diff --git a/client/core/src/column-header/column-header.spec.js b/client/core/src/column-header/column-header.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..247b759938
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+++ b/client/core/src/column-header/column-header.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import './column-header.js';
+describe('Component vnColumnHeader', () => {
+    let $componentController;
+    beforeEach(() => {
+        angular.mock.module('client');
+    });
+    beforeEach(angular.mock.inject(_$componentController_ => {
+        $componentController = _$componentController_;
+    }));
+    describe('onClick()', () => {
+        it(`should change the ordenation to DESC (descendant) if it was ASC (ascendant)`, () => {
+            let controller = $componentController('vnColumnHeader', {}, {gridHeader: {selectColum: () => {}}});
+            controller.order = 'ASC';
+            controller.onClick();
+            expect(controller.order).toEqual('DESC');
+        });
+        it(`should change the ordenation to ASC (ascendant) if it wasnt ASC`, () => {
+            let controller = $componentController('vnColumnHeader', {}, {gridHeader: {selectColum: () => {}}});
+            controller.order = 'DESC or any other value that might occur';
+            controller.onClick();
+            expect(controller.order).toEqual('ASC');
+        });
+        it(`should call the selectColum() function after changing a value`, () => {
+            let controller = $componentController('vnColumnHeader', {}, {gridHeader: {selectColum: () => {}}});
+            controller.order = 'Change me!';
+            spyOn(controller.gridHeader, 'selectColum');
+            controller.onClick();
+            expect(controller.gridHeader.selectColum).toHaveBeenCalledWith(controller);
+        });
+    });
+    describe('showArrow()', () => {
+        it(`should return true when the type is DESC and MouseIsOver`, () => {
+            let controller = $componentController('vnColumnHeader', {}, {gridHeader: {selectColum: () => {}}});
+            controller.mouseIsOver = true;
+            let result = controller.showArrow('DESC');
+            expect(result).toEqual(true);
+        });
+        it(`should return true if many conditions are true`, () => {
+            let controller = $componentController('vnColumnHeader', {}, {gridHeader: {currentColumn: {field: 'fields should be identical'}}});
+            controller.field = 'fields should be identical';
+            controller.order = 'ASC';
+            let result = controller.showArrow('ASC');
+            expect(result).toEqual(true);
+        });
+        it(`should return false without type being DESC or any other values being true`, () => {
+            let controller = $componentController('vnColumnHeader', {}, {gridHeader: {currentColumn: {field: 'this field isnt the same as controllers field'}}});
+            controller.field = 'I am the controllers field';
+            controller.order = 'ASC';
+            let result = controller.showArrow('ASC');
+            expect(result).toEqual(false);
+        });
+    });