DELIMITER $$ CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `bi`.`defaultersFromDate`(IN vDate DATE) BEGIN SELECT t1.*, Cliente, w.code workerCode, c.payMethodFk pay_met_id, c.dueDay Vencimiento FROM ( -- Filtramos aquellos clientes cuyo saldo se ha incrementado de ayer a hoy select * from( select today.client, today.amount todayAmount, yesterday.amount yesterdayAmount, round(yesterday.amount - today.amount,2) as difference, defaulterSince from (select client, amount, defaulterSince from defaulters where date = vDate and hasChanged) today join (select client, amount from defaulters where date = TIMESTAMPADD(DAY,-1,vDate)) yesterday using(client) having today.amount > 0 and difference <> 0 ) newDefaulters )t1 left join vn.client c ON = t1.client left join vn.worker w ON = c.salesPersonFk; END$$ DELIMITER ;