import ngModule from '../module'; import UserError from 'core/lib/user-error'; import './style.scss'; export default class Controller { constructor($scope, $state, $stateParams, $translate, $http) { this.$ = $scope; this.$http = $http; this.$translate = $translate; this.$stateParams = $stateParams; this.$state = $state; this.selectedTicket = null; } openBalanceDialog() { const checkedTickets = this.checked; const description = []; this.$.balanceCreateDialog.amountPaid = 0; const firstTicketClientId = checkedTickets[0].clientFk; const isSameClient = checkedTickets.every(ticket => { return ticket.clientFk == firstTicketClientId; }); if (!isSameClient) throw new UserError('You cannot make a payment on account from multiple clients'); for (let ticket of checkedTickets) { this.$.balanceCreateDialog.amountPaid +=; this.$.balanceCreateDialog.clientFk = ticket.clientFk; description.push(`${}`); } this.$.balanceCreateDialog.description = 'Albaran: '; this.$.balanceCreateDialog.description += description.join(', '); this.$; } get checked() { const tickets = this.$.tickets || []; const checkedLines = []; for (let ticket of tickets) { if (ticket.checked) checkedLines.push(ticket); } return checkedLines; } get totalChecked() { return this.checked.length; } getScopeDates(days) { const today = new Date(); today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); const daysOnward = new Date(today); daysOnward.setDate(today.getDate() + days); daysOnward.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); return {from: today, to: daysOnward}; } onSearch(params) { if (params) { if (typeof (params.scopeDays) === 'number') Object.assign(params, this.getScopeDates(params.scopeDays)); // Set default params to 1 scope days else if (Object.entries(params).length == 0) params = this.getScopeDates(1); this.$.model.applyFilter(null, params); } else this.$.model.clear(); } goToLines(event, ticketFk) { this.preventDefault(event); let url = this.$state.href('', {id: ticketFk}, {absolute: true});, '_blank'); } onMoreOpen() { let options = this.moreOptions.filter(o => o.always || this.isChecked); this.$ = options; } onMoreChange(callback) {; } compareDate(date) { let today = new Date(); today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); let timeTicket = new Date(date); timeTicket.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); let comparation = today - timeTicket; if (comparation == 0) return 'warning'; if (comparation < 0) return 'success'; } stateColor(ticket) { if (ticket.alertLevelCode === 'OK') return 'success'; else if (ticket.alertLevelCode === 'FREE') return 'notice'; else if (ticket.alertLevel === 1) return 'warning'; else if (ticket.alertLevel === 0) return 'alert'; } totalPriceColor(ticket) { const total = parseInt(; if (total > 0 && total < 50) return 'warning'; } showClientDescriptor(event, clientFk) { this.preventDefault(event); this.$.clientDescriptor.clientFk = clientFk; this.$.clientDescriptor.parent =; this.$; } showWorkerDescriptor(event, workerFk) { this.preventDefault(event); this.selectedWorker = workerFk; this.$.workerDescriptor.parent =; this.$; } preview(event, ticket) { this.preventDefault(event); this.selectedTicket = ticket; this.$; } preventDefault(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } } Controller.$inject = ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$translate', '$http']; ngModule.component('vnTicketIndex', { template: require('./index.html'), controller: Controller });