8713-testToMaster #3523
@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ INSERT INTO `account`.`mailForward`(`account`, `forwardTo`)
INSERT INTO `vn`.`currency`(`id`, `code`, `name`, `ratio`)
INSERT INTO `vn`.`currency`(`id`, `code`, `name`, `ratio`, `hasToDownloadRate`)
(1, 'EUR', 'Euro', 1),
(2, 'USD', 'Dollar USA', 1.4),
(3, 'GBP', 'Libra', 1),
(4, 'JPY', 'Yen Japones', 1),
(5, 'CNY', 'Yuan Chino', 1.2);
(1, 'EUR', 'Euro', 1, FALSE),
(2, 'USD', 'Dollar USA', 1.4, TRUE),
(3, 'GBP', 'Libra', 1, TRUE),
(4, 'JPY', 'Yen Japones', 1, FALSE),
(5, 'CNY', 'Yuan Chino', 1.2, TRUE);
INSERT INTO `vn`.`country`(`id`, `name`, `isUeeMember`, `code`, `currencyFk`, `ibanLength`, `continentFk`, `hasDailyInvoice`, `CEE`)
@ -694,22 +694,22 @@ INSERT INTO `vn`.`invoiceOutExpense`(`id`, `invoiceOutFk`, `amount`, `expenseFk`
(6, 4, 8.07, 2000000000, util.VN_CURDATE()),
(7, 5, 8.07, 2000000000, util.VN_CURDATE());
INSERT INTO `vn`.`zone` (`id`, `name`, `hour`, `agencyModeFk`, `travelingDays`, `price`, `bonus`, `itemMaxSize`)
(1, 'Zone pickup A', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 1, 0, 1, 0, 100),
(2, 'Zone pickup B', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 1, 0, 1, 0, 100),
(3, 'Zone 247 A', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 7, 1, 2, 0, 100),
(4, 'Zone 247 B', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 7, 1, 2, 0, 100),
(5, 'Zone expensive A', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 8, 1, 1000, 0, 100),
(6, 'Zone expensive B', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 8, 1, 1000, 0, 100),
(7, 'Zone refund', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 23, 0, 1, 0, 100),
(8, 'Zone others', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 10, 0, 1, 0, 100),
(9, 'Zone superMan', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 2, 0, 1, 0, 100),
(10, 'Zone teleportation', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 3, 0, 1, 0, 100),
(11, 'Zone pickup C', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 1, 0, 1, 0, 100),
(12, 'Zone entanglement', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 4, 0, 1, 0, 100),
(13, 'Zone quantum break', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 5, 0, 1, 0, 100);
INSERT INTO `vn`.`zone`
(`id`, `name`, `hour`, `agencyModeFk`, `travelingDays`, `price`, `bonus`, `itemMaxSize`, `priceOptimum`)
(1, 'Zone pickup A', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 1, 0, 1, 0, 100, 1),
(2, 'Zone pickup B', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 1, 0, 1, 0, 100, 1),
(3, 'Zone 247 A', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 7, 1, 2, 0, 100, 1),
(4, 'Zone 247 B', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 7, 1, 2, 0, 100, 1),
(5, 'Zone expensive A', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 8, 1, 1000, 0, 100, 500),
(6, 'Zone expensive B', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 8, 1, 1000, 0, 100, 500),
(7, 'Zone refund', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 23, 0, 1, 0, 100, 0.5),
(8, 'Zone others', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 10, 0, 1, 0, 100, 0.5),
(9, 'Zone superMan', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 2, 0, 1, 0, 100, 0.5),
(10, 'Zone teleportation', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 3, 0, 1, 0, 100, 0.5),
(11, 'Zone pickup C', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 1, 0, 1, 0, 100, 0.5),
(12, 'Zone entanglement', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 4, 0, 1, 0, 100, 0.5),
(13, 'Zone quantum break', CONCAT(util.VN_CURDATE(), ' ', TIME('23:59')), 5, 0, 1, 0, 100, 0.5);
INSERT INTO `vn`.`zoneWarehouse` (`id`, `zoneFk`, `warehouseFk`)
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`vn`@`localhost` EVENT `vn`.`client_setPackagesDiscountFactor`
STARTS '2024-10-18 03:00:00.000'
DO CALL client_setPackagesDiscountFactor()$$
@ -231,7 +231,19 @@ BEGIN
SELECT tcc.warehouseFK,
z.inflation * ROUND(ic.cm3delivery * (IFNULL(zo.price,5000) - IFNULL(zo.bonus,0)) / (1000 * vc.standardFlowerBox) , 4) cost
* (
zo.priceOptimum + (( zo.price - zo.priceOptimum) * 2 * ( 1 - c.packagesDiscountFactor))
- IFNULL(zo.bonus, 0)
/ (1000 * vc.standardFlowerBox),
) cost
FROM tmp.ticketComponentCalculate tcc
JOIN item i ON i.id = tcc.itemFk
JOIN tmp.zoneOption zo ON zo.zoneFk = vZoneFk
@ -239,6 +251,7 @@ BEGIN
JOIN agencyMode am ON am.id = z.agencyModeFk
JOIN vn.volumeConfig vc
JOIN vn.component c2 ON c2.code = 'delivery'
JOIN `client` c on c.id = vClientFk
LEFT JOIN itemCost ic ON ic.warehouseFk = tcc.warehouseFk
AND ic.itemFk = tcc.itemFk
HAVING cost <> 0;
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
PROCEDURE `vn`.`client_setPackagesDiscountFactor`()
* Set the discount factor for the packages of the clients.
UPDATE client c
SELECT t.clientFk,
SUM(t.packages) / COUNT(DISTINCT DATE(t.shipped))
) / cc.packagesOptimum, 1) discountFactor
FROM ticket t
JOIN clientConfig cc ON TRUE
WHERE t.shipped > util.VN_CURDATE() - INTERVAL cc.monthsToCalcOptimumPrice MONTH
AND t.packages
GROUP BY t.clientFk
) ca ON c.id = ca.clientFk
SET c.packagesDiscountFactor = ca.discountFactor;
@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`vn`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `vn`.`zone_getAddresses`(
vSelf INT,
vShipped DATE,
vLanded DATE,
vDepartmentFk INT
* Devuelve un listado de todos los clientes activos
* con consignatarios a los que se les puede
* vender producto para esa zona.
* entregar producto para esa zona.
* @param vSelf Id de zona
* @param vShipped Fecha de envio
* @param vDepartmentFk Id de departamento
* @param vLanded Fecha de entrega
* @param vDepartmentFk Id de departamento | NULL para mostrar todos
* @return Un select
CALL zone_getPostalCode(vSelf);
WITH clientWithTicket AS (
SELECT clientFk
FROM vn.ticket
WHERE shipped BETWEEN vShipped AND util.dayEnd(vShipped)
WHERE landed BETWEEN vLanded AND util.dayEnd(vLanded)
AND NOT isDeleted
SELECT c.id,
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ BEGIN
u.name username,
IF(cwt.clientFk, TRUE, FALSE) hasTicket
FROM vn.client c
JOIN vn.worker w ON w.id = c.salesPersonFk
JOIN vn.workerDepartment wd ON wd.workerFk = w.id
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ BEGIN
AND c.isActive
AND ct.code = 'normal'
AND bt.code <> 'worker'
AND (d.id = vDepartmentFk OR NOT vDepartmentFk)
AND (d.id = vDepartmentFk OR vDepartmentFk IS NULL)
GROUP BY c.id;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ BEGIN
* @return tmp.zoneOption(zoneFk, hour, travelingDays, price, bonus, specificity) The computed options
(INDEX (eventFk))
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ BEGIN
TIME(IFNULL(e.`hour`, z.`hour`)) `hour`,
IFNULL(e.price, z.price) price,
IFNULL(e.priceOptimum, z.priceOptimum) priceOptimum,
IFNULL(e.bonus, z.bonus) bonus,
vShipped shipped
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
ALTER TABLE `vn`.`zoneEvent`
ADD COLUMN `priceOptimum` DECIMAL(10,2) NULL COMMENT 'Precio mínimo que puede pagar un bulto'
AFTER `price`,
ADD CONSTRAINT `ck_zoneEvent_priceOptimum`
CHECK (priceOptimum <= price)
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
ALTER TABLE `vn`.`zone`
ADD COLUMN `priceOptimum` DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Precio mínimo que puede pagar un bulto'
AFTER `price`,
ADD CONSTRAINT `ck_zone_priceOptimum`
CHECK (priceOptimum <= price)
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
UPDATE `vn`.`zone`
SET `priceOptimum` = `price`;
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
ALTER TABLE `vn`.`client`
ADD COLUMN `packagesDiscountFactor` DECIMAL(4,3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1.000
COMMENT 'Porcentaje de ajuste entre el numero de bultos medio del cliente, y el número medio óptimo para las zonas en las que compra';
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
ALTER TABLE `vn`.`clientConfig`
ADD COLUMN `packagesOptimum` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 20 COMMENT 'Numero de bultos por cliente/dia para conseguir el precio optimo',
ADD COLUMN `monthsToCalcOptimumPrice` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 3 COMMENT 'Número de meses a usar para el cálculo de client.packagesDiscountFactor';
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
ALTER TABLE `vn`.`entry`
ADD COLUMN `initialTemperature` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Temperatura de como lo recibimos del proveedor ej. en colombia',
ADD COLUMN `finalTemperature` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Temperatura final de como llega a nuestras instalaciones';
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ALTER TABLE `vn`.`currency`
ADD COLUMN `hasToDownloadRate` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 comment 'Si se guarda el tipo de cambio diariamente en referenceRate';
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
UPDATE `vn`.`currency`
SET `hasToDownloadRate` = TRUE
WHERE `code` IN ('USD', 'CNY', 'GBP');
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
INSERT INTO salix.ACL (model,property,accessType,permission,principalType,principalId)
VALUES ('VnUser','adminUser','WRITE','ALLOW','ROLE','sysadmin');
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
RENAME TABLE bi.f_tvc TO bi.f_tvc__;
ALTER TABLE bi.f_tvc__ COMMENT='@deprecated 2025-01-15';
@ -0,0 +1 @@
CREATE INDEX ticket_landed_IDX USING BTREE ON vn.ticket (landed);
@ -238,25 +238,11 @@ describe('Ticket Edit sale path', () => {
await page.waitToClick(selectors.globalItems.cancelButton);
it('should select the third sale and create a claim of it', async() => {
await page.accessToSearchResult('16');
await page.accessToSection('ticket.card.sale');
await page.waitToClick(selectors.ticketSales.thirdSaleCheckbox);
await page.waitToClick(selectors.ticketSales.moreMenu);
await page.waitToClick(selectors.ticketSales.moreMenuCreateClaim);
await page.waitToClick(selectors.globalItems.acceptButton);
await page.waitForNavigation();
it('should search for a ticket then access to the sales section', async() => {
await page.goBack();
await page.goBack();
it('should select the third sale and delete it', async() => {
await page.loginAndModule('salesPerson', 'ticket');
await page.accessToSearchResult('16');
await page.accessToSection('ticket.card.sale');
it('should select the third sale and delete it', async() => {
await page.waitToClick(selectors.ticketSales.thirdSaleCheckbox);
await page.waitToClick(selectors.ticketSales.deleteSaleButton);
await page.waitToClick(selectors.globalItems.acceptButton);
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ describe('Ticket Edit basic data path', () => {
const result = await page
.waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketBasicData.stepTwoTotalPriceDif, 'innerText');
it(`should select a new reason for the changes made then click on finalize`, async() => {
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
"Name should be uppercase": "Name should be uppercase",
"You cannot update these fields": "You cannot update these fields",
"CountryFK cannot be empty": "Country cannot be empty",
"No tickets to invoice": "There are no tickets to invoice that meet the invoicing requirements",
"No tickets to invoice": "There are no tickets to invoice that meet the invoicing requirements",
"You are not allowed to modify the alias": "You are not allowed to modify the alias",
"You already have the mailAlias": "You already have the mailAlias",
"This machine is already in use.": "This machine is already in use.",
@ -248,9 +248,11 @@
"ticketLostExpedition": "The ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) has the following lost expedition:{{ expeditionId }}",
"The raid information is not correct": "The raid information is not correct",
"Payment method is required": "Payment method is required",
"Sales already moved": "Sales already moved",
"Holidays to past days not available": "Holidays to past days not available",
"Price cannot be blank": "Price cannot be blank",
"There are tickets to be invoiced": "There are tickets to be invoiced",
"The address of the customer must have information about Incoterms and Customs Agent": "The address of the customer must have information about Incoterms and Customs Agent"
"The address of the customer must have information about Incoterms and Customs Agent": "The address of the customer must have information about Incoterms and Customs Agent",
"Sales already moved": "Sales already moved",
"Holidays to past days not available": "Holidays to past days not available",
"Incorrect delivery order alert on route": "Incorrect delivery order alert on route: {{ route }} zone: {{ zone }}",
"Ticket has been delivered out of order": "The ticket {{ticket}} {{{fullUrl}}} has been delivered out of order."
@ -390,13 +390,11 @@
"The web user's email already exists": "El correo del usuario web ya existe",
"Sales already moved": "Ya han sido transferidas",
"The raid information is not correct": "La información de la redada no es correcta",
"No trips found because input coordinates are not connected": "No se encontraron rutas porque las coordenadas de entrada no están conectadas",
"This request is not supported": "Esta solicitud no es compatible",
"Invalid options or too many coordinates": "Opciones invalidas o demasiadas coordenadas",
"No address has coordinates": "Ninguna dirección tiene coordenadas",
"An item type with the same code already exists": "Un tipo con el mismo código ya existe",
"Holidays to past days not available": "Las vacaciones a días pasados no están disponibles",
"All tickets have a route order": "Todos los tickets tienen orden de ruta",
"Price cannot be blank": "Price cannot be blank",
"There are tickets to be invoiced": "La zona tiene tickets por facturar"
"There are tickets to be invoiced": "La zona tiene tickets por facturar",
"Incorrect delivery order alert on route": "Alerta de orden de entrega incorrecta en ruta: {{ route }} zona: {{ zone }}",
"Ticket has been delivered out of order": "El ticket {{ticket}} {{{fullUrl}}} no ha sigo entregado en su orden.",
"Price cannot be blank": "El precio no puede estar en blanco"
@ -362,9 +362,11 @@
"The invoices have been created but the PDFs could not be generated": "La facture a été émise mais le PDF n'a pas pu être généré",
"It has been invoiced but the PDF of refund not be generated": "Il a été facturé mais le PDF de remboursement n'a pas été généré",
"Cannot send mail": "Impossible d'envoyer le mail",
"Original invoice not found": "Facture originale introuvable",
"The quantity claimed cannot be greater than the quantity of the line": "Le montant réclamé ne peut pas être supérieur au montant de la ligne",
"You do not have permission to modify the booked field": "Vous n'avez pas la permission de modifier le champ comptabilisé",
"Original invoice not found": "Facture originale introuvable",
"The quantity claimed cannot be greater than the quantity of the line": "Le montant réclamé ne peut pas être supérieur au montant de la ligne",
"You do not have permission to modify the booked field": "Vous n'avez pas la permission de modifier le champ comptabilisé",
"ticketLostExpedition": "Le ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) a l'expédition perdue suivante : {{expeditionId}}",
"The web user's email already exists": "L'email de l'internaute existe déjà"
"The web user's email already exists": "L'email de l'internaute existe déjà",
"Incorrect delivery order alert on route": "Alerte de bon de livraison incorrect sur l'itinéraire: {{ route }} zone : {{ zone }}",
"Ticket has been delivered out of order": "Le ticket {{ticket}} {{{fullUrl}}} a été livré hors ordre."
@ -365,5 +365,7 @@
"Cannot send mail": "Não é possível enviar o email",
"The quantity claimed cannot be greater than the quantity of the line": "O valor reclamado não pode ser superior ao valor da linha",
"ticketLostExpedition": "O ticket [{{ticketId}}]({{{ticketUrl}}}) tem a seguinte expedição perdida: {{expeditionId}}",
"The web user's email already exists": "O e-mail do utilizador da web já existe."
"The web user's email already exists": "O e-mail do utilizador da web já existe.",
"Incorrect delivery order alert on route": "Alerta de ordem de entrega incorreta na rota: {{ route }} zona: {{ zone }}",
"Ticket has been delivered out of order": "O ticket {{ticket}} {{{fullUrl}}} foi entregue fora de ordem."
@ -52,6 +52,14 @@ module.exports = function(Self) {
arg: 'customsAgentFk',
type: 'number'
arg: 'longitude',
type: 'number'
arg: 'latitude',
type: 'number'
arg: 'isActive',
type: 'boolean'
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
AND r1.started = r2.maxStarted
) r ON r.clientFk = c.id
LEFT JOIN workerDepartment wd ON wd.workerFk = u.id
JOIN department dp ON dp.id = wd.departmentFk
LEFT JOIN department dp ON dp.id = wd.departmentFk
d.created = ?
AND d.amount > 0
@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
"created": {
"type": "date"
"workerFk": {
"type": "number"
"relations": {
@ -33,4 +36,4 @@
"foreignKey": "workerFk"
@ -119,6 +119,16 @@ module.exports = Self => {
arg: 'invoiceAmount',
type: 'number',
description: `The invoice amount`
arg: 'initialTemperature',
type: 'number',
description: 'Initial temperature value'
arg: 'finalTemperature',
type: 'number',
description: 'Final temperature value'
returns: {
@ -170,6 +180,10 @@ module.exports = Self => {
case 'invoiceInFk':
param = `e.${param}`;
return {[param]: value};
case 'initialTemperature':
return {'e.initialTemperature': {lte: value}};
case 'finalTemperature':
return {'e.finalTemperature': {gte: value}};
filter = mergeFilters(ctx.args.filter, {where});
@ -204,6 +218,8 @@ module.exports = Self => {
s.name supplierName,
s.nickname supplierAlias,
@ -68,6 +68,12 @@
"invoiceAmount": {
"type": "number"
"initialTemperature": {
"type": "number"
"finalTemperature": {
"type": "number"
"relations": {
@ -13,66 +13,114 @@ module.exports = Self => {
Self.exchangeRateUpdate = async() => {
const response = await axios.get('http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-hist-90d.xml');
const xmlData = response.data;
const doc = new DOMParser({errorHandler: {warning: () => {}}})?.parseFromString(xmlData, 'text/xml');
const cubes = doc?.getElementsByTagName('Cube');
if (!cubes || cubes.length === 0)
throw new UserError('No cubes found. Exiting the method.');
Self.exchangeRateUpdate = async(options = {}) => {
const models = Self.app.models;
const myOptions = {};
let tx;
const maxDateRecord = await models.ReferenceRate.findOne({order: 'dated DESC'});
if (typeof options == 'object')
Object.assign(myOptions, options);
const maxDate = maxDateRecord?.dated ? new Date(maxDateRecord.dated) : null;
if (!myOptions.transaction) {
tx = await Self.beginTransaction({});
myOptions.transaction = tx;
try {
const response = await axios.get('http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-hist-90d.xml');
const xmlData = response.data;
const doc = new DOMParser({errorHandler: {warning: () => {}}})
.parseFromString(xmlData, 'text/xml');
const cubes = doc?.getElementsByTagName('Cube');
if (!cubes || cubes.length === 0)
throw new UserError('No cubes found. Exiting the method.');
const currencies = await models.Currency.find({where: {hasToDownloadRate: true}}, myOptions);
const maxDateRecord = await models.ReferenceRate.findOne({order: 'dated DESC'}, myOptions);
const maxDate = maxDateRecord?.dated ? new Date(maxDateRecord.dated) : null;
let lastProcessedDate = maxDate;
for (const cube of Array.from(cubes)) {
if (cube.nodeType === doc.ELEMENT_NODE && cube.attributes.getNamedItem('time')) {
const xmlDate = new Date(cube.getAttribute('time'));
const xmlDateWithoutTime = new Date(
if (!maxDate || xmlDateWithoutTime > maxDate) {
if (lastProcessedDate && xmlDateWithoutTime > lastProcessedDate) {
for (const currency of currencies) {
await fillMissingDates(
models, currency, lastProcessedDate, xmlDateWithoutTime, myOptions
for (const cube of Array.from(cubes)) {
if (cube.nodeType === doc.ELEMENT_NODE && cube.attributes.getNamedItem('time')) {
const xmlDate = new Date(cube.getAttribute('time'));
const xmlDateWithoutTime = new Date(xmlDate.getFullYear(), xmlDate.getMonth(), xmlDate.getDate());
if (!maxDate || maxDate < xmlDateWithoutTime) {
for (const rateCube of Array.from(cube.childNodes)) {
if (rateCube.nodeType === doc.ELEMENT_NODE) {
const currencyCode = rateCube.getAttribute('currency');
const rate = rateCube.getAttribute('rate');
if (['USD', 'CNY', 'GBP'].includes(currencyCode)) {
const currency = await models.Currency.findOne({where: {code: currencyCode}});
if (!currency) throw new UserError(`Currency not found for code: ${currencyCode}`);
const currency = currencies.find(c => c.code === currencyCode);
if (currency) {
const existingRate = await models.ReferenceRate.findOne({
where: {currencyFk: currency.id, dated: xmlDate}
where: {currencyFk: currency.id, dated: xmlDateWithoutTime}
}, myOptions);
if (existingRate) {
if (existingRate.value !== rate)
await existingRate.updateAttributes({value: rate});
await existingRate.updateAttributes({value: rate}, myOptions);
} else {
await models.ReferenceRate.create({
currencyFk: currency.id,
dated: xmlDate,
dated: xmlDateWithoutTime,
value: rate
const monday = 1;
if (xmlDateWithoutTime.getDay() === monday) {
const saturday = new Date(xmlDateWithoutTime);
saturday.setDate(xmlDateWithoutTime.getDate() - 2);
const sunday = new Date(xmlDateWithoutTime);
sunday.setDate(xmlDateWithoutTime.getDate() - 1);
for (const date of [saturday, sunday]) {
await models.ReferenceRate.upsertWithWhere(
{currencyFk: currency.id, dated: date},
{currencyFk: currency.id, dated: date, value: rate}
}, myOptions);
lastProcessedDate = xmlDateWithoutTime;
if (tx) await tx.commit();
} catch (error) {
if (tx) await tx.rollback();
throw error;
async function getLastValidRate(models, currencyId, date, myOptions) {
return models.ReferenceRate.findOne({
where: {currencyFk: currencyId, dated: {lt: date}},
order: 'dated DESC'
}, myOptions);
async function fillMissingDates(models, currency, startDate, endDate, myOptions) {
const cursor = new Date(startDate);
cursor.setDate(cursor.getDate() + 1);
while (cursor < endDate) {
const existingRate = await models.ReferenceRate.findOne({
where: {currencyFk: currency.id, dated: cursor}
}, myOptions);
if (!existingRate) {
const lastValid = await getLastValidRate(models, currency.id, cursor, myOptions);
if (lastValid) {
await models.ReferenceRate.create({
currencyFk: currency.id,
dated: new Date(cursor),
value: lastValid.value
}, myOptions);
cursor.setDate(cursor.getDate() + 1);
@ -1,52 +1,190 @@
describe('exchangeRateUpdate functionality', function() {
const axios = require('axios');
const models = require('vn-loopback/server/server').models;
let tx; let options;
beforeEach(function() {
spyOn(axios, 'get').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({
data: `<Cube>
<Cube time='2024-04-12'>
<Cube currency='USD' rate='1.1'/>
<Cube currency='CNY' rate='1.2'/>
function formatYmd(d) {
const mm = (d.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0');
const dd = d.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
return `${d.getFullYear()}-${mm}-${dd}`;
afterEach(async() => {
await tx.rollback();
it('should process XML data and update or create rates in the database', async function() {
beforeEach(async() => {
tx = await models.Sale.beginTransaction({});
options = {transaction: tx};
spyOn(axios, 'get').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({data: ''}));
it('should process XML data and create rates', async function() {
const d1 = Date.vnNew();
const d4 = Date.vnNew();
d4.setDate(d4.getDate() + 1);
const xml = `<Cube>
<Cube time='${formatYmd(d1)}'>
<Cube currency='USD' rate='1.1'/>
<Cube currency='CNY' rate='1.2'/>
<Cube time='${formatYmd(d4)}'>
<Cube currency='USD' rate='1.3'/>
axios.get.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({data: xml}));
spyOn(models.ReferenceRate, 'findOne').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(null));
spyOn(models.ReferenceRate, 'create').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve());
await models.InvoiceIn.exchangeRateUpdate(options);
await models.InvoiceIn.exchangeRateUpdate();
it('should not create or update rates when no XML data is available', async function() {
it('should handle no data', async function() {
spyOn(models.ReferenceRate, 'create');
let thrownError = null;
let e;
try {
await models.InvoiceIn.exchangeRateUpdate();
} catch (error) {
thrownError = error;
await models.InvoiceIn.exchangeRateUpdate(options);
} catch (err) {
e = err;
expect(thrownError.message).toBe('No cubes found. Exiting the method.');
expect(e.message).toBe('No cubes found. Exiting the method.');
it('should handle errors gracefully', async function() {
it('should handle errors', async function() {
axios.get.and.returnValue(Promise.reject(new Error('Network error')));
let error;
let e;
try {
await models.InvoiceIn.exchangeRateUpdate();
} catch (e) {
error = e;
await models.InvoiceIn.exchangeRateUpdate(options);
} catch (err) {
e = err;
expect(error.message).toBe('Network error');
expect(e.message).toBe('Network error');
it('should update existing rate', async function() {
const existingRate = await models.ReferenceRate.findOne({
order: 'id DESC'
}, options);
if (!existingRate) return fail('No ReferenceRate records in DB');
const currency = await models.Currency.findById(existingRate.currencyFk, null, options);
const xml = `<Cube>
<Cube time='${formatYmd(existingRate.dated)}'>
<Cube currency='${currency.code}' rate='2.22'/>
axios.get.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({data: xml}));
await models.InvoiceIn.exchangeRateUpdate(options);
const updatedRate = await models.ReferenceRate.findById(existingRate.id, null, options);
it('should not update if same rate', async function() {
const existingRate = await models.ReferenceRate.findOne({order: 'id DESC'}, options);
if (!existingRate) return fail('No existing ReferenceRate in DB');
const currency = await models.Currency.findById(existingRate.currencyFk, null, options);
const oldValue = existingRate.value;
const xml = `<Cube>
<Cube time='${formatYmd(existingRate.dated)}'>
<Cube currency='${currency.code}' rate='${oldValue}'/>
axios.get.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({data: xml}));
await models.InvoiceIn.exchangeRateUpdate(options);
const updatedRate = await models.ReferenceRate.findById(existingRate.id, null, options);
it('should backfill missing dates', async function() {
const lastRate = await models.ReferenceRate.findOne({order: 'dated DESC'}, options);
if (!lastRate) return fail('No existing ReferenceRate data in DB');
const currency = await models.Currency.findById(lastRate.currencyFk, null, options);
const d1 = new Date(lastRate.dated);
d1.setDate(d1.getDate() + 1);
const d4 = new Date(lastRate.dated);
d4.setDate(d4.getDate() + 4);
const xml = `<Cube>
<Cube time='${formatYmd(d1)}'>
<Cube currency='${currency.code}' rate='1.0'/>
<Cube time='${formatYmd(d4)}'>
<Cube currency='${currency.code}' rate='2.0'/>
axios.get.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({data: xml}));
const beforeCount = await models.ReferenceRate.count({}, options);
await models.InvoiceIn.exchangeRateUpdate(options);
const afterCount = await models.ReferenceRate.count({}, options);
expect(afterCount - beforeCount).toBe(4);
it('should create entries for day1 and day2 from the feed, and not backfill day3', async function() {
const lastRate = await models.ReferenceRate.findOne({order: 'dated DESC'}, options);
if (!lastRate) return fail('No existing ReferenceRate data in DB');
const currency = await models.Currency.findById(lastRate.currencyFk, null, options);
if (!currency) return fail(`No currency for ID ${lastRate.currencyFk}`);
const day1 = new Date(lastRate.dated);
day1.setDate(day1.getDate() + 1);
const day2 = new Date(lastRate.dated);
day2.setDate(day2.getDate() + 2);
const day3 = new Date(lastRate.dated);
day3.setDate(day3.getDate() + 3);
const xml = `<Cube>
<Cube time='${formatYmd(day1)}'>
<Cube currency='${currency.code}' rate='1.1'/>
<Cube time='${formatYmd(day2)}'>
<Cube currency='${currency.code}' rate='2.2'/>
axios.get.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({data: xml}));
await models.InvoiceIn.exchangeRateUpdate(options);
const day3Record = await models.ReferenceRate.findOne({
where: {currencyFk: currency.id, dated: day3}
}, options);
const day1Record = await models.ReferenceRate.findOne({
where: {currencyFk: currency.id, dated: day1}
}, options);
const day2Record = await models.ReferenceRate.findOne({
where: {currencyFk: currency.id, dated: day2}
}, options);
@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ module.exports = Self => {
AND t.companyFk = ?
AND NOT t.isDeleted
GROUP BY IF(c.hasToInvoiceByAddress, a.id, c.id)
HAVING SUM(t.totalWithVat) > 0;`;
HAVING SUM(t.totalWithVat) > 0
ORDER BY c.id`;
const addresses = await Self.rawSql(query, [
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module.exports = Self => {
delete args.ctx;
if (!args.name) throw new UserError('The social name cannot be empty');
if (args.name !== args.name.toUpperCase()) throw new UserError('Social name should be uppercase');
const data = {...args, ...{nickname: args.name}};
const supplier = await models.Supplier.create(data, myOptions);
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ module.exports = Self => {
verb: 'POST'
Self.saveSign = async(ctx, tickets, location, signedTime, options) => {
const models = Self.app.models;
const myOptions = {userId: ctx.req.accessToken.userId};
@ -111,6 +110,12 @@ module.exports = Self => {
scope: {
fields: ['id']
relation: 'zone',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'zoneFk,', 'name']
}, myOptions);
@ -151,6 +156,28 @@ module.exports = Self => {
await Self.rawSql(`CALL vn.ticket_setState(?, ?)`, [ticketId, stateCode], myOptions);
if (stateCode == 'DELIVERED' && ticket.priority) {
const orderState = await models.State.findOne({
where: {code: 'DELIVERED'},
fields: ['id']
}, myOptions);
const ticketIncorrect = await Self.rawSql(`
FROM ticket t
JOIN ticketState ts ON ts.ticketFk = t.id
JOIN state s ON s.code = ts.code
WHERE t.routeFk = ?
AND s.\`order\` < ?
AND priority <(SELECT t.priority
FROM ticket t
WHERE t.id = ?)`
, [ticket.routeFk, orderState.id, ticket.id], myOptions);
if (ticketIncorrect?.length > 0)
await sendMail(ctx, ticket.routeFk, ticket.id, ticket.zone().name);
if (ticket?.address()?.province()?.country()?.code != 'ES' && ticket.$cmrFk) {
await models.Ticket.saveCmr(ctx, [ticketId], myOptions);
@ -163,4 +190,25 @@ module.exports = Self => {
await models.Ticket.sendCmrEmail(ctx, externalTickets);
async function sendMail(ctx, route, ticket, zoneName) {
const $t = ctx.req.__;
const url = await Self.app.models.Url.getUrl();
const sendTo = 'repartos@verdnatura.es';
const fullUrl = `${url}route/${route}/summary`;
const emailSubject = $t('Incorrect delivery order alert on route', {
zone: zoneName
const emailBody = $t('Ticket has been delivered out of order', {
await Self.app.models.Mail.create({
receiver: sendTo,
subject: emailSubject,
body: emailBody
@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
const models = require('vn-loopback/server/server').models;
const LoopBackContext = require('loopback-context');
describe('Ticket saveSign()', () => {
let ctx = {req: {
getLocale: () => {
return 'en';
__: () => {},
accessToken: {userId: 9}
beforeEach(() => {
spyOn(LoopBackContext, 'getCurrentContext').and.returnValue({
active: ctx
it(`should throw error if the ticket's alert level is lower than 2`, async() => {
const tx = await models.TicketDms.beginTransaction({});
@ -51,4 +59,46 @@ describe('Ticket saveSign()', () => {
expect(ticketTrackingAfter.name).toBe('Entregado en parte');
it('should send an email to notify that the delivery order is not correct', async() => {
const tx = await models.Ticket.beginTransaction({});
const ticketFk = 8;
const priority = 5;
const stateFk = 10;
const stateTicketFk = 2;
const expeditionFk = 11;
const expeditionStateFK = 2;
let mailCountBefore;
let mailCountAfter;
spyOn(models.Dms, 'uploadFile').and.returnValue([{id: 1}]);
const options = {transaction: tx};
const tickets = [ticketFk];
const expedition = await models.Expedition.findById(expeditionFk, null, options);
expedition.updateAttribute('stateTypeFk', expeditionStateFK, options);
const ticket = await models.Ticket.findById(ticketFk, null, options);
ticket.updateAttribute('priority', priority, options);
const filter = {where: {
ticketFk: ticketFk,
stateFk: stateTicketFk}
try {
const ticketTracking = await models.TicketTracking.findOne(filter, options);
ticketTracking.updateAttribute('stateFk', stateFk, options);
mailCountBefore = await models.Mail.count(options);
await models.Ticket.saveSign(ctx, tickets, null, null, options);
mailCountAfter = await models.Mail.count(options);
await tx.rollback();
} catch (e) {
await tx.rollback();
throw e;
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
const ParameterizedSQL = require('loopback-connector').ParameterizedSQL;
const buildFilter = require('vn-loopback/util/filter').buildFilter;
const mergeFilters = require('vn-loopback/util/filter').mergeFilters;
@ -91,6 +90,11 @@ module.exports = Self => {
arg: 'landed',
type: 'date',
description: 'The landed date'
arg: 'awbFk',
type: 'number',
description: 'The awbFk id'
returns: {
@ -168,14 +172,17 @@ module.exports = Self => {
am.name agencyModeName,
a.code awbCode,
win.name warehouseInName,
wout.name warehouseOutName,
cnt.code continent
FROM vn.travel t
JOIN vn.agencyMode am ON am.id = t.agencyModeFk
JOIN vn.warehouse win ON win.id = t.warehouseInFk
JOIN vn.warehouse wout ON wout.id = t.warehouseOutFk
FROM travel t
JOIN agencyMode am ON am.id = t.agencyModeFk
JOIN warehouse win ON win.id = t.warehouseInFk
JOIN warehouse wout ON wout.id = t.warehouseOutFk
LEFT JOIN awb a ON a.id = t.awbFk
JOIN warehouse wo ON wo.id = t.warehouseOutFk
JOIN country c ON c.id = wo.countryFk
LEFT JOIN continent cnt ON cnt.id = c.continentFk) AS t`
@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ module.exports = Self => {
* b.stickers)/1000000) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) m3,
TRUNCATE(SUM(b.stickers)/(COUNT( b.id) / COUNT( DISTINCT b.id)),0) hb,
CAST(SUM(b.freightValue*b.quantity) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) freightValue,
CAST(SUM(b.packageValue*b.quantity) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) packageValue
CAST(SUM(b.packageValue*b.quantity) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) packageValue,
FROM vn.travel t
LEFT JOIN vn.entry e ON t.id = e.travelFk
LEFT JOIN vn.buy b ON b.entryFk = e.id
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
"ratio": {
"type": "number"
"hasToDownloadRate": {
"type": "boolean"
"acls": [
@ -42,6 +42,9 @@
"price": {
"type": "number"
"priceOptimum": {
"type": "number"
"bonus": {
"type": "number"
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
"price": {
"type": "number"
"priceOptimum": {
"type": "number"
"bonus": {
"type": "number"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "salix-back",
"version": "25.04.0",
"version": "25.06.0",
"author": "Verdnatura Levante SL",
"description": "Salix backend",
"license": "GPL-3.0",
Reference in New Issue