import selectors from '../../helpers/selectors.js'; import getBrowser from '../../helpers/puppeteer'; describe('Ticket Summary path', () => { let browser; let page; const ticketId = '20'; beforeAll(async() => { browser = await getBrowser(); page =; }); afterAll(async() => { await browser.close(); }); it('should navigate to the target ticket summary section', async() => { await page.loginAndModule('employee', 'ticket'); await page.accessToSearchResult(ticketId); await page.waitForState('ticket.card.summary'); }); it(`should display details from the ticket and it's client on the top of the header`, async() => { await page.waitForTextInElement(selectors.ticketSummary.header, 'Bruce Banner'); const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketSummary.header, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain(`Ticket #${ticketId}`); expect(result).toContain('Bruce Banner (1109)'); expect(result).toContain('Somewhere in Thailand'); }); it('should display ticket details', async() => { let result = await page .waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketSummary.state, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain('Arreglar'); }); it('should display delivery details', async() => { let result = await page .waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketSummary.route, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain('3'); }); it('should display the ticket total', async() => { let result = await page .waitToGetProperty(, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain('€155.54'); }); it('should display the ticket line(s)', async() => { let result = await page .waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketSummary.firstSaleItemId, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain('2'); }); it(`should click on the first sale ID to make the item descriptor visible`, async() => { await page.waitToClick(selectors.ticketSummary.firstSaleItemId); await page.waitImgLoad(selectors.ticketSummary.firstSaleDescriptorImage); const visible = await page.isVisible(selectors.ticketSummary.itemDescriptorPopover); expect(visible).toBeTruthy(); }); it(`should check the url for the item diary link of the descriptor is for the right item id`, async() => { await page.waitForSelector(selectors.ticketSummary.itemDescriptorPopoverItemDiaryButton, {visible: true}); }); it('should log in as production then navigate to the summary of the same ticket', async() => { await page.loginAndModule('production', 'ticket'); await page.accessToSearchResult(ticketId); await page.waitForState('ticket.card.summary'); }); it('should set the ticket state to OK using the top right button', async() => { const searchValue = 'OK'; await page.waitToClick(selectors.ticketSummary.stateButton); await page.write(selectors.ticketSummary.stateAutocomplete, searchValue); try { await page.waitForFunction(text => { const element = document.querySelector(''); if (element) return element.innerText.toLowerCase().includes(text.toLowerCase()); }, {}, searchValue); } catch (error) { const state = await page.evaluate(() => { const stateSelector = 'vn-ticket-summary vn-label-value:nth-child(1) > section > span'; return document.querySelector(stateSelector).value; }); throw new Error(`${stateSelector} innerText is ${state}! ${error}`); } await'Enter'); const message = await page.waitForSnackbar(); expect(message.text).toContain('Data saved!'); }); it('should confirm the ticket state was updated', async() => { await page.waitForSpinnerLoad(); const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketSummary.state, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain('OK'); }); });