DELIMITER $$ CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`vn-admin`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `vn`.`expeditionPallet_printLabel`(vSelf INT) BEGIN /** * Calls the report_print procedure and passes it * the necessary parameters for printing. * * @param vSelf expeditioPallet id. */ DECLARE vPrinterFk INT; DECLARE vUserFk INT DEFAULT account.myUser_getId(); DECLARE vIsInExpeditionPallet BOOL; SELECT COUNT(id) INTO vIsInExpeditionPallet FROM expeditionPallet WHERE id = vSelf; IF NOT vIsInExpeditionPallet THEN CALL util.throw("ExpeditionPallet not exists"); END IF; SELECT o.labelerFk INTO vPrinterFk FROM operator o WHERE o.workerFk = vUserFk; CALL vn.report_print( 'LabelPalletExpedition', vPrinterFk, account.myUser_getId(), JSON_OBJECT('palletFk', vSelf, 'userFk', vUserFk), 'high' ); UPDATE vn.expeditionPallet SET isPrint = TRUE WHERE id = vSelf; END$$ DELIMITER ;