import './index.js'; import template from './index.html'; describe('Component vnTh', () => { let controller; let $element; beforeEach(ngModule('vnCore')); beforeEach(inject($componentController => { $element = angular.element(`<div>${template}</div>`); controller = $componentController('vnTh', {$element: $element}); controller.table = { setOrder: () => {}, applyOrder: () => {} }; controller.column.setAttribute('field', 'MyField'); })); describe('toggleOrder()', () => { it(`should change the ordenation to DESC (descendant) if it was ASC (ascendant)`, () => { controller.order = 'ASC'; controller.toggleOrder(); expect(controller.order).toEqual('DESC'); }); it(`should change the ordenation to ASC (ascendant) if it wasnt ASC`, () => { controller.order = 'DESC or any other value that might occur'; controller.toggleOrder(); expect(controller.order).toEqual('ASC'); }); it(`should call the setOrder() function after changing a value`, () => { jest.spyOn(controller.table, 'setOrder'); controller.order = 'Change me!'; expect(controller.table.setOrder).toHaveBeenCalledWith('MyField', 'Change me!'); }); }); describe('onToggleOrder()', () => { it(`should not call updateArrow() method if field property isn't defined`, () => { controller.column.setAttribute('field', ''); jest.spyOn(controller, 'updateArrow'); controller.onToggleOrder(); expect(controller.updateArrow).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); it(`should call toggleOrder() method if field property and table field property equals and then call updateArrow()`, () => { controller.table.field = 'MyField'; jest.spyOn(controller, 'toggleOrder'); jest.spyOn(controller, 'updateArrow'); controller.onToggleOrder(); expect(controller.toggleOrder).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); expect(controller.updateArrow).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); it(`should call setOrder() method if field property and table field property doesn't equals and then call updateArrow()`, () => { controller.table.field = 'MyField2'; jest.spyOn(controller.table, 'setOrder'); jest.spyOn(controller, 'updateArrow'); controller.onToggleOrder(); expect(controller.table.setOrder).toHaveBeenCalledWith('MyField', 'ASC'); expect(controller.updateArrow).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); }); describe('updateArrow()', () => { it(`should remove 'asc' class and add 'desc' class if order property is descendant`, () => { controller.column.classList.add('asc'); controller.order = 'DESC'; controller.updateArrow(); expect(controller.column.classList[0]).toEqual('desc'); }); it(`should remove 'asc' class and add it again if order property is ascendant`, () => { controller.column.classList.add('asc'); controller.order = 'ASC'; controller.updateArrow(); expect(controller.column.classList[0]).toEqual('asc'); }); }); });