ventas_contables_por_cliente.sql
@@ -10,38 +10,38 @@ BEGIN
- (PRIMARY KEY (Id_Ticket))
- SELECT Id_Ticket
- FROM vn2008.Tickets t
- JOIN vn.invoiceOut io ON io.id = t.Factura
+ (PRIMARY KEY (id))
+ SELECT t.id
+ FROM vn.ticket t
+ JOIN vn.invoiceOut io ON io.id = t.refFk
WHERE year(io.issued) = vYear
- AND month(io.issued) = vMonth;
+ AND month(io.issued) = vMonth;
SELECT vYear Año,
vMonth Mes,
- t.Id_Cliente,
+ t.clientFk Id_Cliente,
round(sum(Cantidad * Preu * (100 - m.Descuento)/100)) Venta,
IF(e.empresa_grupo = e2.empresa_grupo,
AS grupo,
- t.empresa_id empresa
+ t.companyFk empresa
FROM vn2008.Movimientos m
- JOIN vn2008.Tickets t ON t.Id_Ticket = m.Id_Ticket
- JOIN vn2008.Consignatarios cs ON cs.Id_Consigna = t.Id_Consigna
+ JOIN vn.ticket t ON t.id = m.Id_Ticket
+ JOIN vn2008.Consignatarios cs ON cs.Id_Consigna = t.addressFk
JOIN vn2008.Clientes c ON c.Id_Cliente = cs.Id_Cliente
- JOIN tmp.ticket_list tt ON tt.Id_Ticket = t.Id_Ticket
+ JOIN tmp.ticket_list tt ON tt.id = t.id
JOIN vn2008.Articles a ON m.Id_Article = a.Id_Article
- JOIN vn2008.empresa e ON e.id = t.empresa_id
+ JOIN vn2008.empresa e ON e.id = t.companyFk
LEFT JOIN vn2008.empresa e2 ON e2.Id_Cliente = c.Id_Cliente
JOIN vn2008.Tipos tp ON tp.tipo_id = a.tipo_id
WHERE Cantidad <> 0
AND Preu <> 0
AND m.Descuento <> 100
AND a.tipo_id != 188
- GROUP BY t.Id_Cliente, grupo,t.empresa_id;
+ GROUP BY t.clientFk, grupo,t.companyFk;
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp.ticket_list;
diff --git a/db/routines/vn/functions/getAlert3StateTest.sql b/db/routines/vn/functions/getAlert3StateTest.sql
index 6a14d80d44..f1a8ac4cc9 100644
--- a/db/routines/vn/functions/getAlert3StateTest.sql
+++ b/db/routines/vn/functions/getAlert3StateTest.sql
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ BEGIN
INTO vDeliveryType
- FROM vn2008.Tickets t
- JOIN vn2008.Agencias a ON a.Id_Agencia = t.Id_Agencia
- WHERE Id_Ticket = vTicket;
+ FROM ticket t
+ JOIN vn2008.Agencias a ON a.Id_Agencia = t.agencyModeFk
+ WHERE t.id = vTicket;
CASE vDeliveryType
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ BEGIN
- SELECT t.warehouse_id <> w.warehouse_id INTO isWaitingForPickUp
- FROM vn2008.Tickets t
+ SELECT t.warehouseFk <> w.warehouse_id INTO isWaitingForPickUp
+ FROM ticket t
LEFT JOIN vn2008.warehouse_pickup w
- ON w.agency_id = t.Id_Agencia AND w.warehouse_id = t.warehouse_id
- WHERE t.Id_Ticket = vTicket;
+ ON w.agency_id = t.agencyModeFk AND w.warehouse_id = t.warehouseFk
+ WHERE t.id = vTicket;
IF isWaitingForPickUp THEN
diff --git a/db/routines/vn/functions/ticketPositionInPath.sql b/db/routines/vn/functions/ticketPositionInPath.sql
index 9bd2c110e7..9a3bb4a0e9 100644
--- a/db/routines/vn/functions/ticketPositionInPath.sql
+++ b/db/routines/vn/functions/ticketPositionInPath.sql
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ SELECT t.routeFk, t.warehouseFk, IFNULL(ts.productionOrder,0)
SELECT (ag.`name` = 'VN_VALENCIA')
INTO vIsValenciaPath
- FROM vn2008.Rutas r
- JOIN vn2008.Agencias a on a.Id_Agencia = r.Id_Agencia
+ FROM `route` r
+ JOIN vn2008.Agencias a on a.Id_Agencia = r.agencyModeFk
JOIN vn2008.agency ag on ag.agency_id = a.agency_id
- WHERE r.Id_Ruta = vMyPath;
+ WHERE r.id = vMyPath;
IF vIsValenciaPath THEN -- Rutas Valencia
diff --git a/db/routines/vn/procedures/collection_assign.sql b/db/routines/vn/procedures/collection_assign.sql
index bfc7b0f932..f6000e87d2 100644
--- a/db/routines/vn/procedures/collection_assign.sql
+++ b/db/routines/vn/procedures/collection_assign.sql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `vn`.`collection_assign`(
vUserFk INT,
OUT vCollectionFk INT
* Comprueba si existen colecciones libres que se ajustan
* al perfil del usuario y le asigna la más antigua.
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ proc:BEGIN
DECLARE vItemPackingTypeFk VARCHAR(1);
DECLARE vWarehouseFk INT;
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ proc:BEGIN
IF vHasTooMuchCollections THEN
CALL util.throw('Hay colecciones pendientes');
- LEAVE proc;
SELECT warehouseFk, itemPackingTypeFk
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ proc:BEGIN
IF NOT GET_LOCK(vLockName, vLockTime) THEN
- LEAVE proc;
+ CALL util.throw(CONCAT('Cannot get lock: ', vLockName));
-- Se eliminan las colecciones sin asignar que estan obsoletas
diff --git a/db/routines/vn/procedures/collection_new.sql b/db/routines/vn/procedures/collection_new.sql
index 1292707af0..f3767ddf33 100644
--- a/db/routines/vn/procedures/collection_new.sql
+++ b/db/routines/vn/procedures/collection_new.sql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `vn`.`collection_new`(vUserFk INT, OUT vCollectionFk INT)
* Genera colecciones de tickets sin asignar trabajador.
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ proc:BEGIN
DECLARE vHasUniqueCollectionTime BOOL;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ proc:BEGIN
IF NOT GET_LOCK(vLockName, vLockTime) THEN
- LEAVE proc;
+ CALL util.throw(CONCAT('Cannot get lock: ', vLockName));
-- Se prepara el tren, con tantos vagones como sea necesario.
diff --git a/db/routines/vn/procedures/company_getSuppliersDebt.sql b/db/routines/vn/procedures/company_getSuppliersDebt.sql
index 50c64669ca..6335ccbe38 100644
--- a/db/routines/vn/procedures/company_getSuppliersDebt.sql
+++ b/db/routines/vn/procedures/company_getSuppliersDebt.sql
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ BEGIN
FROM tPendingDuedates vp
LEFT JOIN supplier s ON s.id = vp.supplierFk
LEFT JOIN client c ON c.fi = s.nif
- JOIN clientRisk cr ON cr.clientFk = c.id
+ LEFT JOIN clientRisk cr ON cr.clientFk = c.id
AND cr.companyFk = vp.companyFk
LEFT JOIN supplierAccount sa ON sa.supplierFk = s.id
LEFT JOIN bankEntity be ON be.id = sa.bankEntityFk
diff --git a/db/routines/vn/procedures/invoiceFromAddress.sql b/db/routines/vn/procedures/invoiceFromAddress.sql
index bde7afd8ca..2879460ce3 100644
--- a/db/routines/vn/procedures/invoiceFromAddress.sql
+++ b/db/routines/vn/procedures/invoiceFromAddress.sql
@@ -8,12 +8,15 @@ BEGIN
- CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp.``ticketToInvoice`
+ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp`.`ticketToInvoice`
(PRIMARY KEY (`id`))
- SELECT Id_Ticket id FROM vn2008.Tickets WHERE (Fecha BETWEEN vMinDateTicket
- AND vMaxTicketDate) AND Id_Consigna = vAddress
- AND Factura IS NULL AND empresa_id = vCompany;
+ FROM ticket
+ WHERE (shipped BETWEEN vMinDateTicket AND vMaxTicketDate)
+ AND addressFk = vAddress
+ AND companyFk = vCompany;
diff --git a/db/routines/vn/procedures/itemShelving_addList.sql b/db/routines/vn/procedures/itemShelving_addList.sql
index c07dd985c2..130007de58 100644
--- a/db/routines/vn/procedures/itemShelving_addList.sql
+++ b/db/routines/vn/procedures/itemShelving_addList.sql
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ BEGIN
UPDATE vn.itemShelving
SET isChecked = vIsChecked
WHERE shelvingFk COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci = vShelvingFk
- AND itemFk = vItemFk;
+ AND itemFk = vItemFk AND isChecked IS NULL;
SET vCounter = vCounter + 1;
diff --git a/db/routines/vn/procedures/item_getSimilar.sql b/db/routines/vn/procedures/item_getSimilar.sql
index 1da60cf705..6f275de86f 100644
--- a/db/routines/vn/procedures/item_getSimilar.sql
+++ b/db/routines/vn/procedures/item_getSimilar.sql
@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ BEGIN
WHEN b.groupingMode = 'packing' THEN b.packing
END AS minQuantity,
- iss.visible located
+ iss.visible located,
+ b.price2
FROM vn.item i
JOIN cache.available a ON a.item_id = i.id
AND a.calc_id = vCalcFk
diff --git a/db/routines/vn/views/ticketMRW.sql b/db/routines/vn/views/ticketMRW.sql
index d612c8742d..26b928ac42 100644
--- a/db/routines/vn/views/ticketMRW.sql
+++ b/db/routines/vn/views/ticketMRW.sql
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`
VIEW `vn`.`ticketMRW`
-AS SELECT `Tickets`.`Id_Agencia` AS `id_Agencia`,
- `Tickets`.`empresa_id` AS `empresa_id`,
+AS SELECT `ticket`.`agencyModeFk` AS `id_Agencia`,
+ `ticket`.`companyFk` AS `empresa_id`,
`Consignatarios`.`consignatario` AS `Consignatario`,
`Consignatarios`.`domicilio` AS `DOMICILIO`,
`Consignatarios`.`poblacion` AS `POBLACION`,
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ AS SELECT `Tickets`.`Id_Agencia` AS `id_Agencia`,
) AS `movil`,
`Clientes`.`if` AS `IF`,
- `Tickets`.`Id_Ticket` AS `Id_Ticket`,
- `Tickets`.`warehouse_id` AS `warehouse_id`,
+ `ticket`.`id` AS `Id_Ticket`,
+ `ticket`.`warehouseFk` AS `warehouse_id`,
`Consignatarios`.`id_consigna` AS `Id_Consigna`,
`Paises`.`Codigo` AS `CodigoPais`,
- `Tickets`.`Fecha` AS `Fecha`,
+ `ticket`.`shipped` AS `Fecha`,
`province`.`province_id` AS `province_id`,
- `Tickets`.`landing` AS `landing`
+ `ticket`.`landed` AS `landing`
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ FROM (
`Clientes`.`id_cliente` = `Consignatarios`.`Id_cliente`
- JOIN `vn2008`.`Tickets` ON(
- `Consignatarios`.`id_consigna` = `Tickets`.`Id_Consigna`
+ JOIN `vn`.`ticket` ON(
+ `Consignatarios`.`id_consigna` = `ticket`.`addressFk`
JOIN `vn2008`.`province` ON(
@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ FROM (
JOIN `vn2008`.`Paises` ON(`province`.`Paises_Id` = `Paises`.`Id`)
- )
+ );
diff --git a/db/routines/vn2008/procedures/availableTraslate.sql b/db/routines/vn2008/procedures/availableTraslate.sql
index a3d2c8bea3..42a7c51c9e 100644
--- a/db/routines/vn2008/procedures/availableTraslate.sql
+++ b/db/routines/vn2008/procedures/availableTraslate.sql
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ proc: BEGIN
-- Calcula algunos parámetros necesarios
SET vDatedFrom = TIMESTAMP(vDated, '00:00:00');
SET vDatedTo = TIMESTAMP(TIMESTAMPADD(DAY, 4, vDated), '23:59:59');
- SELECT FechaInventario INTO vDatedInventory FROM tblContadores;
+ SELECT inventoried INTO vDatedInventory FROM vn.config;
SELECT SUBTIME(util.VN_NOW(), reserveTime) INTO vDatedReserve
FROM hedera.orderConfig;
diff --git a/db/routines/vn2008/views/payrollWorker.sql b/db/routines/vn2008/views/payrollWorker.sql
index d4ada9aa0b..6199e98b89 100644
--- a/db/routines/vn2008/views/payrollWorker.sql
+++ b/db/routines/vn2008/views/payrollWorker.sql
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`
- VIEW `vn2008`.`payroll_employee`
-AS SELECT `pw`.`workerFkA3` AS `CodTrabajador`,
- `pw`.`companyFkA3` AS `codempresa`
-FROM `vn`.`payrollWorker` `pw`
+ VIEW `vn2008`.`payroll_employee` AS
+ `pw`.`workerFkA3` AS `CodTrabajador`,
+ `pw`.`companyFkA3` AS `codempresa`,
+ `pw`.`workerFk` AS `workerFk`
+ `vn`.`payrollWorker` `pw`;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/db/versions/10950-greenArborvitae/00-firstScript.sql b/db/versions/10950-greenArborvitae/00-firstScript.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8d4e31f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/versions/10950-greenArborvitae/00-firstScript.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+-- Place your SQL code here
+ALTER TABLE vn.packaging
+MODIFY COLUMN volume decimal(10,2) CHECK (volume >= COALESCE(width, 1) * COALESCE(depth, 1) * COALESCE(height, 1));
diff --git a/db/versions/10987-tealMonstera/00-firstScript.vn.sql b/db/versions/10987-tealMonstera/00-firstScript.vn.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d24ddd5ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/versions/10987-tealMonstera/00-firstScript.vn.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+-- Place your SQL code here
+USE vn;
+INSERT INTO vn.observationType (description,code) VALUES ('Entrega','dropOff');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/loopback/locale/en.json b/loopback/locale/en.json
index a0e60550f8..9a3a1f52aa 100644
--- a/loopback/locale/en.json
+++ b/loopback/locale/en.json
@@ -1,217 +1,217 @@
- "State cannot be blank": "State cannot be blank",
- "Cannot be blank": "Cannot be blank",
- "The credit must be an integer greater than or equal to zero": "The credit must be an integer greater than or equal to zero",
- "The grade must be an integer greater than or equal to zero": "The grade must be an integer greater than or equal to zero",
- "Invalid email": "Invalid email",
- "Name cannot be blank": "Name cannot be blank",
- "Phone cannot be blank": "Phone cannot be blank",
- "Description should have maximum of 45 characters": "Description should have maximum of 45 characters",
- "Period cannot be blank": "Period cannot be blank",
- "Sample type cannot be blank": "Sample type cannot be blank",
- "That payment method requires an IBAN": "That payment method requires an IBAN",
- "That payment method requires a BIC": "That payment method requires a BIC",
- "The default consignee can not be unchecked": "The default consignee can not be unchecked",
- "Enter an integer different to zero": "Enter an integer different to zero",
- "Package cannot be blank": "Package cannot be blank",
- "The price of the item changed": "The price of the item changed",
- "The sales of this ticket can't be modified": "The sales of this ticket can't be modified",
- "Cannot check Equalization Tax in this NIF/CIF": "Cannot check Equalization Tax in this NIF/CIF",
- "You can't create an order for a frozen client": "You can't create an order for a frozen client",
- "This address doesn't exist": "This address doesn't exist",
- "Warehouse cannot be blank": "Warehouse cannot be blank",
- "Agency cannot be blank": "Agency cannot be blank",
- "The IBAN does not have the correct format": "The IBAN does not have the correct format",
- "You can't make changes on the basic data of an confirmed order or with rows": "You can't make changes on the basic data of an confirmed order or with rows",
- "You can't create a ticket for an inactive client": "You can't create a ticket for an inactive client",
- "Worker cannot be blank": "Worker cannot be blank",
- "You must delete the claim id %d first": "You must delete the claim id %d first",
- "You don't have enough privileges": "You don't have enough privileges",
- "Tag value cannot be blank": "Tag value cannot be blank",
- "A client with that Web User name already exists": "A client with that Web User name already exists",
- "The warehouse can't be repeated": "The warehouse can't be repeated",
- "Barcode must be unique": "Barcode must be unique",
- "You don't have enough privileges to do that": "You don't have enough privileges to do that",
- "You can't create a ticket for a frozen client": "You can't create a ticket for a frozen client",
- "can't be blank": "can't be blank",
- "Street cannot be empty": "Street cannot be empty",
- "City cannot be empty": "City cannot be empty",
- "EXTENSION_INVALID_FORMAT": "Invalid extension",
- "The secret can't be blank": "The secret can't be blank",
- "Invalid TIN": "Invalid Tax number",
- "This ticket can't be invoiced": "This ticket can't be invoiced",
- "The value should be a number": "The value should be a number",
- "The current ticket can't be modified": "The current ticket can't be modified",
- "Extension format is invalid": "Extension format is invalid",
- "This client can't be invoiced": "This client can't be invoiced",
- "You must provide the correction information to generate a corrective invoice": "You must provide the correction information to generate a corrective invoice",
- "The introduced hour already exists": "The introduced hour already exists",
- "Invalid parameters to create a new ticket": "Invalid parameters to create a new ticket",
- "Concept cannot be blank": "Concept cannot be blank",
- "Ticket id cannot be blank": "Ticket id cannot be blank",
- "Weekday cannot be blank": "Weekday cannot be blank",
- "This ticket can not be modified": "This ticket can not be modified",
- "You can't delete a confirmed order": "You can't delete a confirmed order",
- "Value has an invalid format": "Value has an invalid format",
- "The postcode doesn't exist. Please enter a correct one": "The postcode doesn't exist. Please enter a correct one",
- "Swift / BIC can't be empty": "Swift / BIC can't be empty",
- "Deleted sales from ticket": "I have deleted the following lines from the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{deletions}}}",
- "Added sale to ticket": "I have added the following line to the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{addition}}}",
- "Changed sale discount": "I have changed the following lines discounts from the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
- "Created claim": "I have created the claim [{{claimId}}]({{{claimUrl}}}) for the following lines from the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
- "Changed sale price": "I have changed the price of [{{itemId}} {{concept}}]({{{itemUrl}}}) ({{quantity}}) from {{oldPrice}}€ ➔ *{{newPrice}}€* of the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}})",
- "Changed sale quantity": "I have changed the quantity of [{{itemId}} {{concept}}]({{{itemUrl}}}) from {{oldQuantity}} ➔ *{{newQuantity}}* of the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}})",
- "Changed sale reserved state": "I have changed the following lines reserved state from the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
- "Bought units from buy request": "Bought {{quantity}} units of [{{itemId}} {{concept}}]({{{urlItem}}}) for the ticket id [{{ticketId}}]({{{url}}})",
- "MESSAGE_INSURANCE_CHANGE": "I have changed the insurence credit of client [{{clientName}} ({{clientId}})]({{{url}}}) to *{{credit}} €*",
- "Changed client paymethod": "I have changed the pay method for client [{{clientName}} ({{clientId}})]({{{url}}})",
- "Sent units from ticket": "I sent *{{quantity}}* units of [{{concept}} ({{itemId}})]({{{itemUrl}}}) to *\"{{nickname}}\"* coming from ticket id [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}})",
- "Change quantity": "{{concept}} change of {{oldQuantity}} to {{newQuantity}}",
- "Claim will be picked": "The product from the claim [({{claimId}})]({{{claimUrl}}}) from the client *{{clientName}}* will be picked, with the pickup type *{{claimPickup}}*",
- "Claim state has changed to": "The state of the claim [({{claimId}})]({{{claimUrl}}}) from client *{{clientName}}* has changed to *{{newState}}*",
- "Customs agent is required for a non UEE member": "Customs agent is required for a non UEE member",
- "Incoterms is required for a non UEE member": "Incoterms is required for a non UEE member",
- "Client checked as validated despite of duplication": "Client checked as validated despite of duplication from client id {{clientId}}",
- "Landing cannot be lesser than shipment": "Landing cannot be lesser than shipment",
- "NOT_ZONE_WITH_THIS_PARAMETERS": "There's no zone available for this day",
- "Created absence": "The worker {{author}} has added an absence of type '{{absenceType}}' to {{employee}} for day {{dated}}.",
- "Deleted absence": "The worker {{author}} has deleted an absence of type '{{absenceType}}' to {{employee}} for day {{dated}}.",
- "I have deleted the ticket id": "I have deleted the ticket id [{{id}}]({{{url}}})",
- "I have restored the ticket id": "I have restored the ticket id [{{id}}]({{{url}}})",
- "Changed this data from the ticket": "I have changed the data from the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
- "The grade must be similar to the last one": "The grade must be similar to the last one",
- "agencyModeFk": "Agency",
- "clientFk": "Client",
- "zoneFk": "Zone",
- "warehouseFk": "Warehouse",
- "shipped": "Shipped",
- "landed": "Landed",
- "addressFk": "Address",
- "companyFk": "Company",
- "agency": "Agency",
- "delivery": "Delivery",
- "You need to fill sage information before you check verified data": "You need to fill sage information before you check verified data",
- "The social name cannot be empty": "The social name cannot be empty",
- "The nif cannot be empty": "The nif cannot be empty",
- "Amount cannot be zero": "Amount cannot be zero",
- "Company has to be official": "Company has to be official",
- "Unable to clone this travel": "Unable to clone this travel",
- "The observation type can't be repeated": "The observation type can't be repeated",
- "New ticket request has been created with price": "New ticket request has been created *'{{description}}'* for day *{{shipped}}*, with a quantity of *{{quantity}}* and a price of *{{price}} €*",
- "New ticket request has been created": "New ticket request has been created *'{{description}}'* for day *{{shipped}}*, with a quantity of *{{quantity}}*",
- "There's a new urgent ticket": "There's a new urgent ticket: [{{title}}](https://cau.verdnatura.es/WorkOrder.do?woMode=viewWO&woID={{issueId}})",
- "Swift / BIC cannot be empty": "Swift / BIC cannot be empty",
- "Role name must be written in camelCase": "Role name must be written in camelCase",
- "Client assignment has changed": "I did change the salesperson ~*\"<{{previousWorkerName}}>\"*~ by *\"<{{currentWorkerName}}>\"* from the client [{{clientName}} ({{clientId}})]({{{url}}})",
- "None": "None",
- "error densidad = 0": "error densidad = 0",
- "This document already exists on this ticket": "This document already exists on this ticket",
- "serial non editable": "This serial doesn't allow to set a reference",
- "nickname": "nickname",
- "State": "State",
- "regular": "regular",
- "reserved": "reserved",
- "Global invoicing failed": "[Global invoicing] Wasn't able to invoice some of the clients",
- "A ticket with a negative base can't be invoiced": "A ticket with a negative base can't be invoiced",
- "This client is not invoiceable": "This client is not invoiceable",
- "INACTIVE_PROVIDER": "Inactive provider",
- "reference duplicated": "reference duplicated",
- "The PDF document does not exist": "The PDF document does not exists. Try regenerating it from 'Regenerate invoice PDF' option",
- "This item is not available": "This item is not available",
- "Deny buy request": "Purchase request for ticket id [{{ticketId}}]({{{url}}}) has been rejected. Reason: {{observation}}",
- "The type of business must be filled in basic data": "The type of business must be filled in basic data",
- "The worker has hours recorded that day": "The worker has hours recorded that day",
- "isWithoutNegatives": "isWithoutNegatives",
- "routeFk": "routeFk",
- "Not enough privileges to edit a client with verified data": "Not enough privileges to edit a client with verified data",
- "Can't change the password of another worker": "Can't change the password of another worker",
- "No hay un contrato en vigor": "There is no existing contract",
- "No está permitido trabajar": "Not allowed to work",
- "Dirección incorrecta": "Wrong direction",
- "No se permite fichar a futuro": "It is not allowed to sign in the future",
- "Descanso diario 12h.": "Daily rest 12h.",
- "Fichadas impares": "Odd signs",
- "Descanso diario 9h.": "Daily rest 9h.",
- "Descanso semanal 36h. / 72h.": "Weekly rest 36h. / 72h.",
- "Verify email": "Verify email",
- "Click on the following link to verify this email. If you haven't requested this email, just ignore it": "Click on the following link to verify this email. If you haven't requested this email, just ignore it",
- "Password does not meet requirements": "Password does not meet requirements",
- "You don't have privileges to change the zone": "You don't have privileges to change the zone or for these parameters there are more than one shipping options, talk to agencies",
- "Not enough privileges to edit a client": "Not enough privileges to edit a client",
- "Claim pickup order sent": "Claim pickup order sent [{{claimId}}]({{{claimUrl}}}) to client *{{clientName}}*",
- "You don't have grant privilege": "You don't have grant privilege",
- "You don't own the role and you can't assign it to another user": "You don't own the role and you can't assign it to another user",
- "Email verify": "Email verify",
- "Ticket merged": "Ticket [{{originId}}]({{{originFullPath}}}) ({{{originDated}}}) merged with [{{destinationId}}]({{{destinationFullPath}}}) ({{{destinationDated}}})",
- "App locked": "App locked by user {{userId}}",
- "The sales of the receiver ticket can't be modified": "The sales of the receiver ticket can't be modified",
- "Receipt's bank was not found": "Receipt's bank was not found",
- "This receipt was not compensated": "This receipt was not compensated",
- "Client's email was not found": "Client's email was not found",
- "Tickets with associated refunds": "Tickets with associated refunds can't be deleted. This ticket is associated with refund Nº %d",
- "It is not possible to modify tracked sales": "It is not possible to modify tracked sales",
- "It is not possible to modify sales that their articles are from Floramondo": "It is not possible to modify sales that their articles are from Floramondo",
- "It is not possible to modify cloned sales": "It is not possible to modify cloned sales",
- "Warehouse inventory not set": "Almacén inventario no está establecido",
- "Component cost not set": "Componente coste no está estabecido",
- "Description cannot be blank": "Description cannot be blank",
- "company": "Company",
- "country": "Country",
- "clientId": "Id client",
- "clientSocialName": "Client",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "taxableBase": "Taxable base",
- "ticketFk": "Id ticket",
- "isActive": "Active",
- "hasToInvoice": "Invoice",
- "isTaxDataChecked": "Data checked",
- "comercialId": "Id Comercial",
- "comercialName": "Comercial",
- "Added observation": "Added observation",
- "Comment added to client": "Comment added to client",
- "This ticket is already a refund": "This ticket is already a refund",
- "A claim with that sale already exists": "A claim with that sale already exists",
- "Pass expired": "The password has expired, change it from Salix",
- "Can't transfer claimed sales": "Can't transfer claimed sales",
- "Invalid quantity": "Invalid quantity",
- "Failed to upload delivery note": "Error to upload delivery note {{id}}",
- "Mail not sent": "There has been an error sending the invoice to the client [{{clientId}}]({{{clientUrl}}}), please check the email address",
- "The renew period has not been exceeded": "The renew period has not been exceeded",
- "You can not use the same password": "You can not use the same password",
- "Valid priorities": "Valid priorities: %d",
- "hasAnyNegativeBase": "Negative basis of tickets: {{ticketsIds}}",
- "hasAnyPositiveBase": "Positive basis of tickets: {{ticketsIds}}",
- "This ticket cannot be left empty.": "This ticket cannot be left empty. %s",
- "Social name should be uppercase": "Social name should be uppercase",
- "Street should be uppercase": "Street should be uppercase",
- "You don't have enough privileges.": "You don't have enough privileges.",
- "This ticket is locked": "This ticket is locked",
- "This ticket is not editable.": "This ticket is not editable.",
- "The ticket doesn't exist.": "The ticket doesn't exist.",
- "The sales do not exists": "The sales do not exists",
- "Ticket without Route": "Ticket without route",
- "Select a different client": "Select a different client",
- "Fill all the fields": "Fill all the fields",
- "Error while generating PDF": "Error while generating PDF",
- "Can't invoice to future": "Can't invoice to future",
- "This ticket is already invoiced": "This ticket is already invoiced",
- "Negative basis of tickets: 23": "Negative basis of tickets: 23",
- "Booking completed": "Booking complete",
- "The ticket is in preparation": "The ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) of the sales person {{salesPersonId}} is in preparation",
- "You can only add negative amounts in refund tickets": "You can only add negative amounts in refund tickets",
- "Bank entity must be specified": "Bank entity must be specified",
- "Try again": "Try again",
- "keepPrice": "keepPrice",
- "Cannot past travels with entries": "Cannot past travels with entries",
- "It was not able to remove the next expeditions:": "It was not able to remove the next expeditions: {{expeditions}}",
- "Incorrect pin": "Incorrect pin.",
- "The notification subscription of this worker cant be modified": "The notification subscription of this worker cant be modified",
- "Name should be uppercase": "Name should be uppercase",
- "You cannot update these fields": "You cannot update these fields",
- "CountryFK cannot be empty": "Country cannot be empty",
- "You are not allowed to modify the alias": "You are not allowed to modify the alias",
- "You already have the mailAlias": "You already have the mailAlias",
+ "State cannot be blank": "State cannot be blank",
+ "Cannot be blank": "Cannot be blank",
+ "The credit must be an integer greater than or equal to zero": "The credit must be an integer greater than or equal to zero",
+ "The grade must be an integer greater than or equal to zero": "The grade must be an integer greater than or equal to zero",
+ "Invalid email": "Invalid email",
+ "Name cannot be blank": "Name cannot be blank",
+ "Phone cannot be blank": "Phone cannot be blank",
+ "Description should have maximum of 45 characters": "Description should have maximum of 45 characters",
+ "Period cannot be blank": "Period cannot be blank",
+ "Sample type cannot be blank": "Sample type cannot be blank",
+ "That payment method requires an IBAN": "That payment method requires an IBAN",
+ "That payment method requires a BIC": "That payment method requires a BIC",
+ "The default consignee can not be unchecked": "The default consignee can not be unchecked",
+ "Enter an integer different to zero": "Enter an integer different to zero",
+ "Package cannot be blank": "Package cannot be blank",
+ "The price of the item changed": "The price of the item changed",
+ "The sales of this ticket can't be modified": "The sales of this ticket can't be modified",
+ "Cannot check Equalization Tax in this NIF/CIF": "Cannot check Equalization Tax in this NIF/CIF",
+ "You can't create an order for a frozen client": "You can't create an order for a frozen client",
+ "This address doesn't exist": "This address doesn't exist",
+ "Warehouse cannot be blank": "Warehouse cannot be blank",
+ "Agency cannot be blank": "Agency cannot be blank",
+ "The IBAN does not have the correct format": "The IBAN does not have the correct format",
+ "You can't make changes on the basic data of an confirmed order or with rows": "You can't make changes on the basic data of an confirmed order or with rows",
+ "You can't create a ticket for an inactive client": "You can't create a ticket for an inactive client",
+ "Worker cannot be blank": "Worker cannot be blank",
+ "You must delete the claim id %d first": "You must delete the claim id %d first",
+ "You don't have enough privileges": "You don't have enough privileges",
+ "Tag value cannot be blank": "Tag value cannot be blank",
+ "A client with that Web User name already exists": "A client with that Web User name already exists",
+ "The warehouse can't be repeated": "The warehouse can't be repeated",
+ "Barcode must be unique": "Barcode must be unique",
+ "You don't have enough privileges to do that": "You don't have enough privileges to do that",
+ "You can't create a ticket for a frozen client": "You can't create a ticket for a frozen client",
+ "can't be blank": "can't be blank",
+ "Street cannot be empty": "Street cannot be empty",
+ "City cannot be empty": "City cannot be empty",
+ "EXTENSION_INVALID_FORMAT": "Invalid extension",
+ "The secret can't be blank": "The secret can't be blank",
+ "Invalid TIN": "Invalid Tax number",
+ "This ticket can't be invoiced": "This ticket can't be invoiced",
+ "The value should be a number": "The value should be a number",
+ "The current ticket can't be modified": "The current ticket can't be modified",
+ "Extension format is invalid": "Extension format is invalid",
+ "This client can't be invoiced": "This client can't be invoiced",
+ "You must provide the correction information to generate a corrective invoice": "You must provide the correction information to generate a corrective invoice",
+ "The introduced hour already exists": "The introduced hour already exists",
+ "Invalid parameters to create a new ticket": "Invalid parameters to create a new ticket",
+ "Concept cannot be blank": "Concept cannot be blank",
+ "Ticket id cannot be blank": "Ticket id cannot be blank",
+ "Weekday cannot be blank": "Weekday cannot be blank",
+ "This ticket can not be modified": "This ticket can not be modified",
+ "You can't delete a confirmed order": "You can't delete a confirmed order",
+ "Value has an invalid format": "Value has an invalid format",
+ "The postcode doesn't exist. Please enter a correct one": "The postcode doesn't exist. Please enter a correct one",
+ "Swift / BIC can't be empty": "Swift / BIC can't be empty",
+ "Deleted sales from ticket": "I have deleted the following lines from the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{deletions}}}",
+ "Added sale to ticket": "I have added the following line to the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{addition}}}",
+ "Changed sale discount": "I have changed the following lines discounts from the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
+ "Created claim": "I have created the claim [{{claimId}}]({{{claimUrl}}}) for the following lines from the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
+ "Changed sale price": "I have changed the price of [{{itemId}} {{concept}}]({{{itemUrl}}}) ({{quantity}}) from {{oldPrice}}€ ➔ *{{newPrice}}€* of the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}})",
+ "Changed sale quantity": "I have changed the quantity of [{{itemId}} {{concept}}]({{{itemUrl}}}) from {{oldQuantity}} ➔ *{{newQuantity}}* of the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}})",
+ "Changed sale reserved state": "I have changed the following lines reserved state from the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
+ "Bought units from buy request": "Bought {{quantity}} units of [{{itemId}} {{concept}}]({{{urlItem}}}) for the ticket id [{{ticketId}}]({{{url}}})",
+ "MESSAGE_INSURANCE_CHANGE": "I have changed the insurence credit of client [{{clientName}} ({{clientId}})]({{{url}}}) to *{{credit}} €*",
+ "Changed client paymethod": "I have changed the pay method for client [{{clientName}} ({{clientId}})]({{{url}}})",
+ "Sent units from ticket": "I sent *{{quantity}}* units of [{{concept}} ({{itemId}})]({{{itemUrl}}}) to *\"{{nickname}}\"* coming from ticket id [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}})",
+ "Change quantity": "{{concept}} change of {{oldQuantity}} to {{newQuantity}}",
+ "Claim will be picked": "The product from the claim [({{claimId}})]({{{claimUrl}}}) from the client *{{clientName}}* will be picked, with the pickup type *{{claimPickup}}*",
+ "Claim state has changed to": "The state of the claim [({{claimId}})]({{{claimUrl}}}) from client *{{clientName}}* has changed to *{{newState}}*",
+ "Customs agent is required for a non UEE member": "Customs agent is required for a non UEE member",
+ "Incoterms is required for a non UEE member": "Incoterms is required for a non UEE member",
+ "Client checked as validated despite of duplication": "Client checked as validated despite of duplication from client id {{clientId}}",
+ "Landing cannot be lesser than shipment": "Landing cannot be lesser than shipment",
+ "NOT_ZONE_WITH_THIS_PARAMETERS": "There's no zone available for this day",
+ "Created absence": "The worker {{author}} has added an absence of type '{{absenceType}}' to {{employee}} for day {{dated}}.",
+ "Deleted absence": "The worker {{author}} has deleted an absence of type '{{absenceType}}' to {{employee}} for day {{dated}}.",
+ "I have deleted the ticket id": "I have deleted the ticket id [{{id}}]({{{url}}})",
+ "I have restored the ticket id": "I have restored the ticket id [{{id}}]({{{url}}})",
+ "Changed this data from the ticket": "I have changed the data from the ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
+ "The grade must be similar to the last one": "The grade must be similar to the last one",
+ "agencyModeFk": "Agency",
+ "clientFk": "Client",
+ "zoneFk": "Zone",
+ "warehouseFk": "Warehouse",
+ "shipped": "Shipped",
+ "landed": "Landed",
+ "addressFk": "Address",
+ "companyFk": "Company",
+ "agency": "Agency",
+ "delivery": "Delivery",
+ "You need to fill sage information before you check verified data": "You need to fill sage information before you check verified data",
+ "The social name cannot be empty": "The social name cannot be empty",
+ "The nif cannot be empty": "The nif cannot be empty",
+ "Amount cannot be zero": "Amount cannot be zero",
+ "Company has to be official": "Company has to be official",
+ "Unable to clone this travel": "Unable to clone this travel",
+ "The observation type can't be repeated": "The observation type can't be repeated",
+ "New ticket request has been created with price": "New ticket request has been created *'{{description}}'* for day *{{shipped}}*, with a quantity of *{{quantity}}* and a price of *{{price}} €*",
+ "New ticket request has been created": "New ticket request has been created *'{{description}}'* for day *{{shipped}}*, with a quantity of *{{quantity}}*",
+ "There's a new urgent ticket": "There's a new urgent ticket: [{{title}}](https://cau.verdnatura.es/WorkOrder.do?woMode=viewWO&woID={{issueId}})",
+ "Swift / BIC cannot be empty": "Swift / BIC cannot be empty",
+ "Role name must be written in camelCase": "Role name must be written in camelCase",
+ "Client assignment has changed": "I did change the salesperson ~*\"<{{previousWorkerName}}>\"*~ by *\"<{{currentWorkerName}}>\"* from the client [{{clientName}} ({{clientId}})]({{{url}}})",
+ "None": "None",
+ "error densidad = 0": "error densidad = 0",
+ "This document already exists on this ticket": "This document already exists on this ticket",
+ "serial non editable": "This serial doesn't allow to set a reference",
+ "nickname": "nickname",
+ "State": "State",
+ "regular": "regular",
+ "reserved": "reserved",
+ "Global invoicing failed": "[Global invoicing] Wasn't able to invoice some of the clients",
+ "A ticket with a negative base can't be invoiced": "A ticket with a negative base can't be invoiced",
+ "This client is not invoiceable": "This client is not invoiceable",
+ "INACTIVE_PROVIDER": "Inactive provider",
+ "reference duplicated": "reference duplicated",
+ "The PDF document does not exist": "The PDF document does not exists. Try regenerating it from 'Regenerate invoice PDF' option",
+ "This item is not available": "This item is not available",
+ "Deny buy request": "Purchase request for ticket id [{{ticketId}}]({{{url}}}) has been rejected. Reason: {{observation}}",
+ "The type of business must be filled in basic data": "The type of business must be filled in basic data",
+ "The worker has hours recorded that day": "The worker has hours recorded that day",
+ "isWithoutNegatives": "isWithoutNegatives",
+ "routeFk": "routeFk",
+ "Not enough privileges to edit a client with verified data": "Not enough privileges to edit a client with verified data",
+ "Can't change the password of another worker": "Can't change the password of another worker",
+ "No hay un contrato en vigor": "There is no existing contract",
+ "No está permitido trabajar": "Not allowed to work",
+ "Dirección incorrecta": "Wrong direction",
+ "No se permite fichar a futuro": "It is not allowed to sign in the future",
+ "Descanso diario 12h.": "Daily rest 12h.",
+ "Fichadas impares": "Odd signs",
+ "Descanso diario 9h.": "Daily rest 9h.",
+ "Descanso semanal 36h. / 72h.": "Weekly rest 36h. / 72h.",
+ "Verify email": "Verify email",
+ "Click on the following link to verify this email. If you haven't requested this email, just ignore it": "Click on the following link to verify this email. If you haven't requested this email, just ignore it",
+ "Password does not meet requirements": "Password does not meet requirements",
+ "You don't have privileges to change the zone": "You don't have privileges to change the zone or for these parameters there are more than one shipping options, talk to agencies",
+ "Not enough privileges to edit a client": "Not enough privileges to edit a client",
+ "Claim pickup order sent": "Claim pickup order sent [{{claimId}}]({{{claimUrl}}}) to client *{{clientName}}*",
+ "You don't have grant privilege": "You don't have grant privilege",
+ "You don't own the role and you can't assign it to another user": "You don't own the role and you can't assign it to another user",
+ "Email verify": "Email verify",
+ "Ticket merged": "Ticket [{{originId}}]({{{originFullPath}}}) ({{{originDated}}}) merged with [{{destinationId}}]({{{destinationFullPath}}}) ({{{destinationDated}}})",
+ "App locked": "App locked by user {{userId}}",
+ "The sales of the receiver ticket can't be modified": "The sales of the receiver ticket can't be modified",
+ "Receipt's bank was not found": "Receipt's bank was not found",
+ "This receipt was not compensated": "This receipt was not compensated",
+ "Client's email was not found": "Client's email was not found",
+ "Tickets with associated refunds": "Tickets with associated refunds can't be deleted. This ticket is associated with refund Nº %d",
+ "It is not possible to modify tracked sales": "It is not possible to modify tracked sales",
+ "It is not possible to modify sales that their articles are from Floramondo": "It is not possible to modify sales that their articles are from Floramondo",
+ "It is not possible to modify cloned sales": "It is not possible to modify cloned sales",
+ "Warehouse inventory not set": "Almacén inventario no está establecido",
+ "Component cost not set": "Componente coste no está estabecido",
+ "Description cannot be blank": "Description cannot be blank",
+ "company": "Company",
+ "country": "Country",
+ "clientId": "Id client",
+ "clientSocialName": "Client",
+ "amount": "Amount",
+ "taxableBase": "Taxable base",
+ "ticketFk": "Id ticket",
+ "isActive": "Active",
+ "hasToInvoice": "Invoice",
+ "isTaxDataChecked": "Data checked",
+ "comercialId": "Id Comercial",
+ "comercialName": "Comercial",
+ "Added observation": "Added observation",
+ "Comment added to client": "Comment added to client",
+ "This ticket is already a refund": "This ticket is already a refund",
+ "A claim with that sale already exists": "A claim with that sale already exists",
+ "Pass expired": "The password has expired, change it from Salix",
+ "Can't transfer claimed sales": "Can't transfer claimed sales",
+ "Invalid quantity": "Invalid quantity",
+ "Failed to upload delivery note": "Error to upload delivery note {{id}}",
+ "Mail not sent": "There has been an error sending the invoice to the client [{{clientId}}]({{{clientUrl}}}), please check the email address",
+ "The renew period has not been exceeded": "The renew period has not been exceeded",
+ "You can not use the same password": "You can not use the same password",
+ "Valid priorities": "Valid priorities: %d",
+ "hasAnyNegativeBase": "Negative basis of tickets: {{ticketsIds}}",
+ "hasAnyPositiveBase": "Positive basis of tickets: {{ticketsIds}}",
+ "This ticket cannot be left empty.": "This ticket cannot be left empty. %s",
+ "Social name should be uppercase": "Social name should be uppercase",
+ "Street should be uppercase": "Street should be uppercase",
+ "You don't have enough privileges.": "You don't have enough privileges.",
+ "This ticket is locked": "This ticket is locked",
+ "This ticket is not editable.": "This ticket is not editable.",
+ "The ticket doesn't exist.": "The ticket doesn't exist.",
+ "The sales do not exists": "The sales do not exists",
+ "Ticket without Route": "Ticket without route",
+ "Select a different client": "Select a different client",
+ "Fill all the fields": "Fill all the fields",
+ "Error while generating PDF": "Error while generating PDF",
+ "Can't invoice to future": "Can't invoice to future",
+ "This ticket is already invoiced": "This ticket is already invoiced",
+ "Negative basis of tickets: 23": "Negative basis of tickets: 23",
+ "Booking completed": "Booking complete",
+ "The ticket is in preparation": "The ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) of the sales person {{salesPersonId}} is in preparation",
+ "You can only add negative amounts in refund tickets": "You can only add negative amounts in refund tickets",
+ "Bank entity must be specified": "Bank entity must be specified",
+ "Try again": "Try again",
+ "keepPrice": "keepPrice",
+ "Cannot past travels with entries": "Cannot past travels with entries",
+ "It was not able to remove the next expeditions:": "It was not able to remove the next expeditions: {{expeditions}}",
+ "Incorrect pin": "Incorrect pin.",
+ "The notification subscription of this worker cant be modified": "The notification subscription of this worker cant be modified",
+ "Name should be uppercase": "Name should be uppercase",
+ "You cannot update these fields": "You cannot update these fields",
+ "CountryFK cannot be empty": "Country cannot be empty",
+ "You are not allowed to modify the alias": "You are not allowed to modify the alias",
+ "You already have the mailAlias": "You already have the mailAlias",
"This machine is already in use.": "This machine is already in use.",
"the plate does not exist": "The plate {{plate}} does not exist",
"We do not have availability for the selected item": "We do not have availability for the selected item",
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@
"printerNotExists": "The printer does not exist",
"There are not picking tickets": "There are not picking tickets",
"ticketCommercial": "The ticket {{ ticket }} for the salesperson {{ salesMan }} is in preparation. (automatically generated message)",
- "This password can only be changed by the user themselves": "This password can only be changed by the user themselves",
- "They're not your subordinate": "They're not your subordinate"
+ "This password can only be changed by the user themselves": "This password can only be changed by the user themselves",
+ "They're not your subordinate": "They're not your subordinate",
+ "InvoiceIn is already booked": "InvoiceIn is already booked"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/claimPickupPdf.js b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/claimPickupPdf.js
index 4b66bd418c..232c134f6d 100644
--- a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/claimPickupPdf.js
+++ b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/claimPickupPdf.js
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/:id/claim-pickup-pdf',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.claimPickupPdf = (ctx, id) => Self.printReport(ctx, id, 'claim-pickup-order');
diff --git a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/downloadFile.js b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/downloadFile.js
index 61784f39e7..ffcf513674 100644
--- a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/downloadFile.js
+++ b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/downloadFile.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: `/:id/downloadFile`,
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.downloadFile = async function(ctx, id) {
diff --git a/modules/client/back/methods/client/campaignMetricsPdf.js b/modules/client/back/methods/client/campaignMetricsPdf.js
index 20c35494e0..dc89a68027 100644
--- a/modules/client/back/methods/client/campaignMetricsPdf.js
+++ b/modules/client/back/methods/client/campaignMetricsPdf.js
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/:id/campaign-metrics-pdf',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.campaignMetricsPdf = (ctx, id) => Self.printReport(ctx, id, 'campaign-metrics');
diff --git a/modules/entry/back/methods/entry/entryOrderPdf.js b/modules/entry/back/methods/entry/entryOrderPdf.js
index 93c1b6bd96..7a432123ea 100644
--- a/modules/entry/back/methods/entry/entryOrderPdf.js
+++ b/modules/entry/back/methods/entry/entryOrderPdf.js
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/:id/entry-order-pdf',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.entryOrderPdf = (ctx, id) => Self.printReport(ctx, id, 'entry-order');
diff --git a/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/download.js b/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/download.js
index cb71121d5d..748e2df17b 100644
--- a/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/download.js
+++ b/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/download.js
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/:id/download',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.download = async function(ctx, id, options) {
diff --git a/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/downloadZip.js b/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/downloadZip.js
index 4f2a8aab3a..8d6e7c6d9c 100644
--- a/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/downloadZip.js
+++ b/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/downloadZip.js
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/downloadZip',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.downloadZip = async function(ctx, ids, options) {
diff --git a/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/exportationPdf.js b/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/exportationPdf.js
index 0b08aec6d7..6c4845c11e 100644
--- a/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/exportationPdf.js
+++ b/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/exportationPdf.js
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/:reference/exportation-pdf',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.exportationPdf = (ctx, reference) => Self.printReport(ctx, reference, 'exportation');
diff --git a/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/invoiceCsv.js b/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/invoiceCsv.js
index 6822e5a238..fd754d51bb 100644
--- a/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/invoiceCsv.js
+++ b/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/invoiceCsv.js
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/:reference/invoice-csv',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.invoiceCsv = async reference => {
diff --git a/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/negativeBasesCsv.js b/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/negativeBasesCsv.js
index 6ac56b68ca..3e466d1f44 100644
--- a/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/negativeBasesCsv.js
+++ b/modules/invoiceOut/back/methods/invoiceOut/negativeBasesCsv.js
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/negativeBasesCsv',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.negativeBasesCsv = async(ctx, options) => {
diff --git a/modules/item/back/methods/item-image-queue/download.js b/modules/item/back/methods/item-image-queue/download.js
index e1bc248ae9..001a2b9504 100644
--- a/modules/item/back/methods/item-image-queue/download.js
+++ b/modules/item/back/methods/item-image-queue/download.js
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: `/download`,
verb: 'POST',
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.download = async() => {
diff --git a/modules/route/back/methods/route/cmr.js b/modules/route/back/methods/route/cmr.js
index 08a8182e0b..5033dee2f5 100644
--- a/modules/route/back/methods/route/cmr.js
+++ b/modules/route/back/methods/route/cmr.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/:id/cmr',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.cmr = (ctx, id) => Self.printReport(ctx, id, 'cmr');
diff --git a/modules/route/back/methods/route/downloadCmrsZip.js b/modules/route/back/methods/route/downloadCmrsZip.js
index 43f6e9648f..c6934edca4 100644
--- a/modules/route/back/methods/route/downloadCmrsZip.js
+++ b/modules/route/back/methods/route/downloadCmrsZip.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/downloadCmrsZip',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.downloadCmrsZip = async function(ctx, ids, options) {
diff --git a/modules/route/back/methods/route/downloadZip.js b/modules/route/back/methods/route/downloadZip.js
index d7fc30aa38..8eecf62e42 100644
--- a/modules/route/back/methods/route/downloadZip.js
+++ b/modules/route/back/methods/route/downloadZip.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/downloadZip',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.downloadZip = async function(ctx, id, options) {
diff --git a/modules/route/back/methods/route/driverRoutePdf.js b/modules/route/back/methods/route/driverRoutePdf.js
index e7b4dee176..69b26d8467 100644
--- a/modules/route/back/methods/route/driverRoutePdf.js
+++ b/modules/route/back/methods/route/driverRoutePdf.js
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/:id/driver-route-pdf',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
diff --git a/modules/route/back/methods/route/getTickets.js b/modules/route/back/methods/route/getTickets.js
index 59ba389ed9..2393018cf0 100644
--- a/modules/route/back/methods/route/getTickets.js
+++ b/modules/route/back/methods/route/getTickets.js
@@ -43,14 +43,15 @@ module.exports = Self => {
st.code ticketStateCode,
st.name ticketStateName,
wh.name warehouseName,
- tob.description ticketObservation,
+ tob.description observationDelivery,
+ tob2.description observationDropOff,
+ tob2.id,
am.name agencyModeName,
u.nickname userNickname,
vn.ticketTotalVolume(t.id) volume,
- tob.description,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT i.itemPackingTypeFk ORDER BY i.itemPackingTypeFk) ipt,
c.phone clientPhone,
c.mobile clientMobile,
@@ -72,6 +73,9 @@ module.exports = Self => {
LEFT JOIN observationType ot ON ot.code = 'delivery'
LEFT JOIN ticketObservation tob ON tob.ticketFk = t.id
AND tob.observationTypeFk = ot.id
+ LEFT JOIN observationType ot2 ON ot2.code = 'dropOff'
+ LEFT JOIN ticketObservation tob2 ON tob2.ticketFk = t.id
+ AND tob2.observationTypeFk = ot2.id
LEFT JOIN address a ON a.id = t.addressFk
LEFT JOIN agencyMode am ON am.id = t.agencyModeFk
LEFT JOIN account.user u ON u.id = r.workerFk
diff --git a/modules/supplier/back/methods/supplier/campaignMetricsPdf.js b/modules/supplier/back/methods/supplier/campaignMetricsPdf.js
index 51c626e69f..58282747dc 100644
--- a/modules/supplier/back/methods/supplier/campaignMetricsPdf.js
+++ b/modules/supplier/back/methods/supplier/campaignMetricsPdf.js
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/:id/campaign-metrics-pdf',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.campaignMetricsPdf = (ctx, id) => Self.printReport(ctx, id, 'supplier-campaign-metrics');
diff --git a/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket-observation/addDropOff.js b/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket-observation/addDropOff.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f773f5935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket-observation/addDropOff.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+module.exports = Self => {
+ Self.remoteMethod('addDropOff', {
+ description: 'Add a dropOff note in a ticket',
+ accessType: 'WRITE',
+ accepts: [{
+ arg: 'ticketFk',
+ type: 'number',
+ required: true,
+ description: 'ticket ID'
+ }, {
+ arg: 'note',
+ type: 'string',
+ required: true,
+ description: 'note text'
+ }],
+ http: {
+ path: `/addDropOff`,
+ verb: 'post'
+ }
+ });
+ Self.addDropOff = async(ticketFk, note, options) => {
+ const models = Self.app.models;
+ const myOptions = {};
+ if (typeof options == 'object')
+ Object.assign(myOptions, options);
+ const observationTypeDropOff = await models.ObservationType.findOne({
+ where: {code: 'dropOff'}
+ }, myOptions);
+ await models.TicketObservation.create({
+ ticketFk: ticketFk,
+ observationTypeFk: observationTypeDropOff.id,
+ description: note
+ }, myOptions);
+ };
diff --git a/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket-observation/specs/addDropOff.spec.js b/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket-observation/specs/addDropOff.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82c6929469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket-observation/specs/addDropOff.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+const {models} = require('vn-loopback/server/server');
+describe('ticketObservation addDropOff()', () => {
+ const ticketFk = 5;
+ const note = 'DropOff note';
+ const code = 'dropOff';
+ it('should return a dropOff note', async() => {
+ const tx = await models.TicketObservation.beginTransaction({});
+ try {
+ const options = {transaction: tx};
+ await models.TicketObservation.addDropOff(
+ ticketFk, note, options);
+ const observationTypeDropOff = await models.TicketObservation.find({
+ where: {
+ ticketFk,
+ code
+ }
+ }, options);
+ expect(observationTypeDropOff.length).toEqual(1);
+ await tx.rollback();
+ } catch (e) {
+ await tx.rollback();
+ throw e;
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket/deliveryNoteCsv.js b/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket/deliveryNoteCsv.js
index 9fa3c183ec..f02debba8e 100644
--- a/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket/deliveryNoteCsv.js
+++ b/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket/deliveryNoteCsv.js
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/:id/delivery-note-csv',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.deliveryNoteCsv = async id => {
diff --git a/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket/deliveryNotePdf.js b/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket/deliveryNotePdf.js
index adc9e44353..205f4ba7b4 100644
--- a/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket/deliveryNotePdf.js
+++ b/modules/ticket/back/methods/ticket/deliveryNotePdf.js
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/:id/delivery-note-pdf',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.deliveryNotePdf = (ctx, id) => Self.printReport(ctx, id, 'delivery-note');
diff --git a/modules/ticket/back/models/ticket-observation.js b/modules/ticket/back/models/ticket-observation.js
index 77d15d85c3..3076484bfb 100644
--- a/modules/ticket/back/models/ticket-observation.js
+++ b/modules/ticket/back/models/ticket-observation.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
const UserError = require('vn-loopback/util/user-error');
module.exports = Self => {
+ require('../methods/ticket-observation/addDropOff')(Self);
Self.rewriteDbError(function(err) {
if (err.code === 'ER_DUP_ENTRY')
return new UserError(`The observation type can't be repeated`);
diff --git a/modules/travel/back/methods/travel/extraCommunityPdf.js b/modules/travel/back/methods/travel/extraCommunityPdf.js
index 73748ac509..459e74d691 100644
--- a/modules/travel/back/methods/travel/extraCommunityPdf.js
+++ b/modules/travel/back/methods/travel/extraCommunityPdf.js
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: '/extra-community-pdf',
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.extraCommunityPdf = ctx => Self.printReport(ctx, null, 'extra-community');
diff --git a/modules/worker/back/methods/worker-dms/downloadFile.js b/modules/worker/back/methods/worker-dms/downloadFile.js
index 08fbcf9246..93d685429c 100644
--- a/modules/worker/back/methods/worker-dms/downloadFile.js
+++ b/modules/worker/back/methods/worker-dms/downloadFile.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
path: `/:id/downloadFile`,
verb: 'GET'
- accessScopes: ['read:multimedia']
+ accessScopes: ['DEFAULT', 'read:multimedia']
Self.downloadFile = async function(ctx, id) {
diff --git a/modules/worker/back/models/worker.json b/modules/worker/back/models/worker.json
index 57dc80ec9d..c203f6e091 100644
--- a/modules/worker/back/models/worker.json
+++ b/modules/worker/back/models/worker.json
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
"relation": "user",
"scope": {
- "fields": ["email", "name", "nickname", "roleFk"],
+ "fields": ["email", "name", "nickname", "roleFk", "emailVerified"],
"include": [
"relation": "role",
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
}, {
"relation": "client",
"scope": {
- "fields": [
+ "fields": [