#6147 - Refactor Invoice make PDF and notify #1933
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
INSERT INTO `salix`.`ACL` (`model`, `property`, `accessType`, `permission`, `principalType`, `principalId`) VALUES
('Ticket', 'makePdfList', '*', 'ALLOW', 'ROLE', 'employee'),
('Ticket', 'invoiceTicketsAndPdf', '*', 'ALLOW', 'ROLE', 'employee');
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
module.exports = Self => {
Self.remoteMethodCtx('makePdfList', {
description: 'Handle a list of invoices to generate PDF and send it to client',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: [
arg: 'ids',
type: ['number'],
description: 'The invoice id',
required: true,
http: {source: 'path'}
}, {
arg: 'printerFk',
type: 'number',
description: 'The printer to print'
http: {
path: '/:id/makePdfList',
verb: 'POST'
Self.makePdfList = async function(ctx, ids, printerFk, options) {
const pdfs = ids.map(id =>
Self.makePdfAndNotify(ctx, id, printerFk, options)
await Promise.all(pdfs);
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ describe('InvoiceOut transferInvoice()', () => {
spyOn(LoopBackContext, 'getCurrentContext').and.returnValue({
active: activeCtx
spyOn(models.InvoiceOut, 'makePdfAndNotify');
it('should return the id of the created issued invoice', async() => {
@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ module.exports = Self => {
const invoiceCorrection =
{correctedFk: id, cplusRectificationTypeFk, siiTypeInvoiceOutFk, invoiceCorrectionTypeFk};
const invoiceCorrection = {
correctedFk: id,
const refundTicketIds = refundTickets.map(ticket => ticket.id);
await models.Ticket.invoiceTickets(ctx, refundTicketIds, invoiceCorrection, myOptions);
const [invoiceId] = await models.Ticket.invoiceTickets(ctx, clonedTicketIds, null, myOptions);
if (tx) {
await tx.commit();
await models.InvoiceOut.makePdfAndNotify(ctx, invoiceId, null);
const [invoiceId] = await models.Ticket.invoiceTicketsAndPdf(ctx, clonedTicketIds, null, myOptions);
return invoiceId;
} catch (e) {
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
@ -76,15 +76,11 @@ module.exports = function(Self) {
for (const ticketIds of ticketsByAddress)
invoicesIds.push(await createInvoice(ctx, companyId, ticketIds, invoiceCorrection, myOptions));
if (tx) await tx.commit();
tx && await tx.commit();
} catch (e) {
if (tx) await tx.rollback();
throw e;
if (tx) {
for (const invoiceId of invoicesIds)
await models.InvoiceOut.makePdfAndNotify(ctx, invoiceId, null);
return invoicesIds;
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module.exports = function(Self) {
Self.remoteMethodCtx('invoiceTicketsAndPdf', {
description: 'Make out an invoice from one or more tickets',
accessType: 'WRITE',
accepts: [
arg: 'ticketsIds',
description: 'The tickets id',
type: ['number'],
required: true
arg: 'invoiceCorrection',
description: 'The invoice correction',
type: 'object',
returns: {
type: ['object'],
root: true
http: {
path: `/invoiceTicketsAndPdf`,
verb: 'POST'
Self.invoiceTicketsAndPdf = async(ctx, ticketsIds, invoiceCorrection, options) => {
const invoiceIds = await Self.invoiceTickets(ctx, ticketsIds, invoiceCorrection, options);
await Self.app.models.InvoiceOut.makePdfList(ctx, invoiceIds, null, options);
return invoiceIds;
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ describe('ticket invoiceTickets()', () => {
const options = {transaction: tx};
const ticketsIds = [11];
const invoicesIds = await models.Ticket.invoiceTickets(ctx, ticketsIds, null, options);
const invoicesIds = await models.Ticket.invoiceTicketsAndPdf(ctx, ticketsIds, null, options);
jsegarra marked this conversation as resolved
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
const models = require('vn-loopback/server/server').models;
const LoopBackContext = require('loopback-context');
describe('ticket invoiceTicketsAndPdf()', () => {
const userId = 19;
const clientId = 1102;
const activeCtx = {
getLocale: () => {
return 'en';
accessToken: {userId: userId},
headers: {origin: 'http://localhost:5000'},
const ctx = {req: activeCtx};
beforeAll(async() => {
spyOn(LoopBackContext, 'getCurrentContext').and.returnValue({
active: activeCtx
it('should throw an error when invoicing tickets from multiple clients', async() => {
const invoiceOutModel = models.InvoiceOut;
spyOn(invoiceOutModel, 'makePdfAndNotify');
const tx = await models.Ticket.beginTransaction({});
let error;
try {
const options = {transaction: tx};
const ticketsIds = [11, 16];
await models.Ticket.invoiceTicketsAndPdf(ctx, ticketsIds, null, options);
await tx.rollback();
} catch (e) {
error = e;
await tx.rollback();
expect(error.message).toEqual(`You can't invoice tickets from multiple clients`);
it(`should throw an error when invoicing a client without tax data checked`, async() => {
const invoiceOutModel = models.InvoiceOut;
spyOn(invoiceOutModel, 'makePdfAndNotify');
const tx = await models.Ticket.beginTransaction({});
let error;
try {
const options = {transaction: tx};
const client = await models.Client.findById(clientId, null, options);
await client.updateAttribute('isTaxDataChecked', false, options);
const ticketsIds = [11];
await models.Ticket.invoiceTicketsAndPdf(ctx, ticketsIds, null, options);
await tx.rollback();
} catch (e) {
error = e;
await tx.rollback();
expect(error.message).toEqual(`This client can't be invoiced`);
it('should invoice a ticket, then try again to fail', async() => {
const invoiceOutModel = models.InvoiceOut;
spyOn(invoiceOutModel, 'makePdfAndNotify');
const tx = await models.Ticket.beginTransaction({});
let error;
try {
const options = {transaction: tx};
const ticketsIds = [11];
await models.Ticket.invoiceTicketsAndPdf(ctx, ticketsIds, null, options);
await models.Ticket.invoiceTicketsAndPdf(ctx, ticketsIds, null, options);
await tx.rollback();
} catch (e) {
error = e;
await tx.rollback();
expect(error.message).toEqual(`This ticket is already invoiced`);
it('should success to invoice a ticket', async() => {
const invoiceOutModel = models.InvoiceOut;
spyOn(invoiceOutModel, 'makePdfAndNotify');
const tx = await models.Ticket.beginTransaction({});
try {
const options = {transaction: tx};
const ticketsIds = [11];
const invoicesIds = await models.Ticket.invoiceTicketsAndPdf(ctx, ticketsIds, null, options);
await tx.rollback();
} catch (e) {
await tx.rollback();
throw e;
@ -42,5 +42,6 @@ module.exports = function(Self) {
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ class Controller extends Section {
return this.$http.post(`Tickets/invoiceTickets`, {ticketsIds: [this.id]})
return this.$http.post(`Tickets/invoiceTicketsAndPdf`, {ticketsIds: [this.id]})
.then(() => this.reload())
.then(() => this.vnApp.showSuccess(this.$t('Ticket invoiced')));
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ describe('Ticket Component vnTicketDescriptorMenu', () => {
jest.spyOn(controller.vnApp, 'showSuccess');
const expectedParams = {ticketsIds: [ticket.id]};
$httpBackend.expectPOST(`Tickets/invoiceTickets`, expectedParams).respond();
$httpBackend.expectPOST(`Tickets/invoiceTicketsAndPdf`, expectedParams).respond();
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ export default class Controller extends Section {
makeInvoice() {
const ticketsIds = this.checked.map(ticket => ticket.id);
return this.$http.post(`Tickets/invoiceTickets`, {ticketsIds})
return this.$http.post(`Tickets/invoiceTicketsAndPdf`, {ticketsIds})
.then(() => this.$.model.refresh())
.then(() => this.vnApp.showSuccess(this.$t('Ticket invoiced')));
Reference in New Issue
invoiceTickets.spec.js solo deberia hacer tests de invoiceTickets
Entonces deberíamos hacer un test para invoiceTicketsAndPdf.
En realidad he modificado el test porque así comprobamos 2 remoteMethod, ya que invoiceTicketsAndPdf llama a InvoiceTickets
Deberia haber uno para invoiceTickets especifico y si se puede testear invoiceTicketsAndPdf tambien