refs #6915 test into dev #2093

juan merged 23 commits from test into dev 2024-02-23 18:05:46 +00:00
5 changed files with 115 additions and 44 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 6c9215bb51 - Show all commits

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ const axios = require('axios');
const {DOMParser} = require('xmldom');
const fs = require('fs');
const ejs = require('ejs');
const UserError = require('vn-loopback/util/user-error');
module.exports = Self => {
Self.remoteMethod('createShipment', {
@ -26,35 +27,20 @@ module.exports = Self => {
const models =;
const mrw = await models.MrwConfig.findOne();
if (!mrw)
throw new UserError(`Some mrwConfig parameters are not set`);
const [expeditionData] = await Self.rawSql(
`SELECT CASE co.code
WHEN 'ES' THEN a.postalCode
WHEN 'PT' THEN LEFT(a.postalCode, 4)
WHEN 'AD' THEN REPLACE(a.postalCode, 'AD', '00')
END postalCode,,
co.code countryCode,, clientName,,
DATE_FORMAT(e.created, '%d/%m/%Y') created, expeditionId,
LPAD(IF(mw.params IS NULL, ms.serviceType, mw.serviceType), 4 ,'0') serviceType,
IFNULL(mw.weekdays, "N") weekDays
FROM expedition e
JOIN packaging pa ON = e.packagingFk
JOIN ticket t ON e.ticketFk =
JOIN agencyMode am ON = t.agencyModeFk
JOIN mrwService ms ON ms.agencyModeCodeFk = am.code
LEFT JOIN mrwServiceWeekday mw ON mw.params = DATE_FORMAT(e.created, '%a')
JOIN client c ON t.clientFk =
JOIN address a ON t.addressFk =
JOIN province p ON a.provinceFk =
JOIN country co ON = p.countryFk
WHERE = ?`, [expeditionFk]
fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/expeditionData.sql', 'utf-8'),
if (!expeditionData)
throw new UserError(`This expedition is not a MRW shipment`);
if (expeditionData?.created < Date.vnNew())
throw new UserError(`This ticket has a shipped date earlier than today`);
const shipmentTemplate = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/createShipment.ejs', 'utf-8');
const renderedShipment = ejs.render(shipmentTemplate, {mrw, expeditionData});
const shipmentResponse = await, renderedShipment, {
@ -66,6 +52,11 @@ module.exports = Self => {
const shipmentXmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(, 'text/xml');
const shipmentId = shipmentXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('NumeroEnvio')[0].textContent;
if (!shipmentId) {
const message = shipmentXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('Mensaje')[0]?.textContent;
throw new UserError(message);
const getLabelTemplate = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/getLabel.ejs', 'utf-8');
const renderedGetLabel = ejs.render(getLabelTemplate, {mrw, shipmentId});
const getLabelResponse = await, renderedGetLabel, {
@ -76,6 +67,12 @@ module.exports = Self => {
const getLabelXmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(, 'text/xml');
const base64Binary = getLabelXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('EtiquetaFile')[0]?.textContent;
if (!base64Binary) {
const message = getLabelXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('Mensaje')[0]?.textContent;
if (!message)
throw new UserError(`The MRW web service is not returning the expected response`);
throw new UserError(message);
const expedition = await models.Expedition.findById(expeditionFk);
await expedition.updateAttribute('externalId', shipmentId);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
WHEN 'ES' THEN a.postalCode
WHEN 'PT' THEN LEFT(a.postalCode, 4)
WHEN 'AD' THEN REPLACE(a.postalCode, 'AD', '00')
END postalCode,,
co.code countryCode,, clientName,,
DATE_FORMAT(t.shipped, '%d/%m/%Y') created, expeditionId,
LPAD(IF(mw.params IS NULL, ms.serviceType, mw.serviceType), 4 ,'0') serviceType,
IF(mw.weekdays, 'S', 'N') weekDays
FROM expedition e
JOIN packaging pa ON = e.packagingFk
JOIN ticket t ON e.ticketFk =
JOIN agencyMode am ON = t.agencyModeFk
JOIN mrwService ms ON ms.agencyModeCodeFk = am.code
LEFT JOIN mrwServiceWeekday mw ON mw.weekdays = DATE_FORMAT(t.shipped, '%a')
JOIN client c ON t.clientFk =
JOIN address a ON t.addressFk =
JOIN province p ON a.provinceFk =
JOIN country co ON = p.countryFk

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
const models = require('vn-loopback/server/server').models;
const axios = require('axios');
const expeditionFk = 14;
const mockShipmentId = 'baseMockShipmentId';
const mockBase64Binary = 'base64BinaryString';
const ticket1 = {
'id': '44',
'clientFk': 1101,
'shipped': Date.vnNew(),
'nickname': 'MRW',
'addressFk': 1,
'agencyModeFk': 26
const expedition1 = {
'id': 14,
'agencyModeFk': 26,
'ticketFk': 44,
'freightItemFk': 71,
'created': '2001-01-01',
'counter': 1,
'workerFk': 18,
'packagingFk': '94',
'hostFk': '',
'stateTypeFk': 3,
'hasNewRoute': 0,
'isBox': 71,
'editorFk': 100
fdescribe('MRWConfig createShipment()', () => {
it('should create a shipment and return a base64Binary label', async() => {
const tx = await models.MrwConfig.beginTransaction({});
const options = {transaction: tx};
await models.Ticket.create(ticket1, options);
const expedition = await models.Expedition.create(expedition1, options);
spyOn(axios, 'post').and.returnValues([{data: mockShipmentId}, {data: mockBase64Binary}]);
const base64Binary = await models.MrwConfig.createShipment(, options);

View File

@ -13,7 +13,13 @@ COLLATE=utf8mb3_unicode_ci;
ALTER TABLE `vn`.`packingSite` ADD `hasNewLabelMrwMethod` BOOL NULL;
INSERT INTO vn.mrwService (agencyModeCodeFk, clientType, serviceType, kg) VALUES('mrw', 9731, 205, 10);
INSERT INTO `vn`.`agency` (`name`,`warehouseFk`,`warehouseAliasFk`,`isOwn`,`isAnyVolumeAllowed`)
VALUES ('MRW',1,1,0,0);
INSERT INTO `vn`.`agencyMode` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `deliveryMethodFk`, `m3`, `web`, `agencyFk`, `inflation`, `isVolumetric`, `reportMail`, `showAgencyName`, `isActive`, `isExternalAgency`, `flag`, `code`, `isRiskFree`, `hasWeightVolumetric`)
VALUES(26, 'MRW', NULL, NULL, 0.0, 0, 11, 0.00, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, NULL, 'MRW', 0, 0),
(27, 'mrwEcom', NULL, NULL, 0.0, 0, 11, 0.00, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, NULL, 'mrwEcom', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `vn`.`mrwConfig` (`url`, `user`, `password`, `franchiseCode`, `subscriberCode`)
VALUES ('', '04301SGVERDNATURA', 'Verdnatura@4301V', '04301', '009731');
@ -24,19 +30,7 @@ INSERT INTO `salix`.`ACL` (`model`, `property`, `accessType`, `permission`, `pri
INSERT INTO `salix`.`ACL` (`model`,`property`,`accessType`,`permission`,`principalType`,`principalId`)
VALUES ('MrwConfig','createShipment','WRITE','ALLOW','ROLE','employee');
INSERT INTO `vn`.`mrwService` (`agencyModeCodeFk`, `clientType`, `serviceType`, `kg`) VALUES('MRW', 9731, 205, 10);
INSERT INTO `vn`.`mrwServiceWeekday` (`agencyModeCodeFk`, `weekdays`, `serviceType`, `params`) VALUES('mrwEcom', 'sat', 800, 'EntregaSabado=S');
INSERT INTO `vn`.`agency` (`name`,`warehouseFk`,`warehouseAliasFk`,`isOwn`,`isAnyVolumeAllowed`)
VALUES ('MRW',1,1,0,0);
INSERT INTO `vn`.`agencyMode` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `deliveryMethodFk`, `m3`, `web`, `agencyFk`, `inflation`, `isVolumetric`, `reportMail`, `showAgencyName`, `isActive`, `isExternalAgency`, `flag`, `code`, `isRiskFree`, `hasWeightVolumetric`)
VALUES(25, 'MRW', NULL, NULL, 0.0, 0, 11, 0.00, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, NULL, 'MRW', 0, 0),
(26, 'mrwEcom', NULL, NULL, 0.0, 0, 11, 0.00, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, NULL, 'mrwEcom', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `vn`.`ticket` (`id`, `clientFk`, `warehouseFk`, `shipped`, `nickname`, `refFk`, `addressFk`, `workerFk`, `observations`, `isSigned`, `isLabeled`, `isPrinted`, `packages`, `location`, `hour`, `created`, `isBlocked`, `solution`, `routeFk`, `priority`, `hasPriority`, `companyFk`, `agencyModeFk`, `landed`, `isBoxed`, `isDeleted`, `zoneFk`, `zonePrice`, `zoneBonus`, `totalWithVat`, `totalWithoutVat`, `weight`, `clonedFrom`, `cmrFk`, `editorFk`)
VALUES(44, 1101, 1, '2001-01-01 00:00:00.000', 'MRW', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1, NULL, 0, '2001-01-01 00:00:00.000', 1, NULL, 6, NULL, 1, 442, 25, '2001-01-02', 0, 0, 3, 5.00, 1.00, 8.88, 8.07, NULL, NULL, NULL, 100);
INSERT INTO vn.expedition (agencyModeFk,ticketFk,freightItemFk,created,counter,workerFk,packagingFk,hostFk,stateTypeFk,hasNewRoute,isBox,editorFk)
VALUES (25,44,71, CURDATE(),1,18,'94','',3,0,71,100);
INSERT INTO vn.mrwService (agencyModeCodeFk, clientType, serviceType, kg) VALUES('MRW', 9731, 205, 10);
INSERT INTO vn.mrwServiceWeekday (agencyModeCodeFk, weekdays, serviceType, params) VALUES('mrwEcom', 'sat', 800, 'EntregaSabado=S');

View File

@ -329,5 +329,13 @@
"The amount cannot be less than the minimum": "La cantidad no puede ser menor que la cantidad mínima",
"quantityLessThanMin": "La cantidad no puede ser menor que la cantidad mínima",
"Cannot past travels with entries": "No se pueden pasar envíos con entradas",
"It was not able to remove the next expeditions:": "No se pudo eliminar las siguientes expediciones: {{expeditions}}"
"It was not able to remove the next expeditions:": "No se pudo eliminar las siguientes expediciones: {{expeditions}}",
"Esa expedición no es mrw": "Esa expedición no es mrw",
"This expedition is not configured as MRW": "This expedition is not configured as MRW",
"Some config parameters are not set": "Some config parameters are not set",
"The MRW web service is not returning the expected response": "The MRW web service is not returning the expected response",
"1) No se han encontrado datos con estos criterios.": "1) No se han encontrado datos con estos criterios.",
"1) Fecha de recogida incorrecta (fecha cerrada).": "1) Fecha de recogida incorrecta (fecha cerrada).",
"1) Falta indicar la Hora Máxima de Recogida en Sábado2) Fecha de recogida incorrecta (fecha cerrada).": "1) Falta indicar la Hora Máxima de Recogida en Sábado2) Fecha de recogida incorrecta (fecha cerrada).",
"1) Falta indicar la Hora Máxima de Recogida en Sábado2) La fecha de recogida solicitada es 10/02/2024.3) El tipo de servicio no está permitido.4) ": "1) Falta indicar la Hora Máxima de Recogida en Sábado2) La fecha de recogida solicitada es 10/02/2024.3) El tipo de servicio no está permitido.4) "