diff --git a/db/dump/fixtures.before.sql b/db/dump/fixtures.before.sql
index 23f93e6579..d746281e5c 100644
--- a/db/dump/fixtures.before.sql
+++ b/db/dump/fixtures.before.sql
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ INSERT INTO `vn`.`sectorType` (`id`, `code`)
INSERT INTO `vn`.`sector`(`id`, `description`, `warehouseFk`, `code`, `typeFk`)
(1, 'First sector', 1, 'FIRST', 1),
- (2, 'Second sector', 2, 'SECOND',1);
+ (2, 'Second sector', 6, 'SECOND',1);
INSERT INTO `vn`.`printer` (`id`, `name`, `path`, `isLabeler`, `sectorFk`, `ipAddress`)
@@ -730,7 +730,8 @@ INSERT INTO `vn`.`zoneWarehouse` (`id`, `zoneFk`, `warehouseFk`)
(10, 10, 3),
(11, 11, 5),
(12, 12, 4),
- (13, 13, 5);
+ (13, 13, 5),
+ (14, 7, 4);
INSERT INTO `vn`.`zoneClosure` (`zoneFk`, `dated`, `hour`)
@@ -1303,9 +1304,10 @@ INSERT INTO `vn`.`train`(`id`, `name`)
INSERT INTO `vn`.`operator` (`workerFk`, `numberOfWagons`, `trainFk`, `itemPackingTypeFk`, `warehouseFk`, `sectorFk`, `labelerFk`)
- ('1106', '1', '1', 'H', '1', '1', '1'),
- ('9', '2', '1', 'H', '1', '1', '1'),
- ('1107', '1', '1', 'V', '1', '1', '1');
+ (1106, '1', '1', 'H', '1', '1', '1'),
+ (9, '2', '1', 'H', '1', '1', '1'),
+ (1107, '1', '1', 'V', '1', '1', '1'),
+ (72, '1', '1', 'V', '1', '1', '1');
INSERT INTO `vn`.`collection`(`id`, `workerFk`, `stateFk`, `created`, `trainFk`)
@@ -1616,6 +1618,7 @@ INSERT INTO `bs`.`waste`(`buyerFk`, `year`, `week`, `itemFk`, `itemTypeFk`, `sal
(19, 100, 1, 50, 100, 4, 1, 1.500, 1.500, 0.000, 1, 1, 'grouping', NULL, 0.00, 99.6, 99.4, 0, 1, 0, NULL, 1, util.VN_CURDATE()),
(20, 100, 2, 5, 450, 3, 2, 1.000, 1.000, 0.000, 10, 10, NULL, NULL, 0.00, 7.30, 7.00, 0, 1, 0, NULL, 2.5, util.VN_CURDATE()),
(21, 100,72, 55, 500, 5, 3, 1.000, 1.000, 0.000, 1, 1, 'packing', NULL, 0.00, 78.3, 75.6, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, util.VN_CURDATE()),
+ (22, 100, 4, 55, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0.000, 1, 1, 'packing', NULL, 0.00, 78.3, 75.6, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, util.VN_CURDATE()),
(10000002, 12,88, 50.0000, 5000, 4, 1, 1.500, 1.500, 0.000, 1, 1, 'grouping', NULL, 0.00, 99.60, 99.40, 0, 1, 0, 1.00, 1,util.VN_CURDATE() - INTERVAL 2 MONTH);
INSERT INTO `hedera`.`order`(`id`, `date_send`, `customer_id`, `delivery_method_id`, `agency_id`, `address_id`, `company_id`, `note`, `source_app`, `confirmed`,`total`, `date_make`, `first_row_stamp`, `confirm_date`)
@@ -1958,11 +1961,11 @@ INSERT INTO `vn`.`claimBeginning`(`id`, `claimFk`, `saleFk`, `quantity`)
INSERT INTO `vn`.`claimDestination`(`id`, `description`, `addressFk`)
- (1, 'Bueno', NULL),
- (2, 'Basura/Perd.', 12),
+ (1, 'Bueno', 11),
+ (2, 'Basura/Perd.', NULL),
(3, 'Confeccion', NULL),
- (4, 'Reclam.PRAG', 12),
- (5, 'Corregido', 11);
+ (4, 'Reclam.PRAG', NULL),
+ (5, 'Corregido', NULL);
INSERT INTO `vn`.`claimDevelopment`(`id`, `claimFk`, `claimResponsibleFk`, `workerFk`, `claimReasonFk`, `claimResultFk`, `claimRedeliveryFk`, `claimDestinationFk`)
@@ -1977,9 +1980,9 @@ INSERT INTO `vn`.`claimEnd`(`id`, `saleFk`, `claimFk`, `workerFk`, `claimDestina
(1, 31, 4, 21, 2),
(2, 32, 3, 21, 3);
-INSERT INTO `vn`.`claimConfig`(`id`, `maxResponsibility`, `monthsToRefund`, `minShipped`,`daysToClaim`)
+INSERT INTO `vn`.`claimConfig`(`id`, `maxResponsibility`, `monthsToRefund`, `minShipped`,`daysToClaim`, `pickupDeliveryFk`, `warehouseFk`)
- (1, 5, 4, '2016-10-01', 7);
+ (1, 5, 4, '2016-10-01', 7, 8, 4);
INSERT INTO `vn`.`claimRatio`(`clientFk`, `yearSale`, `claimAmount`, `claimingRate`, `priceIncreasing`, `packingRate`)
@@ -3064,9 +3067,10 @@ INSERT INTO `salix`.`url` (`appName`, `environment`, `url`)
('salix', 'development', 'http://localhost:5000/#!/'),
('docuware', 'development', 'http://docuware');
-INSERT INTO `vn`.`report` (`id`, `name`, `paperSizeFk`, `method`)
+INSERT INTO `vn`.`report` (`name`, `method`)
- (3, 'invoice', NULL, 'InvoiceOuts/{refFk}/invoice-out-pdf');
+ ('invoice', 'InvoiceOuts/{refFk}/invoice-out-pdf'),
+ ('LabelBuy', 'Entries/{id}/{labelType}/buy-label');
INSERT INTO `vn`.`payDemDetail` (`id`, `detail`)
@@ -4143,3 +4147,6 @@ INSERT IGNORE INTO vn.vehicleType (id, name)
(2, 'furgoneta'),
(3, 'cabeza tractora'),
(4, 'remolque');
+INSERT INTO vn.addressWaste (addressFk, type)
+ VALUES (11, 'fault');
diff --git a/db/routines/vn/procedures/report_print.sql b/db/routines/vn/procedures/report_print.sql
index a5e08538eb..17c0c921bb 100644
--- a/db/routines/vn/procedures/report_print.sql
+++ b/db/routines/vn/procedures/report_print.sql
@@ -1,83 +1,86 @@
CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`vn`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `vn`.`report_print`(
- vReportName VARCHAR(100),
- vPrinterFk INT,
- vUserFk INT,
- vParams JSON,
- vPriorityName VARCHAR(100)
- )
+ vReportName VARCHAR(100),
+ vPrinterFk INT,
+ vUserFk INT,
+ vParams JSON,
+ vPriorityName VARCHAR(100)
- * Inserts in the print queue the report to be printed and the necessary parameters for this
- * one taking into account the paper size of both the printer and the report.
- *
- * @param vReportName the report to be printed.
- * @param vPrinterFk the printer selected.
- * @param vUserFk user id.
- * @param vParams JSON with report parameters.
- * @param vPriorityName the printing priority.
- */
- DECLARE vPrintQueueFk INT;
- DECLARE vReportSize VARCHAR(255);
- DECLARE vIsThePrinterReal INT;
- DECLARE vPrinteSize VARCHAR(255);
- DECLARE vPriorityFk INT;
- DECLARE vReportFk INT;
- END;
+ /**
+ * Inserts in the print queue the report to be printed and the necessary parameters for this
+ * one taking into account the paper size of both the printer and the report.
+ *
+ * @param vReportName the report to be printed.
+ * @param vPrinterFk the printer selected.
+ * @param vUserFk user id.
+ * @param vParams JSON with report parameters.
+ * @param vPriorityName the printing priority.
+ */
+ DECLARE vPrintQueueFk INT;
+ DECLARE vReportSize VARCHAR(255);
+ DECLARE vIsThePrinterReal INT;
+ DECLARE vPrinterSize VARCHAR(255);
+ DECLARE vPriorityFk INT;
+ DECLARE vReportFk INT;
+ DECLARE vTx BOOLEAN DEFAULT NOT @@in_transaction;
- SELECT id, paperSizeFk INTO vReportFk, vReportSize
- FROM report
- WHERE name = vReportName;
+ CALL util.tx_rollback(vTx);
+ END;
- SELECT id, paperSizeFk INTO vIsThePrinterReal, vPrinteSize
- FROM printer
- WHERE id = vPrinterFk;
- SELECT id INTO vPriorityFk
- FROM queuePriority
- WHERE code = vPriorityName;
+ SELECT id, paperSizeFk INTO vReportFk, vReportSize
+ FROM report
+ WHERE name = vReportName;
- IF vIsThePrinterReal IS NULL THEN
- CALL util.throw('printerNotExists');
+ SELECT id, paperSizeFk INTO vIsThePrinterReal, vPrinterSize
+ FROM printer
+ WHERE id = vPrinterFk;
- CALL util.throw('reportNotExists');
+ SELECT id INTO vPriorityFk
+ FROM queuePriority
+ WHERE code = vPriorityName;
- IF vReportSize <> vPrinteSize THEN
- CALL util.throw('incorrectSize');
+ IF vIsThePrinterReal IS NULL THEN
+ CALL util.throw('printerNotExists');
- INSERT INTO printQueue
- SET printerFk = vPrinterFk,
- priorityFk = vPriorityFk,
- reportFk = vReportFk,
- workerFk = vUserFk;
- SET vPrintQueueFk = LAST_INSERT_ID();
+ CALL util.throw('reportNotExists');
- WHILE vI < vLength DO
- SET vKey = JSON_VALUE(vKeys, CONCAT('$[', vI ,']'));
- SET vVal = JSON_VALUE(vParams, CONCAT('$.', vKey));
+ IF vReportSize <> vPrinterSize THEN
+ CALL util.throw('incorrectSize');
+ CALL util.tx_start(vTx);
+ INSERT INTO printQueue
+ SET printerFk = vPrinterFk,
+ priorityFk = vPriorityFk,
+ reportFk = vReportFk,
+ workerFk = vUserFk;
- INSERT INTO printQueueArgs
- SET printQueueFk = vPrintQueueFk,
- name = vKey,
- value = vVal;
+ SET vPrintQueueFk = LAST_INSERT_ID();
- SET vI = vI + 1;
+ WHILE vI < vLength DO
+ SET vKey = JSON_VALUE(vKeys, CONCAT('$[', vI ,']'));
+ SET vVal = JSON_VALUE(vParams, CONCAT('$.', vKey));
+ INSERT INTO printQueueArgs
+ SET printQueueFk = vPrintQueueFk,
+ name = vKey,
+ value = vVal;
+ SET vI = vI + 1;
+ CALL util.tx_commit(vTx);
diff --git a/db/versions/11401-azureMoss/00-claimConfig.sql b/db/versions/11401-azureMoss/00-claimConfig.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8942de33b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/versions/11401-azureMoss/00-claimConfig.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ALTER TABLE `vn`.`claimConfig`
+ ADD COLUMN `pickupDeliveryFk` INT(11)
+ COMMENT 'Agencia utilizada para las recogidas mediante reparto',
+ ADD COLUMN `warehouseFk` smallint(6) unsigned
+ COMMENT 'Almacén usado para los tickets de reclamaciones',
+ ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_claimConfig_pickupdeliveryFk`
+ FOREIGN KEY (`pickupdeliveryFk`)
+ REFERENCES `agencyMode` (`id`),
+ ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_claimConfig_warehouseFk`
+ FOREIGN KEY (`warehouseFk`)
+ REFERENCES `warehouse` (`id`);
diff --git a/db/versions/11401-azureMoss/01-createState.sql b/db/versions/11401-azureMoss/01-createState.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8162e45a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/versions/11401-azureMoss/01-createState.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+INSERT IGNORE INTO vn.state (name,`order`,alertLevel,code,isPreviousPreparable,isPicked)
+ VALUES ('Recogido',3,4,'PICKED_UP',0,1)
diff --git a/db/versions/11401-azureMoss/02-claimEnd.sql b/db/versions/11401-azureMoss/02-claimEnd.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cc03279d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/versions/11401-azureMoss/02-claimEnd.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ALTER TABLE `vn`.`claimEnd`
+ ADD COLUMN `shelvingFk` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `editorFk`,
+ ADD INDEX `claimEnd_fk_shelving` (`shelvingFk`),
+ ADD CONSTRAINT `claimEnd_fk_shelving` FOREIGN KEY (`shelvingFk`)
diff --git a/db/versions/11401-azureMoss/03-claimDestination.sql b/db/versions/11401-azureMoss/03-claimDestination.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09da25a88e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/versions/11401-azureMoss/03-claimDestination.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+UPDATE vn.claimDestination cd
+ SET cd.addressFk = NULL
+ WHERE code IN ('garbage/loss','manufacturing','supplierClaim','corrected');
+UPDATE vn.claimDestination cd
+ JOIN vn.addressWaste aw ON aw.`type` = 'fault'
+ SET cd.addressFk = aw.addressFk
+ WHERE code IN ('good');
diff --git a/loopback/locale/en.json b/loopback/locale/en.json
index 07a82d214d..d9cb3ed476 100644
--- a/loopback/locale/en.json
+++ b/loopback/locale/en.json
@@ -258,5 +258,6 @@
"clonedFromTicketWeekly": ", that is a cloned sale from ticket {{ ticketWeekly }}",
"negativeReplaced": "Replaced item [#{{oldItemId}}]({{{oldItemUrl}}}) {{oldItem}} with [#{{newItemId}}]({{{newItemUrl}}}) {{newItem}} from ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}})",
"The tag and priority can't be repeated": "The tag and priority can't be repeated",
- "duplicateWarehouse": "The introduced warehouse already exists"
+ "The introduced warehouse already exists": "The introduced warehouse already exists",
+ "The code already exists": "The code already exists"
diff --git a/loopback/locale/es.json b/loopback/locale/es.json
index 6463608818..7783182c01 100644
--- a/loopback/locale/es.json
+++ b/loopback/locale/es.json
@@ -1,403 +1,404 @@
- "Phone format is invalid": "El formato del teléfono no es correcto",
- "You are not allowed to change the credit": "No tienes privilegios para modificar el crédito",
- "Unable to mark the equivalence surcharge": "No se puede marcar el recargo de equivalencia",
- "The default consignee can not be unchecked": "No se puede desmarcar el consignatario predeterminado",
- "Unable to default a disabled consignee": "No se puede poner predeterminado un consignatario desactivado",
- "Can't be blank": "No puede estar en blanco",
- "Invalid TIN": "NIF/CIF inválido",
- "TIN must be unique": "El NIF/CIF debe ser único",
- "A client with that Web User name already exists": "Ya existe un cliente con ese Usuario Web",
- "Is invalid": "Es inválido",
- "Quantity cannot be zero": "La cantidad no puede ser cero",
- "Enter an integer different to zero": "Introduce un entero distinto de cero",
- "Package cannot be blank": "El embalaje no puede estar en blanco",
- "The company name must be unique": "La razón social debe ser única",
- "Invalid email": "Correo electrónico inválido",
- "The IBAN does not have the correct format": "El IBAN no tiene el formato correcto",
- "That payment method requires an IBAN": "El método de pago seleccionado requiere un IBAN",
- "That payment method requires a BIC": "El método de pago seleccionado requiere un BIC",
- "State cannot be blank": "El estado no puede estar en blanco",
- "Worker cannot be blank": "El trabajador no puede estar en blanco",
- "Cannot change the payment method if no salesperson": "No se puede cambiar la forma de pago si no hay comercial asignado",
- "can't be blank": "El campo no puede estar vacío",
- "Observation type must be unique": "El tipo de observación no puede repetirse",
+ "Phone format is invalid": "El formato del teléfono no es correcto",
+ "You are not allowed to change the credit": "No tienes privilegios para modificar el crédito",
+ "Unable to mark the equivalence surcharge": "No se puede marcar el recargo de equivalencia",
+ "The default consignee can not be unchecked": "No se puede desmarcar el consignatario predeterminado",
+ "Unable to default a disabled consignee": "No se puede poner predeterminado un consignatario desactivado",
+ "Can't be blank": "No puede estar en blanco",
+ "Invalid TIN": "NIF/CIF inválido",
+ "TIN must be unique": "El NIF/CIF debe ser único",
+ "A client with that Web User name already exists": "Ya existe un cliente con ese Usuario Web",
+ "Is invalid": "Es inválido",
+ "Quantity cannot be zero": "La cantidad no puede ser cero",
+ "Enter an integer different to zero": "Introduce un entero distinto de cero",
+ "Package cannot be blank": "El embalaje no puede estar en blanco",
+ "The company name must be unique": "La razón social debe ser única",
+ "Invalid email": "Correo electrónico inválido",
+ "The IBAN does not have the correct format": "El IBAN no tiene el formato correcto",
+ "That payment method requires an IBAN": "El método de pago seleccionado requiere un IBAN",
+ "That payment method requires a BIC": "El método de pago seleccionado requiere un BIC",
+ "State cannot be blank": "El estado no puede estar en blanco",
+ "Worker cannot be blank": "El trabajador no puede estar en blanco",
+ "Cannot change the payment method if no salesperson": "No se puede cambiar la forma de pago si no hay comercial asignado",
+ "can't be blank": "El campo no puede estar vacío",
+ "Observation type must be unique": "El tipo de observación no puede repetirse",
"The credit must be an integer greater than or equal to zero": "The credit must be an integer greater than or equal to zero",
- "The grade must be similar to the last one": "El grade debe ser similar al último",
- "Only manager can change the credit": "Solo el gerente puede cambiar el credito de este cliente",
- "Name cannot be blank": "El nombre no puede estar en blanco",
- "Phone cannot be blank": "El teléfono no puede estar en blanco",
- "Period cannot be blank": "El periodo no puede estar en blanco",
- "Choose a company": "Selecciona una empresa",
- "Se debe rellenar el campo de texto": "Se debe rellenar el campo de texto",
- "Description should have maximum of 45 characters": "La descripción debe tener maximo 45 caracteres",
- "Cannot be blank": "El campo no puede estar en blanco",
- "The grade must be an integer greater than or equal to zero": "El grade debe ser un entero mayor o igual a cero",
- "Sample type cannot be blank": "El tipo de plantilla no puede quedar en blanco",
- "Description cannot be blank": "Se debe rellenar el campo de texto",
- "The price of the item changed": "El precio del artículo cambió",
- "The value should not be greater than 100%": "El valor no debe de ser mayor de 100%",
- "The value should be a number": "El valor debe ser un numero",
- "This order is not editable": "Esta orden no se puede modificar",
- "You can't create an order for a frozen client": "No puedes crear una orden para un cliente congelado",
- "You can't create an order for a client that has a debt": "No puedes crear una orden para un cliente con deuda",
- "is not a valid date": "No es una fecha valida",
- "Barcode must be unique": "El código de barras debe ser único",
- "The warehouse can't be repeated": "El almacén no puede repetirse",
- "The tag or priority can't be repeated for an item": "El tag o prioridad no puede repetirse para un item",
- "The observation type can't be repeated": "El tipo de observación no puede repetirse",
- "A claim with that sale already exists": "Ya existe una reclamación para esta línea",
- "You don't have enough privileges to change that field": "No tienes permisos para cambiar ese campo",
- "Warehouse cannot be blank": "El almacén no puede quedar en blanco",
- "Agency cannot be blank": "La agencia no puede quedar en blanco",
- "Not enough privileges to edit a client with verified data": "No tienes permisos para hacer cambios en un cliente con datos comprobados",
- "This address doesn't exist": "Este consignatario no existe",
- "You must delete the claim id %d first": "Antes debes borrar la reclamación %d",
- "You don't have enough privileges": "No tienes suficientes permisos",
- "Cannot check Equalization Tax in this NIF/CIF": "No se puede marcar RE en este NIF/CIF",
- "You can't make changes on the basic data of an confirmed order or with rows": "No puedes cambiar los datos básicos de una orden con artículos",
- "INVALID_USER_NAME": "El nombre de usuario solo debe contener letras minúsculas o, a partir del segundo carácter, números o subguiones, no está permitido el uso de la letra ñ",
- "You can't create a ticket for a frozen client": "No puedes crear un ticket para un cliente congelado",
- "You can't create a ticket for an inactive client": "No puedes crear un ticket para un cliente inactivo",
- "Tag value cannot be blank": "El valor del tag no puede quedar en blanco",
- "ORDER_EMPTY": "Cesta vacía",
- "You don't have enough privileges to do that": "No tienes permisos para cambiar esto",
- "Error. El NIF/CIF está repetido": "Error. El NIF/CIF está repetido",
- "Street cannot be empty": "Dirección no puede estar en blanco",
- "City cannot be empty": "Ciudad no puede estar en blanco",
- "Code cannot be blank": "Código no puede estar en blanco",
- "You cannot remove this department": "No puedes eliminar este departamento",
- "The extension must be unique": "La extensión debe ser unica",
- "The secret can't be blank": "La contraseña no puede estar en blanco",
- "We weren't able to send this SMS": "No hemos podido enviar el SMS",
- "This client can't be invoiced": "Este cliente no puede ser facturado",
- "You must provide the correction information to generate a corrective invoice": "Debes informar la información de corrección para generar una factura rectificativa",
- "This ticket can't be invoiced": "Este ticket no puede ser facturado",
- "You cannot add or modify services to an invoiced ticket": "No puedes añadir o modificar servicios a un ticket facturado",
- "This ticket can not be modified": "Este ticket no puede ser modificado",
- "The introduced hour already exists": "Esta hora ya ha sido introducida",
- "INFINITE_LOOP": "Existe una dependencia entre dos Jefes",
- "The sales of the receiver ticket can't be modified": "Las lineas del ticket al que envias no pueden ser modificadas",
- "NO_AGENCY_AVAILABLE": "No hay una zona de reparto disponible con estos parámetros",
- "ERROR_PAST_SHIPMENT": "No puedes seleccionar una fecha de envío en pasado",
- "The current ticket can't be modified": "El ticket actual no puede ser modificado",
- "The current claim can't be modified": "La reclamación actual no puede ser modificada",
- "The sales of this ticket can't be modified": "Las lineas de este ticket no pueden ser modificadas",
- "The sales do not exists": "La(s) línea(s) seleccionada(s) no existe(n)",
- "Please select at least one sale": "Por favor selecciona al menos una linea",
- "All sales must belong to the same ticket": "Todas las lineas deben pertenecer al mismo ticket",
- "NO_ZONE_FOR_THIS_PARAMETERS": "Para este día no hay ninguna zona configurada",
- "This item doesn't exists": "El artículo no existe",
- "NOT_ZONE_WITH_THIS_PARAMETERS": "Para este día no hay ninguna zona configurada",
- "Extension format is invalid": "El formato de la extensión es inválido",
- "Invalid parameters to create a new ticket": "Parámetros inválidos para crear un nuevo ticket",
- "This item is not available": "Este artículo no está disponible",
- "This postcode already exists": "Este código postal ya existe",
- "Concept cannot be blank": "El concepto no puede quedar en blanco",
- "File doesn't exists": "El archivo no existe",
- "You don't have privileges to change the zone": "No tienes permisos para cambiar la zona o para esos parámetros hay más de una opción de envío, hable con las agencias",
- "This ticket is already on weekly tickets": "Este ticket ya está en tickets programados",
- "Ticket id cannot be blank": "El id de ticket no puede quedar en blanco",
- "Weekday cannot be blank": "El día de la semana no puede quedar en blanco",
- "You can't delete a confirmed order": "No puedes borrar un pedido confirmado",
- "The social name has an invalid format": "El nombre fiscal tiene un formato incorrecto",
- "Invalid quantity": "Cantidad invalida",
- "This postal code is not valid": "Este código postal no es válido",
- "is invalid": "es inválido",
- "The postcode doesn't exist. Please enter a correct one": "El código postal no existe. Por favor, introduce uno correcto",
- "The department name can't be repeated": "El nombre del departamento no puede repetirse",
- "This phone already exists": "Este teléfono ya existe",
- "You cannot move a parent to its own sons": "No puedes mover un elemento padre a uno de sus hijos",
- "You can't create a claim for a removed ticket": "No puedes crear una reclamación para un ticket eliminado",
- "You cannot delete a ticket that part of it is being prepared": "No puedes eliminar un ticket en el que una parte que está siendo preparada",
- "You must delete all the buy requests first": "Debes eliminar todas las peticiones de compra primero",
- "You should specify a date": "Debes especificar una fecha",
- "You should specify at least a start or end date": "Debes especificar al menos una fecha de inicio o de fin",
- "Start date should be lower than end date": "La fecha de inicio debe ser menor que la fecha de fin",
- "You should mark at least one week day": "Debes marcar al menos un día de la semana",
- "Swift / BIC can't be empty": "Swift / BIC no puede estar vacío",
- "Customs agent is required for a non UEE member": "El agente de aduanas es requerido para los clientes extracomunitarios",
- "Incoterms is required for a non UEE member": "El incoterms es requerido para los clientes extracomunitarios",
- "Deleted sales from ticket": "He eliminado las siguientes lineas del ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{deletions}}}",
- "Added sale to ticket": "He añadido la siguiente linea al ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{addition}}}",
- "Changed sale discount": "He cambiado el descuento de las siguientes lineas al ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}} {{ticketWeekly}}",
- "Created claim": "He creado la reclamación [{{claimId}}]({{{claimUrl}}}) de las siguientes lineas del ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
- "Changed sale price": "He cambiado el precio de [{{itemId}} {{concept}}]({{{itemUrl}}}) ({{quantity}}) de {{oldPrice}}€ ➔ *{{newPrice}}€* del ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) {{ticketWeekly}} ",
- "Changed sale quantity": "He cambiado {{changes}} del ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) {{ticketWeekly}}",
- "Changes in sales": "la cantidad de [{{itemId}} {{concept}}]({{{itemUrl}}}) de {{oldQuantity}} ➔ *{{newQuantity}}*",
- "State": "Estado",
- "regular": "normal",
- "reserved": "reservado",
- "Changed sale reserved state": "He cambiado el estado reservado de las siguientes lineas al ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
- "Bought units from buy request": "Se ha comprado {{quantity}} unidades de [{{itemId}} {{concept}}]({{{urlItem}}}) para el ticket id [{{ticketId}}]({{{url}}})",
- "Deny buy request": "Se ha rechazado la petición de compra para el ticket id [{{ticketId}}]({{{url}}}). Motivo: {{observation}}",
- "MESSAGE_INSURANCE_CHANGE": "He cambiado el crédito asegurado del cliente [{{clientName}} ({{clientId}})]({{{url}}}) a *{{credit}} €*",
- "Changed client paymethod": "He cambiado la forma de pago del cliente [{{clientName}} ({{clientId}})]({{{url}}})",
- "Sent units from ticket": "Envio *{{quantity}}* unidades de [{{concept}} ({{itemId}})]({{{itemUrl}}}) a *\"{{nickname}}\"* provenientes del ticket id [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}})",
- "Change quantity": "{{concept}} cambia de {{oldQuantity}} a {{newQuantity}}",
- "Claim will be picked": "Se recogerá el género de la reclamación [({{claimId}})]({{{claimUrl}}}) del cliente *{{clientName}}*, con el tipo de recogida *{{claimPickup}}*",
- "Claim state has changed to": "Se ha cambiado el estado de la reclamación [({{claimId}})]({{{claimUrl}}}) del cliente *{{clientName}}* a *{{newState}}*",
- "Client checked as validated despite of duplication": "Cliente comprobado a pesar de que existe el cliente id {{clientId}}",
- "ORDER_ROW_UNAVAILABLE": "No hay disponibilidad de este producto",
- "Distance must be lesser than 4000": "La distancia debe ser inferior a 4000",
- "This ticket is deleted": "Este ticket está eliminado",
- "Unable to clone this travel": "No ha sido posible clonar este travel",
- "This thermograph id already exists": "La id del termógrafo ya existe",
- "Choose a date range or days forward": "Selecciona un rango de fechas o días en adelante",
- "Invalid password": "Invalid password",
- "Password does not meet requirements": "La contraseña no cumple los requisitos",
- "Role already assigned": "Rol ya asignado",
- "Invalid role name": "Nombre de rol no válido",
- "Role name must be written in camelCase": "El nombre del rol debe escribirse en camelCase",
- "Email already exists": "El correo ya existe",
- "User already exists": "El/La usuario/a ya existe",
- "Absence change notification on the labour calendar": "Notificación de cambio de ausencia en el calendario laboral",
- "Record of hours week": "Registro de horas semana {{week}} año {{year}} ",
- "Created absence": "El empleado {{author}} ha añadido una ausencia de tipo '{{absenceType}}' a {{employee}} para el día {{dated}}.",
- "Deleted absence": "El empleado {{author}} ha eliminado una ausencia de tipo '{{absenceType}}' a {{employee}} del día {{dated}}.",
- "I have deleted the ticket id": "He eliminado el ticket id [{{id}}]({{{url}}})",
- "I have restored the ticket id": "He restaurado el ticket id [{{id}}]({{{url}}})",
- "You can only restore a ticket within the first hour after deletion": "Únicamente puedes restaurar el ticket dentro de la primera hora después de su eliminación",
- "Changed this data from the ticket": "He cambiado estos datos del ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
- "agencyModeFk": "Agencia",
- "clientFk": "Cliente",
- "zoneFk": "Zona",
- "warehouseFk": "Almacén",
- "shipped": "F. envío",
- "landed": "F. entrega",
- "addressFk": "Consignatario",
- "companyFk": "Empresa",
- "agency": "Agencia",
- "delivery": "Reparto",
- "The social name cannot be empty": "La razón social no puede quedar en blanco",
- "The nif cannot be empty": "El NIF no puede quedar en blanco",
- "You need to fill sage information before you check verified data": "Debes rellenar la información de sage antes de marcar datos comprobados",
- "ASSIGN_ZONE_FIRST": "Asigna una zona primero",
- "Amount cannot be zero": "El importe no puede ser cero",
- "Company has to be official": "Empresa inválida",
- "You can not select this payment method without a registered bankery account": "No se puede utilizar este método de pago si no has registrado una cuenta bancaria",
- "Action not allowed on the test environment": "Esta acción no está permitida en el entorno de pruebas",
- "The selected ticket is not suitable for this route": "El ticket seleccionado no es apto para esta ruta",
- "New ticket request has been created with price": "Se ha creado una nueva petición de compra '{{description}}' para el día *{{shipped}}*, con una cantidad de *{{quantity}}* y un precio de *{{price}} €*",
- "New ticket request has been created": "Se ha creado una nueva petición de compra '{{description}}' para el día *{{shipped}}*, con una cantidad de *{{quantity}}*",
- "Swift / BIC cannot be empty": "Swift / BIC no puede estar vacío",
- "This BIC already exist.": "Este BIC ya existe.",
- "That item doesn't exists": "Ese artículo no existe",
- "There's a new urgent ticket:": "Hay un nuevo ticket urgente:",
- "Invalid account": "Cuenta inválida",
- "Compensation account is empty": "La cuenta para compensar está vacia",
- "This genus already exist": "Este genus ya existe",
- "This specie already exist": "Esta especie ya existe",
- "Client assignment has changed": "He cambiado el comercial ~*\"<{{previousWorkerName}}>\"*~ por *\"<{{currentWorkerName}}>\"* del cliente [{{clientName}} ({{clientId}})]({{{url}}})",
- "None": "Ninguno",
- "The contract was not active during the selected date": "El contrato no estaba activo durante la fecha seleccionada",
- "Cannot add more than one '1/2 day vacation'": "No puedes añadir más de un 'Vacaciones 1/2 dia'",
- "This document already exists on this ticket": "Este documento ya existe en el ticket",
- "Some of the selected tickets are not billable": "Algunos de los tickets seleccionados no son facturables",
- "You can't invoice tickets from multiple clients": "No puedes facturar tickets de multiples clientes",
- "nickname": "nickname",
- "INACTIVE_PROVIDER": "Proveedor inactivo",
- "This client is not invoiceable": "Este cliente no es facturable",
- "serial non editable": "Esta serie no permite asignar la referencia",
- "Max shipped required": "La fecha límite es requerida",
- "Can't invoice to future": "No se puede facturar a futuro",
- "Can't invoice to past": "No se puede facturar a pasado",
- "This ticket is already invoiced": "Este ticket ya está facturado",
- "A ticket with an amount of zero can't be invoiced": "No se puede facturar un ticket con importe cero",
- "A ticket with a negative base can't be invoiced": "No se puede facturar un ticket con una base negativa",
- "Global invoicing failed": "[Facturación global] No se han podido facturar algunos clientes",
- "Wasn't able to invoice the following clients": "No se han podido facturar los siguientes clientes",
- "Can't verify data unless the client has a business type": "No se puede verificar datos de un cliente que no tiene tipo de negocio",
- "You don't have enough privileges to set this credit amount": "No tienes suficientes privilegios para establecer esta cantidad de crédito",
- "You can't change the credit set to zero from a financialBoss": "No puedes cambiar el cŕedito establecido a cero por un jefe de finanzas",
- "Amounts do not match": "Las cantidades no coinciden",
- "The PDF document does not exist": "El documento PDF no existe. Prueba a regenerarlo desde la opción 'Regenerar PDF factura'",
- "The type of business must be filled in basic data": "El tipo de negocio debe estar rellenado en datos básicos",
- "You can't create a claim from a ticket delivered more than seven days ago": "No puedes crear una reclamación de un ticket entregado hace más de siete días",
- "The worker has hours recorded that day": "El trabajador tiene horas fichadas ese día",
- "The worker has a marked absence that day": "El trabajador tiene marcada una ausencia ese día",
- "You can not modify is pay method checked": "No se puede modificar el campo método de pago validado",
- "The account size must be exactly 10 characters": "El tamaño de la cuenta debe ser exactamente de 10 caracteres",
- "Can't transfer claimed sales": "No puedes transferir lineas reclamadas",
- "You don't have privileges to create refund": "No tienes permisos para crear un abono",
- "The item is required": "El artículo es requerido",
- "The agency is already assigned to another autonomous": "La agencia ya está asignada a otro autónomo",
- "date in the future": "Fecha en el futuro",
- "reference duplicated": "Referencia duplicada",
- "This ticket is already a refund": "Este ticket ya es un abono",
- "isWithoutNegatives": "Sin negativos",
- "routeFk": "routeFk",
- "Can't change the password of another worker": "No se puede cambiar la contraseña de otro trabajador",
- "No hay un contrato en vigor": "No hay un contrato en vigor",
- "No se permite fichar a futuro": "No se permite fichar a futuro",
- "No está permitido trabajar": "No está permitido trabajar",
- "Fichadas impares": "Fichadas impares",
- "Descanso diario 12h.": "Descanso diario 12h.",
- "Descanso semanal 36h. / 72h.": "Descanso semanal 36h. / 72h.",
- "Dirección incorrecta": "Dirección incorrecta",
- "Modifiable user details only by an administrator": "Detalles de usuario modificables solo por un administrador",
- "Modifiable password only via recovery or by an administrator": "Contraseña modificable solo a través de la recuperación o por un administrador",
- "Not enough privileges to edit a client": "No tienes suficientes privilegios para editar un cliente",
- "This route does not exists": "Esta ruta no existe",
- "Claim pickup order sent": "Reclamación Orden de recogida enviada [{{claimId}}]({{{claimUrl}}}) al cliente *{{clientName}}*",
- "You don't have grant privilege": "No tienes privilegios para dar privilegios",
- "You don't own the role and you can't assign it to another user": "No eres el propietario del rol y no puedes asignarlo a otro usuario",
- "Ticket merged": "Ticket [{{originId}}]({{{originFullPath}}}) ({{{originDated}}}) fusionado con [{{destinationId}}]({{{destinationFullPath}}}) ({{{destinationDated}}})",
- "Already has this status": "Ya tiene este estado",
- "There aren't records for this week": "No existen registros para esta semana",
- "Empty data source": "Origen de datos vacio",
- "App locked": "Aplicación bloqueada por el usuario {{userId}}",
- "Email verify": "Correo de verificación",
- "Landing cannot be lesser than shipment": "Landing cannot be lesser than shipment",
- "Receipt's bank was not found": "No se encontró el banco del recibo",
- "This receipt was not compensated": "Este recibo no ha sido compensado",
- "Client's email was not found": "No se encontró el email del cliente",
- "Negative basis": "Base negativa",
- "This worker code already exists": "Este codigo de trabajador ya existe",
- "This personal mail already exists": "Este correo personal ya existe",
- "This worker already exists": "Este trabajador ya existe",
- "App name does not exist": "El nombre de aplicación no es válido",
- "Try again": "Vuelve a intentarlo",
- "Aplicación bloqueada por el usuario 9": "Aplicación bloqueada por el usuario 9",
- "Failed to upload delivery note": "Error al subir albarán {{id}}",
- "The DOCUWARE PDF document does not exists": "El documento PDF Docuware no existe",
- "It is not possible to modify tracked sales": "No es posible modificar líneas de pedido que se hayan empezado a preparar",
- "It is not possible to modify sales that their articles are from Floramondo": "No es posible modificar líneas de pedido cuyos artículos sean de Floramondo",
- "It is not possible to modify cloned sales": "No es posible modificar líneas de pedido clonadas",
- "A supplier with the same name already exists. Change the country.": "Un proveedor con el mismo nombre ya existe. Cambie el país.",
- "There is no assigned email for this client": "No hay correo asignado para este cliente",
- "Exists an invoice with a future date": "Existe una factura con fecha posterior",
- "Invoice date can't be less than max date": "La fecha de factura no puede ser inferior a la fecha límite",
- "Warehouse inventory not set": "El almacén inventario no está establecido",
- "This locker has already been assigned": "Esta taquilla ya ha sido asignada",
- "Tickets with associated refunds": "No se pueden borrar tickets con abonos asociados. Este ticket está asociado al abono Nº %s",
- "Not exist this branch": "La rama no existe",
- "This ticket cannot be signed because it has not been boxed": "Este ticket no puede firmarse porque no ha sido encajado",
- "Collection does not exist": "La colección no existe",
- "Cannot obtain exclusive lock": "No se puede obtener un bloqueo exclusivo",
- "Insert a date range": "Inserte un rango de fechas",
- "Added observation": "{{user}} añadió esta observacion: {{text}} {{defaulterId}} ({{{defaulterUrl}}})",
- "Comment added to client": "Observación añadida al cliente {{clientFk}}",
- "Invalid auth code": "Código de verificación incorrecto",
- "Invalid or expired verification code": "Código de verificación incorrecto o expirado",
- "Cannot create a new claimBeginning from a different ticket": "No se puede crear una línea de reclamación de un ticket diferente al origen",
- "company": "Compañía",
- "country": "País",
- "clientId": "Id cliente",
- "clientSocialName": "Cliente",
- "amount": "Importe",
- "taxableBase": "Base",
- "ticketFk": "Id ticket",
- "isActive": "Activo",
- "hasToInvoice": "Facturar",
- "isTaxDataChecked": "Datos comprobados",
- "comercialId": "Id comercial",
- "comercialName": "Comercial",
- "Pass expired": "La contraseña ha caducado, cambiela desde Salix",
- "Invalid NIF for VIES": "Invalid NIF for VIES",
- "Ticket does not exist": "Este ticket no existe",
- "Ticket is already signed": "Este ticket ya ha sido firmado",
- "Authentication failed": "Autenticación fallida",
- "You can't use the same password": "No puedes usar la misma contraseña",
- "You can only add negative amounts in refund tickets": "Solo se puede añadir cantidades negativas en tickets abono",
- "Fecha fuera de rango": "Fecha fuera de rango",
- "Error while generating PDF": "Error al generar PDF",
- "Error when sending mail to client": "Error al enviar el correo al cliente",
- "Mail not sent": "Se ha producido un fallo al enviar la factura al cliente [{{clientId}}]({{{clientUrl}}}), por favor revisa la dirección de correo electrónico",
- "The renew period has not been exceeded": "El periodo de renovación no ha sido superado",
- "Valid priorities": "Prioridades válidas: %d",
- "hasAnyNegativeBase": "Base negativa para los tickets: {{ticketsIds}}",
- "hasAnyPositiveBase": "Base positivas para los tickets: {{ticketsIds}}",
- "You cannot assign an alias that you are not assigned to": "No puede asignar un alias que no tenga asignado",
- "This ticket cannot be left empty.": "Este ticket no se puede dejar vacío. %s",
- "The company has not informed the supplier account for bank transfers": "La empresa no tiene informado la cuenta de proveedor para transferencias bancarias",
- "You cannot assign/remove an alias that you are not assigned to": "No puede asignar/eliminar un alias que no tenga asignado",
- "This invoice has a linked vehicle.": "Esta factura tiene un vehiculo vinculado",
- "You don't have enough privileges.": "No tienes suficientes permisos.",
- "This ticket is locked": "Este ticket está bloqueado.",
- "This ticket is not editable.": "Este ticket no es editable.",
- "The ticket doesn't exist.": "No existe el ticket.",
- "Social name should be uppercase": "La razón social debe ir en mayúscula",
- "Street should be uppercase": "La dirección fiscal debe ir en mayúscula",
- "Ticket without Route": "Ticket sin ruta",
- "Select a different client": "Seleccione un cliente distinto",
- "Fill all the fields": "Rellene todos los campos",
- "The response is not a PDF": "La respuesta no es un PDF",
- "Booking completed": "Reserva completada",
- "The ticket is in preparation": "El ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) del comercial {{salesPersonId}} está en preparación",
- "The notification subscription of this worker cant be modified": "La subscripción a la notificación de este trabajador no puede ser modificada",
- "User disabled": "Usuario desactivado",
- "The amount cannot be less than the minimum": "La cantidad no puede ser menor que la cantidad mínima",
- "quantityLessThanMin": "La cantidad no puede ser menor que la cantidad mínima",
- "Cannot past travels with entries": "No se pueden pasar envíos con entradas",
- "It was not able to remove the next expeditions:": "No se pudo eliminar las siguientes expediciones: {{expeditions}}",
- "This claim has been updated": "La reclamación con Id: {{claimId}}, ha sido actualizada",
- "This user does not have an assigned tablet": "Este usuario no tiene tablet asignada",
- "Field are invalid": "El campo '{{tag}}' no es válido",
- "Incorrect pin": "Pin incorrecto.",
- "You already have the mailAlias": "Ya tienes este alias de correo",
- "The alias cant be modified": "Este alias de correo no puede ser modificado",
- "No tickets to invoice": "No hay tickets para facturar que cumplan los requisitos de facturación",
- "this warehouse has not dms": "El Almacén no acepta documentos",
- "This ticket already has a cmr saved": "Este ticket ya tiene un cmr guardado",
- "Name should be uppercase": "El nombre debe ir en mayúscula",
- "Bank entity must be specified": "La entidad bancaria es obligatoria",
- "An email is necessary": "Es necesario un email",
- "You cannot update these fields": "No puedes actualizar estos campos",
- "CountryFK cannot be empty": "El país no puede estar vacío",
- "Cmr file does not exist": "El archivo del cmr no existe",
- "You are not allowed to modify the alias": "No estás autorizado a modificar el alias",
- "The address of the customer must have information about Incoterms and Customs Agent": "El consignatario del cliente debe tener informado Incoterms y Agente de aduanas",
- "No invoice series found for these parameters": "No se encontró una serie para estos parámetros",
- "The line could not be marked": "La linea no puede ser marcada",
- "Through this procedure, it is not possible to modify the password of users with verified email": "Mediante este procedimiento, no es posible modificar la contraseña de usuarios con correo verificado",
- "They're not your subordinate": "No es tu subordinado/a.",
- "No results found": "No se han encontrado resultados",
- "InvoiceIn is already booked": "La factura recibida está contabilizada",
- "This workCenter is already assigned to this agency": "Este centro de trabajo ya está asignado a esta agencia",
- "Select ticket or client": "Elija un ticket o un client",
- "It was not able to create the invoice": "No se pudo crear la factura",
- "Incoterms and Customs agent are required for a non UEE member": "Se requieren Incoterms y agente de aduanas para un no miembro de la UEE",
- "You can not use the same password": "No puedes usar la misma contraseña",
- "This PDA is already assigned to another user": "Este PDA ya está asignado a otro usuario",
- "You can only have one PDA": "Solo puedes tener un PDA",
- "The invoices have been created but the PDFs could not be generated": "Se ha facturado pero no se ha podido generar el PDF",
- "It has been invoiced but the PDF of refund not be generated": "Se ha facturado pero no se ha podido generar el PDF del abono",
- "Payment method is required": "El método de pago es obligatorio",
- "Cannot send mail": "Não é possível enviar o email",
- "CONSTRAINT `supplierAccountTooShort` failed for `vn`.`supplier`": "La cuenta debe tener exactamente 10 dígitos",
- "The sale not exists in the item shelving": "La venta no existe en la estantería del artículo",
- "The entry not have stickers": "La entrada no tiene etiquetas",
- "Too many records": "Demasiados registros",
- "Original invoice not found": "Factura original no encontrada",
- "The entry has no lines or does not exist": "La entrada no tiene lineas o no existe",
- "Weight already set": "El peso ya está establecido",
- "This ticket is not allocated to your department": "Este ticket no está asignado a tu departamento",
- "There is already a tray with the same height": "Ya existe una bandeja con la misma altura",
- "The height must be greater than 50cm": "La altura debe ser superior a 50cm",
- "The maximum height of the wagon is 200cm": "La altura máxima es 200cm",
- "The entry does not have stickers": "La entrada no tiene etiquetas",
- "This buyer has already made a reservation for this date": "Este comprador ya ha hecho una reserva para esta fecha",
- "No valid travel thermograph found": "No se encontró un termógrafo válido",
- "The quantity claimed cannot be greater than the quantity of the line": "La cantidad reclamada no puede ser mayor que la cantidad de la línea",
- "type cannot be blank": "Se debe rellenar el tipo",
- "There are tickets for this area, delete them first": "Hay tickets para esta sección, borralos primero",
- "There is no company associated with that warehouse": "No hay ninguna empresa asociada a ese almacén",
- "You do not have permission to modify the booked field": "No tienes permisos para modificar el campo contabilizada",
- "ticketLostExpedition": "El ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) tiene la siguiente expedición perdida:{{ expeditionId }}",
- "The web user's email already exists": "El correo del usuario web ya existe",
- "Sales already moved": "Ya han sido transferidas",
- "The raid information is not correct": "La información de la redada no es correcta",
- "An item type with the same code already exists": "Un tipo con el mismo código ya existe",
- "Holidays to past days not available": "Las vacaciones a días pasados no están disponibles",
- "All tickets have a route order": "Todos los tickets tienen orden de ruta",
- "There are tickets to be invoiced": "La zona tiene tickets por facturar",
- "Incorrect delivery order alert on route": "Alerta de orden de entrega incorrecta en ruta: {{ route }} zona: {{ zone }}",
- "Ticket has been delivered out of order": "El ticket {{ticket}} {{{fullUrl}}} no ha sido entregado en su orden.",
- "Price cannot be blank": "El precio no puede estar en blanco",
- "clonedFromTicketWeekly": ", que es una linea clonada del ticket {{ticketWeekly}}",
- "negativeReplaced": "Sustituido el articulo [#{{oldItemId}}]({{{oldItemUrl}}}) {{oldItem}} por [#{{newItemId}}]({{{newItemUrl}}}) {{newItem}} del ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}})",
- "duplicateWarehouse": "El almacén seleccionado ya existe en la zona"
+ "The grade must be similar to the last one": "El grade debe ser similar al último",
+ "Only manager can change the credit": "Solo el gerente puede cambiar el credito de este cliente",
+ "Name cannot be blank": "El nombre no puede estar en blanco",
+ "Phone cannot be blank": "El teléfono no puede estar en blanco",
+ "Period cannot be blank": "El periodo no puede estar en blanco",
+ "Choose a company": "Selecciona una empresa",
+ "Se debe rellenar el campo de texto": "Se debe rellenar el campo de texto",
+ "Description should have maximum of 45 characters": "La descripción debe tener maximo 45 caracteres",
+ "Cannot be blank": "El campo no puede estar en blanco",
+ "The grade must be an integer greater than or equal to zero": "El grade debe ser un entero mayor o igual a cero",
+ "Sample type cannot be blank": "El tipo de plantilla no puede quedar en blanco",
+ "Description cannot be blank": "Se debe rellenar el campo de texto",
+ "The price of the item changed": "El precio del artículo cambió",
+ "The value should not be greater than 100%": "El valor no debe de ser mayor de 100%",
+ "The value should be a number": "El valor debe ser un numero",
+ "This order is not editable": "Esta orden no se puede modificar",
+ "You can't create an order for a frozen client": "No puedes crear una orden para un cliente congelado",
+ "You can't create an order for a client that has a debt": "No puedes crear una orden para un cliente con deuda",
+ "is not a valid date": "No es una fecha valida",
+ "Barcode must be unique": "El código de barras debe ser único",
+ "The warehouse can't be repeated": "El almacén no puede repetirse",
+ "The tag or priority can't be repeated for an item": "El tag o prioridad no puede repetirse para un item",
+ "The observation type can't be repeated": "El tipo de observación no puede repetirse",
+ "A claim with that sale already exists": "Ya existe una reclamación para esta línea",
+ "You don't have enough privileges to change that field": "No tienes permisos para cambiar ese campo",
+ "Warehouse cannot be blank": "El almacén no puede quedar en blanco",
+ "Agency cannot be blank": "La agencia no puede quedar en blanco",
+ "Not enough privileges to edit a client with verified data": "No tienes permisos para hacer cambios en un cliente con datos comprobados",
+ "This address doesn't exist": "Este consignatario no existe",
+ "You must delete the claim id %d first": "Antes debes borrar la reclamación %d",
+ "You don't have enough privileges": "No tienes suficientes permisos",
+ "Cannot check Equalization Tax in this NIF/CIF": "No se puede marcar RE en este NIF/CIF",
+ "You can't make changes on the basic data of an confirmed order or with rows": "No puedes cambiar los datos básicos de una orden con artículos",
+ "INVALID_USER_NAME": "El nombre de usuario solo debe contener letras minúsculas o, a partir del segundo carácter, números o subguiones, no está permitido el uso de la letra ñ",
+ "You can't create a ticket for a frozen client": "No puedes crear un ticket para un cliente congelado",
+ "You can't create a ticket for an inactive client": "No puedes crear un ticket para un cliente inactivo",
+ "Tag value cannot be blank": "El valor del tag no puede quedar en blanco",
+ "ORDER_EMPTY": "Cesta vacía",
+ "You don't have enough privileges to do that": "No tienes permisos para cambiar esto",
+ "Error. El NIF/CIF está repetido": "Error. El NIF/CIF está repetido",
+ "Street cannot be empty": "Dirección no puede estar en blanco",
+ "City cannot be empty": "Ciudad no puede estar en blanco",
+ "Code cannot be blank": "Código no puede estar en blanco",
+ "You cannot remove this department": "No puedes eliminar este departamento",
+ "The extension must be unique": "La extensión debe ser unica",
+ "The secret can't be blank": "La contraseña no puede estar en blanco",
+ "We weren't able to send this SMS": "No hemos podido enviar el SMS",
+ "This client can't be invoiced": "Este cliente no puede ser facturado",
+ "You must provide the correction information to generate a corrective invoice": "Debes informar la información de corrección para generar una factura rectificativa",
+ "This ticket can't be invoiced": "Este ticket no puede ser facturado",
+ "You cannot add or modify services to an invoiced ticket": "No puedes añadir o modificar servicios a un ticket facturado",
+ "This ticket can not be modified": "Este ticket no puede ser modificado",
+ "The introduced hour already exists": "Esta hora ya ha sido introducida",
+ "INFINITE_LOOP": "Existe una dependencia entre dos Jefes",
+ "The sales of the receiver ticket can't be modified": "Las lineas del ticket al que envias no pueden ser modificadas",
+ "NO_AGENCY_AVAILABLE": "No hay una zona de reparto disponible con estos parámetros",
+ "ERROR_PAST_SHIPMENT": "No puedes seleccionar una fecha de envío en pasado",
+ "The current ticket can't be modified": "El ticket actual no puede ser modificado",
+ "The current claim can't be modified": "La reclamación actual no puede ser modificada",
+ "The sales of this ticket can't be modified": "Las lineas de este ticket no pueden ser modificadas",
+ "The sales do not exists": "La(s) línea(s) seleccionada(s) no existe(n)",
+ "Please select at least one sale": "Por favor selecciona al menos una linea",
+ "All sales must belong to the same ticket": "Todas las lineas deben pertenecer al mismo ticket",
+ "NO_ZONE_FOR_THIS_PARAMETERS": "Para este día no hay ninguna zona configurada",
+ "This item doesn't exists": "El artículo no existe",
+ "NOT_ZONE_WITH_THIS_PARAMETERS": "Para este día no hay ninguna zona configurada",
+ "Extension format is invalid": "El formato de la extensión es inválido",
+ "Invalid parameters to create a new ticket": "Parámetros inválidos para crear un nuevo ticket",
+ "This item is not available": "Este artículo no está disponible",
+ "This postcode already exists": "Este código postal ya existe",
+ "Concept cannot be blank": "El concepto no puede quedar en blanco",
+ "File doesn't exists": "El archivo no existe",
+ "You don't have privileges to change the zone": "No tienes permisos para cambiar la zona o para esos parámetros hay más de una opción de envío, hable con las agencias",
+ "This ticket is already on weekly tickets": "Este ticket ya está en tickets programados",
+ "Ticket id cannot be blank": "El id de ticket no puede quedar en blanco",
+ "Weekday cannot be blank": "El día de la semana no puede quedar en blanco",
+ "You can't delete a confirmed order": "No puedes borrar un pedido confirmado",
+ "The social name has an invalid format": "El nombre fiscal tiene un formato incorrecto",
+ "Invalid quantity": "Cantidad invalida",
+ "This postal code is not valid": "Este código postal no es válido",
+ "is invalid": "es inválido",
+ "The postcode doesn't exist. Please enter a correct one": "El código postal no existe. Por favor, introduce uno correcto",
+ "The department name can't be repeated": "El nombre del departamento no puede repetirse",
+ "This phone already exists": "Este teléfono ya existe",
+ "You cannot move a parent to its own sons": "No puedes mover un elemento padre a uno de sus hijos",
+ "You can't create a claim for a removed ticket": "No puedes crear una reclamación para un ticket eliminado",
+ "You cannot delete a ticket that part of it is being prepared": "No puedes eliminar un ticket en el que una parte que está siendo preparada",
+ "You must delete all the buy requests first": "Debes eliminar todas las peticiones de compra primero",
+ "You should specify a date": "Debes especificar una fecha",
+ "You should specify at least a start or end date": "Debes especificar al menos una fecha de inicio o de fin",
+ "Start date should be lower than end date": "La fecha de inicio debe ser menor que la fecha de fin",
+ "You should mark at least one week day": "Debes marcar al menos un día de la semana",
+ "Swift / BIC can't be empty": "Swift / BIC no puede estar vacío",
+ "Customs agent is required for a non UEE member": "El agente de aduanas es requerido para los clientes extracomunitarios",
+ "Incoterms is required for a non UEE member": "El incoterms es requerido para los clientes extracomunitarios",
+ "Deleted sales from ticket": "He eliminado las siguientes lineas del ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{deletions}}}",
+ "Added sale to ticket": "He añadido la siguiente linea al ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{addition}}}",
+ "Changed sale discount": "He cambiado el descuento de las siguientes lineas al ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}} {{ticketWeekly}}",
+ "Created claim": "He creado la reclamación [{{claimId}}]({{{claimUrl}}}) de las siguientes lineas del ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
+ "Changed sale price": "He cambiado el precio de [{{itemId}} {{concept}}]({{{itemUrl}}}) ({{quantity}}) de {{oldPrice}}€ ➔ *{{newPrice}}€* del ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) {{ticketWeekly}} ",
+ "Changed sale quantity": "He cambiado {{changes}} del ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) {{ticketWeekly}}",
+ "Changes in sales": "la cantidad de [{{itemId}} {{concept}}]({{{itemUrl}}}) de {{oldQuantity}} ➔ *{{newQuantity}}*",
+ "State": "Estado",
+ "regular": "normal",
+ "reserved": "reservado",
+ "Changed sale reserved state": "He cambiado el estado reservado de las siguientes lineas al ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
+ "Bought units from buy request": "Se ha comprado {{quantity}} unidades de [{{itemId}} {{concept}}]({{{urlItem}}}) para el ticket id [{{ticketId}}]({{{url}}})",
+ "Deny buy request": "Se ha rechazado la petición de compra para el ticket id [{{ticketId}}]({{{url}}}). Motivo: {{observation}}",
+ "MESSAGE_INSURANCE_CHANGE": "He cambiado el crédito asegurado del cliente [{{clientName}} ({{clientId}})]({{{url}}}) a *{{credit}} €*",
+ "Changed client paymethod": "He cambiado la forma de pago del cliente [{{clientName}} ({{clientId}})]({{{url}}})",
+ "Sent units from ticket": "Envio *{{quantity}}* unidades de [{{concept}} ({{itemId}})]({{{itemUrl}}}) a *\"{{nickname}}\"* provenientes del ticket id [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}})",
+ "Change quantity": "{{concept}} cambia de {{oldQuantity}} a {{newQuantity}}",
+ "Claim will be picked": "Se recogerá el género de la reclamación [({{claimId}})]({{{claimUrl}}}) del cliente *{{clientName}}*, con el tipo de recogida *{{claimPickup}}*",
+ "Claim state has changed to": "Se ha cambiado el estado de la reclamación [({{claimId}})]({{{claimUrl}}}) del cliente *{{clientName}}* a *{{newState}}*",
+ "Client checked as validated despite of duplication": "Cliente comprobado a pesar de que existe el cliente id {{clientId}}",
+ "ORDER_ROW_UNAVAILABLE": "No hay disponibilidad de este producto",
+ "Distance must be lesser than 4000": "La distancia debe ser inferior a 4000",
+ "This ticket is deleted": "Este ticket está eliminado",
+ "Unable to clone this travel": "No ha sido posible clonar este travel",
+ "This thermograph id already exists": "La id del termógrafo ya existe",
+ "Choose a date range or days forward": "Selecciona un rango de fechas o días en adelante",
+ "Invalid password": "Invalid password",
+ "Password does not meet requirements": "La contraseña no cumple los requisitos",
+ "Role already assigned": "Rol ya asignado",
+ "Invalid role name": "Nombre de rol no válido",
+ "Role name must be written in camelCase": "El nombre del rol debe escribirse en camelCase",
+ "Email already exists": "El correo ya existe",
+ "User already exists": "El/La usuario/a ya existe",
+ "Absence change notification on the labour calendar": "Notificación de cambio de ausencia en el calendario laboral",
+ "Record of hours week": "Registro de horas semana {{week}} año {{year}} ",
+ "Created absence": "El empleado {{author}} ha añadido una ausencia de tipo '{{absenceType}}' a {{employee}} para el día {{dated}}.",
+ "Deleted absence": "El empleado {{author}} ha eliminado una ausencia de tipo '{{absenceType}}' a {{employee}} del día {{dated}}.",
+ "I have deleted the ticket id": "He eliminado el ticket id [{{id}}]({{{url}}})",
+ "I have restored the ticket id": "He restaurado el ticket id [{{id}}]({{{url}}})",
+ "You can only restore a ticket within the first hour after deletion": "Únicamente puedes restaurar el ticket dentro de la primera hora después de su eliminación",
+ "Changed this data from the ticket": "He cambiado estos datos del ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}): {{{changes}}}",
+ "agencyModeFk": "Agencia",
+ "clientFk": "Cliente",
+ "zoneFk": "Zona",
+ "warehouseFk": "Almacén",
+ "shipped": "F. envío",
+ "landed": "F. entrega",
+ "addressFk": "Consignatario",
+ "companyFk": "Empresa",
+ "agency": "Agencia",
+ "delivery": "Reparto",
+ "The social name cannot be empty": "La razón social no puede quedar en blanco",
+ "The nif cannot be empty": "El NIF no puede quedar en blanco",
+ "You need to fill sage information before you check verified data": "Debes rellenar la información de sage antes de marcar datos comprobados",
+ "ASSIGN_ZONE_FIRST": "Asigna una zona primero",
+ "Amount cannot be zero": "El importe no puede ser cero",
+ "Company has to be official": "Empresa inválida",
+ "You can not select this payment method without a registered bankery account": "No se puede utilizar este método de pago si no has registrado una cuenta bancaria",
+ "Action not allowed on the test environment": "Esta acción no está permitida en el entorno de pruebas",
+ "The selected ticket is not suitable for this route": "El ticket seleccionado no es apto para esta ruta",
+ "New ticket request has been created with price": "Se ha creado una nueva petición de compra '{{description}}' para el día *{{shipped}}*, con una cantidad de *{{quantity}}* y un precio de *{{price}} €*",
+ "New ticket request has been created": "Se ha creado una nueva petición de compra '{{description}}' para el día *{{shipped}}*, con una cantidad de *{{quantity}}*",
+ "Swift / BIC cannot be empty": "Swift / BIC no puede estar vacío",
+ "This BIC already exist.": "Este BIC ya existe.",
+ "That item doesn't exists": "Ese artículo no existe",
+ "There's a new urgent ticket:": "Hay un nuevo ticket urgente:",
+ "Invalid account": "Cuenta inválida",
+ "Compensation account is empty": "La cuenta para compensar está vacia",
+ "This genus already exist": "Este genus ya existe",
+ "This specie already exist": "Esta especie ya existe",
+ "Client assignment has changed": "He cambiado el comercial ~*\"<{{previousWorkerName}}>\"*~ por *\"<{{currentWorkerName}}>\"* del cliente [{{clientName}} ({{clientId}})]({{{url}}})",
+ "None": "Ninguno",
+ "The contract was not active during the selected date": "El contrato no estaba activo durante la fecha seleccionada",
+ "Cannot add more than one '1/2 day vacation'": "No puedes añadir más de un 'Vacaciones 1/2 dia'",
+ "This document already exists on this ticket": "Este documento ya existe en el ticket",
+ "Some of the selected tickets are not billable": "Algunos de los tickets seleccionados no son facturables",
+ "You can't invoice tickets from multiple clients": "No puedes facturar tickets de multiples clientes",
+ "nickname": "nickname",
+ "INACTIVE_PROVIDER": "Proveedor inactivo",
+ "This client is not invoiceable": "Este cliente no es facturable",
+ "serial non editable": "Esta serie no permite asignar la referencia",
+ "Max shipped required": "La fecha límite es requerida",
+ "Can't invoice to future": "No se puede facturar a futuro",
+ "Can't invoice to past": "No se puede facturar a pasado",
+ "This ticket is already invoiced": "Este ticket ya está facturado",
+ "A ticket with an amount of zero can't be invoiced": "No se puede facturar un ticket con importe cero",
+ "A ticket with a negative base can't be invoiced": "No se puede facturar un ticket con una base negativa",
+ "Global invoicing failed": "[Facturación global] No se han podido facturar algunos clientes",
+ "Wasn't able to invoice the following clients": "No se han podido facturar los siguientes clientes",
+ "Can't verify data unless the client has a business type": "No se puede verificar datos de un cliente que no tiene tipo de negocio",
+ "You don't have enough privileges to set this credit amount": "No tienes suficientes privilegios para establecer esta cantidad de crédito",
+ "You can't change the credit set to zero from a financialBoss": "No puedes cambiar el cŕedito establecido a cero por un jefe de finanzas",
+ "Amounts do not match": "Las cantidades no coinciden",
+ "The PDF document does not exist": "El documento PDF no existe. Prueba a regenerarlo desde la opción 'Regenerar PDF factura'",
+ "The type of business must be filled in basic data": "El tipo de negocio debe estar rellenado en datos básicos",
+ "You can't create a claim from a ticket delivered more than seven days ago": "No puedes crear una reclamación de un ticket entregado hace más de siete días",
+ "The worker has hours recorded that day": "El trabajador tiene horas fichadas ese día",
+ "The worker has a marked absence that day": "El trabajador tiene marcada una ausencia ese día",
+ "You can not modify is pay method checked": "No se puede modificar el campo método de pago validado",
+ "The account size must be exactly 10 characters": "El tamaño de la cuenta debe ser exactamente de 10 caracteres",
+ "Can't transfer claimed sales": "No puedes transferir lineas reclamadas",
+ "You don't have privileges to create refund": "No tienes permisos para crear un abono",
+ "The item is required": "El artículo es requerido",
+ "The agency is already assigned to another autonomous": "La agencia ya está asignada a otro autónomo",
+ "date in the future": "Fecha en el futuro",
+ "reference duplicated": "Referencia duplicada",
+ "This ticket is already a refund": "Este ticket ya es un abono",
+ "isWithoutNegatives": "Sin negativos",
+ "routeFk": "routeFk",
+ "Can't change the password of another worker": "No se puede cambiar la contraseña de otro trabajador",
+ "No hay un contrato en vigor": "No hay un contrato en vigor",
+ "No se permite fichar a futuro": "No se permite fichar a futuro",
+ "No está permitido trabajar": "No está permitido trabajar",
+ "Fichadas impares": "Fichadas impares",
+ "Descanso diario 12h.": "Descanso diario 12h.",
+ "Descanso semanal 36h. / 72h.": "Descanso semanal 36h. / 72h.",
+ "Dirección incorrecta": "Dirección incorrecta",
+ "Modifiable user details only by an administrator": "Detalles de usuario modificables solo por un administrador",
+ "Modifiable password only via recovery or by an administrator": "Contraseña modificable solo a través de la recuperación o por un administrador",
+ "Not enough privileges to edit a client": "No tienes suficientes privilegios para editar un cliente",
+ "This route does not exists": "Esta ruta no existe",
+ "Claim pickup order sent": "Reclamación Orden de recogida enviada [{{claimId}}]({{{claimUrl}}}) al cliente *{{clientName}}*",
+ "You don't have grant privilege": "No tienes privilegios para dar privilegios",
+ "You don't own the role and you can't assign it to another user": "No eres el propietario del rol y no puedes asignarlo a otro usuario",
+ "Ticket merged": "Ticket [{{originId}}]({{{originFullPath}}}) ({{{originDated}}}) fusionado con [{{destinationId}}]({{{destinationFullPath}}}) ({{{destinationDated}}})",
+ "Already has this status": "Ya tiene este estado",
+ "There aren't records for this week": "No existen registros para esta semana",
+ "Empty data source": "Origen de datos vacio",
+ "App locked": "Aplicación bloqueada por el usuario {{userId}}",
+ "Email verify": "Correo de verificación",
+ "Landing cannot be lesser than shipment": "Landing cannot be lesser than shipment",
+ "Receipt's bank was not found": "No se encontró el banco del recibo",
+ "This receipt was not compensated": "Este recibo no ha sido compensado",
+ "Client's email was not found": "No se encontró el email del cliente",
+ "Negative basis": "Base negativa",
+ "This worker code already exists": "Este codigo de trabajador ya existe",
+ "This personal mail already exists": "Este correo personal ya existe",
+ "This worker already exists": "Este trabajador ya existe",
+ "App name does not exist": "El nombre de aplicación no es válido",
+ "Try again": "Vuelve a intentarlo",
+ "Aplicación bloqueada por el usuario 9": "Aplicación bloqueada por el usuario 9",
+ "Failed to upload delivery note": "Error al subir albarán {{id}}",
+ "The DOCUWARE PDF document does not exists": "El documento PDF Docuware no existe",
+ "It is not possible to modify tracked sales": "No es posible modificar líneas de pedido que se hayan empezado a preparar",
+ "It is not possible to modify sales that their articles are from Floramondo": "No es posible modificar líneas de pedido cuyos artículos sean de Floramondo",
+ "It is not possible to modify cloned sales": "No es posible modificar líneas de pedido clonadas",
+ "A supplier with the same name already exists. Change the country.": "Un proveedor con el mismo nombre ya existe. Cambie el país.",
+ "There is no assigned email for this client": "No hay correo asignado para este cliente",
+ "Exists an invoice with a future date": "Existe una factura con fecha posterior",
+ "Invoice date can't be less than max date": "La fecha de factura no puede ser inferior a la fecha límite",
+ "Warehouse inventory not set": "El almacén inventario no está establecido",
+ "This locker has already been assigned": "Esta taquilla ya ha sido asignada",
+ "Tickets with associated refunds": "No se pueden borrar tickets con abonos asociados. Este ticket está asociado al abono Nº %s",
+ "Not exist this branch": "La rama no existe",
+ "This ticket cannot be signed because it has not been boxed": "Este ticket no puede firmarse porque no ha sido encajado",
+ "Collection does not exist": "La colección no existe",
+ "Cannot obtain exclusive lock": "No se puede obtener un bloqueo exclusivo",
+ "Insert a date range": "Inserte un rango de fechas",
+ "Added observation": "{{user}} añadió esta observacion: {{text}} {{defaulterId}} ({{{defaulterUrl}}})",
+ "Comment added to client": "Observación añadida al cliente {{clientFk}}",
+ "Invalid auth code": "Código de verificación incorrecto",
+ "Invalid or expired verification code": "Código de verificación incorrecto o expirado",
+ "Cannot create a new claimBeginning from a different ticket": "No se puede crear una línea de reclamación de un ticket diferente al origen",
+ "company": "Compañía",
+ "country": "País",
+ "clientId": "Id cliente",
+ "clientSocialName": "Cliente",
+ "amount": "Importe",
+ "taxableBase": "Base",
+ "ticketFk": "Id ticket",
+ "isActive": "Activo",
+ "hasToInvoice": "Facturar",
+ "isTaxDataChecked": "Datos comprobados",
+ "comercialId": "Id comercial",
+ "comercialName": "Comercial",
+ "Pass expired": "La contraseña ha caducado, cambiela desde Salix",
+ "Invalid NIF for VIES": "Invalid NIF for VIES",
+ "Ticket does not exist": "Este ticket no existe",
+ "Ticket is already signed": "Este ticket ya ha sido firmado",
+ "Authentication failed": "Autenticación fallida",
+ "You can't use the same password": "No puedes usar la misma contraseña",
+ "You can only add negative amounts in refund tickets": "Solo se puede añadir cantidades negativas en tickets abono",
+ "Fecha fuera de rango": "Fecha fuera de rango",
+ "Error while generating PDF": "Error al generar PDF",
+ "Error when sending mail to client": "Error al enviar el correo al cliente",
+ "Mail not sent": "Se ha producido un fallo al enviar la factura al cliente [{{clientId}}]({{{clientUrl}}}), por favor revisa la dirección de correo electrónico",
+ "The renew period has not been exceeded": "El periodo de renovación no ha sido superado",
+ "Valid priorities": "Prioridades válidas: %d",
+ "hasAnyNegativeBase": "Base negativa para los tickets: {{ticketsIds}}",
+ "hasAnyPositiveBase": "Base positivas para los tickets: {{ticketsIds}}",
+ "You cannot assign an alias that you are not assigned to": "No puede asignar un alias que no tenga asignado",
+ "This ticket cannot be left empty.": "Este ticket no se puede dejar vacío. %s",
+ "The company has not informed the supplier account for bank transfers": "La empresa no tiene informado la cuenta de proveedor para transferencias bancarias",
+ "You cannot assign/remove an alias that you are not assigned to": "No puede asignar/eliminar un alias que no tenga asignado",
+ "This invoice has a linked vehicle.": "Esta factura tiene un vehiculo vinculado",
+ "You don't have enough privileges.": "No tienes suficientes permisos.",
+ "This ticket is locked": "Este ticket está bloqueado.",
+ "This ticket is not editable.": "Este ticket no es editable.",
+ "The ticket doesn't exist.": "No existe el ticket.",
+ "Social name should be uppercase": "La razón social debe ir en mayúscula",
+ "Street should be uppercase": "La dirección fiscal debe ir en mayúscula",
+ "Ticket without Route": "Ticket sin ruta",
+ "Select a different client": "Seleccione un cliente distinto",
+ "Fill all the fields": "Rellene todos los campos",
+ "The response is not a PDF": "La respuesta no es un PDF",
+ "Booking completed": "Reserva completada",
+ "The ticket is in preparation": "El ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) del comercial {{salesPersonId}} está en preparación",
+ "The notification subscription of this worker cant be modified": "La subscripción a la notificación de este trabajador no puede ser modificada",
+ "User disabled": "Usuario desactivado",
+ "The amount cannot be less than the minimum": "La cantidad no puede ser menor que la cantidad mínima",
+ "quantityLessThanMin": "La cantidad no puede ser menor que la cantidad mínima",
+ "Cannot past travels with entries": "No se pueden pasar envíos con entradas",
+ "It was not able to remove the next expeditions:": "No se pudo eliminar las siguientes expediciones: {{expeditions}}",
+ "This claim has been updated": "La reclamación con Id: {{claimId}}, ha sido actualizada",
+ "This user does not have an assigned tablet": "Este usuario no tiene tablet asignada",
+ "Field are invalid": "El campo '{{tag}}' no es válido",
+ "Incorrect pin": "Pin incorrecto.",
+ "You already have the mailAlias": "Ya tienes este alias de correo",
+ "The alias cant be modified": "Este alias de correo no puede ser modificado",
+ "No tickets to invoice": "No hay tickets para facturar que cumplan los requisitos de facturación",
+ "this warehouse has not dms": "El Almacén no acepta documentos",
+ "This ticket already has a cmr saved": "Este ticket ya tiene un cmr guardado",
+ "Name should be uppercase": "El nombre debe ir en mayúscula",
+ "Bank entity must be specified": "La entidad bancaria es obligatoria",
+ "An email is necessary": "Es necesario un email",
+ "You cannot update these fields": "No puedes actualizar estos campos",
+ "CountryFK cannot be empty": "El país no puede estar vacío",
+ "Cmr file does not exist": "El archivo del cmr no existe",
+ "You are not allowed to modify the alias": "No estás autorizado a modificar el alias",
+ "The address of the customer must have information about Incoterms and Customs Agent": "El consignatario del cliente debe tener informado Incoterms y Agente de aduanas",
+ "No invoice series found for these parameters": "No se encontró una serie para estos parámetros",
+ "The line could not be marked": "La linea no puede ser marcada",
+ "Through this procedure, it is not possible to modify the password of users with verified email": "Mediante este procedimiento, no es posible modificar la contraseña de usuarios con correo verificado",
+ "They're not your subordinate": "No es tu subordinado/a.",
+ "No results found": "No se han encontrado resultados",
+ "InvoiceIn is already booked": "La factura recibida está contabilizada",
+ "This workCenter is already assigned to this agency": "Este centro de trabajo ya está asignado a esta agencia",
+ "Select ticket or client": "Elija un ticket o un client",
+ "It was not able to create the invoice": "No se pudo crear la factura",
+ "Incoterms and Customs agent are required for a non UEE member": "Se requieren Incoterms y agente de aduanas para un no miembro de la UEE",
+ "You can not use the same password": "No puedes usar la misma contraseña",
+ "This PDA is already assigned to another user": "Este PDA ya está asignado a otro usuario",
+ "You can only have one PDA": "Solo puedes tener un PDA",
+ "The invoices have been created but the PDFs could not be generated": "Se ha facturado pero no se ha podido generar el PDF",
+ "It has been invoiced but the PDF of refund not be generated": "Se ha facturado pero no se ha podido generar el PDF del abono",
+ "Payment method is required": "El método de pago es obligatorio",
+ "Cannot send mail": "Não é possível enviar o email",
+ "CONSTRAINT `supplierAccountTooShort` failed for `vn`.`supplier`": "La cuenta debe tener exactamente 10 dígitos",
+ "The sale not exists in the item shelving": "La venta no existe en la estantería del artículo",
+ "The entry not have stickers": "La entrada no tiene etiquetas",
+ "Too many records": "Demasiados registros",
+ "Original invoice not found": "Factura original no encontrada",
+ "The entry has no lines or does not exist": "La entrada no tiene lineas o no existe",
+ "Weight already set": "El peso ya está establecido",
+ "This ticket is not allocated to your department": "Este ticket no está asignado a tu departamento",
+ "There is already a tray with the same height": "Ya existe una bandeja con la misma altura",
+ "The height must be greater than 50cm": "La altura debe ser superior a 50cm",
+ "The maximum height of the wagon is 200cm": "La altura máxima es 200cm",
+ "The entry does not have stickers": "La entrada no tiene etiquetas",
+ "This buyer has already made a reservation for this date": "Este comprador ya ha hecho una reserva para esta fecha",
+ "No valid travel thermograph found": "No se encontró un termógrafo válido",
+ "The quantity claimed cannot be greater than the quantity of the line": "La cantidad reclamada no puede ser mayor que la cantidad de la línea",
+ "type cannot be blank": "Se debe rellenar el tipo",
+ "There are tickets for this area, delete them first": "Hay tickets para esta sección, borralos primero",
+ "There is no company associated with that warehouse": "No hay ninguna empresa asociada a ese almacén",
+ "You do not have permission to modify the booked field": "No tienes permisos para modificar el campo contabilizada",
+ "ticketLostExpedition": "El ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) tiene la siguiente expedición perdida:{{ expeditionId }}",
+ "The web user's email already exists": "El correo del usuario web ya existe",
+ "Sales already moved": "Ya han sido transferidas",
+ "The raid information is not correct": "La información de la redada no es correcta",
+ "An item type with the same code already exists": "Un tipo con el mismo código ya existe",
+ "Holidays to past days not available": "Las vacaciones a días pasados no están disponibles",
+ "All tickets have a route order": "Todos los tickets tienen orden de ruta",
+ "There are tickets to be invoiced": "La zona tiene tickets por facturar",
+ "Incorrect delivery order alert on route": "Alerta de orden de entrega incorrecta en ruta: {{ route }} zona: {{ zone }}",
+ "Ticket has been delivered out of order": "El ticket {{ticket}} {{{fullUrl}}} no ha sido entregado en su orden.",
+ "Price cannot be blank": "El precio no puede estar en blanco",
+ "clonedFromTicketWeekly": ", que es una linea clonada del ticket {{ticketWeekly}}",
+ "negativeReplaced": "Sustituido el articulo [#{{oldItemId}}]({{{oldItemUrl}}}) {{oldItem}} por [#{{newItemId}}]({{{newItemUrl}}}) {{newItem}} del ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}})",
+ "The introduced warehouse already exists": "El almacén seleccionado ya existe en la zona",
+ "The code already exists": "El código ya existe"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-beginning/importToNewRefundTicket.js b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-beginning/importToNewRefundTicket.js
index a0dc2248c4..5a08140e7f 100644
--- a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-beginning/importToNewRefundTicket.js
+++ b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-beginning/importToNewRefundTicket.js
@@ -74,66 +74,77 @@ module.exports = Self => {
try {
- const worker = await models.Worker.findOne({
- where: {id: userId}
- }, myOptions);
- const obsevationType = await models.ObservationType.findOne({
- where: {code: 'salesPerson'}
- }, myOptions);
- const agencyMode = await models.AgencyMode.findOne({
- where: {code: 'refund'}
- }, myOptions);
- const state = await models.State.findOne({
- where: {code: 'DELIVERED'}
- }, myOptions);
- const zone = await models.Zone.findOne({
- where: {agencyModeFk: agencyMode.id}
- }, myOptions);
const claim = await models.Claim.findOne(filter, myOptions);
const today = Date.vnNew();
+ let agencyModeFk;
+ let nickname;
+ let state;
+ let discountValue = null;
+ let packages = 0;
+ const claimConfig = await models.ClaimConfig.findOne();
+ const warehouseFk = claimConfig.warehouseFk;
+ if (claim.pickup === null || claim.pickup == 'agency') {
+ state = await models.State.findOne({
+ where: {code: 'DELIVERED'}
+ }, myOptions);
+ const agencyMode = await models.AgencyMode.findOne({
+ where: {code: 'refund'}
+ }, myOptions);
+ agencyModeFk = agencyMode.id;
+ nickname = `Abono del: ${claim.ticketFk}`;
+ } else {
+ discountValue = 100;
+ packages = 1;
+ state = await models.State.findOne({
+ where: {code: 'WAITING_FOR_PICKUP'}
+ }, myOptions);
+ nickname = `Recogida pendiente del: ${claim.ticketFk}`;
+ agencyModeFk = claimConfig.pickupDeliveryFk;
+ }
+ const nextShipped = await models.Agency.getShipped(
+ ctx, today, claim.ticket().addressFk, agencyModeFk, warehouseFk, myOptions
+ );
const newRefundTicket = await models.Ticket.create({
clientFk: claim.ticket().clientFk,
- shipped: today,
- landed: today,
- nickname: `Abono del: ${claim.ticketFk}`,
- warehouseFk: claim.ticket().warehouseFk,
+ shipped: nextShipped,
+ landed: null,
+ nickname,
+ warehouseFk,
companyFk: claim.ticket().companyFk,
addressFk: claim.ticket().addressFk,
- agencyModeFk: agencyMode.id,
- zoneFk: zone.id
+ agencyModeFk,
+ zoneFk: claim.ticket().zoneFk,
+ packages
}, myOptions);
+ if (claim.pickup == 'pickup') {
+ const observationDelivery =
+ await models.ObservationType.findOne({where: {code: 'delivery'}}, myOptions);
+ await saveObservation({
+ description: `recoger reclamación: ${claim.id}`,
+ ticketFk: newRefundTicket.id,
+ observationTypeFk: observationDelivery.id
+ }, myOptions);
+ }
await models.TicketRefund.create({
refundTicketFk: newRefundTicket.id,
originalTicketFk: claim.ticket().id
}, myOptions);
- await saveObservation({
- description: `Reclama ticket: ${claim.ticketFk}`,
- ticketFk: newRefundTicket.id,
- observationTypeFk: obsevationType.id
- }, myOptions);
+ const salesToRefund = await models.ClaimBeginning.find(salesFilter, myOptions);
+ const createdSales = await addSalesToTicket(salesToRefund, newRefundTicket.id, discountValue, myOptions);
+ await insertIntoClaimEnd(createdSales, id, userId, myOptions);
await models.Ticket.state(ctx, {
ticketFk: newRefundTicket.id,
stateFk: state.id,
- userFk: worker.id
+ userFk: userId
}, myOptions);
- const salesToRefund = await models.ClaimBeginning.find(salesFilter, myOptions);
- const createdSales = await addSalesToTicket(salesToRefund, newRefundTicket.id, myOptions);
- await insertIntoClaimEnd(createdSales, id, worker.id, myOptions);
- await Self.rawSql('CALL vn.ticketCalculateClon(?, ?)', [
- newRefundTicket.id, claim.ticketFk
- ], myOptions);
if (tx) await tx.commit();
return newRefundTicket;
@@ -143,23 +154,36 @@ module.exports = Self => {
- async function addSalesToTicket(salesToRefund, ticketId, options) {
- let formatedSales = [];
- salesToRefund.forEach(sale => {
- let formatedSale = {
- itemFk: sale.sale().itemFk,
- ticketFk: ticketId,
- concept: sale.sale().concept,
- quantity: -Math.abs(sale.quantity),
- price: sale.sale().price,
- discount: sale.sale().discount,
- reserved: sale.sale().reserved,
- isPicked: sale.sale().isPicked,
- created: sale.sale().created
+ async function addSalesToTicket(salesToRefund, newTicketId, discountValue, options) {
+ const createdSales = [];
+ const models = Self.app.models;
+ for (const saleToRefund of salesToRefund) {
+ const oldSale = saleToRefund.sale();
+ const newSaleData = {
+ itemFk: oldSale.itemFk,
+ ticketFk: newTicketId,
+ concept: oldSale.concept,
+ quantity: -Math.abs(saleToRefund.quantity),
+ price: oldSale.price,
+ discount: discountValue ?? oldSale.discount,
+ reserved: oldSale.reserved,
+ isPicked: oldSale.isPicked,
+ created: oldSale.created
- formatedSales.push(formatedSale);
- });
- return await Self.app.models.Sale.create(formatedSales, options);
+ const newSale = await models.Sale.create(newSaleData, options);
+ const oldSaleComponents = await models.SaleComponent.find({
+ where: {saleFk: oldSale.id}
+ }, options);
+ const newComponents = oldSaleComponents.map(component => {
+ const data = component.toJSON ? component.toJSON() : {...component};
+ delete data.id;
+ data.saleFk = newSale.id;
+ return data;
+ });
+ await models.SaleComponent.create(newComponents, options);
+ createdSales.push(newSale);
+ }
+ return createdSales;
async function insertIntoClaimEnd(createdSales, claimId, workerId, options) {
diff --git a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-beginning/importToNewRefundTicket.spec.js b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-beginning/importToNewRefundTicket.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 156caaeec6..0000000000
--- a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-beginning/importToNewRefundTicket.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-const app = require('vn-loopback/server/server');
-const LoopBackContext = require('loopback-context');
-const models = app.models;
-describe('claimBeginning', () => {
- const claimManagerId = 72;
- const activeCtx = {
- accessToken: {userId: claimManagerId},
- __: value => value
- };
- const ctx = {req: activeCtx};
- describe('importToNewRefundTicket()', () => {
- it('should create a new ticket with negative sales and insert the negative sales into claimEnd', async() => {
- spyOn(LoopBackContext, 'getCurrentContext').and.returnValue({
- active: activeCtx
- });
- let claimId = 1;
- const tx = await models.Entry.beginTransaction({});
- try {
- const options = {transaction: tx};
- const ticket = await models.ClaimBeginning.importToNewRefundTicket(ctx, claimId, options);
- const refundTicketSales = await models.Sale.find({
- where: {ticketFk: ticket.id}
- }, options);
- const salesInsertedInClaimEnd = await models.ClaimEnd.find({
- where: {claimFk: claimId}
- }, options);
- expect(refundTicketSales.length).toEqual(1);
- expect(refundTicketSales[0].quantity).toEqual(-5);
- expect(salesInsertedInClaimEnd[0].saleFk).toEqual(refundTicketSales[0].id);
- await tx.rollback();
- } catch (e) {
- await tx.rollback();
- throw e;
- }
- });
- });
diff --git a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-beginning/specs/importToNewRefundTicket.spec.js b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-beginning/specs/importToNewRefundTicket.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7771310674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-beginning/specs/importToNewRefundTicket.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+const app = require('vn-loopback/server/server');
+const LoopBackContext = require('loopback-context');
+const models = app.models;
+describe('importToNewRefundTicket()', () => {
+ let tx;
+ const claimManagerId = 72;
+ const activeCtx = {
+ accessToken: {userId: claimManagerId},
+ };
+ let ctx = {req: activeCtx};
+ let options;
+ const claimId = 1;
+ const expectedDate = Date.vnNew();
+ beforeEach(async() => {
+ LoopBackContext.getCurrentContext = () => ({
+ active: activeCtx,
+ });
+ tx = await models.Entry.beginTransaction({});
+ options = {transaction: tx};
+ spyOn(models.Agency, 'getShipped').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(expectedDate));
+ });
+ afterEach(async() => {
+ await tx.rollback();
+ });
+ it('should create a new ticket with negative sales and insert the negative sales into claimEnd', async() => {
+ const ticket = await models.ClaimBeginning.importToNewRefundTicket(ctx, claimId, options);
+ const refundTicketSales = await models.Sale.find({
+ where: {ticketFk: ticket.id}
+ }, options);
+ const salesInsertedInClaimEnd = await models.ClaimEnd.find({
+ where: {claimFk: claimId}
+ }, options);
+ expect(refundTicketSales.length).toEqual(1);
+ expect(refundTicketSales[0].quantity).toEqual(-5);
+ expect(salesInsertedInClaimEnd[0].saleFk).toEqual(refundTicketSales[0].id);
+ });
+ it('should set DELIVERED state and refund agency mode', async() => {
+ const state = await models.State.findOne({
+ where: {code: 'DELIVERED'}
+ }, options);
+ const ticket = await models.ClaimBeginning.importToNewRefundTicket(ctx, claimId, options);
+ const ticketTracking = await models.TicketTracking.findOne({
+ where: {ticketFk: ticket.id},
+ order: 'id DESC'
+ }, options);
+ const newSales = await models.Sale.find({
+ where: {ticketFk: ticket.id}
+ }, options);
+ newSales.forEach(sale => {
+ expect(sale.discount).toEqual(0);
+ });
+ expect(ticketTracking.stateFk).toEqual(state.id);
+ });
+ it('should set WAITING_FOR_PICKUP state for delivery pickups', async() => {
+ const state = await models.State.findOne({
+ where: {code: 'WAITING_FOR_PICKUP'}
+ }, options);
+ await models.Claim.updateAll({id: claimId}, {pickup: 'delivery'}, options);
+ const ticket = await models.ClaimBeginning.importToNewRefundTicket(ctx, claimId, options);
+ const ticketTracking = await models.TicketTracking.findOne({
+ where: {ticketFk: ticket.id},
+ order: 'id DESC'
+ }, options);
+ const newSales = await models.Sale.find({
+ where: {ticketFk: ticket.id}
+ }, options);
+ newSales.forEach(sale => {
+ expect(sale.discount).toEqual(100);
+ });
+ expect(ticketTracking.stateFk).toEqual(state.id);
+ });
+ it('should set DELIVERED state for agency pickups', async() => {
+ const state = await models.State.findOne({
+ where: {code: 'DELIVERED'}
+ }, options);
+ await models.Claim.updateAll({id: claimId}, {pickup: 'agency'}, options);
+ const ticket = await models.ClaimBeginning.importToNewRefundTicket(ctx, claimId, options);
+ const ticketTracking = await models.TicketTracking.findOne({
+ where: {ticketFk: ticket.id},
+ order: 'id DESC'
+ }, options);
+ expect(ticketTracking.stateFk).toEqual(state.id);
+ });
diff --git a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-end/filter.js b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-end/filter.js
index 0dda16a3a7..c4f4879969 100644
--- a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-end/filter.js
+++ b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim-end/filter.js
@@ -40,21 +40,24 @@ module.exports = Self => {
const stmt = new ParameterizedSQL(
- s.itemFk,
- s.ticketFk,
- ce.claimDestinationFk,
- t.landed,
- s.quantity,
- s.concept,
- s.price,
+ s.itemFk,
+ s.ticketFk,
+ ce.claimDestinationFk,
+ t.landed,
+ s.quantity,
+ s.concept,
+ s.price,
- s.quantity * s.price * ((100 - s.discount) / 100) total
+ s.quantity * s.price * ((100 - s.discount) / 100) total,
+ ce.shelvingFk,
+ sh.code shelvingCode
FROM vn.claimEnd ce
- LEFT JOIN vn.sale s ON s.id = ce.saleFk
+ LEFT JOIN vn.sale s ON s.id = ce.saleFk
LEFT JOIN vn.ticket t ON t.id = s.ticketFk
+ LEFT JOIN vn.shelving sh ON sh.id = ce.shelvingFk
) ce`
diff --git a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/regularizeClaim.js b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/regularizeClaim.js
index a51b114ef2..b1c34d2f40 100644
--- a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/regularizeClaim.js
+++ b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/regularizeClaim.js
@@ -3,12 +3,14 @@ module.exports = Self => {
description: `Imports lines from claimBeginning to a new ticket
with specific shipped, landed dates, agency and company`,
accessType: 'WRITE',
- accepts: [{
- arg: 'id',
- type: 'number',
- description: 'The claim id',
- http: {source: 'path'}
- }],
+ accepts: [
+ {
+ arg: 'id',
+ type: 'number',
+ description: 'The claim id',
+ http: {source: 'path'}
+ }
+ ],
returns: {
type: ['Object'],
root: true
@@ -22,8 +24,6 @@ module.exports = Self => {
Self.regularizeClaim = async(ctx, claimFk, options) => {
const models = Self.app.models;
const $t = ctx.req.__; // $translate
- const resolvedState = 3;
let tx;
const myOptions = {};
@@ -37,25 +37,39 @@ module.exports = Self => {
try {
const claimEnds = await models.ClaimEnd.find({
- include: {
- relation: 'claimDestination',
- fields: ['addressFk']
- },
- where: {claimFk: claimFk}
+ where: {claimFk: claimFk},
+ include: [
+ {
+ relation: 'claimDestination',
+ scope: {fields: ['addressFk']}
+ },
+ {
+ relation: 'shelving',
+ scope: {
+ fields: ['code', 'parkingFk'],
+ include: {
+ relation: 'parking',
+ scope: {
+ fields: ['sectorFk'],
+ include: {
+ relation: 'sector',
+ scope: {fields: ['warehouseFk']}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
}, myOptions);
for (let claimEnd of claimEnds) {
const destination = claimEnd.claimDestination();
const sale = await getSale(claimEnd.saleFk, myOptions);
- const addressId = destination && destination.addressFk;
- let address;
- if (addressId)
- address = await models.Address.findById(addressId, null, myOptions);
+ const addressId = destination?.addressFk;
const salesPerson = sale.ticket().client().salesPersonUser();
if (salesPerson) {
- const nickname = address && address.nickname || destination.description;
+ const nickname = destination.description;
const url = await Self.app.models.Url.getUrl();
const message = $t('Sent units from ticket', {
quantity: sale.quantity,
@@ -69,18 +83,21 @@ module.exports = Self => {
await models.Chat.sendCheckingPresence(ctx, salesPerson.id, message);
- if (!address) continue;
+ if (!addressId) continue;
+ const warehouseFk = claimEnd.shelving().parking().sector().warehouseFk;
+ const address = await models.Address.findById(addressId, null, myOptions);
let ticketFk = await getTicketId({
addressFk: addressId,
companyFk: sale.ticket().companyFk,
- warehouseFk: sale.ticket().warehouseFk
+ warehouseFk: warehouseFk
}, myOptions);
if (!ticketFk) {
ctx.args = {
clientId: address.clientFk,
- warehouseId: sale.ticket().warehouseFk,
+ warehouseId: warehouseFk,
companyId: sale.ticket().companyFk,
addressId: addressId
@@ -90,15 +107,43 @@ module.exports = Self => {
ticketFk: ticketFk,
itemFk: sale.itemFk,
concept: sale.concept,
- quantity: -sale.quantity,
+ quantity: sale.quantity,
price: sale.price,
discount: 100
}, myOptions);
+ const [buyFk] = await Self.rawSql('SELECT vn.buy_getLastWithoutInventory(?, ?) buyFk',
+ [sale.itemFk, warehouseFk], myOptions
+ );
+ await Self.rawSql('CALL vn.itemShelving_add(?, ?, ?, NULL, NULL, NULL, ?)',
+ [claimEnd.shelving().code, buyFk.buyFk, -sale.quantity, warehouseFk],
+ myOptions
+ );
+ const operator = await models.Operator.findById(
+ ctx.req.accessToken.userId, {fields: ['labelerFk']}, myOptions);
+ const params = JSON.stringify({
+ copies: 1,
+ id: buyFk.buyFk,
+ labelType: 'qr'
+ });
+ await Self.rawSql(`CALL vn.report_print( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`,
+ ['LabelBuy',
+ operator?.labelerFk,
+ ctx.req.accessToken.userId,
+ params,
+ 'normal'
+ ],
+ myOptions);
+ const resolvedState = await models.ClaimState.findOne({
+ where: {code: 'resolved'}
+ }, myOptions);
let claim = await Self.findById(claimFk, null, myOptions);
claim = await claim.updateAttributes({
- claimStateFk: resolvedState
+ claimStateFk: resolvedState.id
}, myOptions);
if (tx) await tx.commit();
@@ -151,7 +196,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
}, options);
- return ticket && ticket.id;
+ return ticket?.id;
async function createTicket(ctx, options) {
diff --git a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/specs/regularizeClaim.spec.js b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/specs/regularizeClaim.spec.js
index 55d76ed7a7..f0ad1ce470 100644
--- a/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/specs/regularizeClaim.spec.js
+++ b/modules/claim/back/methods/claim/specs/regularizeClaim.spec.js
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
const models = require('vn-loopback/server/server').models;
+const LoopBackContext = require('loopback-context');
describe('claim regularizeClaim()', () => {
- const userId = 18;
- const ctx = beforeAll.mockLoopBackContext(userId);
- ctx.req.__ = (value, params) => {
- return params.nickname;
- };
+ const userId = 72;
const chatModel = models.Chat;
const claimId = 1;
const ticketId = 1;
@@ -13,9 +10,27 @@ describe('claim regularizeClaim()', () => {
const resolvedState = 3;
const trashDestination = 2;
const okDestination = 1;
- const trashAddress = 12;
let claimEnds = [];
- let trashTicket;
+ const activeCtx = {accessToken: {userId}};
+ let ctx = {req: activeCtx};
+ let tx;
+ let options;
+ beforeEach(async() => {
+ LoopBackContext.getCurrentContext = () => ({
+ active: activeCtx,
+ });
+ ctx.req.__ = (_value, params) => {
+ return params.nickname;
+ };
+ tx = await models.Claim.beginTransaction({});
+ options = {transaction: tx};
+ });
+ afterEach(async() => {
+ await tx.rollback();
+ });
async function importTicket(ticketId, claimId, userId, options) {
const ticketSales = await models.Sale.find({
@@ -34,84 +49,73 @@ describe('claim regularizeClaim()', () => {
it('should send a chat message with value "Trash" and then change claim state to resolved', async() => {
- const tx = await models.Claim.beginTransaction({});
+ spyOn(chatModel, 'sendCheckingPresence').and.callThrough();
- try {
- const options = {transaction: tx};
+ claimEnds = await importTicket(ticketId, claimId, userId, options);
- spyOn(chatModel, 'sendCheckingPresence').and.callThrough();
+ for (const claimEnd of claimEnds)
+ await claimEnd.updateAttributes({claimDestinationFk: trashDestination}, options);
- claimEnds = await importTicket(ticketId, claimId, userId, options);
+ let claimBefore = await models.Claim.findById(claimId, null, options);
+ await models.Claim.regularizeClaim(ctx, claimId, options);
+ let claimAfter = await models.Claim.findById(claimId, null, options);
- for (const claimEnd of claimEnds)
- await claimEnd.updateAttributes({claimDestinationFk: trashDestination}, options);
- let claimBefore = await models.Claim.findById(claimId, null, options);
- await models.Claim.regularizeClaim(ctx, claimId, options);
- let claimAfter = await models.Claim.findById(claimId, null, options);
- trashTicket = await models.Ticket.findOne({where: {addressFk: 12}}, options);
- expect(trashTicket.addressFk).toEqual(trashAddress);
- expect(claimBefore.claimStateFk).toEqual(pendentState);
- expect(claimAfter.claimStateFk).toEqual(resolvedState);
- expect(chatModel.sendCheckingPresence).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ctx, 18, 'Trash');
- expect(chatModel.sendCheckingPresence).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4);
- await tx.rollback();
- } catch (e) {
- await tx.rollback();
- throw e;
- }
+ expect(claimBefore.claimStateFk).toEqual(pendentState);
+ expect(claimAfter.claimStateFk).toEqual(resolvedState);
- it('should send a chat message with value "Bueno" and then change claim state to resolved', async() => {
- const tx = await models.Claim.beginTransaction({});
+ it('should change claim state to resolved', async() => {
+ const addressMissingFk = 11;
+ const shelvingFk = 1;
+ const warehouseFk = 6;
+ const minDate = Date.vnNew();
+ minDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
- try {
- const options = {transaction: tx};
+ const maxDate = Date.vnNew();
+ maxDate.setHours(23, 59, 59, 59);
- spyOn(chatModel, 'sendCheckingPresence').and.callThrough();
+ spyOn(chatModel, 'sendCheckingPresence').and.callThrough();
- claimEnds = await importTicket(ticketId, claimId, userId, options);
+ claimEnds = await importTicket(ticketId, claimId, userId, options);
- for (claimEnd of claimEnds)
- await claimEnd.updateAttributes({claimDestinationFk: okDestination}, options);
+ for (let claimEnd of claimEnds)
+ await claimEnd.updateAttributes({claimDestinationFk: okDestination, shelvingFk}, options);
- await models.Claim.regularizeClaim(ctx, claimId, options);
+ const sale = await models.Sale.findOne({
+ include: [
+ {
+ relation: 'ticket',
+ scope: {
+ fields: ['clientFk', 'companyFk']
+ }
+ }],
+ where: {id: claimEnds[0].saleFk}
+ }, options);
- expect(chatModel.sendCheckingPresence).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ctx, 18, 'Bueno');
- expect(chatModel.sendCheckingPresence).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4);
+ await models.Claim.regularizeClaim(ctx, claimId, options);
- await tx.rollback();
- } catch (e) {
- await tx.rollback();
- throw e;
- }
- });
+ const ticket = await models.Ticket.findOne({
+ where: {
+ addressFk: addressMissingFk,
+ companyFk: sale.ticket().companyFk,
+ warehouseFk: warehouseFk,
+ shipped: {between: [minDate, maxDate]},
+ landed: {between: [minDate, maxDate]}
+ }
+ }, options);
- it('should send a chat message to the salesPerson when claim isPickUp is enabled', async() => {
- const tx = await models.Claim.beginTransaction({});
+ const missingSale = await models.Sale.findOne({
+ where: {
+ ticketFk: ticket.id
+ }
+ }, options);
- try {
- const options = {transaction: tx};
+ const claimBeginning = await models.ClaimBeginning.findOne({
+ where: {
+ claimFk: claimId
+ }
+ }, options);
- spyOn(chatModel, 'sendCheckingPresence').and.callThrough();
- claimEnds = await importTicket(ticketId, claimId, userId, options);
- for (claimEnd of claimEnds)
- await claimEnd.updateAttributes({claimDestinationFk: okDestination}, options);
- await models.Claim.regularizeClaim(ctx, claimId, options);
- expect(chatModel.sendCheckingPresence).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ctx, 18, 'Bueno');
- expect(chatModel.sendCheckingPresence).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4);
- await tx.rollback();
- } catch (e) {
- await tx.rollback();
- throw e;
- }
+ expect(missingSale.quantity).toBe(claimBeginning.quantity);
diff --git a/modules/claim/back/model-config.json b/modules/claim/back/model-config.json
index d90ed4c1e8..6183a31423 100644
--- a/modules/claim/back/model-config.json
+++ b/modules/claim/back/model-config.json
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
"Claim": {
"dataSource": "vn"
+ "ClaimConfig": {
+ "dataSource": "vn"
+ },
"ClaimContainer": {
"dataSource": "claimStorage"
@@ -43,5 +46,5 @@
"ClaimObservation": {
"dataSource": "vn"
- }
+ }
diff --git a/modules/claim/back/models/claim-config.json b/modules/claim/back/models/claim-config.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b90909953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/claim/back/models/claim-config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ "name": "ClaimConfig",
+ "base": "VnModel",
+ "mixins": {
+ "Loggable": true
+ },
+ "options": {
+ "mysql": {
+ "table": "claimConfig"
+ }
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "id": {
+ "type": "number",
+ "id": true,
+ "description": "Identifier"
+ },
+ "maxResponsibility": {
+ "type": "number"
+ },
+ "monthsToRefund": {
+ "type": "number"
+ },
+ "minShipped": {
+ "type": "date"
+ },
+ "pickupdeliveryFk": {
+ "type": "number"
+ },
+ "warehouseFk": {
+ "type": "number"
+ }
+ },
+ "relations": {
+ "pickupDelivery": {
+ "type": "belongsTo",
+ "model": "AgencyMode",
+ "foreignKey": "pickupdeliveryFk"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/modules/claim/back/models/claim-end.json b/modules/claim/back/models/claim-end.json
index ef5477f50e..aa66824f71 100644
--- a/modules/claim/back/models/claim-end.json
+++ b/modules/claim/back/models/claim-end.json
@@ -41,6 +41,11 @@
"type": "belongsTo",
"model": "ClaimDestination",
"foreignKey": "claimDestinationFk"
+ },
+ "shelving": {
+ "type": "belongsTo",
+ "model": "Shelving",
+ "foreignKey": "shelvingFk"
diff --git a/modules/client/back/methods/client/createWithUser.js b/modules/client/back/methods/client/createWithUser.js
index 1d5e71fcae..ad20171dc9 100644
--- a/modules/client/back/methods/client/createWithUser.js
+++ b/modules/client/back/methods/client/createWithUser.js
@@ -43,6 +43,17 @@ module.exports = function(Self) {
password: String(Math.random() * 100000000000000)
+ const supplier = await models.Supplier.findOne({
+ where: {nif: data.fi}
+ });
+ const role = supplier ? await models.VnRole.findOne({
+ where: {name: 'supplier'}
+ }) : null;
+ if (role)
+ user.roleFk = role.id;
try {
const province = await models.Province.findOne({
where: {id: data.provinceFk},
diff --git a/modules/client/back/methods/client/specs/createWithUser.spec.js b/modules/client/back/methods/client/specs/createWithUser.spec.js
index 8cff96ac54..fdc0797958 100644
--- a/modules/client/back/methods/client/specs/createWithUser.spec.js
+++ b/modules/client/back/methods/client/specs/createWithUser.spec.js
@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ describe('Client Create', () => {
expect(error.message).toEqual('An email is necessary');
- it('should create a new account with dailyInvoice', async() => {
+ it('should create a new account with dailyInvoice and role supplier', async() => {
const newAccount = {
userName: 'deadpool',
email: 'deadpool@marvel.com',
- fi: '16195279J',
+ fi: '07972486L',
name: 'Wade',
socialName: 'DEADPOOL MARVEL',
street: 'WALL STREET',
@@ -61,33 +61,30 @@ describe('Client Create', () => {
provinceFk: 1
- try {
- const province = await models.Province.findById(newAccount.provinceFk, {
- fields: ['id', 'name', 'autonomyFk'],
- include: {
- relation: 'autonomy'
- }
- }, options);
+ const province = await models.Province.findById(newAccount.provinceFk, {
+ fields: ['id', 'name', 'autonomyFk'],
+ include: {
+ relation: 'autonomy'
+ }
+ }, options);
- const client = await models.Client.createWithUser(newAccount, options);
- const account = await models.VnUser.findOne({where: {name: newAccount.userName}}, options);
+ const client = await models.Client.createWithUser(newAccount, options);
+ const account = await models.VnUser.findOne({where: {name: newAccount.userName}}, options);
+ const supplierRole = await models.VnRole.findOne({where: {name: 'supplier'}}, options);
- expect(province.autonomy().hasDailyInvoice).toBeTruthy();
- expect(account.name).toEqual(newAccount.userName);
- expect(client.id).toEqual(account.id);
- expect(client.name).toEqual(newAccount.name);
- expect(client.email).toEqual(newAccount.email);
- expect(client.fi).toEqual(newAccount.fi);
- expect(client.socialName).toEqual(newAccount.socialName);
- expect(client.businessTypeFk).toEqual(newAccount.businessTypeFk);
- expect(client.hasDailyInvoice).toBeTruthy();
- } catch (e) {
- await tx.rollback();
- throw e;
- }
+ expect(account.roleFk).toEqual(supplierRole.id);
+ expect(province.autonomy().hasDailyInvoice).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(account.name).toEqual(newAccount.userName);
+ expect(client.id).toEqual(account.id);
+ expect(client.name).toEqual(newAccount.name);
+ expect(client.email).toEqual(newAccount.email);
+ expect(client.fi).toEqual(newAccount.fi);
+ expect(client.socialName).toEqual(newAccount.socialName);
+ expect(client.businessTypeFk).toEqual(newAccount.businessTypeFk);
+ expect(client.hasDailyInvoice).toBeTruthy();
- it('should create a new account without dailyInvoice', async() => {
+ it('should create a new account without dailyInvoice and role customer', async() => {
const newAccount = {
userName: 'deadpool',
email: 'deadpool@marvel.com',
@@ -100,22 +97,20 @@ describe('Client Create', () => {
provinceFk: 3
- try {
- const province = await models.Province.findById(newAccount.provinceFk, {
- fields: ['id', 'name', 'autonomyFk'],
- include: {
- relation: 'autonomy'
- }
- }, options);
+ const province = await models.Province.findById(newAccount.provinceFk, {
+ fields: ['id', 'name', 'autonomyFk'],
+ include: {
+ relation: 'autonomy'
+ }
+ }, options);
- const client = await models.Client.createWithUser(newAccount, options);
+ const client = await models.Client.createWithUser(newAccount, options);
+ const vnUser = await models.VnUser.findOne({where: {name: newAccount.userName}}, options);
+ const customerRole = await models.VnRole.findOne({where: {name: 'customer'}}, options);
- expect(province.autonomy.hasDailyInvoice).toBeFalsy();
- expect(client.hasDailyInvoice).toBeFalsy();
- } catch (e) {
- await tx.rollback();
- throw e;
- }
+ expect(vnUser.roleFk).toEqual(customerRole.id);
+ expect(province.autonomy.hasDailyInvoice).toBeFalsy();
+ expect(client.hasDailyInvoice).toBeFalsy();
it('should not be able to create a user if exists', async() => {
diff --git a/modules/item/back/methods/item/regularize.js b/modules/item/back/methods/item/regularize.js
index dfbcaa69f6..546515093d 100644
--- a/modules/item/back/methods/item/regularize.js
+++ b/modules/item/back/methods/item/regularize.js
@@ -46,29 +46,24 @@ module.exports = Self => {
try {
- const itemDestination = await models.ClaimDestination.findOne({
- include: {
- relation: 'address',
- scope: {
- fields: ['clientFk']
- }
- },
- where: {description: 'Corregido'}
+ const addressWaste = await models.AddressWaste.findOne({
+ where: {type: 'fault'},
+ include: 'address'
}, myOptions);
const item = await models.Item.findById(itemFk, null, myOptions);
let ticketId = await getTicketId({
- clientFk: itemDestination.address.clientFk,
- addressFk: itemDestination.addressFk,
+ clientFk: addressWaste.address().clientFk,
+ addressFk: addressWaste.addressFk,
warehouseFk: warehouseFk
}, myOptions);
if (!ticketId) {
ctx.args = {
- clientId: itemDestination.address().clientFk,
+ clientId: addressWaste.address().clientFk,
warehouseId: warehouseFk,
- addressId: itemDestination.addressFk
+ addressId: addressWaste.addressFk
ticketId = await createTicket(ctx, myOptions);
@@ -121,7 +116,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
}, options);
- return ticket && ticket.id;
+ return ticket?.id;
diff --git a/modules/shelving/back/models/parking.js b/modules/shelving/back/models/parking.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..027f1e8ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/shelving/back/models/parking.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module.exports = Self => {
+ Self.validatesUniquenessOf('code', {
+ message: `The code already exists`
+ });
diff --git a/modules/shelving/back/models/shelving.js b/modules/shelving/back/models/shelving.js
index bf611d2ba1..207224266e 100644
--- a/modules/shelving/back/models/shelving.js
+++ b/modules/shelving/back/models/shelving.js
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
module.exports = Self => {
+ Self.validatesUniquenessOf('code', {
+ message: `The code already exists`
+ });
diff --git a/modules/zone/back/models/zone-warehouse.js b/modules/zone/back/models/zone-warehouse.js
index 9cb0e2a1cb..c9713f28c3 100644
--- a/modules/zone/back/models/zone-warehouse.js
+++ b/modules/zone/back/models/zone-warehouse.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ let UserError = require('vn-loopback/util/user-error');
module.exports = Self => {
Self.rewriteDbError(function(err) {
if (err.code === 'ER_DUP_ENTRY')
- return new UserError(`duplicateWarehouse`);
+ return new UserError(`The introduced warehouse already exists`);
return err;