#6276 createNewWarehouse methods migrated from silex to salix #1850
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module.exports = Self => {
Self.remoteMethod('getFromSectorCollection', {
Self.remoteMethodCtx('getFromSectorCollection', {
jgallego marked this conversation as resolved
description: 'Get sales from sector collection',
accessType: 'READ',
accepts: [
@ -24,12 +24,35 @@ module.exports = Self => {
Self.getFromSectorCollection = async(sectorCollectionFk, sectorFk, options) => {
Self.getFromSectorCollection = async(ctx, sectorCollectionFk, sectorFk, options) => {
const myOptions = {};
const userId = ctx.req.accessToken.userId;
if (typeof options == 'object') Object.assign(myOptions, options);
const [sales] = await Self.rawSql('CALL vn.sectorCollection_getSale(?)', [sectorCollectionFk]);
const sales = await Self.rawSql(
`SELECT s.ticketFk,
w.code workerCode,
iss.quantity pickedQuantity,
FROM vn.sale s
JOIN item i ON i.id = s.itemFk
JOIN saleGroupDetail sgd ON sgd.saleFk = s.id
JOIN sectorCollectionSaleGroup scsg ON scsg.saleGroupFk = sgd.saleGroupFk
JOIN saleTracking st ON st.saleFk = s.id
JOIN state stt ON stt.id = st.stateFk AND stt.code = 'PREVIOUS_PREPARATION'
JOIN worker w ON w.id = st.workerFk
JOIN ticket t ON t.id= s.ticketFk
JOIN client c ON c.id=t.clientFk
LEFT JOIN itemShelvingSaleSum iss ON iss.saleFk = s.id
WHERE scsg.sectorCollectionFk = ?
AND st.workerFk = ?;`, [sectorCollectionFk, userId]);
const itemShelvings = [];
for (let sale of sales) {
Reference in New Issue
confirma con @sergiodt que esto pasa así a salix, o se separa..o hay alguna tarea para separarlo
@jgallego Separarlo en quin sentit ? És el back que trau les linies de previa amb les seues ubicacions.....
Crec que m'he confós tenia en ment allò de ticket or collection, tot clar.