import selectors from '../../helpers/selectors.js';
import getBrowser from '../../helpers/puppeteer';

describe('Route summary path', () => {
    let browser;
    let page;

    beforeAll(async() => {
        browser = await getBrowser();
        page =;
        await page.loginAndModule('employee', 'route');
        await page.waitToClick('vn-route-index vn-tbody > a:nth-child(7)');

    afterAll(async() => {
        await browser.close();

    it('should reach the first route summary section', async() => {
        await page.waitForState('route.card.summary');

    it(`should display details from the route on the header`, async() => {
        await page.waitForTextInElement(selectors.routeSummary.header, 'first route');
        const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(selectors.routeSummary.header, 'innerText');

        expect(result).toContain('first route');

    it('should display some route details like the cost', async() => {
        const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(selectors.routeSummary.cost, 'innerText');


    it('should click on the first ticket ID making the descriptor popover visible', async() => {
        await page.waitToClick(selectors.routeSummary.firstTicketID);
        await page.waitForSelector(selectors.routeSummary.firstTicketDescriptor);
        const visible = await page.isVisible(selectors.routeSummary.firstTicketDescriptor);


    it('should close the ticket descriptor', async() => {
        await page.closePopup();

    it('should click on the first alias making the client descriptor popover visible', async() => {
        await page.waitToClick(selectors.routeSummary.firstAlias);
        await page.waitForSelector(selectors.routeSummary.firstClientDescriptor);
        const visible = await page.isVisible(selectors.routeSummary.firstClientDescriptor);


    it('should close the client descriptor', async() => {
        await page.closePopup();