describe('Component vnTreeview', () => { let controller; let $element; beforeEach(angular.mock.module('vnCore', $translateProvider => { $translateProvider.translations('en', {}); })); beforeEach(inject(($compile, $rootScope) => { $element = $compile(``)($rootScope); controller = $element.controller('vnTreeview'); const promise = new Promise(() => { return {name: 'My item'}; }); controller.fetchFunc = () => { return promise; }; controller.createFunc = () => { return promise; }; controller.removeFunc = () => { return promise; }; controller.sortFunc = () => { return promise; }; })); afterEach(() => { $element.remove(); }); // See how to test DOM element in Jest xdescribe('undrop()', () => { it(`should reset all drop events and properties`, () => { controller.dropping = angular.element(``); spyOn(controller.dropping.classList, 'remove'); controller.undrop(); expect(controller.dropping).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('dragOver()', () => { it(`should set the dragClientY property`, () => { const event = new Event('dragover'); event.clientY = 100; controller.dragOver(event); expect(controller.dragClientY).toEqual(100); }); }); describe('data() setter', () => { it(`should set the items property nested into a root element`, () => { const items = [{name: 'Item1'}, {name: 'Item2'}]; = items; const rootItem = controller.items[0]; expect(rootItem.childs).toEqual(items); }); }); describe('fetch()', () => { it(`should call the fetchFunc() method`, () => { spyOn(controller, 'fetchFunc').and.returnValue( new Promise(resolve => resolve()) ); controller.fetch().then(() => { expect(; }); expect(controller.fetchFunc).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); }); describe('setParent()', () => { it(`should set the parent property recursively to each element of an item list`, () => { spyOn(controller, 'setParent').and.callThrough(); const items = [{name: 'Item1'}, {name: 'Item2', childs: [ {name: 'Item3'} ]}]; const rootItem = {name: 'Nested tree', sons: items}; controller.setParent(rootItem, items); expect(items[0].parent).toEqual(rootItem); expect(items[1].parent).toEqual(rootItem); expect(controller.setParent).toHaveBeenCalledWith(rootItem, items[1].childs); }); }); describe('onToggle()', () => { it(`should call the fold() or unfold() methods`, () => { spyOn(controller, 'fold'); spyOn(controller, 'unfold'); const item = {name: 'My item'}; controller.onToggle(item); = true; controller.onToggle(item); expect(controller.unfold).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item); expect(controller.fold).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item); }); }); describe('fold()', () => { it(`should remove the childs and set the active property to false`, () => { const item = {name: 'My item', childs: [{name: 'Item 1'}], active: true}; controller.fold(item); expect(item.childs).toBeUndefined(); expect(; }); }); describe('unfold()', () => { it(`should unfold a parent item`, () => { const expectedResponse = [{name: 'Item 1'}, {name: 'Item 2'}]; spyOn(controller, 'fetchFunc').and.returnValue( new Promise(resolve => resolve(expectedResponse)) ); spyOn(controller, 'setParent'); spyOn(controller, 'sortFunc'); const parent = {name: 'My item', sons: 1}; const child = {name: 'Item 1'}; child.parent = parent; parent.childs = [child]; controller.unfold(parent).then(() => { expect(controller.fetchFunc).toHaveBeenCalledWith({$item: parent}); expect(controller.setParent).toHaveBeenCalledWith(parent, expectedResponse); expect(controller.sortFunc).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Object)); expect(; }); }); }); describe('onRemove()', () => { it(`should call the removeFunc() method`, () => { spyOn(controller, 'removeFunc'); const item = {name: 'My item'}; controller.onRemove(item); expect(controller.removeFunc).toHaveBeenCalledWith({$item: item}); }); }); describe('remove()', () => { it(`should remove a child element`, () => { const parent = {name: 'My item', sons: 1}; const child = {name: 'Item 1'}; child.parent = parent; parent.childs = [child]; controller.remove(child); expect(parent.childs).toEqual([]); expect(parent.sons).toEqual(0); }); }); describe('onCreate()', () => { it(`should call the createFunc() method`, () => { spyOn(controller, 'createFunc'); const parent = {name: 'My item'}; controller.onCreate(parent); expect(controller.createFunc).toHaveBeenCalledWith({$parent: parent}); }); }); describe('create()', () => { it(`should unfold an inactive parent and then create a child`, () => { spyOn(controller, 'unfold'); spyOn(controller, 'sortFunc'); const parent = {name: 'My item', sons: 2, childs: [ {name: 'Item 1'}, {name: 'Item 2'} ]}; const child = {name: 'Item 3'}; child.parent = parent; parent.childs.push(child); controller.create(child); expect(parent.sons).toEqual(3); expect(controller.unfold).toHaveBeenCalledWith(parent); expect(controller.sortFunc).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Object)); expect(controller.sortFunc).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); it(`should create a child on an active parent`, () => { spyOn(controller, 'unfold'); spyOn(controller, 'sortFunc'); const parent = {name: 'My item', sons: 2, childs: [ {name: 'Item 1'}, {name: 'Item 2'} ], active: true}; const child = {name: 'Item 3'}; child.parent = parent; controller.create(child); expect(parent.sons).toEqual(3); expect(controller.unfold).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith(parent); expect(controller.sortFunc).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Object)); expect(controller.sortFunc).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); }); describe('move()', () => { it(`should move an item to anocher parent and then unfold the parent`, () => { spyOn(controller, 'unfold').and.returnValue( new Promise(resolve => resolve()) ); const newParent = {name: 'My item 2', sons: 0}; const parent = {name: 'My item', sons: 3, childs: [ {name: 'Item 1'}, {name: 'Item 2'} ]}; const child = {name: 'Item 3'}; child.parent = parent; parent.childs.push(child); controller.move(child, newParent); expect(parent.sons).toEqual(2); expect(controller.unfold).toHaveBeenCalledWith(newParent); }); it(`should move an item to anocher parent`, () => { spyOn(controller, 'unfold'); spyOn(controller, 'create'); const newParent = {name: 'My item 2', sons: 0, active: true}; const parent = {name: 'My item', sons: 3, childs: [ {name: 'Item 1'}, {name: 'Item 2'} ]}; const child = {name: 'Item 3'}; child.parent = parent; parent.childs.push(child); controller.move(child, newParent); expect(parent.sons).toEqual(2); expect(controller.unfold).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith(newParent); }); }); });