import ngModule from '../../module'; import Component from '../../lib/component'; import './style.scss'; /** * A simple component to show non-obstructive notifications to the user. */ export default class Controller extends Component { constructor($element, $translate) { super($element); this.$translate = $translate; this.snackbar = $element[0].firstChild; this.$snackbar = angular.element(this.snackbar); } /** * It creates a new snackbar notification * @param {Object} data Snackbar data * @return {Object} Created snackbar shape */ createShape(data) { let shape = document.createElement('div'); shape.className = 'shape'; let button = document.createElement('button'); let buttonText = data.actionText || this.$translate.instant('Hide'); buttonText = document.createTextNode(buttonText); button.appendChild(buttonText); button.addEventListener('click', () => { this.onButtonClick(shape); }); shape.appendChild(button); let shapeText = document.createElement('div'); shapeText.setAttribute('class', 'text'); shape.appendChild(shapeText); let text = document.createTextNode(data.message); shapeText.appendChild(text); if (data.shapeType) shape.classList.add(data.shapeType); let parent = this.snackbar.querySelectorAll('.shape')[0]; if (parent) this.snackbar.insertBefore(shape, parent); else this.snackbar.appendChild(shape); return shape; } /** * Shows a notification. * * @param {Object} data The message data */ show(data) { this.actionHandler = data.actionHandler; let shape = this.createShape(data); setTimeout(() => this.hide(shape), data.timeout || 3000); setTimeout(() => shape.classList.add('shown'), 30); } /** * Shows an error. * * @param {Object} data The message data */ showError(data) { data.shapeType = 'error';; } /** * Shows a success. * * @param {Object} data The message data */ showSuccess(data) { data.shapeType = 'success';; } /** * Hides the snackbar. * @param {Object} shape Snackbar element */ hide(shape) { setTimeout(() => shape.classList.remove('shown'), 30); setTimeout(() => shape.remove(), 250); } onSnackbarClick(event) { this.event = event; } onButtonClick(shape) { if (this.actionHandler) this.actionHandler(); else this.hide(shape); } } Controller.$inject = ['$element', '$translate']; ngModule.component('vnSnackbar', { template: require('./snackbar.html'), controller: Controller });