5691-route.index_optimizar #1610
@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ const models = require('vn-loopback/server/server').models;
describe('docuware upload()', () => {
const userId = 9;
const ticketId = 10;
const ticketIds = [10];
const ctx = {
args: {ticketIds},
req: {
getLocale: () => {
return 'en';
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ describe('docuware upload()', () => {
let error;
try {
await models.Docuware.upload(ctx, ticketId, fileCabinetName);
await models.Docuware.upload(ctx, ticketIds, fileCabinetName);
} catch (e) {
error = e.message;
@ -3,34 +3,34 @@ const axios = require('axios');
module.exports = Self => {
Self.remoteMethodCtx('upload', {
description: 'Upload an docuware PDF',
description: 'Upload docuware PDFs',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: [
arg: 'id',
type: 'number',
description: 'The ticket id',
http: {source: 'path'}
arg: 'ticketIds',
type: ['number'],
description: 'The ticket ids',
required: true
arg: 'fileCabinet',
type: 'string',
description: 'The file cabinet'
arg: 'dialog',
type: 'string',
description: 'The dialog'
description: 'The file cabinet',
required: true
returns: [],
returns: {
type: 'object',
root: true
http: {
path: `/:id/upload`,
path: `/upload`,
verb: 'POST'
Self.upload = async function(ctx, id, fileCabinet) {
Self.upload = async function(ctx, ticketIds, fileCabinet) {
delete ctx.args.ticketIds;
const models = Self.app.models;
const action = 'store';
@ -38,104 +38,114 @@ module.exports = Self => {
const fileCabinetId = await Self.getFileCabinet(fileCabinet);
const dialogId = await Self.getDialog(fileCabinet, action, fileCabinetId);
// get delivery note
const deliveryNote = await models.Ticket.deliveryNotePdf(ctx, {
type: 'deliveryNote'
// get ticket data
const ticket = await models.Ticket.findById(id, {
include: [{
relation: 'client',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'socialName', 'fi']
// upload file
const templateJson = {
'Fields': [
'FieldName': 'N__ALBAR_N',
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': id,
'FieldName': 'CIF_PROVEEDOR',
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': ticket.client().fi,
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': ticket.client().id,
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': ticket.client().socialName,
'FieldName': 'FECHA_FACTURA',
'ItemElementName': 'date',
'Item': ticket.shipped,
'FieldName': 'TOTAL_FACTURA',
'ItemElementName': 'Decimal',
'Item': ticket.totalWithVat,
'FieldName': 'ESTADO',
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': 'Pendiente procesar',
'FieldName': 'FIRMA_',
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': 'Si',
'FieldName': 'FILTRO_TABLET',
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': 'Tablet1',
if (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production')
throw new UserError('Action not allowed on the test environment');
// delete old
const docuwareFile = await models.Docuware.checkFile(ctx, id, fileCabinet, false);
if (docuwareFile) {
const deleteJson = {
'Field': [{'FieldName': 'ESTADO', 'Item': 'Pendiente eliminar', 'ItemElementName': 'String'}]
const deleteUri = `${options.url}/FileCabinets/${fileCabinetId}/Documents/${docuwareFile.id}/Fields`;
await axios.put(deleteUri, deleteJson, options.headers);
const uploadUri = `${options.url}/FileCabinets/${fileCabinetId}/Documents?StoreDialogId=${dialogId}`;
const FormData = require('form-data');
const data = new FormData();
data.append('document', JSON.stringify(templateJson), 'schema.json');
data.append('file[]', deliveryNote[0], 'file.pdf');
const uploadOptions = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
'X-File-ModifiedDate': Date.vnNew(),
'Cookie': options.headers.headers.Cookie,
return await axios.post(uploadUri, data, uploadOptions)
.catch(() => {
throw new UserError('Failed to upload file');
const uploaded = [];
for (id of ticketIds) {
// get delivery note
ctx.args.id = id;
const deliveryNote = await models.Ticket.deliveryNotePdf(ctx, {
type: 'deliveryNote'
// get ticket data
const ticket = await models.Ticket.findById(id, {
include: [{
relation: 'client',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'name', 'fi']
// upload file
const templateJson = {
'Fields': [
'FieldName': 'N__ALBAR_N',
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': id,
'FieldName': 'CIF_PROVEEDOR',
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': ticket.client().fi,
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': ticket.client().id,
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': ticket.client().name + ' - ' + id,
'FieldName': 'FECHA_FACTURA',
'ItemElementName': 'date',
'Item': ticket.shipped,
'FieldName': 'TOTAL_FACTURA',
'ItemElementName': 'Decimal',
'Item': ticket.totalWithVat,
'FieldName': 'ESTADO',
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': 'Pendiente procesar',
'FieldName': 'FIRMA_',
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': 'Si',
'FieldName': 'FILTRO_TABLET',
'ItemElementName': 'string',
'Item': 'Tablet1',
if (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production')
throw new UserError('Action not allowed on the test environment');
// delete old
const docuwareFile = await models.Docuware.checkFile(ctx, id, fileCabinet, false);
if (docuwareFile) {
const deleteJson = {
'Field': [{'FieldName': 'ESTADO', 'Item': 'Pendiente eliminar', 'ItemElementName': 'String'}]
const deleteUri = `${options.url}/FileCabinets/${fileCabinetId}/Documents/${docuwareFile.id}/Fields`;
await axios.put(deleteUri, deleteJson, options.headers);
const uploadUri = `${options.url}/FileCabinets/${fileCabinetId}/Documents?StoreDialogId=${dialogId}`;
const FormData = require('form-data');
const data = new FormData();
data.append('document', JSON.stringify(templateJson), 'schema.json');
data.append('file[]', deliveryNote[0], 'file.pdf');
const uploadOptions = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
'X-File-ModifiedDate': Date.vnNew(),
'Cookie': options.headers.headers.Cookie,
try {
await axios.post(uploadUri, data, uploadOptions);
} catch (err) {
const $t = ctx.req.__;
const message = $t('Failed to upload delivery note', {id});
if (uploaded.length)
await models.TicketTracking.setDelivered(ctx, uploaded);
throw new UserError(message);
return models.TicketTracking.setDelivered(ctx, ticketIds);
@ -174,5 +174,6 @@
"A claim with that sale already exists": "A claim with that sale already exists",
"Pass expired": "The password has expired, change it from Salix",
"Can't transfer claimed sales": "Can't transfer claimed sales",
"Invalid quantity": "Invalid quantity"
"Invalid quantity": "Invalid quantity",
"Failed to upload delivery note": "Error to upload delivery note {{id}}"
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"App name does not exist": "El nombre de aplicación no es válido",
"Try again": "Vuelve a intentarlo",
"Aplicación bloqueada por el usuario 9": "Aplicación bloqueada por el usuario 9",
"Failed to upload file": "Error al subir archivo",
"Failed to upload delivery note": "Error al subir albarán {{id}}",
"The DOCUWARE PDF document does not exists": "El documento PDF Docuware no existe",
"It is not possible to modify tracked sales": "No es posible modificar líneas de pedido que se hayan empezado a preparar",
"It is not possible to modify sales that their articles are from Floramondo": "No es posible modificar líneas de pedido cuyos artículos sean de Floramondo",
@ -326,14 +326,8 @@ class Controller extends Section {
if (!force)
return this.$.pdfToTablet.show();
return this.$http.post(`Docuwares/${this.id}/upload`, {fileCabinet: 'deliveryNote'})
return this.$http.post(`Docuwares/upload`, {fileCabinet: 'deliveryNote', ticketIds: [this.id]})
.then(() => {
this.$.balanceCreate.amountPaid = this.ticket.totalWithVat;
this.$.balanceCreate.clientFk = this.ticket.clientFk;
this.$.balanceCreate.description = 'Albaran: ';
this.$.balanceCreate.description += this.ticket.id;
this.vnApp.showSuccess(this.$t('PDF sent!'));
@ -304,17 +304,15 @@ describe('Ticket Component vnTicketDescriptorMenu', () => {
it('should make a query and show balance create', () => {
it('should make a query', () => {
controller.$.balanceCreate = {show: () => {}};
jest.spyOn(controller.$.balanceCreate, 'show');
jest.spyOn(controller.vnApp, 'showSuccess');
@ -152,21 +152,21 @@
<div fixed-bottom-right>
<vn-vertical style="align-items: center;">
<vn-button class="round sm vn-mb-sm"
<vn-button class="round vn-mb-sm"
ng-show="$ctrl.totalChecked > 0"
vn-tooltip="Set as delivered and open delivery note(s)"
<vn-button class="round sm vn-mb-sm"
<vn-button class="round vn-mb-sm"
ng-show="$ctrl.totalChecked > 0"
vn-tooltip="Payment on account..."
<vn-button class="round sm vn-mb-sm"
<vn-button class="round vn-mb-sm"
ng-show="$ctrl.totalChecked > 0"
@ -9,28 +9,23 @@ export default class Controller extends Section {
this.vnReport = vnReport;
setDelivered() {
sendDocuware() {
const checkedTickets = this.checked;
let ids = [];
let ticketIds = [];
for (let ticket of checkedTickets)
this.$http.post('TicketTrackings/setDelivered', ids).then(res => {
let state = res.data;
for (let ticket of checkedTickets) {
ticket.stateFk = state.id;
ticket.state = state.name;
ticket.alertLevel = state.alertLevel;
ticket.alertLevelCode = state.code;
openDeliveryNotes(ids) {
for (let id of ids)
return this.$http.post(`Docuwares/upload`, {fileCabinet: 'deliveryNote', ticketIds})
.then(res => {
let state = res.data;
for (let ticket of checkedTickets) {
ticket.stateFk = state.id;
ticket.state = state.name;
ticket.alertLevel = state.alertLevel;
ticket.alertLevelCode = state.code;
openBalanceDialog() {
@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ describe('Component vnTicketIndex', () => {
id: 2,
clientFk: 1,
checked: true,
totalWithVat: 20.5
totalWithVat: 20.5,
stateFk: 1
}, {
id: 3,
clientFk: 1,
checked: true,
totalWithVat: 30
totalWithVat: 30,
stateFk: 1
@ -86,18 +88,16 @@ describe('Component vnTicketIndex', () => {
describe('setDelivered()/openDeliveryNotes()', () => {
it('should perform a post to setDelivered and open tabs with the delivery notes', () => {
describe('sendDocuware()', () => {
it('should perform a post to sendDocuware and change tickets state', () => {
controller.$.model = {data: tickets, refresh: () => {}};
const newState = {id: 2};
$window.open = jest.fn();
$httpBackend.expect('POST', 'TicketTrackings/setDelivered').respond('ok');
$httpBackend.expect('POST', 'Docuwares/upload').respond({id: newState.id});
Reference in New Issue