const axios = require('axios'); module.exports = Self => { /** * Returns basic headers * * @return {object} - The headers */ Self.getOptions = async() => { const docuwareConfig = await; const now = Date.vnNow(); let {url, username, password, token, expired} = docuwareConfig; if (process.env.NODE_ENV && (!expired || expired < now + 60)) { const {data: {IdentityServiceUrl}} = await axios.get(`${url}/Home/IdentityServiceInfo`); const {data: {token_endpoint}} = await axios.get(`${IdentityServiceUrl}/.well-known/openid-configuration`); const {data} = await, { grant_type: 'password', scope: 'docuware.platform', client_id: '', username, password }, {headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }}); const newToken = data.access_token; token = data.token_type + ' ' + newToken; await docuwareConfig.updateAttributes({ token, expired: now + data.expires_in }); } const headers = { headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': token } }; return { url, headers }; }; /** * Returns the dialog id * * @param {string} code - The fileCabinet name * @param {string} action - The fileCabinet name * @param {string} fileCabinetId - Optional The fileCabinet name * @return {number} - The fileCabinet id */ Self.getDialog = async(code, action, fileCabinetId) => { if (!process.env.NODE_ENV) return Math.floor(Math.random() + 100); const docuwareInfo = await{ where: { code, action } }); if (!fileCabinetId) fileCabinetId = await Self.getFileCabinet(code); const options = await Self.getOptions(); const response = await axios.get(`${options.url}/FileCabinets/${fileCabinetId}/dialogs`, options.headers); const dialogs =; const dialogId = dialogs.find(dialogs => dialogs.DisplayName === docuwareInfo.dialogName).Id; return dialogId; }; /** * Returns the fileCabinetId * * @param {string} code - The fileCabinet code * @return {number} - The fileCabinet id */ Self.getFileCabinet = async code => { if (!process.env.NODE_ENV) return Math.floor(Math.random() + 100); const options = await Self.getOptions(); const docuwareInfo = await{ where: { code } }); const fileCabinetResponse = await axios.get(`${options.url}/FileCabinets`, options.headers); const fileCabinets =; const fileCabinetId = fileCabinets.find(fileCabinet => fileCabinet.Name === docuwareInfo.fileCabinetName).Id; return fileCabinetId; }; /** * Returns docuware data * * @param {string} code - The fileCabinet code * @param {object} filter - The filter for docuware * @param {object} parse - The fields parsed * @return {object} - The data */ Self.get = async(code, filter, parse) => { if (!process.env.NODE_ENV) return; const options = await Self.getOptions(); const fileCabinetId = await Self.getFileCabinet(code); const dialogId = await Self.getDialog(code, 'find', fileCabinetId); const data = await `${options.url}/FileCabinets/${fileCabinetId}/Query/DialogExpression?dialogId=${dialogId}`, filter, options.headers ); return parser(, parse); }; /** * Returns docuware data * * @param {string} code - The fileCabinet code * @param {any} id - The id of docuware * @param {object} parse - The fields parsed * @return {object} - The data */ Self.getById = async(code, id, parse) => { if (!process.env.NODE_ENV) return; const docuwareInfo = await{ fields: ['findById'], where: { code, action: 'find' } }); const filter = { condition: [ { DBName: docuwareInfo.findById, Value: [id] } ] }; return Self.get(code, filter, parse); }; /** * Returns docuware data filtered * * @param {array} data - The data * @param {object} parse - The fields parsed * @return {object} - The data parsed */ function parser(data, parse) { if (!(data && data.Items)) return data; const parsed = []; for (item of data.Items) { const itemParsed = {}; => { if (field.ItemElementName.includes('Date')) field.Item = toDate(field.Item); if (!parse) return itemParsed[field.FieldLabel] = field.Item; if (parse[field.FieldLabel]) itemParsed[parse[field.FieldLabel]] = field.Item; }); parsed.push(itemParsed); } return parsed; } function toDate(value) { if (!value) return; return new Date(Number(value.substring(6, 19))); } };