#7965 - unifyProblems #2990
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ BEGIN
* Calcula los problemas para un conjunto de sale
* @param vIsTodayRelative Indica si se calcula el disponible como si todo saliera hoy
jgallego marked this conversation as resolved
* @table tmp.sale(saleFk) Identificadores de los sale a calcular
* @return tmp.saleProblems
@ -76,9 +77,9 @@ BEGIN
AND av.calc_id = vAvailableCache
LEFT JOIN tItemShelving tis ON tis.itemFk = i.id
AND tis.warehouseFk = t.warehouseFk
WHERE IFNULL(v.visible, 0) < s.quantity
AND IFNULL(av.available, 0) < s.quantity
AND IFNULL(tis.visible, 0) < s.quantity
WHERE (v.visible < s.quantity AND v.visible IS NOT NULL)
jgallego marked this conversation as resolved
ja posats canvia el IFNULL que en la convencio ja no esta acceptat ja posats canvia el IFNULL que en la convencio ja no esta acceptat
AND (av.available < s.quantity AND av.available IS NOT NULL)
AND (tis.visible < s.quantity AND tis.visible IS NOT NULL)
AND NOT s.isPicked
AND NOT s.reserved
AND ic.merchandise
@ -101,8 +102,8 @@ BEGIN
AND v.calc_id = vVisibleCache
LEFT JOIN tItemShelving tis ON tis.itemFk = i.id
AND tis.warehouseFk = t.warehouseFk
WHERE IFNULL(v.visible, 0) >= s.quantity
AND IFNULL(tis.visible, 0) < s.quantity
WHERE (v.visible >= s.quantity AND v.visible IS NOT NULL)
AND (tis.visible < s.quantity AND tis.visible IS NOT NULL)
AND s.quantity > 0
AND NOT s.isPicked
AND NOT s.reserved
@ -129,9 +130,9 @@ BEGIN
AND av.calc_id = vAvailableCache
LEFT JOIN tItemShelving tis ON tis.itemFk = i.id
AND tis.warehouseFk = t.warehouseFk
WHERE IFNULL(v.visible, 0) < s.quantity
AND IFNULL(av.available, 0) >= s.quantity
AND IFNULL(tis.visible, 0) < s.quantity
WHERE (v.visible < s.quantity AND v.visible IS NOT NULL)
AND (av.available < s.quantity AND av.available IS NOT NULL)
AND (tis.visible < s.quantity AND tis.visible IS NOT NULL)
AND s.quantity > 0
AND NOT s.isPicked
AND NOT s.reserved
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ BEGIN
* Calcula los problemas para un conjunto de tickets.
* @param vIsTodayRelative Indica si se calcula el disponible como si todo saliera hoy
jgallego marked this conversation as resolved
vIsTodayRelative falta descripcio vIsTodayRelative falta descripcio
* @table tmp.ticket(ticketFk) Identificadores de los tickets a calcular
* @return tmp.ticketProblems, tmp.saleProblems
@ -71,23 +72,22 @@ BEGIN
WHERE FIND_IN_SET('hasComponentLack', s.problem)
GROUP BY s.ticketFk
)SELECT tt.ticketFk,
IF(FIND_IN_SET('isFreezed', t.problem), TRUE, FALSE) isFreezed,
FIND_IN_SET('isFreezed', t.problem) isFreezed,
jgallego marked this conversation as resolved
es posible que el if sobre si true es true, asignau directament no? es posible que el if sobre si true es true, asignau directament no?
IF(FIND_IN_SET('hasRisk', t.problem), TRUE, FALSE) hasRisk,
IF(FIND_IN_SET('hasHighRisk', t.problem), TRUE, FALSE) hasHighRisk,
IF(FIND_IN_SET('hasTicketRequest', t.problem), TRUE, FALSE) hasTicketRequest,
IF(FIND_IN_SET('isTaxDataChecked', t.problem), TRUE, FALSE) isTaxDataChecked,
IF(FIND_IN_SET('isTooLittle', t.problem)
FIND_IN_SET('hasRisk', t.problem) hasRisk,
FIND_IN_SET('hasHighRisk', t.problem) hasHighRisk,
FIND_IN_SET('hasTicketRequest', t.problem) hasTicketRequest,
FIND_IN_SET('isTaxDataChecked', t.problem) isTaxDataChecked,
FIND_IN_SET('isTooLittle', t.problem)
AND util.VN_NOW() < (util.VN_CURDATE() +
INTERVAL HOUR(zc.`hour`) HOUR) +
TRUE, FALSE) isTooLittle,
IF(c.businessTypeFk = 'VIP', TRUE, FALSE) isVip,
IF(his.ticketFk IS NULL, FALSE, TRUE) hasItemShortage,
IF(hid.ticketFk IS NULL, FALSE, TRUE) hasItemDelay,
IF(hil.ticketFk IS NULL, FALSE, TRUE) hasItemLost,
IF(hcl.ticketFk IS NULL, FALSE, TRUE) hasComponentLack,
IF(hr.ticketFk IS NULL, FALSE, TRUE) hasRounding,
INTERVAL MINUTE(zc.`hour`) MINUTE isTooLittle,
c.businessTypeFk = 'VIP' isVip,
NOT (his.ticketFk IS NULL) hasItemShortage,
NOT (hid.ticketFk IS NULL) hasItemDelay,
jgallego marked this conversation as resolved
aci pots posar NOT i la comparacio aci pots posar NOT i la comparacio
NOT (hil.ticketFk IS NULL) hasItemLost,
NOT (hcl.ticketFk IS NULL) hasComponentLack,
NOT (hr.ticketFk IS NULL) hasRounding,
0 totalProblems
FROM tmp.ticket tt
JOIN vn.ticket t ON t.id = tt.ticketFk
Reference in New Issue
falta vIsTodayRelative