refactor: refs #6765 Ekt tests #3318

guillermo wants to merge 2 commits from 6765-ektTests into dev
2 changed files with 32 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
const {models} = require('vn-loopback/server/server');
describe('Edi ekt_scan()', () => {
it('clasico de subasta', async() => {
await Self.rawSql(`CALL edi.ekt_scan(?);`, [], myOptions);
it('Batchnumber largo', async() => {
it('Order number', async() => {
it('deliveryNumber incrustado', async() => {
it('Solo campo agj', async() => {

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@ -4044,3 +4044,12 @@ INSERT IGNORE INTO vn.osrmConfig (id,url,tolerance)
INSERT IGNORE INTO vn.inventoryConfig
SET id = 1,
supplierFk = 4;
INSERT INTO edi.ektConfig (usefulAuctionLeftSegmentLength, standardBarcodeLength, floridayBarcodeLength, floramondoBarcodeLength, defaultKlo, ektRecentScopeDays)
VALUES(13, 20, 6, 13, 99, 7);
INSERT INTO edi.ekt (barcode, entryYear, batchNumber, deliveryNumber, vendorOrderNumber, fec, hor, now, ptj, `ref`, item, pac, qty, ori, cat, agj, kop, ptd, sub, pro, pri, package, auction, klo, k1, k2, k3, k4, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, ok, trolleyFk, putOrderFk, scanned, cps, dp, sender)
VALUES (NULL, 2001, 99353020610200010, NULL, 206102, '2001-01-01', '16:58:00', '2001-01-01 17:00:02.000', 66011, 4293, 'Asparagus 1ste Klbh Rood', 100, 10, 'NL', 'A1', 206102, 1666, NULL, NULL, 81793, 0.27, 566, NULL, 99, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '45', NULL, NULL, NULL, '50', '221', 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 8714231208754, 8719604986857),
(NULL, 2001, 19735391131, 5124517491131, 5124517491131, '2001-01-01', '13:24:00', '2001-01-01 13:26:01.000', 66011, 103686, 'HYP COCO DIABLO', 80, 16, 'KE', 'A1', NULL, 3127, '73732', 1662, 33532, 0.35, 566, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '40', NULL, NULL, '29', '10', NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 8714231208754, 8713783439043),
(NULL, 2001, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2001-01-01', '13:19:00', '2001-01-01 13:22:02.000', NULL, 113069, 'HYP MAG SEASONS', 100, 9, 'KE', NULL, 90244, 1666, '00000', 76378, 76378, 0.15, 566, 1, 99, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '40', NULL, NULL, '29', '5', NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 8714231196389),
(NULL, 2001, 261917, NULL, 261917, '2001-01-01', '09:10:00', '2001-01-01 09:12:01.000', 66011, 2287, 'LI ORIENTAL OVERIG Oriental pink 2', 60, 24, 'NL', 'A2', 5373272, 1666, NULL, NULL, 26195, 0.35, 520, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '80', '25', '23', '1', '10', '12', -1, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 8714231208754, 8713782575308)