DELIMITER $$ CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`vn`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `account`.`role_syncPrivileges`() BEGIN /** * Synchronizes permissions of MySQL role users based on role hierarchy. * The computed role users of permission mix will be named according to * pattern [vGenRolePrefix][roleName]. * * If [vTplUser]@[vRoleHost] user exists, it will be taken as a template for * basic attributes. * * Warning! This procedure should only be called when MySQL privileges * are modified. If role hierarchy is modified, you must call the role_sync() * procedure wich calls this internally. */ DECLARE vIsMariaDb BOOL DEFAULT VERSION() LIKE '%MariaDB%'; DECLARE vVersion INT DEFAULT SUBSTRING_INDEX(VERSION(), '.', 1); DECLARE vTplUser VARCHAR(255); DECLARE vRoleHost VARCHAR(255); DECLARE vUserPrefix VARCHAR(2); DECLARE vUserHost VARCHAR(255); DECLARE vGenRolePrefix VARCHAR(2); DECLARE vGenRoleHost VARCHAR(255); DECLARE vPrefixedLike VARCHAR(255); DECLARE vPassword VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT ''; SELECT rolePrefix, userPrefix, userHost, tplUser INTO vGenRolePrefix, vUserPrefix, vUserHost, vTplUser FROM roleConfig; -- Deletes computed role users SET vPrefixedLike = CONCAT(vGenRolePrefix, '%'); SET vGenRoleHost = vUserHost; IF vIsMariaDb THEN SET vRoleHost = ''; DELETE FROM mysql.global_priv WHERE `User` LIKE vPrefixedLike; DELETE FROM mysql.roles_mapping WHERE `User` LIKE vPrefixedLike OR ( `Role` LIKE vPrefixedLike AND (`User`, `Host`) = ('root', 'localhost') ); ELSE SET vRoleHost = 'localhost'; DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE `User` LIKE vPrefixedLike; END IF; DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE `User` LIKE vPrefixedLike; DELETE FROM mysql.tables_priv WHERE `User` LIKE vPrefixedLike; DELETE FROM mysql.columns_priv WHERE `User` LIKE vPrefixedLike; DELETE FROM mysql.procs_priv WHERE `User` LIKE vPrefixedLike; DELETE FROM mysql.proxies_priv WHERE `Proxied_user` LIKE vPrefixedLike; -- Temporary tables DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tRole; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tRole (INDEX (id)) ENGINE = MEMORY SELECT id, `name` `role`, CONCAT(vGenRolePrefix, `name`) prefixedRole FROM `role` WHERE hasLogin; -- Get role inheritance DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tRoleInherit; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tRoleInherit (INDEX (inheritsFrom)) ENGINE = MEMORY SELECT r.prefixedRole, ri.`name` inheritsFrom FROM tRole r JOIN `roleRole` rr ON rr.role = JOIN `role` ri ON = rr.inheritsFrom JOIN mysql.`user` u ON u.`User` = ri.`name` AND u.`Host` = vRoleHost; -- Recreate role users IF vIsMariaDb THEN -- Roles INSERT INTO mysql.global_priv (`Host`, `User`, `Priv`) SELECT vRoleHost, prefixedRole, JSON_OBJECT( 'is_role', TRUE, 'access', 0 ) FROM tRole r UNION SELECT vRoleHost, CONCAT(vGenRolePrefix, 'root'), JSON_OBJECT( 'is_role', TRUE, 'access', 0 ); INSERT INTO mysql.roles_mapping (`Host`, `User`, `Role`, `Admin_option`) SELECT vRoleHost, prefixedRole, inheritsFrom, 'N' FROM tRoleInherit UNION SELECT vRoleHost, CONCAT(vGenRolePrefix, 'root'), prefixedRole, 'Y' FROM tRole; INSERT INTO mysql.roles_mapping (`Host`, `User`, `Role`, `Admin_option`) SELECT 'localhost', 'root', prefixedRole, 'Y' FROM tRole UNION SELECT 'localhost', 'root', CONCAT(vGenRolePrefix, 'root'), 'Y'; -- Role users INSERT INTO mysql.global_priv ( `User`, `Host`, `Priv` ) SELECT r.prefixedRole, vGenRoleHost, JSON_MERGE_PATCH( IFNULL(t.`Priv`, '{}'), IFNULL(u.`Priv`, '{}'), JSON_OBJECT( 'mysql_old_password', JSON_VALUE(t.`Priv`, '$.mysql_old_password'), 'mysql_native_password', JSON_VALUE(t.`Priv`, '$.mysql_native_password'), 'authentication_string', JSON_VALUE(t.`Priv`, '$.authentication_string'), 'ssl_type', JSON_VALUE(t.`Priv`, '$.ssl_type'), 'default_role', r.prefixedRole, 'access', 0, 'is_role', FALSE ) ) FROM tRole r LEFT JOIN mysql.global_priv t ON (t.`User`, t.Host) = (vTplUser, vRoleHost) LEFT JOIN mysql.global_priv u ON (u.`User`, u.Host) = (r.`role`, vRoleHost); INSERT INTO mysql.roles_mapping (`Host`, `User`, `Role`, `Admin_option`) SELECT vGenRoleHost, prefixedRole, prefixedRole, 'N' FROM tRole; -- Accounts DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tAccounts; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tAccounts (INDEX (`name`)) ENGINE = MEMORY SELECT p.`User` `name`, r.prefixedRole FROM mysql.global_priv p JOIN `user` u ON u.`name` = p.`User` JOIN tRole r ON r.`id` = u.`role` WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(p.`Priv`, '$.autogenerated') = 'true'; UPDATE mysql.global_priv p JOIN tAccounts c ON c.`name` = p.`User` SET p.`Priv` = JSON_SET(p.`Priv`, '$.default_role', c.prefixedRole) WHERE p.`Host` = vUserHost; UPDATE IGNORE mysql.roles_mapping m JOIN tAccounts c ON c.`name` = m.`User` SET m.`Role` = c.prefixedRole WHERE m.`Host` = vUserHost; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tAccounts; ELSE DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tUser; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tUser SELECT r.prefixedRole `User`, vGenRoleHost `Host`, IFNULL(t.`authentication_string`, '') `authentication_string`, IFNULL(t.`plugin`, 'mysql_native_password') `plugin`, IFNULL(IF('' != u.`ssl_type`, u.`ssl_type`, t.`ssl_type`), '') `ssl_type`, IFNULL(IF('' != u.`ssl_cipher`, u.`ssl_cipher`, t.`ssl_cipher`), '') `ssl_cipher`, IFNULL(IF('' != u.`x509_issuer`, u.`x509_issuer`, t.`x509_issuer`), '') `x509_issuer`, IFNULL(IF('' != u.`x509_subject`, u.`x509_subject`, t.`x509_subject`), '') `x509_subject`, IFNULL(IF(0 != u.`max_questions`, u.`max_questions`, t.`max_questions`), 0) `max_questions`, IFNULL(IF(0 != u.`max_updates`, u.`max_updates`, t.`max_updates`), 0) `max_updates`, IFNULL(IF(0 != u.`max_connections`, u.`max_connections`, t.`max_connections`), 0) `max_connections`, IFNULL(IF(0 != u.`max_user_connections`, u.`max_user_connections`, t.`max_user_connections`), 0) `max_user_connections` FROM tRole r LEFT JOIN mysql.user t ON t.`User` = vTplUser AND t.`Host` = vRoleHost LEFT JOIN mysql.user u ON u.`User` = r.role AND u.`Host` = vRoleHost; IF vVersion <= 5 THEN SELECT `Password` INTO vPassword FROM mysql.user WHERE `User` = vTplUser AND `Host` = vRoleHost; INSERT INTO mysql.user ( `User`, `Host`, `Password`, `authentication_string`, `plugin`, `ssl_type`, `ssl_cipher`, `x509_issuer`, `x509_subject`, `max_questions`, `max_updates`, `max_connections`, `max_user_connections` ) SELECT `User`, `Host`, vPassword, `authentication_string`, `plugin`, `ssl_type`, `ssl_cipher`, `x509_issuer`, `x509_subject`, `max_questions`, `max_updates`, `max_connections`, `max_user_connections` FROM tUser; ELSE INSERT INTO mysql.user ( `User`, `Host`, `authentication_string`, `plugin`, `ssl_type`, `ssl_cipher`, `x509_issuer`, `x509_subject`, `max_questions`, `max_updates`, `max_connections`, `max_user_connections` ) SELECT `User`, `Host`, `authentication_string`, `plugin`, `ssl_type`, `ssl_cipher`, `x509_issuer`, `x509_subject`, `max_questions`, `max_updates`, `max_connections`, `max_user_connections` FROM tUser; END IF; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tUser; -- Proxy privileges INSERT INTO mysql.proxies_priv ( `User`, `Host`, `Proxied_user`, `Proxied_host`, `Grantor` ) SELECT '', vUserHost, prefixedRole, vGenRoleHost, CONCAT(prefixedRole, '@', vGenRoleHost) FROM tRole; -- Global privileges DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tUserPriv; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tUserPriv (INDEX (prefixedRole)) ENGINE = MEMORY SELECT r.prefixedRole, MAX(u.`Select_priv`) `Select_priv`, MAX(u.`Insert_priv`) `Insert_priv`, MAX(u.`Update_priv`) `Update_priv`, MAX(u.`Delete_priv`) `Delete_priv`, MAX(u.`Create_priv`) `Create_priv`, MAX(u.`Drop_priv`) `Drop_priv`, MAX(u.`Reload_priv`) `Reload_priv`, MAX(u.`Shutdown_priv`) `Shutdown_priv`, MAX(u.`Process_priv`) `Process_priv`, MAX(u.`File_priv`) `File_priv`, MAX(u.`Grant_priv`) `Grant_priv`, MAX(u.`References_priv`) `References_priv`, MAX(u.`Index_priv`) `Index_priv`, MAX(u.`Alter_priv`) `Alter_priv`, MAX(u.`Show_db_priv`) `Show_db_priv`, MAX(u.`Super_priv`) `Super_priv`, MAX(u.`Create_tmp_table_priv`) `Create_tmp_table_priv`, MAX(u.`Lock_tables_priv`) `Lock_tables_priv`, MAX(u.`Execute_priv`) `Execute_priv`, MAX(u.`Repl_slave_priv`) `Repl_slave_priv`, MAX(u.`Repl_client_priv`) `Repl_client_priv`, MAX(u.`Create_view_priv`) `Create_view_priv`, MAX(u.`Show_view_priv`) `Show_view_priv`, MAX(u.`Create_routine_priv`) `Create_routine_priv`, MAX(u.`Alter_routine_priv`) `Alter_routine_priv`, MAX(u.`Create_user_priv`) `Create_user_priv`, MAX(u.`Event_priv`) `Event_priv`, MAX(u.`Trigger_priv`) `Trigger_priv`, MAX(u.`Create_tablespace_priv`) `Create_tablespace_priv` FROM tRoleInherit r JOIN mysql.user u ON u.`User` = r.inheritsFrom AND u.`Host`= vRoleHost GROUP BY r.prefixedRole; UPDATE mysql.user u JOIN tUserPriv t ON u.`User` = t.prefixedRole AND u.`Host` = vGenRoleHost SET u.`Select_priv` = t.`Select_priv`, u.`Insert_priv` = t.`Insert_priv`, u.`Update_priv` = t.`Update_priv`, u.`Delete_priv` = t.`Delete_priv`, u.`Create_priv` = t.`Create_priv`, u.`Drop_priv` = t.`Drop_priv`, u.`Reload_priv` = t.`Reload_priv`, u.`Shutdown_priv` = t.`Shutdown_priv`, u.`Process_priv` = t.`Process_priv`, u.`File_priv` = t.`File_priv`, u.`Grant_priv` = t.`Grant_priv`, u.`References_priv` = t.`References_priv`, u.`Index_priv` = t.`Index_priv`, u.`Alter_priv` = t.`Alter_priv`, u.`Show_db_priv` = t.`Show_db_priv`, u.`Super_priv` = t.`Super_priv`, u.`Create_tmp_table_priv` = t.`Create_tmp_table_priv`, u.`Lock_tables_priv` = t.`Lock_tables_priv`, u.`Execute_priv` = t.`Execute_priv`, u.`Repl_slave_priv` = t.`Repl_slave_priv`, u.`Repl_client_priv` = t.`Repl_client_priv`, u.`Create_view_priv` = t.`Create_view_priv`, u.`Show_view_priv` = t.`Show_view_priv`, u.`Create_routine_priv` = t.`Create_routine_priv`, u.`Alter_routine_priv` = t.`Alter_routine_priv`, u.`Create_user_priv` = t.`Create_user_priv`, u.`Event_priv` = t.`Event_priv`, u.`Trigger_priv` = t.`Trigger_priv`, u.`Create_tablespace_priv` = t.`Create_tablespace_priv`; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tUserPriv; -- Schema level privileges INSERT INTO mysql.db ( `User`, `Host`, `Db`, `Select_priv`, `Insert_priv`, `Update_priv`, `Delete_priv`, `Create_priv`, `Drop_priv`, `Grant_priv`, `References_priv`, `Index_priv`, `Alter_priv`, `Create_tmp_table_priv`, `Lock_tables_priv`, `Create_view_priv`, `Show_view_priv`, `Create_routine_priv`, `Alter_routine_priv`, `Execute_priv`, `Event_priv`, `Trigger_priv` ) SELECT r.prefixedRole, vGenRoleHost, t.`Db`, MAX(t.`Select_priv`), MAX(t.`Insert_priv`), MAX(t.`Update_priv`), MAX(t.`Delete_priv`), MAX(t.`Create_priv`), MAX(t.`Drop_priv`), MAX(t.`Grant_priv`), MAX(t.`References_priv`), MAX(t.`Index_priv`), MAX(t.`Alter_priv`), MAX(t.`Create_tmp_table_priv`), MAX(t.`Lock_tables_priv`), MAX(t.`Create_view_priv`), MAX(t.`Show_view_priv`), MAX(t.`Create_routine_priv`), MAX(t.`Alter_routine_priv`), MAX(t.`Execute_priv`), MAX(t.`Event_priv`), MAX(t.`Trigger_priv`) FROM tRoleInherit r JOIN mysql.db t ON t.`User` = r.inheritsFrom AND t.`Host`= vRoleHost GROUP BY r.prefixedRole, t.`Db`; -- Table level privileges INSERT INTO mysql.tables_priv ( `User`, `Host`, `Db`, `Table_name`, `Grantor`, `Timestamp`, `Table_priv`, `Column_priv` ) SELECT r.prefixedRole, vGenRoleHost, t.`Db`, t.`Table_name`, t.`Grantor`, MAX(t.`Timestamp`), IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(NULLIF(t.`Table_priv`, '')), ''), IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(NULLIF(t.`Column_priv`, '')), '') FROM tRoleInherit r JOIN mysql.tables_priv t ON t.`User` = r.inheritsFrom AND t.`Host`= vRoleHost GROUP BY r.prefixedRole, t.`Db`, t.`Table_name`; -- Column level privileges INSERT INTO mysql.columns_priv ( `User`, `Host`, `Db`, `Table_name`, `Column_name`, `Timestamp`, `Column_priv` ) SELECT r.prefixedRole, vGenRoleHost, t.`Db`, t.`Table_name`, t.`Column_name`, MAX(t.`Timestamp`), IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(NULLIF(t.`Column_priv`, '')), '') FROM tRoleInherit r JOIN mysql.columns_priv t ON t.`User` = r.inheritsFrom AND t.`Host`= vRoleHost GROUP BY r.prefixedRole, t.`Db`, t.`Table_name`, t.`Column_name`; -- Routine privileges INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.procs_priv ( `User`, `Host`, `Db`, `Routine_name`, `Routine_type`, `Grantor`, `Timestamp`, `Proc_priv` ) SELECT r.prefixedRole, vGenRoleHost, t.`Db`, t.`Routine_name`, t.`Routine_type`, t.`Grantor`, t.`Timestamp`, t.`Proc_priv` FROM tRoleInherit r JOIN mysql.procs_priv t ON t.`User` = r.inheritsFrom AND t.`Host`= vRoleHost; END IF; -- Cleanup DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tRole, tRoleInherit; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; END$$ DELIMITER ;