diff --git a/loopback/common/methods/application/checkColumnPermission.js b/loopback/common/methods/application/checkColumnPermission.js
index 309fc375f6..669ec91ff9 100644
--- a/loopback/common/methods/application/checkColumnPermission.js
+++ b/loopback/common/methods/application/checkColumnPermission.js
@@ -43,11 +43,8 @@ module.exports = Self => {
     Self.checkColumnPermission = async(schema, table, column, privilegeType, userId) => {
         const models = Self.app.models;
-        const $t = ((msg, vars) => // Me falta hacer funcionar el $t, ya que probando con ctx no funciona
-            msg.replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, (_, key) => vars[key] || '')
-        );
         const user = await models.VnUser.findById(userId);
+        if (!user) return;
         const role = await models.VnRole.findById(user.roleFk);
         const permissions = await Self.rawSql(`
             SELECT TRUE
@@ -60,6 +57,6 @@ module.exports = Self => {
             `, [schema, table, column, privilegeType, role.name]);
         if (!permissions.length)
-            throw new UserError($t(`You don't have enough privileges to modify`, {column}));
+            throw new UserError(`You do not have sufficient privileges to modify a specific column`);
diff --git a/loopback/locale/en.json b/loopback/locale/en.json
index f1df14f7d5..e6ec52d638 100644
--- a/loopback/locale/en.json
+++ b/loopback/locale/en.json
@@ -249,6 +249,5 @@
     "Sales already moved": "Sales already moved",
     "Holidays to past days not available": "Holidays to past days not available",
 	"Price cannot be blank": "Price cannot be blank",
-    "There are tickets to be invoiced": "There are tickets to be invoiced",
-	"You don't have enough privileges to modify": "You don't have enough privileges to modify: {{column}}"
+    "There are tickets to be invoiced": "There are tickets to be invoiced"
diff --git a/loopback/locale/es.json b/loopback/locale/es.json
index 43a127fdbf..33e201d125 100644
--- a/loopback/locale/es.json
+++ b/loopback/locale/es.json
@@ -399,5 +399,5 @@
 	"All tickets have a route order": "Todos los tickets tienen orden de ruta",
 	"Price cannot be blank": "Price cannot be blank",
 	"There are tickets to be invoiced": "La zona tiene tickets por facturar",
-	"You don't have enough privileges to modify": "No tienes suficientes permisos para modificar la columna: {{column}}"
+	"You do not have sufficient privileges to modify a specific column": "No tienes suficientes permisos para modificar una columna específica"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/loopback/locale/fr.json b/loopback/locale/fr.json
index 14c2bcd79c..9941358be6 100644
--- a/loopback/locale/fr.json
+++ b/loopback/locale/fr.json
@@ -366,6 +366,5 @@
     "The quantity claimed cannot be greater than the quantity of the line": "Le montant réclamé ne peut pas être supérieur au montant de la ligne",
     "You do not have permission to modify the booked field": "Vous n'avez pas la permission de modifier le champ comptabilisé",
 	"ticketLostExpedition": "Le ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) a l'expédition perdue suivante : {{expeditionId}}",
-	"The web user's email already exists": "L'email de l'internaute existe déjà",
-	"You don't have enough privileges to modify": "Vous n'avez pas suffisamment de privilèges pour modifier: {{column}}"
+	"The web user's email already exists": "L'email de l'internaute existe déjà"
diff --git a/loopback/locale/pt.json b/loopback/locale/pt.json
index 569f47a965..e84b30f3d1 100644
--- a/loopback/locale/pt.json
+++ b/loopback/locale/pt.json
@@ -365,6 +365,5 @@
 	"Cannot send mail": "Não é possível enviar o email",
 	"The quantity claimed cannot be greater than the quantity of the line": "O valor reclamado não pode ser superior ao valor da linha",
 	"ticketLostExpedition": "O ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) tem a seguinte expedição perdida: {{expeditionId}}",
-	"The web user's email already exists": "O e-mail do utilizador da web já existe.",
-		"You don't have enough privileges to modify": "Você não tem privilégios suficientes para modificar: {{column}}"
+	"The web user's email already exists": "O e-mail do utilizador da web já existe."
diff --git a/modules/item/back/models/item.js b/modules/item/back/models/item.js
index 4065fb8b16..7f9c121d51 100644
--- a/modules/item/back/models/item.js
+++ b/modules/item/back/models/item.js
@@ -23,9 +23,11 @@ module.exports = Self => {
     Self.observe('before save', async function(ctx) {
         await Self.availableId(ctx);
-        await models.Application.checkColumnPermission(
-            'vn', 'item', 'packingOut', 'UPDATE', ctx.options.accessToken.userId
-        );
+        if (!(ctx?.data?.packingOut === undefined)) {
+            await models.Application.checkColumnPermission(
+                'vn', 'item', 'packingOut', 'UPDATE', ctx.options.accessToken.userId
+            );
+        }
     Self.availableId = async function(ctx) {