const app = require('vn-loopback/server/server'); describe('Worker absences()', () => { afterAll(async done => { const hiredWorker = await app.models.WorkerLabour.findById(106); const endedDate = new Date(); endedDate.setFullYear(endedDate.getFullYear() + 1); endedDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); endedDate.setMonth(0); endedDate.setDate(1); await hiredWorker.updateAttributes({ended: endedDate}); done(); }); it('should get the absence calendar for the given dates then evaluate the type of absences', async() => { let ctx = {req: {accessToken: {userId: 106}}}; let workerFk = 106; const started = new Date(); started.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); started.setMonth(0); started.setDate(1); const monthIndex = 11; const ended = new Date(); ended.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); ended.setMonth(monthIndex + 1); ended.setDate(0); let result = await app.models.WorkerCalendar.absences(ctx, workerFk, started, ended); let calendar = result[0]; let absences = result[1]; expect(calendar.totalHolidays).toEqual(27.5); expect(calendar.holidaysEnjoyed).toEqual(5); let firstType = absences[0].absenceType().name; let sixthType = absences[5].absenceType().name; expect(firstType).toEqual('Leave of absence'); expect(sixthType).toEqual('Holidays'); }); it(`should see he/she has 26.5`, async() => { let workerFk = 106; const firedWorker = await app.models.WorkerLabour.findById(workerFk); const endedDate = new Date(); endedDate.setDate(endedDate.getDate() + 1); endedDate.setMonth(endedDate.getMonth() + 1); endedDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); await firedWorker.updateAttributes({ended: endedDate}); let ctx = {req: {accessToken: {userId: 9}}}; const started = new Date(); started.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); started.setMonth(0); started.setDate(1); const monthIndex = 11; const ended = new Date(); ended.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); ended.setMonth(monthIndex + 1); ended.setDate(0); let result = await app.models.WorkerCalendar.absences(ctx, workerFk, started, ended); let calendar = result[0]; let absences = result[1]; expect(calendar.totalHolidays).toEqual(26.5); expect(calendar.holidaysEnjoyed).toEqual(5); let firstType = absences[0].absenceType().name; let sixthType = absences[5].absenceType().name; expect(firstType).toEqual('Leave of absence'); expect(sixthType).toEqual('Holidays'); }); it(`should see he/she has 26.5`, async() => { const firedWorker = await app.models.WorkerLabour.findById(106); const endedDate = new Date(); endedDate.setDate(endedDate.getDate() + 1); endedDate.setMonth(endedDate.getMonth() + 1); endedDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); await firedWorker.updateAttributes({ended: endedDate}); let ctx = {req: {accessToken: {userId: 106}}}; let workerFk = 106; const started = new Date(); started.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); started.setMonth(0); started.setDate(1); const monthIndex = 11; const ended = new Date(); ended.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); ended.setMonth(monthIndex + 1); ended.setDate(0); let result = await app.models.WorkerCalendar.absences(ctx, workerFk, started, ended); let calendar = result[0]; let absences = result[1]; expect(calendar.totalHolidays).toEqual(26.5); expect(calendar.holidaysEnjoyed).toEqual(5); let firstType = absences[0].absenceType().name; let sixthType = absences[5].absenceType().name; expect(firstType).toEqual('Leave of absence'); expect(sixthType).toEqual('Holidays'); }); it(`should see he/she has 27.5`, async() => { let ctx = {req: {accessToken: {userId: 106}}}; let workerFk = 106; const firedWorker = await app.models.WorkerLabour.findById(106); await firedWorker.updateAttributes({ended: null}); const started = new Date(); started.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); started.setMonth(0); started.setDate(1); const monthIndex = 11; const ended = new Date(); ended.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); ended.setMonth(monthIndex + 1); ended.setDate(0); let result = await app.models.WorkerCalendar.absences(ctx, workerFk, started, ended); let calendar = result[0]; let absences = result[1]; expect(calendar.totalHolidays).toEqual(27.5); expect(calendar.holidaysEnjoyed).toEqual(5); let firstType = absences[0].absenceType().name; let sixthType = absences[5].absenceType().name; expect(firstType).toEqual('Leave of absence'); expect(sixthType).toEqual('Holidays'); }); });