/* eslint-disable no-console */ require('@babel/register')({presets: ['@babel/env']}); require('core-js/stable'); require('regenerator-runtime/runtime'); require('vn-loopback/server/boot/date')(); const getopts = require('getopts'); const path = require('path'); const Myt = require('@verdnatura/myt/myt'); const Run = require('@verdnatura/myt/myt-run'); const axios = require('axios'); const e2eConfig = require('./helpers/config.js'); const log = require('fancy-log'); process.on('warning', warning => { console.log(warning.name); console.log(warning.message); console.log(warning.stack); }); async function test() { const opts = getopts(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: ['show'] }); // if (opts.show) process.env.E2E_SHOW = true; console.log('Building and running DB container.'); const myt = new Myt(); await myt.init({workspace: path.join(__dirname, '..')}); await myt.run(Run); await myt.deinit(); const Jasmine = require('jasmine'); const jasmine = new Jasmine(); const specFiles = [ `./e2e/paths/01*/*[sS]pec.js`, ]; jasmine.loadConfig({ spec_dir: '.', spec_files: specFiles, helpers: [], random: false, }); const SpecReporter = require('jasmine-spec-reporter').SpecReporter; jasmine.addReporter(new SpecReporter({ spec: { displaySuccessful: false, displayPending: false, displayDuration: false, displayFailed: true, displayErrorMessages: true, }, summary: { displayPending: false, } })); await backendStatus(); jasmine.jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 30000; await jasmine.execute(); } async function backendStatus() { log('Awaiting backend connection.'); const milliseconds = 1000; const maxAttempts = 10; return new Promise(resolve => { let timer; let attempts = 1; timer = setInterval(async() => { try { attempts++; const url = `${e2eConfig.url}/api/Applications/status`; const {data} = await axios.get(url); if (data == true) { clearInterval(timer); log('Backend connection stablished!'); resolve(attempts); } } catch (error) { if (error && attempts >= maxAttempts) { log('Could not connect to backend'); process.exit(); } } }, milliseconds); }); } test();