/* eslint no-console: "off" */ const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); module.exports = Self => { Self.remoteMethodCtx('updateData', { description: 'Updates schema data from external provider', accessType: 'WRITE', returns: { type: 'object', root: true }, http: { path: `/updateData`, verb: 'GET' } }); Self.updateData = async() => { const models = Self.app.models; const container = await models.TempContainer.container('edi'); const tempPath = path.join(container.client.root, container.name); // Temporary file clean await fs.rmdir(`${tempPath}/*`, {recursive: true}); const [ftpConfig] = await Self.rawSql('SELECT host, user, password FROM edi.ftpConfig'); console.debug(`Openning FTP connection to ${ftpConfig.host}...\n`); const FtpClient = require('ftps'); const ftpClient = new FtpClient({ host: ftpConfig.host, username: ftpConfig.user, password: ftpConfig.password, procotol: 'ftp' }); const files = await Self.rawSql('SELECT fileName, toTable, file, updated FROM edi.fileConfig'); let remoteFile; let tempDir; let tempFile; for (const file of files) { try { const fileName = file.file; console.debug(`Downloading file ${fileName}...`); remoteFile = `codes/${fileName}.ZIP`; tempDir = `${tempPath}/${fileName}`; tempFile = `${tempPath}/${fileName}.zip`; // if (fs.existsSync(tempFile)) // await fs.unlink(tempFile); // if (fs.existsSync(tempDir)) // await fs.rmdir(tempDir, {recursive: true}); await extractFile({ ftpClient: ftpClient, file: file, paths: { remoteFile: remoteFile, tempDir: tempDir, tempFile: tempFile } }); } catch (error) { if (fs.existsSync(tempFile)) await fs.unlink(tempFile); console.error(error); } } return true; }; async function extractFile({ftpClient, file, paths}) { // Download the zip file ftpClient.get(paths.remoteFile, paths.tempFile); // Execute download command ftpClient.exec(async(err, response) => { if (response.error) { console.debug(`Error downloading file... ${response.error}`); return; } const AdmZip = require('adm-zip'); const zip = new AdmZip(paths.tempFile); const entries = zip.getEntries(); zip.extractAllTo(paths.tempDir, false); await dumpData({file, entries, paths}); }); } async function dumpData({file, entries, paths}) { const toTable = file.toTable; const baseName = file.fileName; const tx = await Self.beginTransaction({}); try { const options = {transaction: tx}; const tableName = `edi.${toTable}`; await Self.rawSql(`DELETE FROM ??`, [tableName], options); for (const zipEntry of entries) { const entryName = zipEntry.entryName; console.log(`Reading file ${entryName}...`); const startIndex = (entryName.length - 10); const endIndex = (entryName.length - 4); const dateString = entryName.substring(startIndex, endIndex); const lastUpdated = new Date(); // Format string date to a date object let updated = null; if (file.updated) { updated = new Date(file.updated); updated.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); } lastUpdated.setFullYear(`20${dateString.substring(4, 6)}`); lastUpdated.setMonth(parseInt(dateString.substring(2, 4)) - 1); lastUpdated.setDate(dateString.substring(0, 2)); lastUpdated.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); if (updated && lastUpdated <= updated) { console.debug(`Table ${toTable} already updated, skipping...`); continue; } console.log('Dumping data...'); const templatePath = path.join(__dirname, `./sql/${toTable}.sql`); const sqlTemplate = fs.readFileSync(templatePath, 'utf8'); const rawPath = path.join(paths.tempDir, entryName); await Self.rawSql(sqlTemplate, [rawPath], options); await Self.rawSql(` UPDATE edi.fileConfig SET updated = ? WHERE fileName = ? `, [lastUpdated, baseName], options); } tx.commit(); } catch (error) { tx.rollback(); throw error; } console.log(`Updated table ${toTable}\n`); } };