const fs = require('fs-extra'); const path = require('path'); const gm = require('gm'); module.exports = Self => { require('../methods/image/download')(Self); require('../methods/image/upload')(Self); Self.resize = async function({collectionName, srcFile, fileName, entityId}) { const models =; const collection = await models.ImageCollection.findOne( { fields: [ 'id', 'maxWidth', 'maxHeight', 'model', 'property', ], where: {name: collectionName}, include: { relation: 'sizes', scope: { fields: ['width', 'height', 'crop'], }, }, } ); // Insert image row await models.Image.upsertWithWhere( { name: fileName, collectionFk: collectionName }, { name: fileName, collectionFk: collectionName, updated: Date.vnNow() / 1000, } ); // Update entity image file name const model = models[collection.model]; if (!model) throw new Error('No matching model found'); const entity = await model.findById(entityId); if (entity) { await entity.updateAttribute(, fileName ); } // Resize const container = await models.ImageContainer.container( collectionName ); const rootPath = container.client.root; const collectionDir = path.join(rootPath, collectionName); // To max size const {maxWidth, maxHeight} = collection; const fullSizePath = path.join(collectionDir, 'full'); const toFullSizePath = `${fullSizePath}/${fileName}`; await fs.mkdir(fullSizePath, {recursive: true}); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { gm(srcFile) .resize(maxWidth, maxHeight, '>') .setFormat('png') .quality(100) .write(toFullSizePath, function(err) { if (err) reject(err); if (!err) resolve(); }); }); // To collection sizes for (const size of collection.sizes()) { const {width, height} = size; const sizePath = path.join(collectionDir, `${width}x${height}`); const toSizePath = `${sizePath}/${fileName}`; await fs.mkdir(sizePath, {recursive: true}); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const gmInstance = gm(srcFile); if (size.crop) { gmInstance .resize(width, height, '^') .gravity('Center') .crop(width, height); } if (!size.crop) gmInstance.resize(width, height, '>'); gmInstance .setFormat('png') .quality(100) .write(toSizePath, function(err) { if (err) reject(err); if (!err) resolve(); }); }); } }; };