import ngModule from '../module'; import './style.scss'; class Controller { constructor($, $stateParams) { Object.assign(this, { $, $stateParams }); this.excls = {}; this.resetEvents(); this.ndMonthDate = new Date(); this.ndMonthDate.setMonth(this.ndMonthDate.getMonth() + 1); } resetEvents() { this.wdays = []; this.days = {}; this.ranges = []; } get events() { return this._events; } set events(value) { this._events = value; this.resetEvents(); if (!value) return; function setWdays(wdays, weekDays) { let codes = ['sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat']; if (!weekDays) return []; weekDays = weekDays.split(','); for (let wday of weekDays) wdays[codes.indexOf(wday)] = true; return wdays; } for (let event of value) { if (event.from && { this.ranges.push({ from: new Date(event.from).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0), to: new Date(, 0, 0, 0), wdays: setWdays([], event.weekDays) }); } else if (event.from) { let day = new Date(event.from).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); this.days[day] = true; } else setWdays(this.wdays, event.weekDays); } this.repaint(); } get exclusions() { return this._exclusions; } set exclusions(value) { this._exclusions = value; this.excls = {}; if (!value) return; value.forEach(exclusion => { let day = new Date(, 0, 0, 0); this.excls[day] = true; }); this.repaint(); } hasRange(time, wday) { let range = this.ranges.find(e => e.from <= time && >= time); return range && range.wdays[wday]; } hasEvents(day) { let time = day.getTime(); let wday = day.getDay(); return this.wdays[wday] || this.days[time] || this.hasRange(time, wday); } getClass(day) { if (this.excls[day.getTime()]) return 'excluded'; } repaint() { this.$.stMonth.repaint(); this.$.ndMonth.repaint(); } } Controller.$inject = ['$scope', '$stateParams']; ngModule.component('vnZoneCalendar', { template: require('./index.html'), controller: Controller, bindings: { events: '