DELIMITER $$ CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`vn`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `hedera`.`order_recalc`(vSelf INT) BEGIN /** * Recalculates the order total. * * @param vSelf The order id */ DECLARE vTaxableBase DECIMAL(10,2); DECLARE vTax DECIMAL(10,2); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp.`order`; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp.`order` ENGINE = MEMORY SELECT vSelf orderFk; CALL order_getTax; SELECT IFNULL(SUM(taxableBase), 0.0), IFNULL(SUM(tax), 0.0) INTO vTaxableBase, vTax FROM tmp.orderAmount; UPDATE `order` SET taxableBase = vTaxableBase, tax = vTax, total = vTaxableBase + vTax WHERE id = vSelf; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp.`order`, tmp.orderTax; END$$ DELIMITER ;