import ngModule from '../module'; import Section from 'salix/components/section'; class Controller extends Section { constructor($element, $, vnWeekDays) { super($element, $); this.vnWeekDays = vnWeekDays; this.editMode = 'exclude'; this.exclusions; this.days; } $onInit() { this.refresh(); } get path() { return `Zones/${this.$}/events`; } get exclusionsPath() { return `Zones/${this.$}/exclusions`; } get checked() { const geos = this.$ || []; const checkedLines = []; for (let geo of geos) { if (geo.checked) checkedLines.push(geo); } return checkedLines; } refresh() { this.$.data = null; this.$.$applyAsync(() => { const params = { zoneFk: this.$, started: this.$.calendar.firstDay, ended: this.$.calendar.lastDay }; this.$http.get(`Zones/getEventsFiltered`, {params}).then(res => { const data =; this.$.data = data; }); }); } formatWdays(weekDays) { if (!weekDays) return; let abrWdays = weekDays .split(',') .map(wday =>[wday].localeAbr); return abrWdays.length < 7 ? abrWdays.join(', ') : this.$t('Everyday'); } onSelection(days, type, weekday, events, exclusions) { if (this.editMode == 'include') { if (events.length) this.edit(events[0]); else this.create(type, days, weekday); } else { this.selected = { type: 'all', dated: days[0] }; this.exclusions = exclusions; this.days = days; this.$; } } onEditClick(row, event) { if (event.defaultPrevented) return; this.edit(row); } edit(row) { this.isNew = false; this.selected = angular.copy(row); this.selected.wdays = this.vnWeekDays.fromSet(row.weekDays); this.$; } create(type, days, weekday) { this.isNew = true; if (type == 'weekday') { let wdays = []; if (weekday) wdays[weekday] = true; this.selected = { type: 'indefinitely', wdays }; } else { this.selected = { type: 'day', dated: days[0] }; } this.$; } onIncludeResponse(response) { switch (response) { case 'accept': { let selected = this.selected; let type = selected.type; selected.weekDays = this.vnWeekDays.toSet(selected.wdays); if (type == 'day') selected.weekDays = ''; else selected.dated = null; if (type != 'range') { selected.started = null; selected.ended = null; } let req; if (this.isNew) req = this.$, selected); else req = this.$http.put(`${this.path}/${}`, selected); return req.then(() => { this.selected = null; this.isNew = null; this.refresh(); }); } case 'delete': return this.onDelete( .then(response => response == 'accept'); } } onExcludeResponse(response) { switch (response) { case 'accept': { let selected = this.selected; let type = selected.type; if (type == 'all') this.exclusionCreate(this.days); else { const params = [{ zoneExclusionFk: 1, geoFk: 1 }]; this.$`ZoneExclusionGeos`, params).then(() => this.refresh()); } // inserta en zoneExclusionGeo el zoneGeo seleccionado return 1; } case 'delete': return this.exclusionDelete(this.exclusions); } } onDeleteClick(id, event) { if (event.defaultPrevented) return; event.preventDefault(); this.onDelete(id); } onDelete(id) { return this.$ response => this.onDeleteResponse(response, id)); } onDeleteResponse(response, id) { if (response != 'accept' || !id) return; return this.$http.delete(`${this.path}/${id}`) .then(() => this.refresh()); } exclusionCreate(days) { let exclusions = => { return {dated}; }); this.$, exclusions) .then(() => this.refresh()); } exclusionDelete(exclusions) { let reqs = []; for (let exclusion of exclusions) { if (! continue; let path = `${this.exclusionsPath}/${}`; reqs.push(this.$http.delete(path)); } this.$q.all(reqs) .then(() => this.refresh()); } set excludeSearch(value) { this._excludeSearch = value; if (!value) this.onSearch(); } get excludeSearch() { return this._excludeSearch; } onKeyDown(event) { if (event.key == 'Enter') { event.preventDefault(); this.onSearch(); } } onSearch() { const params = {search: this._excludeSearch}; if (this.excludeType == 'specificLocations') { this.$.model.applyFilter({}, params).then(() => { const data = this.$; this.$ = data; }); } } onFetch(item) { const params = item ? {parentId:} : null; return this.$.model.applyFilter({}, params) .then(() => this.$; } onSort(a, b) { if (b.selected !== a.selected) { if (a.selected == null) return 1; if (b.selected == null) return -1; return b.selected - a.selected; } return; } exprBuilder(param, value) { switch (param) { case 'search': return {name: {like: `%${value}%`}}; } } onSelection2(value, item) { console.log(item,; if (value == null) value = undefined; const params = {geoId:, isIncluded: value}; const path = `zones/${}/toggleIsIncluded`; this.$, params); } } Controller.$inject = ['$element', '$scope', 'vnWeekDays']; ngModule.vnComponent('vnZoneEvents', { template: require('./index.html'), controller: Controller, bindings: { zone: '<' }, require: { card: '^vnZoneCard' } });