3384-item_basic-data add field genericFk #807

joan merged 10 commits from 3384-item_basic-data into dev 2021-11-29 09:21:26 +00:00
4 changed files with 280 additions and 34 deletions
Showing only changes of commit aaa49bdf78 - Show all commits

View File

@ -223,26 +223,29 @@ export default class Contextmenu {
delete userFilter.where;
function removeProp(instance, findProp, prop) {
if (prop == findProp)
delete instance[prop];
function removeProp(obj, targetProp, prop) {
if (prop == targetProp)
delete obj[prop];
if (prop === 'and' || prop === 'or') {
const instanceCopy = instance[prop].slice();
for (let param of instanceCopy) {
const arrayCopy = obj[prop].slice();
for (let param of arrayCopy) {
const [key] = Object.keys(param);
const index = instance[prop].findIndex(param => {
const index = obj[prop].findIndex(param => {
return Object.keys(param)[0] == key;
if (key == findProp)
instance[prop].splice(index, 1);
if (key == targetProp)
obj[prop].splice(index, 1);
if (param[key] instanceof Array)
removeProp(param, filterKey, key);
if (Object.keys(param).length == 0)
obj[prop].splice(index, 1);
if (instance[prop].length == 0)
delete instance[prop];
if (obj[prop].length == 0)
delete obj[prop];

View File

@ -54,20 +54,6 @@ export default class SmartTable extends Component {
set viewConfigId(value) {
this._viewConfigId = value;
/* if (value) {
this.defaultViewConfig = {};
const url = 'DefaultViewConfigs';
const filter = {where: {tableCode: value}};
this.$http.get(url, {filter})
.then(res => {
if (res && res.data.length) {
const columns = res.data[0].columns;
this.defaultViewConfig = columns;
} */
getDefaultViewConfig() {
@ -163,7 +149,7 @@ export default class SmartTable extends Component {
let styleElement = document.querySelector('style[id="smart-table"]');
const styleElement = document.querySelector('style[id="smart-table"]');
if (styleElement)
@ -379,23 +365,33 @@ export default class SmartTable extends Component {
for (let key of whereKeys) {
removeProp(where, field, key);
if (!Object.keys(where))
if (Object.keys(where).length == 0)
delete userFilter.where;
function removeProp(instance, findProp, prop) {
if (prop == findProp)
delete instance[prop];
function removeProp(obj, targetProp, prop) {
if (prop == targetProp)
delete obj[prop];
if (prop === 'and') {
for (let [index, param] of instance[prop].entries()) {
if (prop === 'and' || prop === 'or') {
const arrayCopy = obj[prop].slice();
for (let param of arrayCopy) {
const [key] = Object.keys(param);
if (key == findProp)
instance[prop].splice(index, 1);
const index = obj[prop].findIndex(param => {
return Object.keys(param)[0] == key;
if (key == targetProp)
obj[prop].splice(index, 1);
if (param[key] instanceof Array)
removeProp(param, field, key);
if (Object.keys(param).length == 0)
obj[prop].splice(index, 1);
if (obj[prop].length == 0)
delete obj[prop];
@ -429,7 +425,7 @@ export default class SmartTable extends Component {
if (!model.isChanged)
return this.vnApp.showError(this.$t('No changes to save'));
return this.model.save()
.then(() => this.vnApp.showSuccess(this.$t('Data saved!')));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
describe('Component smartTable', () => {
let $element;
let controller;
let $httpBackend;
beforeEach(inject(($compile, $rootScope, _$httpBackend_) => {
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
$element = $compile(`<smart-table></smart-table>`)($rootScope);
controller = $element.controller('smartTable');
afterEach(() => {
describe('options setter()', () => {
it(`should throw an error if the table doesn't have an identifier`, () => {
const options = {activeButtons: {shownColumns: []}};
expect(() => controller.options = options).toThrowError(/View identifier not defined/);
it('should not throw an error if the table does have an identifier', () => {
const options = {activeButtons: {shownColumns: []}};
controller.viewConfigId = 'test';
expect(() => controller.options = options).not.toThrow();
describe('getDefaultViewConfig()', () => {
it('should perform a query and return the default view columns', done => {
const expectedResponse = [{
columns: {}
controller.getDefaultViewConfig().then(columns => {
describe('viewConfig setter', () => {
it('should just call applyViewConfig() if a viewConfig was provided', () => {
spyOn(controller, 'applyViewConfig');
controller.viewConfig = [{}];
it('should not get a defaultConfig then insert a new one', () => {
spyOn(controller, 'applyViewConfig');
controller.$.userViewModel = {
insert: jest.fn()
const emptyResponse = [{
columns: {}
controller.columns = [
{field: 'test1'},
{field: 'test2'}
controller.viewConfig = [];
const expectedObject = {configuration: {'test1': true, 'test2': true}};
describe('addFilter()', () => {
it('should call the model addFilter() with a basic where filter if exprBuilder() was not received', () => {
controller.model = {addFilter: jest.fn()};
controller.addFilter('myField', 'myValue');
const expectedFilter = {
where: {
myField: 'myValue'
it('should call the model addFilter() with a built where filter resultant of exprBuilder()', () => {
controller.exprBuilder = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({builtField: 'builtValue'});
controller.model = {addFilter: jest.fn()};
controller.addFilter('myField', 'myValue');
const expectedFilter = {
where: {
builtField: 'builtValue'
describe('applySort()', () => {
it('should call the model refresh() without making changes on the model order', () => {
controller.model = {refresh: jest.fn()};
it('should call the model.refresh() after setting model order according to the controller sortCriteria', () => {
controller.model = {refresh: jest.fn()};
const orderBy = {field: 'myField', sortType: 'ASC'};
controller.sortCriteria = [orderBy];
expect(controller.model.order).toEqual(`${orderBy.field} ${orderBy.sortType}`);
describe('filterSanitizer()', () => {
it('should remove the where filter after leaving no fields in it', () => {
controller.model = {
userFilter: {
where: {fieldToRemove: 'valueToRemove'}
userParams: {}
const result = controller.filterSanitizer('fieldToRemove');
const exectedObject = {userFilter: {}, userParams: {}};
it('should remove the where filter after leaving no fields and "empty ands/ors" in it', () => {
controller.model = {
userFilter: {
where: {
and: [
{aFieldToRemove: 'aValueToRemove'},
{aFieldToRemove: 'aValueToRemove'},
or: [
{aFieldToRemove: 'aValueToRemove'},
{aFieldToRemove: 'aValueToRemove'},
userParams: {}
const result = controller.filterSanitizer('aFieldToRemove');
const exectedObject = {userFilter: {}, userParams: {}};
it('should not remove the where filter after leaving no empty "ands/ors" in it', () => {
controller.model = {
userFilter: {
where: {
and: [
{aFieldToRemove: 'aValueToRemove'},
{aFieldToRemove: 'aValueToRemove'},
or: [
{aFieldToRemove: 'aValueToRemove'},
{aFieldToRemove: 'aValueToRemove'},
or: [{dontKillMe: 'thanks'}]
userParams: {}
const result = controller.filterSanitizer('aFieldToRemove');
const exectedObject = {userFilter: {where: {or: [{dontKillMe: 'thanks'}]}}, userParams: {}};
describe('saveAll()', () => {
it('should throw an error if there are no changes to save in the model', () => {
jest.spyOn(controller.vnApp, 'showError');
controller.model = {isChanged: false};
expect(controller.vnApp.showError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('No changes to save');
it('should call the showSuccess() if there are changes to save in the model', done => {
jest.spyOn(controller.vnApp, 'showSuccess');
controller.model = {
save: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve()),
isChanged: true
controller.saveAll().then(() => {
expect(controller.vnApp.showSuccess).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Data saved!');

View File

@ -123,6 +123,24 @@ describe('Component vnMonitorSalesTickets', () => {
describe('dateRange()', () => {
it('should return two dates with the hours at the start and end of the given date', () => {
const now = new Date();
const today = now.getDate();
const dateRange = controller.dateRange(now);
const start = dateRange[0].toString();
const end = dateRange[1].toString();
describe('preview()', () => {
it('should show the dialog summary', () => {
controller.$.summary = {show: () => {}};