import selectors from '../../helpers/selectors.js';
import createNightmare from '../../helpers/nightmare';

describe('Ticket Edit basic data path', () => {
    const nightmare = createNightmare();

    beforeAll(() => {
        return nightmare
            .loginAndModule('employee', 'ticket')

    it(`should confirm the zone autocomplete is disabled unless your role is productionBoss`, async() => {
        const disabled = await nightmare
            .evaluate(selector => {
                return document.querySelector(selector).disabled;
            }, `${selectors.ticketBasicData.zoneAutocomplete} input`);


    it(`should now log as productionBoss to perform the rest of the tests`, async() => {
        await nightmare
            .loginAndModule('productionBoss', 'ticket')

    it(`should confirm the zone autocomplete is enabled for the role productionBoss`, async() => {
        const disabled = await nightmare
            .evaluate(selector => {
                return document.querySelector(selector).disabled;
            }, `${selectors.ticketBasicData.zoneAutocomplete} input`);


    it(`should check the zone is for Silla247`, async() => {
        let zone = await nightmare
            .waitToGetProperty(`${selectors.ticketBasicData.zoneAutocomplete} input`, 'value');

        expect(zone).toContain('Zone 247 A');

    it(`should edit the ticket agency then check there are no zones for it`, async() => {
        let zone = await nightmare
            .autocompleteSearch(selectors.ticketBasicData.agencyAutocomplete, 'Entanglement')
            .getProperty(`${selectors.ticketBasicData.zoneAutocomplete} input`, 'value');


    it(`should edit the ticket zone then check the agency is for the new zone`, async() => {
        let zone = await nightmare
            .autocompleteSearch(selectors.ticketBasicData.zoneAutocomplete, 'Zone expensive A')
            .waitToGetProperty(`${selectors.ticketBasicData.agencyAutocomplete} input`, 'value');


    it(`should click next`, async() => {
        let url = await nightmare


    it(`should have a price diference`, async() => {
        const result = await nightmare
            .waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketBasicData.stepTwoTotalPriceDif, 'innerText');


    it(`should then click next to move on to step three`, async() => {
        let url = await nightmare


    it(`should select a new reason for the changes made then click on finalize`, async() => {
        let url = await nightmare
            .autocompleteSearch(selectors.ticketBasicData.chargesReasonAutocomplete, 'Cambiar los precios en el ticket')
