DELIMITER $$ CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`vn`@`localhost` FUNCTION `vn`.`item_getVolume`(vSelf INT, vPackaging VARCHAR(10)) RETURNS int(11) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN /** * Calculates the volume occupied by an item together * with its packaging. * * @param vSelf The item id * @param vPackaging The packaging id * @return The volume in cubic centimeters */ DECLARE vVolume INT; SELECT SUM(IF(p.volume > 0, p.volume, p.width * p.depth * IF(IFNULL(p.height,0), p.height, IFNULL(i.size,60) + 10) )) INTO vVolume FROM packaging p JOIN item i ON = vSelf WHERE = vPackaging; RETURN vVolume; END$$ DELIMITER ;