8267-devToTest #3270
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ module.exports = Self => {
if (!isSubordinate || (isSubordinate && userId == id && !isTeamBoss))
throw new UserError(`You don't have enough privileges`);
const labour = await models.WorkerLabour.findById(args.businessFk, {
include: {relation: 'department'}
}, myOptions);
const labour = await models.WorkerLabour.findById(args.businessFk,
{fields: ['started', 'ended', 'businessFk']}, myOptions);
if (args.dated < labour.started || (labour.ended != null && args.dated > labour.ended))
throw new UserError(`The contract was not active during the selected date`);
@ -87,7 +86,8 @@ module.exports = Self => {
`SELECT COUNT(*) halfHolidayCounter
FROM vn.calendar c
JOIN vn.business b ON b.id = c.businessFk
WHERE c.dayOffTypeFk = 6
JOIN vn.absenceType at ON at.id = c.dayOffTypeFk
WHERE at.code = 'halfHoliday'
AND b.workerFk = ?
AND c.dated BETWEEN util.firstDayOfYear(?)
AND LAST_DAY(DATE_ADD(?, INTERVAL 12 - MONTH(?) MONTH))`, [id, date, now, now]);
@ -119,25 +119,23 @@ module.exports = Self => {
dated: args.dated
}, myOptions);
const department = labour.department();
if (department && department.notificationEmail) {
const absenceType = await models.AbsenceType.findById(args.absenceTypeId, null, myOptions);
const account = await models.VnUser.findById(userId, null, myOptions);
const subordinated = await models.VnUser.findById(id, null, myOptions);
const url = await Self.app.models.Url.getUrl();
const body = $t('Created absence', {
author: account.nickname,
employee: subordinated.nickname,
absenceType: absenceType.name,
dated: formatDate(args.dated),
workerUrl: `${url}worker/${id}/calendar`
await models.Mail.create({
subject: $t('Absence change notification on the labour calendar'),
body: body,
receiver: department.notificationEmail
}, myOptions);
const account = await models.VnUser.findById(userId, null, myOptions);
const subordinated = await models.VnUser.findById(id, null, myOptions);
const worker = await models.Worker.findById(subordinated.id, null, myOptions);
const departmentBoss = await models.VnUser.findById(worker.bossFk, null, myOptions);
const url = await Self.app.models.Url.getUrl();
const body = $t('Created absence', {
author: account.nickname,
employee: subordinated.nickname,
absenceType: absenceType.name,
dated: formatDate(args.dated),
workerUrl: `${url}worker/${id}/calendar`
await models.Mail.create({
subject: $t('Absence change notification on the labour calendar'),
body: body,
receiver: departmentBoss.email
}, myOptions);
if (tx) await tx.commit();
Reference in New Issue