module.exports = Self => { Self.remoteMethod('createInvoiceIn', { description: 'create a invoce in from a agency terms', accessType: 'WRITE', accepts: [{ arg: 'rows', type: ['object'], required: true, description: `the rows from which the invoice in will be created`, }, { arg: 'dms', type: ['object'], required: true, description: 'The dms files' }], returns: { }, http: { path: `/createInvoiceIn`, verb: 'POST' } }); Self.createInvoiceIn = async(rows, dms, options) => { const models =; const myOptions = {}; if (typeof options == 'object') Object.assign(myOptions, options); const [firstRow] = rows; const [firstDms] = dms; const [reference] = await Self.rawSql(`SELECT reference FROM vn.dms WHERE id = ?`, []); const newInvoiceIn = await models.InvoiceIn.create({ supplierFk: firstRow.supplierFk, supplierRef: reference.value, issued: firstRow.created, booked: firstRow.created, operated: firstRow.created, bookEntried: firstRow.created, gestdoc_id: }); const [expence] = await Self.rawSql(`SELECT expenceFk value FROM vn.agencyTermConfig`); const [taxTypeSage] = await Self.rawSql(` SELECT IFNULL(s.taxTypeSageFk, CodigoIva) value FROM vn.supplier s JOIN sage.TiposIva ti ON TRUE JOIN vn.agencyTermConfig atg WHERE = ? AND ti.CuentaIvaSoportado = atg.vatAccountSupported AND ti.PorcentajeIva = atg.vatPercentage `, [firstRow.supplierFk]); const [transactionTypeSage] = await Self.rawSql(` SELECT IFNULL(s.transactionTypeSageFk, tt.CodigoTransaccion) value FROM vn.supplier s JOIN sage.TiposTransacciones tt ON TRUE JOIN vn.agencyTermConfig atg WHERE = ? AND tt.Transaccion = atg.transaction `, [firstRow.supplierFk]); await models.InvoiceInTax.create({ invoiceInFk:, taxableBase: firstRow.totalPrice, expenseFk: expence.value, taxTypeSageFk: taxTypeSage.value, transactionTypeSageFk: transactionTypeSage.value }); await Self.rawSql(`CALL invoiceInDueDay_calculate(?)`, []); for (let agencyTerm of rows) { const route = await models.Route.findById(agencyTerm.routeFk); await Self.rawSql(` UPDATE vn.route SET invoiceInFk = ? WHERE id = ? `, [,]); } }; };