const vnReport = require('../../../core/mixins/vn-report.js'); module.exports = { name: 'invoiceIn', mixins: [vnReport], async serverPrefetch() { this.invoice = await this.findOneFromDef('invoice', []); this.checkMainEntity(this.invoice); this.taxes = await this.fetchTaxes(; let defaultTax = await this.findOneFromDef('defaultTax'); if (defaultTax) { defaultTax = Object.assign(defaultTax, { taxableBase: 0, vat: (this.taxTotal() * defaultTax.rate / 100) }); this.taxes.push(defaultTax); } const entries = await this.rawSqlFromDef('entry', []); const buys = await this.rawSqlFromDef('buy', []); const map = new Map(); for (let entry of entries) { entry.buys = []; map.set(, entry); } for (let buy of buys) { const entry = map.get(buy.entryFk); if (entry) entry.buys.push(buy); } this.entries = entries; }, methods: { async fetchTaxes(id) { const taxes = await this.rawSqlFromDef(`taxes`, [id]); return this.taxVat(taxes); }, buyImport(buy) { return buy.quantity * buy.buyingValue; }, entrySubtotal(entry) { let subTotal = 0.00; for (let buy of entry.buys) subTotal += this.buyImport(buy); return subTotal; }, sumTotal(rows, prop) { let total = 0.00; for (let row of rows) total += parseFloat(row[prop]); return total; }, taxVat(taxes) { for (tax of taxes) { let vat = 0; if (tax.rate && tax.taxableBase) vat = (tax.rate / 100) * tax.taxableBase; tax.vat = vat; } return taxes; }, taxTotal() { const base = this.sumTotal(this.taxes, 'taxableBase'); const vat = this.sumTotal(this.taxes, 'vat'); return base + vat; } }, props: { id: { type: Number, description: 'The invoice id' } } };