import selectors from '../../helpers/selectors.js'; import getBrowser from '../../helpers/puppeteer'; describe('Account create and basic data path', () => { let browser; let page; beforeAll(async() => { browser = await getBrowser(); page =; await page.loginAndModule('developer', 'account'); }); afterAll(async() => { await browser.close(); }); it('should open the new account form by clicking the add button', async() => { await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountIndex.addAccount); await page.waitForState('account.create'); }); it('should fill the form and then save it by clicking the create button', async() => { await page.write(selectors.accountIndex.newName, 'Remy'); await page.write(selectors.accountIndex.newNickname, 'Gambit'); await page.write(selectors.accountIndex.newEmail, ''); await page.autocompleteSearch(selectors.accountIndex.newRole, 'Trainee'); await page.write(selectors.accountIndex.newPassword, 'cestlavie'); await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountIndex.createAccountButton); const message = await page.waitForSnackbar(); expect(message.text).toContain('Data saved!'); }); it('should redirect the user to the created account basic data section', async() => { await page.waitForState('account.card.basicData'); }); it('should reload the section and check the name is as expected', async() => { await page.reloadSection('account.card.basicData'); const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(, 'value'); expect(result).toEqual('Remy'); }); it('should check the nickname is as expected', async() => { const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(selectors.accountBasicData.nickname, 'value'); expect(result).toEqual('Gambit'); }); it('should check the email is as expected', async() => { const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(, 'value'); expect(result).toEqual(''); }); it('should navigate to the roles section to check the roles are correct', async() => { await page.accessToSection('account.card.roles'); const rolesCount = await page.countElement(selectors.accountRoles.anyResult); expect(rolesCount).toEqual(4); }); describe('Descriptor option', () => { describe('Edit role', () => { it('should edit the role using the descriptor menu', async() => { await page.waitForTimeout(1000); // sometimes descriptor fails to load it's functionalities without this timeout await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.menuButton); await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.changeRole); await page.autocompleteSearch(selectors.accountDescriptor.newRole, 'adminBoss'); await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.acceptButton); const message = await page.waitForSnackbar(); expect(message.text).toContain('Role changed succesfully!'); }); it('should reload the roles section to see now there are more roles', async() => { // when role updated the db takes a while to return the changes, without this timeout the result would have been 4 await page.waitForTimeout(1000); await page.reloadSection('account.card.roles'); const rolesCount = await page.countElement(selectors.accountRoles.anyResult); expect(rolesCount).toEqual(35); }); }); describe('activate account', () => { it(`should check the active account icon isn't present in the descriptor`, async() => { await page.waitForNumberOfElements(selectors.accountDescriptor.activeAccountIcon, 0); }); it('should activate the account using the descriptor menu', async() => { await page.waitForTimeout(1000); // initialization of functionality takes about 100ms to work await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.menuButton); await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.activateAccount); await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.acceptButton); const message = await page.waitForSnackbar(); expect(message.text).toContain('Account enabled!'); }); it('should check the active account icon is now present in the descriptor', async() => { await page.waitForSelector(selectors.accountDescriptor.activeAccountIcon, {visible: false}); }); }); // creating the account without the active property set to true seems to be creating an active user anyways // describe('activate user', () => { // it(`should check the inactive user icon is present in the descriptor`, async() => { // await page.waitForSelector(selectors.accountDescriptor.activeUserIcon, {visible: true}); // }); // it('should activate the user using the descriptor menu', async() => { // await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.menuButton); // await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.activateUser); // await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.acceptButton); // const message = await page.waitForSnackbar(); // expect(message.text).toContain('user enabled?'); // }); // it('should check the inactive user icon is not present anymore', async() => { // await page.waitForNumberOfElements(selectors.accountDescriptor.activeUserIcon, 0); // }); // }); describe('mail forwarding', () => { it('should activate the mail forwarding and set the recipent email', async() => { await page.accessToSection('account.card.mailForwarding'); await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountMailForwarding.mailForwardingCheckbox); await page.write(, ''); await page.waitToClick(; const message = await page.waitForSnackbar(); expect(message.text).toContain('Data saved!'); }); }); describe('Set password', () => { it('should set the password using the descriptor menu', async() => { await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.menuButton); await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.setPassword); await page.write(selectors.accountDescriptor.newPassword, 'quantum.crypt0graphy'); await page.write(selectors.accountDescriptor.repeatPassword, 'quantum.crypt0graphy'); await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.acceptButton); const message = await page.waitForSnackbar(); expect(message.text).toContain('Password changed succesfully!'); }); // cant log into created account for unknown reasons // it('should login into the created account with the new password', async() => { // await page.loginAndModule('Remy', 'quantum.crypt0graphy'); // }); }); describe('delete account', () => { // it('should navigate to the account basic data section', async() => { // }); it('should delete the account using the descriptor menu', async() => { await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.menuButton); await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.deleteAccount); await page.waitToClick(selectors.accountDescriptor.acceptButton); const message = await page.waitForSnackbar(); expect(message.text).toContain('User removed'); }); }); }); });