const app = require('vn-loopback/server/server');

describe('Worker absences()', () => {
    it('should get the absence calendar for a full year contract', async() => {
        const ctx = {req: {accessToken: {userId: 1106}}};
        const workerId = 1106;
        const businessId = 1106;

        const now = new Date();
        const year = now.getFullYear();

        const [absences] = await app.models.Calendar.absences(ctx, workerId, businessId, year);

        const firstType = absences[0].absenceType().name;
        const sixthType = absences[5].absenceType().name;

        expect(firstType).toMatch(/(Holidays|Leave of absence)/);
        expect(sixthType).toMatch(/(Holidays|Leave of absence)/);

    it('should get the absence calendar for a permanent contract', async() => {
        const businessId = 1106;
        const ctx = {req: {accessToken: {userId: 9}}};

        const now = new Date();
        const year = now.getFullYear();

        const tx = await app.models.Calendar.beginTransaction({});

        try {
            const options = {transaction: tx};

            const worker = await app.models.WorkerLabour.findById(businessId, null, options);

            await app.models.WorkerLabour.rawSql(
                `UPDATE SET ended = ? WHERE id = ?`,
                [null, worker.businessFk], options);

            const [absences] = await app.models.Calendar.absences(ctx,, businessId, year, options);

            let firstType = absences[0].absenceType().name;
            let sixthType = absences[5].absenceType().name;

            expect(firstType).toMatch(/(Holidays|Leave of absence)/);
            expect(sixthType).toMatch(/(Holidays|Leave of absence)/);
            await tx.rollback();
        } catch (e) {
            await tx.rollback();
            throw e;

    it('should give the same holidays as worked days since the holidays amount matches the amount of days in a year', async() => {
        const businessId = 1106;
        const workerId = 1106;

        const userId = 1106;
        const today = new Date();

        // getting how many days in a year
        const yearStart = new Date();
        yearStart.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);

        const yearEnd = new Date();
        const currentYear = yearEnd.getFullYear();
        yearEnd.setFullYear(currentYear + 1);
        yearEnd.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
        const startedTime = yearStart.getTime();
        const endedTime = yearEnd.getTime();
        const dayTimestamp = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;

        const daysInYear = Math.round((endedTime - startedTime) / dayTimestamp);

        const tx = await app.models.Calendar.beginTransaction({});
        try {
            const options = {transaction: tx};

            // sets the holidays per year to the amount of days in the current year
            const holidaysConfig = await app.models.WorkCenterHoliday.findOne({
                where: {
                    workCenterFk: 1,
                    year: today.getFullYear()
            }, options);

            await holidaysConfig.updateAttribute('days', daysInYear, options);

            // normal test begins
            const contract = await app.models.WorkerLabour.findById(businessId, null, options);

            const startingContract = new Date();
            startingContract.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);

            await app.models.WorkerLabour.rawSql(
                `UPDATE SET started = ?, ended = ? WHERE id = ?`,
                [startingContract, yearEnd, contract.businessFk], options

            const ctx = {req: {accessToken: {userId: userId}}};

            const [absences] = await app.models.Calendar.absences(ctx, workerId, businessId, currentYear);

            const firstType = absences[0].absenceType().name;
            const sixthType = absences[5].absenceType().name;

            expect(firstType).toMatch(/(Holidays|Leave of absence)/);
            expect(sixthType).toMatch(/(Holidays|Leave of absence)/);

            await tx.rollback();
        } catch (e) {
            await tx.rollback();
            throw e;