Show invoice...: Ver factura...
Send invoice...: Enviar factura...
Send PDF invoice: Enviar factura en PDF
Send CSV invoice: Enviar factura en CSV
as PDF: como PDF
as CSV: como CSV
Delete Invoice:  Eliminar factura
Clone Invoice:  Clonar factura
Book invoice: Asentar factura
Generate PDF invoice: Generar PDF factura
Show CITES letter: Ver carta CITES
InvoiceOut deleted: Factura eliminada
Are you sure you want to delete this invoice?: Estas seguro de eliminar esta factura?
Are you sure you want to clone this invoice?: Estas seguro de clonar esta factura?
InvoiceOut booked: Factura asentada
Are you sure you want to book this invoice?: Estas seguro de querer asentar esta factura?
Are you sure you want to refund this invoice?: Estas seguro de querer abonar esta factura?
Create a refund ticket for each ticket on the current invoice: Crear un ticket abono por cada ticket de la factura actual
Regenerate PDF invoice: Regenerar PDF factura
The invoice PDF document has been regenerated: El documento PDF de la factura ha sido regenerado
The email can't be empty: El correo no puede estar vacĂ­o
The following refund tickets have been created: "Se han creado los siguientes tickets de abono: {{ticketIds}}"
Refund...: Abono...
Transfer invoice to...: Transferir factura a...
Rectificative type: Tipo rectificativa
Transferred invoice: Factura transferida