module.exports = Self => { Self.remoteMethodCtx('importToNewRefundTicket', { description: 'Import lines of claimBeginning to new ticket with shipped, landed dates, agency and company', accessType: 'WRITE', accepts: [{ arg: 'id', type: 'number', required: true, description: 'the claim id', http: {source: 'path'} }], returns: { type: 'string', root: true }, http: { path: `/:id/importToNewRefundTicket`, verb: 'POST' } }); Self.importToNewRefundTicket = async(ctx, id, options) => { const models =; const token = ctx.req.accessToken; const userId = token.userId; const filter = { where: {id: id}, include: [ { relation: 'ticket', scope: { fields: ['id', 'clientFk', 'warehouseFk', 'companyFk', 'addressFk'], include: { relation: 'address', scope: { fields: ['nickname'] } } } } ] }; const salesFilter = { where: {claimFk: id}, include: [ { relation: 'sale', scope: { fields: [ 'id', 'itemFk', 'concept', 'price', 'discount', 'reserved', 'isPicked', 'created', 'priceFixed', 'isPriceFixed'] } } ] }; let tx; const myOptions = {userId: ctx.req.accessToken.userId}; if (typeof options == 'object') Object.assign(myOptions, options); if (!myOptions.transaction) { tx = await Self.beginTransaction({}); myOptions.transaction = tx; } try { const claim = await models.Claim.findOne(filter, myOptions); const today = Date.vnNew(); let agencyModeFk; let nickname; let state; let discountValue = null; let packages = 0; const claimConfig = await models.ClaimConfig.findOne(); const warehouseFk = claimConfig.warehouseFk; if (claim.pickup === null || claim.pickup == 'agency') { state = await models.State.findOne({ where: {code: 'DELIVERED'} }, myOptions); const agencyMode = await models.AgencyMode.findOne({ where: {code: 'refund'} }, myOptions); agencyModeFk =; nickname = `Abono del: ${claim.ticketFk}`; } else { discountValue = 100; packages = 1; state = await models.State.findOne({ where: {code: 'WAITING_FOR_PICKUP'} }, myOptions); nickname = `Recogida pendiente del: ${claim.ticketFk}`; agencyModeFk = claimConfig.pickupDeliveryFk; } const nextShipped = await models.Agency.getShipped( ctx, today, claim.ticket().addressFk, agencyModeFk, warehouseFk, myOptions ); const newRefundTicket = await models.Ticket.create({ clientFk: claim.ticket().clientFk, shipped: nextShipped.shipped, landed: null, nickname, warehouseFk, companyFk: claim.ticket().companyFk, addressFk: claim.ticket().addressFk, agencyModeFk, zoneFk: claim.ticket().zoneFk, packages }, myOptions); if (claim.pickup == 'pickup') { const observationDelivery = await models.ObservationType.findOne({where: {code: 'delivery'}}, myOptions); await saveObservation({ description: `recoger reclamaciĆ³n: ${}`, ticketFk:, observationTypeFk: }, myOptions); } await models.TicketRefund.create({ refundTicketFk:, originalTicketFk: claim.ticket().id }, myOptions); const salesToRefund = await models.ClaimBeginning.find(salesFilter, myOptions); const createdSales = await addSalesToTicket(salesToRefund,, discountValue, myOptions); await insertIntoClaimEnd(createdSales, id, userId, myOptions); await models.Ticket.state(ctx, { ticketFk:, stateFk:, userFk: userId }, myOptions); if (tx) await tx.commit(); return newRefundTicket; } catch (e) { if (tx) await tx.rollback(); throw e; } }; async function addSalesToTicket(salesToRefund, newTicketId, discountValue, options) { const createdSales = []; const models =; for (const saleToRefund of salesToRefund) { const oldSale =; const newSaleData = { itemFk: oldSale.itemFk, ticketFk: newTicketId, concept: oldSale.concept, quantity: -Math.abs(saleToRefund.quantity), price: oldSale.price, discount: discountValue ??, reserved: oldSale.reserved, isPicked: oldSale.isPicked, created: oldSale.created }; const newSale = await models.Sale.create(newSaleData, options); const oldSaleComponents = await models.SaleComponent.find({ where: {saleFk:} }, options); const newComponents = => { const data = component.toJSON ? component.toJSON() : {...component}; delete; data.saleFk =; return data; }); await models.SaleComponent.create(newComponents, options); createdSales.push(newSale); } return createdSales; } async function insertIntoClaimEnd(createdSales, claimId, workerId, options) { const formatedSales = []; createdSales.forEach(sale => { let formatedSale = { saleFk:, claimFk: claimId, workerFk: workerId }; formatedSales.push(formatedSale); }); await, options); } async function saveObservation(observation, options) { const query = `INSERT INTO vn.ticketObservation (ticketFk, observationTypeFk, description) VALUES(?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE description = CONCAT(vn.ticketObservation.description, VALUES(description),' ')`; await Self.rawSql(query, [ observation.ticketFk, observation.observationTypeFk, observation.description ], options); } };