4090-global_invoincing #1135

vicent merged 46 commits from 4090-global_invoincing into dev 2022-11-15 08:48:25 +00:00
3 changed files with 1 additions and 134 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 79e9edcee9 - Show all commits

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
DROP TABLE `vn`.`invoiceOutQueue`;

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@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
const {Email, Report, storage} = require('vn-print');
module.exports = Self => {
Self.remoteMethod('sendQueued', {
description: 'Send all queued invoices',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: [],
returns: {
type: 'object',
root: true
http: {
path: '/send-queued',
verb: 'POST'
Self.sendQueued = async() => {
const invoices = await Self.rawSql(`
c.email recipient,
eu.email salesPersonEmail
FROM invoiceOutQueue ioq
JOIN invoiceOut io ON io.id = ioq.invoiceFk
JOIN client c ON c.id = io.clientFk
JOIN province p ON p.id = c.provinceFk
JOIN country co ON co.id = p.countryFk
LEFT JOIN account.emailUser eu ON eu.userFk = c.salesPersonFk
WHERE status = ''`);
let invoiceId;
for (const invoiceOut of invoices) {
try {
const tx = await Self.beginTransaction({});
const myOptions = {transaction: tx};
invoiceId = invoiceOut.id;
const args = {
reference: invoiceOut.ref,
recipientId: invoiceOut.clientFk,
recipient: invoiceOut.recipient,
replyTo: invoiceOut.salesPersonEmail
const invoiceReport = new Report('invoice', args);
const stream = await invoiceReport.toPdfStream();
const issued = invoiceOut.issued;
const year = issued.getFullYear().toString();
const month = (issued.getMonth() + 1).toString();
const day = issued.getDate().toString();
const fileName = `${year}${invoiceOut.ref}.pdf`;
// Store invoice
storage.write(stream, {
type: 'invoice',
path: `${year}/${month}/${day}`,
fileName: fileName
await Self.rawSql(`
UPDATE invoiceOut
SET hasPdf = true
WHERE id = ?`,
[invoiceOut.id], myOptions);
const isToBeMailed = invoiceOut.recipient && invoiceOut.salesPersonFk && invoiceOut.isToBeMailed;
if (isToBeMailed) {
const mailOptions = {
overrideAttachments: true,
attachments: []
const invoiceAttachment = {
filename: fileName,
content: stream
if (invoiceOut.serial == 'E' && invoiceOut.companyCode == 'VNL') {
const exportation = new Report('exportation', args);
const stream = await exportation.toPdfStream();
const fileName = `CITES-${invoiceOut.ref}.pdf`;
filename: fileName,
content: stream
const email = new Email('invoice', args);
await email.send(mailOptions);
// Update queue status
const date = new Date();
await Self.rawSql(`
UPDATE invoiceOutQueue
SET status = "printed",
printed = ?
WHERE invoiceFk = ?`,
[date, invoiceOut.id], myOptions);
await tx.commit();
} catch (error) {
await tx.rollback();
await Self.rawSql(`
UPDATE invoiceOutQueue
SET status = ?
WHERE invoiceFk = ?`,
[error.message, invoiceId]);
throw e;
return {
message: 'Success'

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ module.exports = Self => {
require('../methods/invoiceOut/refund')(Self); require('../methods/invoiceOut/refund')(Self);
require('../methods/invoiceOut/invoiceEmail')(Self); require('../methods/invoiceOut/invoiceEmail')(Self);
require('../methods/invoiceOut/exportationPdf')(Self); require('../methods/invoiceOut/exportationPdf')(Self);
require('../methods/invoiceOut/invoiceCsv')(Self); require('../methods/invoiceOut/invoiceCsv')(Self);
require('../methods/invoiceOut/invoiceCsvEmail')(Self); require('../methods/invoiceOut/invoiceCsvEmail')(Self);
}; };