import ngModule from '../module'; import Section from 'salix/components/section'; import './style.scss'; import UserError from 'core/lib/user-error'; class Controller extends Section { get route() { return this._route; } set route(value) { this._route = value; } get isChecked() { if ( { for (let instance of if (instance.checked) return true; } return false; } getHighestPriority() { let highestPriority = Math.max(...this.$ => { return tag.priority; })); return highestPriority + 1; } setPriority(id, priority) { let params = {priority: priority}; let query = `Tickets/${id}/`; this.$http.patch(query, params).then(() => { this.vnApp.showSuccess(this.$t('Data saved!')); this.$.model.refresh(); }); } unlinkZone(ticket) { const params = { agencyModeId: this.route.agencyModeFk, zoneId: ticket.zoneFk, }; const query = `Routes/unlink`; this.$, params).then(() => { this.vnApp.showSuccess(this.$t('Data saved!')); this.$.possibleTicketsModel.refresh(); }); } getSelectedItems(items) { const selectedItems = []; if (items) { for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i].checked) selectedItems.push(items[i]); } } return selectedItems; } goToBuscaman() { if (!this.route.vehicleFk) throw new UserError(`The route doesn't have a vehicle`); let query = `Routes/${this.route.vehicleFk}/getDeliveryPoint`; this.$http.get(query).then(response => { if (! throw new UserError(`The route's vehicle doesn't have a delivery point`); return; }).then(address => { let addresses; if (address) addresses = address; let lines = this.getSelectedItems(; let url = ''; lines.forEach(line => { addresses = addresses + '+to:' + line.postalCode + ' ' + + ' ' + line.street; }); + addresses, '_blank'); }); } showDeleteConfirm(id) { this.selectedTicket = id; this.$; } removeTicketFromRoute($index) { let params = {routeFk: null}; let query = `Tickets/${this.selectedTicket}/`; this.$http.patch(query, params).then(() => { this.$.model.remove($index); this.vnApp.showSuccess(this.$t('Ticket removed from route')); this.updateVolume(); }); } updateVolume() { let url = `Routes/${this.$}/updateVolume`; this.$ => { this.card.reload(); this.$.model.refresh(); }); } guessPriority() { let query = `Routes/${this.$}/guessPriority/`; this.$http.get(query).then(() => { this.vnApp.showSuccess(this.$t('Order changed')); this.$.model.refresh(); }); } openPossibleTicketsDialog() { this.$.possibleTicketsModel.refresh(); this.$; } setTicketsRoute() { let tickets = this.getSelectedItems(this.possibleTickets); if (tickets.length === 0) return; const updates = []; for (let ticket of tickets) { delete ticket.checked; const update = { where: {id:}, data: {routeFk:} }; updates.push(update); } const data = {creates: [], updates: updates, deletes: []}; return this.$`Tickets/crud`, data) .then(() => { this.$ = this.$; this.vnApp.showSuccess(this.$t('Data saved!')); this.updateVolume(); this.$.possibleTicketsDialog.hide(); }); } onDrop($event) { const ticketId = $event.dataTransfer.getData('Text'); if (isNaN(ticketId)) { const regexp = new RegExp(/\/ticket\/([0-9]+)\//i); const matches = ticketId.match(regexp); if (matches && matches.length) this.insert(matches[1]); else this.vnApp.showError(this.$t('Ticket not found')); } if (!isNaN(ticketId)) this.insert(ticketId); } insert(ticketId) { ticketId = parseInt(ticketId); const query = `Routes/${}/insertTicket`; return this.$http.patch(query, {ticketId}).then(() => { this.vnApp.showSuccess(this.$t('Data saved!')); this.updateVolume(); }).catch(error => { if (error.status == 404) return this.vnApp.showError(this.$t('Ticket not found')); throw error; }); } } ngModule.vnComponent('vnRouteTickets', { template: require('./index.html'), controller: Controller, require: { card: '^vnRouteCard' }, bindings: { route: '<' } });