6745-2404_testToMaster #1950
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
REVOKE UPDATE ON TABLE `vn`.`item` FROM `employee`;
GRANT UPDATE(id, equivalent, stems, minPrice, isToPrint, family, box, category, doPhoto, image, inkFk, intrastatFk, hasMinPrice, created, comment, typeFk, generic, producerFk, description, density, relevancy, expenseFk, isActive, subName, tag5, value5, tag6, value6, tag7, value7, tag8, value8, tag9, value9, tag10, value10, minimum, upToDown, supplyResponseFk, hasKgPrice, isFloramondo, isFragile, numberOfItemsPerCask, embalageCode, quality, stemMultiplier, itemPackingTypeFk, packingOut, genericFk, packingShelve, isLaid, lastUsed, weightByPiece, weightByPiece, editorFk, recycledPlastic, nonRecycledPlastic, minQuantity) ON TABLE vn.item TO employee;
GRANT UPDATE(id, equivalent, stems, minPrice, isToPrint, family, box, category, doPhoto, image, inkFk, intrastatFk, hasMinPrice, created, comment, typeFk, generic, producerFk, description, density, relevancy, expenseFk, isActive, subName, tag5, value5, tag6, value6, tag7, value7, tag8, value8, tag9, value9, tag10, value10, minimum, upToDown, supplyResponseFk, hasKgPrice, isFloramondo, isFragile, numberOfItemsPerCask, embalageCode, quality, stemMultiplier, itemPackingTypeFk, packingOut, genericFk, packingShelve, isLaid, lastUsed, weightByPiece, weightByPiece, editorFk, recycledPlastic, nonRecycledPlastic, minQuantity) ON TABLE `vn`.`item` TO `employee`;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
INSERT INTO salix.ACL (model,property,accessType,permission,principalType,principalId) VALUES
INSERT INTO `salix`.`ACL` (model,property,accessType,permission,principalType,principalId) VALUES
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
ALTER TABLE vn.productionConfig ADD itemPreviousDefaultSize int NULL COMMENT 'Altura por defecto para los artículos de previa';
UPDATE IGNORE vn.productionConfig SET itemPreviousDefaultSize = 40 WHERE id = 1;
ALTER TABLE `vn`.`productionConfig` ADD itemPreviousDefaultSize int NULL COMMENT 'Altura por defecto para los artículos de previa';
UPDATE IGNORE `vn`.`productionConfig` SET itemPreviousDefaultSize = 40 WHERE id = 1;
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
UPDATE vn.supplierAccount sa
JOIN vn.country c ON sa.countryFk = c.id AND c.code = 'FR'
UPDATE `vn`.`supplierAccount` sa
JOIN `vn`.`country` c ON sa.countryFk = c.id AND c.code = 'FR'
SET countryFk = c.id
WHERE iban = 'FR7630003012690002801121597';
UPDATE vn.supplierAccount sa
JOIN vn.country c ON sa.countryFk = c.id AND c.code = 'PT'
UPDATE `vn`.`supplierAccount` sa
JOIN `vn`.`country` c ON sa.countryFk = c.id AND c.code = 'PT'
SET countryFk = c.id
WHERE iban = 'PT50001000005813059150168';
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
ALTER TABLE vn.invoiceOutConfig
ALTER TABLE `vn`.`invoiceOutConfig`
ADD IF NOT EXISTS refLen TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 5 NOT NULL COMMENT 'Invoice reference identifier length';
@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ class VnMySQL extends MySQL {
isLoggable(model) {
const Model = this.getModelDefinition(model).model;
const settings = Model.definition.settings;
return settings.base && settings.base === 'Loggable';
const {settings} = Model.definition;
return settings?.mixins?.Loggable;
invokeMethod(method, args, model, ctx, opts, cb) {
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class VnMySQL extends MySQL {
try {
const userId = opts.httpCtx && opts.httpCtx.active.accessToken.userId;
const userId = opts.httpCtx && opts.httpCtx.active?.accessToken?.userId;
if (userId) {
const user = await Model.app.models.VnUser.findById(userId, {fields: ['name']}, opts);
await this.executeP(`CALL account.myUser_loginWithName(?)`, [user.name], opts);
Reference in New Issue