import ngModule from '../../module'; import Section from 'salix/components/section'; import './style.scss'; class Controller extends Section { constructor($element, $) { super($element, $); this.smartTableOptions = { activeButtons: { search: true }, columns: [ { field: 'agencyFk', autocomplete: { url: 'AgencyModes', showField: 'name', valueField: 'name' } }, { field: 'agencyAgreement', autocomplete: { url: 'Agencies', showField: 'name', valueField: 'name' } }, { field: 'supplierFk', autocomplete: { url: 'Suppliers', showField: 'name', valueField: 'name', } } ] }; } exprBuilder(param, value) { switch (param) { case 'routeFk': return {'a.routeFk': value}; case 'created': return {'a.created': value}; case 'agencyFk': return {'a.agencyModeName': value}; case 'agencyAgreement': return {'a.agencyAgreement': value}; case 'packages': return {'a.packages': value}; case 'm3': return {'a.m3': value}; case 'kmTotal': return {'a.kmTotal': value}; case 'price': return {'a.price': value}; case 'invoiceInFk': return {'a.invoiceInFk': value}; case 'supplierFk': return {'a.supplierName': value}; } } get checked() { const agencyTerms = this.$ || []; const checkedAgencyTerms = []; for (let agencyTerm of agencyTerms) { if (agencyTerm.checked) checkedAgencyTerms.push(agencyTerm); } return checkedAgencyTerms; } get totalChecked() { return this.checked.length; } get totalPrice() { let totalPrice = 0; if (this.checked.length > 0) { for (let agencyTerm of this.checked) totalPrice += agencyTerm.price; return totalPrice; } return totalPrice; } preview(route) { this.routeSelected = route; this.$; } createInvoiceIn() { const rowsToCreateInvoiceIn = []; const supplier = this.checked[0].supplierFk; for (let agencyTerm of this.checked) { if (supplier == agencyTerm.supplierFk) { rowsToCreateInvoiceIn.push({ routeFk: agencyTerm.routeFk, supplierFk: agencyTerm.supplierFk, created: agencyTerm.created, totalPrice: this.totalPrice}); } else { this.vnApp.showError(this.$t('Two autonomous cannot be counted at the same time')); return false; } } const params = JSON.stringify({ supplierName: this.checked[0].supplierName, rows: rowsToCreateInvoiceIn }); this.$state.go('route.agencyTerm.createInvoiceIn', {q: params}); } } ngModule.vnComponent('vnAgencyTermIndex', { template: require('./index.html'), controller: Controller });