diff --git a/back/models/accounting-type.json b/back/models/accounting-type.json
index be08ac533d..086be9d133 100644
--- a/back/models/accounting-type.json
+++ b/back/models/accounting-type.json
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
         "maxAmount": {
             "type": "number"
+        },
+        "daysInFuture": {
+            "type": "number"
     "acls": [{
diff --git a/db/changes/10470-family/00-accountingType.sql b/db/changes/10470-family/00-accountingType.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3c092a34a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/changes/10470-family/00-accountingType.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ALTER TABLE `vn`.`accountingType` ADD daysInFuture INT NULL;
+ALTER TABLE `vn`.`accountingType` MODIFY COLUMN daysInFuture int(11) DEFAULT 0 NULL;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/db/dump/fixtures.sql b/db/dump/fixtures.sql
index 69e746b9e7..4114f0e73e 100644
--- a/db/dump/fixtures.sql
+++ b/db/dump/fixtures.sql
@@ -162,22 +162,23 @@ INSERT INTO `vn`.`shelving` (`code`, `parkingFk`, `isPrinted`, `priority`, `park
         ('HEJ', 2, 0, 1, 0, 1106),
         ('UXN', 1, 0, 1, 0, 1106);
-INSERT INTO `vn`.`accountingType`(`id`, `description`, `receiptDescription`,`code`, `maxAmount`)
+INSERT INTO `vn`.`accountingType`(`id`, `description`, `receiptDescription`,`code`, `maxAmount`, `daysInFuture`)
-        (1,     'CC y Polizas de crédito',  NULL,           NULL,           NULL),
-        (2,     'Cash',                     'Cash',         'cash',         1000),
-        (3,     'Credit card',              'Credit Card',  'creditCard',   NULL),
-        (4,     'Finalcial lines',          NULL,           NULL,           NULL),
-        (5,     'Other products',           NULL,           NULL,           NULL),
-        (6,     'Loans',                    NULL,           NULL,           NULL),
-        (7,     'Leasing',                  NULL,           NULL,           NULL),
-        (8,     'Compensations',           'Compensations', 'compensation', NULL);
+        (1,     'CC and credit policies',   'Transfers',        'wireTransfer', NULL, 1),
+        (2,     'Cash',                     'Cash',             'cash',         1000, 0),
+        (3,     'Credit card',              'Credit Card',      'creditCard',   NULL, 0),
+        (4,     'Finalcial lines',          NULL,               NULL,           NULL, 0),
+        (5,     'Other products',           NULL,               NULL,           NULL, 0),
+        (6,     'Loans',                    NULL,               NULL,           NULL, 0),
+        (7,     'Leasing',                  NULL,               NULL,           NULL, 0),
+        (8,     'Compensations',           'Compensations',     'compensation', NULL, 0);
 INSERT INTO `vn`.`bank`(`id`, `bank`, `account`, `cash`, `entityFk`, `isActive`, `currencyFk`)
         (1,     'Pay on receipt',           '5720000001', 3, 0,     1, 1),
         (2,     'Cash',                     '5700000001', 2, 0,     1, 1),
         (3,     'Compensation',             '4000000000', 8, 0,     1, 1),
+        (4,     'Transfers',                '4000000001', 1, 0,     1, 1),
         (3117,  'Caixa Rural d''Algemesi',  '5720000000', 8, 3117,  1, 1);
diff --git a/modules/client/front/balance/create/index.js b/modules/client/front/balance/create/index.js
index 454e5e44d9..c6a6e7ff97 100644
--- a/modules/client/front/balance/create/index.js
+++ b/modules/client/front/balance/create/index.js
@@ -6,12 +6,7 @@ class Controller extends Dialog {
         super($element, $, $transclude);
         this.vnReport = vnReport;
-        const tomorrow = new Date();
-        tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
-        this.receipt = {
-            payed: tomorrow
-        };
+        this.receipt = {};
     set payed(value) {
@@ -72,6 +67,10 @@ class Controller extends Dialog {
                 `${accountingType && accountingType.receiptDescription}`;
             this.maxAmount = accountingType && accountingType.maxAmount;
+            this.receipt.payed = new Date();
+            if (accountingType.daysInFuture)
+                this.receipt.payed.setDate(this.receipt.payed.getDate() + accountingType.daysInFuture);